Abrief sketch of ancient Greek physics from Thales to Aristotle reveals a stronginteraction between metaphysical belief and the practice of physics.
Howdo metaphysical beliefs and physics interact? To formulate some answers to this question, we need to lookat actual examples. Here weconsider some of the earliest information we have on mankind seekingsystematic understanding of our physical environment.
Fromour perspective at the end of the twentieth century, the physics of theseearly scientist-philosophers seems crude, rash, and often absurd.
Thereare some advantages in picking examples from so long ago, in spite ofdifficulties with historical sources. These early researchers first proposed a number of fundamentalproblems which have not been solved to this day. Yet we have advanced enough to see a good deal further alongthe road than they could. We can,perhaps, assess the fruit of their labors better than we can those of morerecent physicists.
ThePhysical Substratum
Howdo we explain the nature of the material world which we observe?
ThalesÕpreference for natural causation, Farrington (1949, pp. 29-31) suggests,came from observing various agricultural and industrialtechniques. He felt free toadvocate this openly because of the relative intellectual freedom in Melitus, acity ruled at that time by merchants rather than a military or priestlycaste. Though preferring naturalcauses, Thales does not appear to have been an atheist.
Anaximander(fl 555 BC)[4] followedThales at Miletus, and was considered his student and successor (Theophrastus,320BCb, 476). He also followedThalesÕ belief in a single natural universal substance, but rejected hischoice, water. Aristotle (325BCd,3.5 [204b]; see also Lloyd [1970], p. 20) suggests he did this because he couldnot see water as the source of fire, since their characteristics (cold andwet vs. hot and dry) were mutually destructive. Anaximander proposed an abstract substance unlikeanything observed, which he called apeiron, meaning something like Ôunlimited,Õ Ôboundless,Õ or Ôinfinite.Õ
Anaximenes(fl 535) was a third Milesian to investigate the basic constitution ofmatter. He too favored a singleultimate substance, but turned to an observable material, air, for hischoice. Perhaps he felt his predecessor'sapeiron was too farremoved from observation.
Thecosmologies the Milesians proposed were based on their physics.
AMathematical Substratum
Adifferent approach to the question of what underlies the physical world wasproposed by Pythagoras (fl 525), or possibly by one of his followers, thePythagoreans. Having observed thatharmonious sounds are produced by vibrating strings whose lengths havesimple ratios, he proposed that reality consists of numbers (Aristotle,325BCa, 13.6 [1080b], 14.3 [1090a]). Though the Pythagoreans apparently understood this in a rather crudelyliteral sense, their suggestion led to increasing interest in the formrather than the substance of matter. This suggestion also proved fruitful for research from antiquityonward, turning the attention of physicists and astronomers tonumerical measurement and mathematical modeling.
Plato(428-347) was influenced by the Pythagoreans, and counted knowledge of geometrya necessity for admission to his Academy. He observed that geometric drawings are at best only a roughapproximation to the ideas that lie behind them. For example, a true tangent meets its circle at one pointonly, but it is impossible to draw this. Plato apparently extrapolated this observation to reality ingeneral, coming to the conclusion that ultimate reality consists of eternal,unchanging ideas, which are only imperfectly represented in the changingworld of objects observable by our senses. True knowledge is knowledge of these eternal ideas ratherthan of unreliable sensory data. The results are described by Clagett (1963, p. 84):
Motionand Vacuum
Meanwhile,the question of how motion could be reconciled with the idea of a single,universal substance was being considered by Parmenides (fl 480).
Onesolution to the quandary posed by Parmenides was to adopt a pluralisticworldview rather than his monistic one
Anaxagoras(fl 445) carried the pluralistic idea to an extreme by postulating theexistence of an infinite number of different sorts of things
Theresponse to Parmenides which most neatly solved the problem he raised was theatomic theory, proposed by Leucippus (fl 435), developed by Democritus (fl410) (Simplicius, 530ADb, 28.15; Hippolytus, 236AD, 1.10-11), andstill further by Epicurus (341-270) (A‘tius, 100AD, 1.3.18; Cicero,43BCa, 1.26.73). Reality,said the Atomists, consists of an eternally-existing, universalsubstance, but this occurs as an infinite number of unchangeable,invisibly small particles, called ÔatomsÕ (indivisible) because theycould not be cut into smaller pieces. The atoms were separated from one another by a void or vacuum, sothat motion was possible, and in fact, continual (Aristotle, 325BCd, 8.9[265b]; Cicero, 43BCb, 1.6.17).
