ArtificialLife and Cellular Automata
RobertC. Newman
ArtificialLife (AL) is a rather new scientific discipline, which didn't really get goinguntil the 1980s.[1]
Thosewho believe in metaphysical naturalism
Currentnaturalistic explanations of life may generally be characterizedby three basic claims. First, thatlife arose here on earth or elsewhere without any intelligentoversight C
Whatsort of world do we actually live in? The "blind-watchmaker" universe of metaphysicalnaturalism, or one structured by a designing mind?
Meanwhile,the field of AL is already large and is rapidly growing larger.
Eachcomputer chip is identical, but can be made to behave differentlydepending on which of several operational states it is currently in.
Theidea in the design of a self-reproducing automaton is to set up an initialarray of states for some group of these chips in such a way that they will turna neighboring set of chips into an information channel, and then usethis channel to "build" a copy of the original array nearby.
VonNeumann in the late '40s and early '50s attempted to design such a system(called a cellular automaton) that could construct any automaton from theproper set of encoded instructions, so that it would make a copy of itselfas a special case. But he died in1957 before he could complete his design, and it was finished by his associateArthur Burks (von Neumann, 1966). Because of its complexity
Sincevon Neumann's time, self-reproducing automata have been greatlysimplified. E. F. Codd (1968)reduced the number of states needed for each chip from 29 to 8.
ChristopherLangton (1984) made the real break-through to simplicity by modifying oneof the component parts of Codd's automaton and from it producing areally simple automaton (shown below) that will reproduce itself in 151time-steps. It reproduces byextending its arm (bottom right) by six units, turning left,extending it six more units, turning left, extending six more, turning left athird time, extending six more, colliding with the arm near its beginning,breaking the connection between mother and daughter, and then making a new armfor each of the two automata. Langton'sautomaton, by design, will not construct other kinds of cellular automataas von Neumann's and Codd's would. His device consisted of some 10x15 chips, including an instruction tapeof 33 chips, plus some 190 transition rules.
Justa few years later, John Byl (1989a, b) simplified Langton's automatonfurther (see below) with an even smaller automaton that reproduced in just25 time-steps. Byl's automatonconsisted of an array of 12 chips
Mostrecently, Mark Ludwig (1993, pp. 107-108) has apparently carried thissimplification to its limit with a miniscule automaton that reproducesin just 5 time-steps. Thisautomaton consists of 4 chips, only one of which is the instruction"tape," and some 22 transition rules.
Itis interesting to note that the information contained in each of theseself-reproducing automata may be divided into three parts:
Forthe von Neumann and Codd automata, since they are universal constructors, thesize of the machine and its instructions are enormous!
Thesmaller automata look much more promising, however. Perhaps a self-reproducing biochemical system at this levelof complexity could have arisen by a chance assembly of parts.
Inresponse to Byl's proposed automaton, I found it necessary (Newman, 1990a)to retract some of the generosity given to Langton, but by doing so found thateven Byl's automaton had only 1 chance in 1069 of forminganywhere in our universe since the big bang.
Ludwig'sautomaton looks so simple as to be a sure thing in a universe as vast and oldas ours is. Indeed, by the assumptionsused in doing my probability calculation for Byl's automaton, we wouldhave a Ludwig automaton formed every 7 x 10-15 seconds in ouruniverse.
However,an enormously favorable assumption is contained in this calculation
Besidesthe problem of formation time, the physics (transition rules) of thesesmaller automata was specially contrived to make the particularautomaton work, and it is probably not good for anything else.
Thephysics of such automata could be made more general by going back toward thelarger number of states used in von Neumann's automaton.
This,obviously, makes self-reproduction even less likely to have happenedby chance. But it would also helpalleviate the problem that these simpler automata don't have a big enoughvocabulary in their genetic information systems to be able to do anything but avery specialized form of self-reproduction, and they have no way to expand thisvocabulary which was designed in at the beginning.
Asfor building an automaton that is more general in its constructing abilitiesand not tied to a particular physics especially contrived for it, Karl Sigmund(1993, pp. 27-39) has described an attempt by John Conway to use theenvironment of his game of "Life" as a substrate on which to design auniversal constructor. He succeedsin doing so, but the result is outrageously complex, back in the leaguewith von Neumann's and Codd's automata.
