BiblicalTheological Seminary


Dr.Robert C. Newman


                                              Course Notes forColossians


I. Background to Colossians


A. The City of Colossae


   1. Location


            ‑‑ in Asia Minor (at Paul's time theRoman province "Asia")

            ‑‑ about 100 mi E of Ephesus in theLycus R valley

            ‑‑ forms a triplet of cities w/Laodicea 10 mi W and Hierapolis 13 mi NW


   2. History


            ‑‑ back around500‑400 BC C. was most important of 3 cities, on major crossraods, importantin wool trade

            ‑‑ by NT times, Laodicea had becomemore important, as N‑S road had moved to L.

            ‑‑ after time ofJustinian (c 550 AD), C. gradually abandoned for more fortified city of Khonai

            ‑‑ C. destroyed by Turks in 12th cen,now abandoned

            ‑‑ to date no archeological dig,though Near East Archeological Society has projected one


   3. Inhabitants


            ‑‑ nativePhrygian city (name prob only makes sense in Greek accidentally: kolossos ‑ statue, esp gigantic; cp Colossusof Rhodes, 70 cubits high)

            ‑‑ Greek settlers from time ofAlexander

            ‑‑ Jews brought into area by Antiochus3 (c 190 BC)

                        (seeJosephus, Ant 12.3.4); probably settling in C. soon after if not immediately


  4. Church


            ‑‑ app founded byEpaphras (1:7; 4:12,13), perhaps while Paul was in Ephesus & all Asia heardthe Gospel (Acts 19:10); Epaphras prob a convert of Paul

            ‑‑ members mayhave included Philemon (see Phm & Col 4:9 re/ Onesimus as "one ofyou"), also app Paul's convert        

            -‑poss Archippus another official in church (4:17; Phm 2), tho seems more likelyhe is at Laodicea

            ‑‑ no definitestatement about Jewish‑Xns in church, tho Col heresy definitely includesJewish ideas


B. The Authenticity of the ColossianLetter


   1. Traditionally, no question ever raised


            ‑‑ prob ref to byPolycarp in 10:1 (Col 1:23, stedfast), 11:2 (Col 2:3, covetousness = idolatry);Ignatius in Ig Eph 10:2 (Col 1:23); Trall 5:2 (Col 1:16)

            ‑‑ used byheretics: Basilides (120‑30); Marcion (140ff), Valentinus; MarcionitePrologue (Theron, sect 64); Valentinians (Irenaeus, Ag Her 1.4.5) 

            ‑‑ listed in Muratorian Canon

            ‑‑ cited frequently by Irenaeus (e.g.,Ag Her 5.12.3)


   2. With Rise of liberalism, alltraditional authorship questioned on basis of internal (subjective) criteria


        a. Literary Questions(see Guthrie, 553)


           -- sentences have unusually large no. of dep.clauses            

            ‑‑some other grammatical peculiarities

               ++ en w/ substvery frequent

               ++ unusual genitives

           ‑‑many unusual words

           ‑‑many characteristic Pauline ideas missing

           ‑‑A.Q. Morton's computer studies:

               ++ sentence length

               ++ freq of commonest words (kai, de, en, autos, eimi)

               results: Pauline eps fall into 7 groups:

                       (1)Rom, Gal, Cor, poss Phm

                       (2‑5)Heb, Eph, Php, Col separately

                       (6)1 & 2 Thess


               results more divergent than most liberal scholars willing to admit

               can we use such a method to overthrow historical testimony from author'stime?


       b. Doctrinal Questions (seeLohse, 177‑183)


          ‑‑does Col show fully developed gnosticism of 2nd cen? no, too Jewish (e.g., 2:16‑17)

          ‑‑does Col show different theol than acknowledged Pauline epistles?  Lohse thinks so, but seems question ofemphasis rather than contradiction



C. The Letter to the Colossians inPaulŐs Ministry


            1.Review of Paul's Missionary Activities


                        a.1st Journey (AD 48‑50)

                                    Crete& So. Asia Minor (prob Galatian cities)


                        b.2nd Journey (51‑53)

                                    Galcities to Troas to Macedonia to Greece

                                    MainlyCorinth, 18 months


                        c.3rd Journey (54‑58)

                                    ToEphesus (about 3 yr)

                                    (Colossianchurch founded here?)