UnlikeAnaxagorasÕ seeds, atoms were all of the same substance, but differedin size and shape. They formed thevarious objects of our experience by collision and entanglement
Theancient atomic theory never achieved dominance in antiquity like the modernatomic theory has. It ascribed theorigin of the world to chance rather than intelligence, and it had nothingbeyond necessity to explain large-scale organization within the world(Aristotle, 325BCd, 2.4 [196a-b]; Eusebius, 340AD, 14.27.4-5).
ThePhysics of Aristotle
Bythe time of Aristotle (382-322), Greek astronomy had progressed to the pointthat astronomical objects were obviously much larger and further away thanmeteorological phenomena (Lloyd, 1970, p. 110; Farrington, 1949, pp.99-100). Heraclides of PontusÕ (fl330) proposal, that the daily movement of the sun, moon and stars was actuallydue to the earthÕs rotation, may have come too late to influence Aristotle; itdid not meet with acceptance in any case (Clagett, 1963, p. 114; Sarton, 1964,pp. 506-08; Lloyd, 1970, pp. 94-97). Without telescopes, changes in the sky were not obvious beyond the moon,so it is not surprising that Aristotle proposed a two-realm version ofphysics. (1) Above the moonwas a supralunar realm without change, where all motion was eternal andcircular, following the scheme of Eudoxus (fl 365). (2) Below the moon was the sublunar realm of change,characterized by natural vertical motion as each of the four elements soughtits own level (Clagett, 1963, pp. 84-87; Lloyd, 1970, pp. 109-10).
Aristotlealso proposed four kinds of causation: (1) a material cause (like that of theMilesians), what something was made of; (2) a formal cause (like that of thePythagoreans and Plato), how something was structured; (3) an efficientcause (like that of Empedocles), what forces produced it; and (4) a finalcause, for what purpose the object was made (Farrington, 1949, pp. 123-24;Clagett, 1963, pp. 84-85; Lloyd, 1970, pp. 105-06).
AristotleÕsphysics and causation continued to have influence through antiquity andthe medieval period until modern times, as they appeared to provide bothconsistency and believable explanations for the observed natural order(Clagett, 1963, p. 84; Lloyd, 1970, pp. 99, 122).
InteractionsBetween Metaphysics and Physics
Wemust now consider what we have learned about how metaphysical beliefs andphysics interact.
Howwere physical concepts used to develop and evaluate metaphysical beliefs?
Thetechniques of craftsmen may have suggested naturalistic explanationsfor physical phenomena to Thales and his followers.
Thediscovery that harmonious sounds were produced when vibrating strings hadlengths in simple ratios may have led the Pythagoreans to postulate theidea that number is the ultimate feature of reality rather than matter.
Therealization that geometric drawings are at best only rough approximations tothe ideas that lie behind them apparently convinced Plato that ultimate realityconsisted of eternal ideas which are only imperfectly realized in physicalthings.
Reluctanceto abandon sensory evidence kept many from following Parmenides, proposinginstead various models of reality in which change and motion were real.
Astronomicalevidence that the heavenly bodies were at great distances was in partresponsible (together with EudoxusÕ scheme for reducing the heavenly motions tocircles) for Aristotle's distinction between the earthly realmof change and the changeless heavens.
Howwere metaphysical beliefs used to develop and evaluate physical concepts andtheories?
TheMilesiansÕ metaphysic of natural causation led to their suggesting variousnatural explanations for everyday phenomena which Greek mythology hadascribed to Zeus, Poseidon, or one of the other gods.
ThePythagorean metaphysic of number as the basis of nature proved very fruitful insome fields, and certainly was important in introducing mathematics as a toolto understand reality. However, it also led to considerable number-speculation where thesubject of investigation was not hospitable to such an approach at that time.
PlatoÕsview that reality was in the eternal ideas, rather than in their imperfectrepresentations in nature, led him to devalue the use of observation andexperiment on physical objects in favor of purely abstract reasoning,disconnecting theory from observation.
ParmenidesÕview that motion was logically impossible led him to reject the contrarytestimony of the senses.
DemocritusÕview that reality could be completely described by atoms moving in the void ledhim to a number of striking insights, mixed with numerous unwarrantedspeculations. His stronglyreductionistic explanations ignored the possibility of higher levels of structureand of design in nature.
Theapparent completeness and consistency of AristotleÕs division of thecosmos into two realms with two types of physics had long-term (and largelynegative) effects on the practice of physics, which were not overcome until thelate middle ages.
Bythe time of Plato and Aristotle, widening class divisions in the Greekcity-states were discouraging the leisured class from involvement in hands-on,technical sorts of labor. Thisseems to have had a negative effect on any research which looked practical,leading to the devaluation of the sort of physical investigationswhich would later transform Western society in the centuries after the Reformation.