Weshould be able to design a somewhatgeneral self-reproducing automaton on a substrate not especiallydesigned for it. This would be agood project for future research. We would then have a better handle on what complexity appears to beminimal for significant self-reproduction, and what would be the likelihood itcould occur by chance in a universe such as ours.
Theenvironment in which each of these self-reproducing automata operates is emptyin the sense that nothing else is around and happening.
MarkLudwig, PhD in elementary particle physics, proprietor of American EaglePublications, and author of The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses
Likethe various cellular automata we discussed above, computer viruses havethe ability to reproduce themselves. In addition, they can typically hide themselves from "predators"(antivirus programs) by lurking inside the instructions of some regularcomputer program which they have "infected."
Sofar as I know, no one claims that computer viruses arose spontaneously in thememories of computers. But how likelywould it be for something as complex as a simple virus to form by chance in thecomputer environment?
Earlyin 1993, Ludwig sponsored "The First International Virus WritingContest," awarding a prize for the shortest virus that could be designedhaving certain rather minimal function (Ludwig, 1993, pp 319-321).
Ludwigcalculates for the shortest of these (101 bytes) that there are 10243possible files of length 101 bytes. If we could get all the 100 million PC users in the world to run theirmachines full-time with a program that generates nothing but 101-byte randomsequences at 1000 files per second, then in 10 years the probability ofgenerating this particular virus is 2 x 10-224 (ibid., p254-5). If they ran for the wholehistory of the universe, the probability would be 4 x 10-214.
Ludwigthen discusses two much smaller programs. One is a rather crude virus of 42 bytes, which just copies itself on topof all the programs in a computer's directory. He notes that one might just expect to form this virus inthe history of the universe if all those elementary particles were PCs crankingout 1000 42-byte random files per second, but that if one only had the 100million PCs and ten years for the job, the probability would be only 4 x 10-81(ibid., pp 254-5). This wouldimprove to 8 x 10-71 if one had the time since the big bang to workwith.
Thesmallest program Ludwig works with is not a virus, since it cannot make copiesof itself that are saved to disk, but only copies that remain in memory so longas the computer is running. Thisprogram is only 7 bytes long. Itcould easily be formed in ten years with 100 million PCs turning out 10007-byte sequences per second, but it would take a single computer about 2.5million years to do so.
Itis doubtful that this is the long-sought self-reproducer that will show lifearose by chance. The actualcomplexity of this program is considerably greater than 7 bytes because it usesthe copying routine provided by the computer. The environment provided for computer viruses is muchmore helpful for self-reproduction than is the biochemical environment.
Asin the case of cellular automata, we see that a random search for self-reproduction(before mutation and natural selection can kick in) is an extremelyinefficient way to reach even very modest levels of organized complexity; butfor naturalism, that is the only path available.
Ludwigalso considers forming a virus by accidental mutation of an existing computerprogram (Ludwig, 1993, pp 259-263). This is an interesting discussion, but it tells us more about how abiochemical virus might get started in a world which already has alot of life than it does about how life might get started in abioticcircumstances.
Dawkins'"Weasel" Program
RichardDawkins claims that there is no need for a mind behind the universe.
Ifindeed we grant that we live in a universe totally devoid of mind, then somethinglike this must betrue. And granting this, if we broadenour definition of "monkey" sufficiently to include anthropoidapes, then it has already happened! An apeevolved into William Shakespeare who eventually wrote
Butseriously, this is merely to beg the question. As Dawkins points out (Dawkins, 1987, pp 46-47), thetime required to reasonably expect a monkey to type even one line from ShakespeareC
ButDawkins (who, after all, believes our universe was devoid of mind until mindevolved) claims that selection can vastly shorten the time necessary toproduce such order. He programshis computer to start with a line of gibberish the same length as thetarget sentence above and shows how the target may be reached by selectionin a very short time.
Dawkinsaccomplishes this (ibid., pp 46-50) by having the computer make a randomchange in the original gibberish and test it against the target sentence,selecting the closer approximation at each step and then starting thenext step with the selected line. For instance, starting with the line:
Dawkins'computer reaches its target in just 43 steps or "generations."
Thisis impressive
in just threegenerations (Dawkins, 1987, p 48). I suspect that what Dawkins has done is that once the computer gets aparticular character right, it never allows mutation to work on that characteragain. That is certainly not howmutation works! My version tookseveral hundred steps to move across a gap like the one above because themutation both had to randomly occur at the right spot in the line and randomlyfind a closer letter to put in that place. My runs typically took over a thousand steps to converge onthe target from the original gibberish.
Buta far more serious problem with Dawkins' simulation is that real mutation andnatural selection don't have a template to aim at unless we live in a designeduniverse (see Ludwig, 1993, pp 256-259). A better simulation would be an open-ended search for anunspecified but meaningful sentence, something like my program MUNSEL (Newman,1990b). This program makes randomchanges in the length and the characters of a string of letters without atemplate guiding it to some predetermined result. Here a randomizing function either adds a letter orspace to one end of the string, or changes one of the existing letters orspaces to another. This isintended to emulate the action of mutation in changing the nucleotide bases ina DNA molecule or the amino acids in a protein.
Inthis program, natural selection is simulated by having the operator manuallyrespond as to whether or not the resulting string consists of nothing butEnglish words. If it does, thenthe mutant survives (is retained); if it doesn't, the mutant dies (is discarded).
Evenmore stringent requirements might be laid on the mutants to simulate thedevelopment of higher levels of order. For instance, the operator might specify that each successfulmutant conform to English syntax, and then that it make sense on larger andlarger size-scales. This wouldgive us a better idea of what mutation and natural selection can do inproducing such higher levels of organization as would be necessary ifmacroevolution is really to work.
Ray's"Tierra" Environment
Oneof the most interesting and impressive attempts at the computer simulationof evolution I have seen so far is the ongoing experiment called "Tierra,"constructed by Thomas Ray at the University of Delaware (Ray, 1991).
Toavoid problems that can arise when computer viruses escape captivity, thesoup is a "virtual computer," a text file that simulates acomputer, so the programs are not actually roaming around loose in thecomputer's memory. For most ofRay's runs, the soup contains 60,000 bytes, equivalent to 60,000instructions. This will typicallyaccomodate a population of a few hundred organisms, so the dynamics will bethose of a small, isolated population.
Tocounter the problem of fragility or brittleness mentioned in our discussion ofcellular automata, Ray invented his own computer language.
Raystarts things off by introducing a single organism into the soup.
Themaster computer which runs the simulation allows each organism to execute itsown instructions in turn. Theturn for each organism can be varied in different runs of the experimentso as to make this allowance some fixed number of instructions per turn,or dependent on the size of the organism so as to favor larger creatures,smaller ones, or be size-neutral.
Rayintroduces mutation into the system by fiat, and can change the rate ofmutation from zero (to simulate ecological situations on a timescale muchshorter than the mutation rate) up to very high levels (in which the wholepopulation perishes).
Oneform of mutation is designed to simulate that from cosmic rays.
Anotherform of mutation is introduced into the copying procedure.
Athird source of mutation Ray introduces is a small level of error in theexecution of instructions, making their action slightly probabilistic ratherthan strictly deterministic. Thisis intended to simulate occasional undesired reactions in the biochemistry(Ray, 1994, p 187). Ray does notspecify the rate at which error in introduced by this channel.
Ray'sstarting organism consists of 80 intructions in the Tierran language, eachinstruction being one byte (of 5 bits) long. The organism begins its reproduction cycle by reading andrecording its length, using templates which mark the beginning and end ofits instruction set. It thenallocates a space in the soup for its daughter, and copies its owninstructions into the allocated space, using other templates among itsinstructions for the needed jumps from place to place in its program (subroutines,loops, etc.). It ends its cycle byconstituting the daughter a separate organism.
Rayhas now run this experiment on his own personal computer and on much fastermainframe computers many times, with some runs going for billions ofinstructions. (With 300 organismsin the soup, 1 billion instructions would typically correspond to somefour thousand generations.) Rayhas seen organisms both much larger and much smaller than the original developby mutation, and some of these have survived to do very well in the competition.
Rayhas observed the production of parasites, which have lost the instructions forcopying themselves, usually due to a mutation in a template that renders ituseless. These are sterile inisolation, but in the soup they can often use the copy procedure of aneighbor by finding its template. This sort of mutant typically arises in the first few millioninstructions executed in a run (less than 100 generations after the soupfills). Longer runs have produced(1) organisms with some resistance to parasites; (2) hyper-parasites, whichcause certain parasites to reproduce the hyper-parasite rather than themselves;(3) social hyper-parasites, which can reproduce only in communities;and (4) cheaters, that take advantage of the social hyper-parasites.