Howdo shared metaphysical beliefs of the physics/science community influenceits research agenda?
Therewere apparently no really organized physics or science communities atthe beginning of this era, but certainly the Milesians sought purelynatural explanations of phenomena. Though this encouraged experimentation and observation, itmade it difficult for them to explain the occurrence of order in nature.
ThePythagoreans were certainly a community, though more of a religiousfellowship than a scientific society. They concentrated on applying mathematics to their investigations,producing some impressive results where this was possible at the time(astronomy and acoustics), but rather fantastic number-mysticism elsewhere.
TheAcademy of Plato was mainly successful in its mathematical work, as theemphasis on reason rather than observation tended to produce abstract, logicalconstructions. PlatoÕsproposal that the movement of astronomical objects be explained by combinationsof circular motions both helped and hindered astronomical research.
AristotleÕsproposal of four types of causation (matter, structure, energy, andpurpose) made better sense of the observed order in nature.
SomeLessons for Today
Cansuch a brief tour of ancient Greek physics teach us anything about how weshould view physics today? Ibelieve it can. Consider thefollowing questions in the light of our survey.
Givena hierarchical structure to reality, is there any reason to believe anempirically constructed Ôbottom upÕ metaphysics will be anything more thanaccidentally correct before the Ôfinal physicsÕ is discovered?
AncientGreek science, though showing real progress, does not seem promising for thishope. ThalesÕ and AnaximenesÕproposals that water and air are the ultimate substances seem especiallycrude to us, but they were based on certain observations.
Eventhe ancient atomic theories, though a vast improvement with theirinvisible units of structure and space between them, were unable toexplain macroscopic attributes except by arbitrary guesswork.
Howdoes ÔOccam's RazorÕ influence physics? Do we tend to jump to unwarranted conclusions about thecompleteness of very preliminary theories?
ThoughÔOccam's razorÕ is a medieval term, it describes a common human tendency toconstruct the simplest theory consistent with the known evidence; clearly,it is valuable as a method of procedure. But the ancient Greeks had no idea how complicated nature might be,and tended to think they were only one layer away from the bottom.
Inthe area of kinematics, is it reasonable to believe nature can be limited to thethree spatial dimensions and one time dimension of modern relativity theory?
Thisis certainly the simplest model consistent with our current, empirical, ÔbottomupÕ physics. But mathematicshas been worked out for larger dimensionalities; some of the recent Ôgrandunification theoriesÕ incorporate 11 or more dimensions; and certainfeatures of the occult and of the supernatural in Scripture point toa more complex situation. OneÕsworldview will have an influence on whether this is thought to bepossible or probable, and whether it might be worth pursuing as a researchstrategy.
Inthe area of dynamics, is it reasonable to believe that the four currently-knownforces are all that exist? Thatthey may be unified into a single superforce?
Itis certainly reasonable to believe these things in the sense that we know of noreason why they might not be true. The discussion above, however, should make us wary of too much confidencehere, since two of these forces (the strong and weak interactions) were onlydiscovered in the past century, and we have generally been poor prophets ofwhat advancing technology will turn up. The desire for unification and simplification hasoften been fruitful in research, but like Pythagoreanism, has equally often ledastray.
Inthe area of dynamics, is it reasonable to believe that knowing the ultimateparticles and physical forces will be sufficient to explain reality withoutrecourse to special initial or boundary conditions?
Withoutmaking use of special revelation, we do not know the answer to thisquestion. However, the Ôfine-tuningÕin our universe, currently being discussed as the Ôanthropic principle,Õsuggests that planning rather than chance is the more basic characteristic ofreality.
Inthe area of dynamics, it is reasonable to believe that the universe is anautomaton (like a clock) that runs by itself
Again,input from special revelation is helpful here, though it is currently viewed asÔmore scientificÕ to opt for a self-contained, closed universe.
Aftersome 2500 years of doing physics from inside our universe, we still donÕt knowwhether there is an ultimate substratum, and if so, what it lookslike. We have progressedenough to be sure it is not water, air, or atoms
Thereis a strange resonance in reality between mathematics in the human mindand the structure of nature. Wedon't know enough to say how pervasive this structure is or how it is imposed.
Parmenidesand Zeno were certainly mistaken about the unreality of motion.
Thereductionism of Democritus is still with us in a suitably updated form,but it faces some real challenges from design in nature.
Mostof the items herein are ancient works. For some of these, such as A‘tius and Sextus Empiricus, the dates givenare very approximate. For theother ancient works, the date given is the author's date of death or floruit