Underthe category of macroevolution, Ray mentions one run with selection designed tofavor large-sized organisms, which produced apparently open-ended size increaseand some organisms longer than 23 thousand instructions.
Raynotes two striking examples of novelty produced in his Tierra simulations:
Withsize-neutral selection, Ray has found periods of stasis punctuated by periodsof rapid change. Typically, thesoup is first dominated by organisms with length in the order of 80 bytes forthe first 1.5 billion instructions executed. Then it comes to be dominated by organisms 5 to 10 timeslarger in just a few million more instructions. In general it is common for the soup to be dominated by oneor two size-classes for long periods of time. Inevitably, however, that will break down into a period(often chaotic) in which no size dominates and sometimes no genotypes are breedingtrue. This is followed by anotherperiod of stasis with one or two other size classes now dominating.
Ray'sresults are impressive. But whatdo they mean? For the origin oflife, not much. Ray has notattempted to simulate the origin of life, and his creatures at 80 bytes inlength are complex enough to be very unlikely to form by chance.
Whatabout the type of evolution experienced in the Tierra environment?
Theconsequences of mutation seem considerably less drastic in Tierra also, makingthat world especially favorable for evolution. No organism in Tierra dies before it gets a shot atreproducing, whereas dysfunction, disease, predators and accidentsknock off lots of these (fit or not) before they reproduce in our world.
InTierra, the debris from killed organisms remains in the environment.
Tierranorganisms have rather easy access to the innards of other organisms.
Theinnards themselves, whether part of a living or dead organism, are allnicely usable instructions. Everybyte in each organism is an instruction, and once an organism has inhabiteda particular portion of the soup, its instructions are left behind after itsdeath until written over by the instructions of another organism inhabitingthat space at a later time.
TheTierran language is very robust; every mutation of every byte produces a mutantbyte which makes sense within the system. Gibberish only arises in the random arrangement of these bytes ratherthan in any of the bytes themselves. Thus, the Tierran language cannot help but have meaning at the level ofwords. The real test, then, formacroevolution in Tierra will be how successful it is in producing meaningat the level of sentences, and this does not appear impressive so far.
Thereis a need for someone with facility in reading assembly language to take alook at the Tierran mutants to see what evolved programs look like.
ThomasRay's experiment needs to be continued, as it is a sophisticated procedure fordemonstrating what an evolutionary process can actually accomplish.
Ina more recent paper, Ray has begun an attempt to mimic multicellular life(Thearling and Ray, 1994). So far,they have been unable to produce organisms in which the cells are differentiated.
Onemight wish to say that the Tierran language is too restricted to be able toaccomplish all the things that have happened in the history of life onearth. But Maley (1994) has shownthat the Tierran language is computationally complete
We'vemade a rather rapid (and incomplete) tour of some of the things that arehappening in Artificial Life research. The field is growing and changing rapidly, but we should have a betterhandle in just a few years on the questions of how complex self-reproduction isand what random mutation and natural selection are capable ofaccomplishing. At the moment,things don't look too good for the "Blind Watchmaker" side.
Thedefinition of self-reproduction is somewhat vague, and can be made much tooeasy (compared to the biochemical situation) in some computer simulations byriding on the copying capabilities of the host computer and its language.
Aself-reproducing automaton apparently needs to be much closer to a universalconstructor than the simplest self-reproducers that have beenproposed. In order that it notimmediately collapse when subjected to any mutation, it must be far morerobust. It must be able tocontinue to construct itself as it changes from simple to complex.
Inbiochemical life, multicellular organisms have a rather different way offunctioning than do single cell creatures, and a very different way ofreproducing. Clearly, some realchange in technique is introduced at the point of transition from one to theother, that is, at the Cambrian explosion. So far, nothing we have seen in computer simulations ofevolution looks like it is capable of the things that happened then.
Atthe moment, AL looks more like an argument for design in nature than for auniverse without it.
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Agarwal,P.: 1995.
Brooks, R. A.and Maes, P.: 1994.
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Codd, E. F.:1968. Cellular Automata
Dawkins,R.: 1987.
Dennett,D.: 1994.
Dewdney, A.K.: 1989.
Fontana, W., etal: 1994.
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Langton, C.G.: 1984.
Langton, C. G.(ed.): 1989a.
Langton, C. G.:1989b. Artificial Life.
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