                                    ThenMacedonia, Greece

                                    Journeyto Jerusalem w/ contribution


                        d.Caesarean Imprisonment (58‑60)

                                    Rescuedfrom mob in temple

                                    Takento Caesarea for safekeeping


                        e.Voyage to Rome (60‑61)


                        f.First Roman Imprisonment (61‑63)

                                    (Probablewriting of Colossians)


                        g.Further Travels (63‑67?)



                        h.Second Roman Imprisonment (67?)

                                    Deathby Roman execution


            2.The Prison Epistles


                        a.Group includes Eph, Php, Col (see 4:3,10), Phm


                        b.Some close connections between:


                                    (1)Colossians and Philemon

                                               Onesimusaccompanies both (C 4:9; P 10)

                                               Archippus"receives" both (C 4:17; P 2)

                                               Similargreeters (C 4:10‑14; P 23‑24)

                                    (2)Colossians and Ephesians

                                               Verysimilar subject‑matter (see later)

                                               Tychichusdelivers both (C 4:7‑8; E 6:21)


                                    Lookslike Eph Phm Col written same time; Php either earlier or later


            3.Place of Writing?


                        a.Rome ‑ traditional

                                   ‑‑most natural interp of "Praetorium" (Php 1:13), "Caesar'shousehold" (Php 4:22)

                                   ‑‑imprisonment looks fairly open (Col 4:3‑4); compare Acts 28:30‑31,contrast situation at Caesarea



                                    ‑‑Paul known to have been imprisoned there



                                    ‑‑no definite Biblical evid Paul imprisoned here

                                    ‑‑Marcionite Prol to Col "wrote from Ephesus"

                                    --trads of "Paul's prison"; lion licking feet (3rd cen)         

                                    ‑‑vague passages in NT:

                                                ++2 Cor 11:23 "many imprisonments"

                                                ++1 Cor 15:32 "fought w/ beasts at Eph"

                                                ++2 Cor 1:8‑10 "affliction in Asia"

                                                ++Rom 16:3‑4 "Prisc & Aq risked necks"


                        Locationdoes not drastically affect interp of letter

                        Problemof not being mentioned in Acts favors Rome


           4. Date of Letter

                        dependson place of writing


                        a.Rome: 61‑63 AD

                        b.Caesarea: 58‑60

                        c.Ephesus: 56‑57


            5.Circumstances Surrounding Letter


                        ‑‑Paul in prison (4:3,10,18), but can have visitors, write letters, perhaps evenpreach

                        ‑‑has been joined (visit? fellow prisoner?) by Epaphras, app founder or at leastprincipal worker in church at Colossae

                        ‑‑major thrust of letter is problem of some heresy, which presumably led Epaphrasto come seeking Paul's advice; yet Ep does not return immediately with letter


D.The Religious Background of Colossians




                        a.Phrygian Religion:

                                    Nativeto Asia Minor before Greeks not much known until mixed with Hellenism

                                    SeeW. M. Ramsay, "Religion of Greece & Asia Minor" in HDB, extra vol, 109ff

                                    Fertilityreligion, something like Baalism of OT Canaan, but dominated by the GreatMother as source of fertility; emphasis on death‑rebirth with seasons;ritual prostitution; female‑dominant in some areas

                                    Hellenizedform at Ephesus in Diana/Artemis cult



                                    Developedform of polytheism imported from Greece

                                    Pantheonof 12 gods & goddesses, sort of a family led by Zeus; each god/goddess hasmany spheres of activity, prob due to earlier syncretism

                                    ByNT times, a rather dry, ritualistic religion carried on by state authority forstate benefit

                                    Individualparticipation mostly for temporal advantage

                                               i.e.,success in business, love, health, etc.


                        c.The Mystery Religions

                                    Variousreligions developed from polytheism of various Mediterranean countries, usuallyin competition with state religion of area

                                    Moresecret, individualized

                                    Definitedecision necessary to become worshipper

                                    Oftena complex training period and initiation, w/ secret passwords, doctrines,ceremonies

                                    Promisedsalvation to believer in an afterlife

                                    Examples:Orphism, Isis, Mithra, Eleusinia


                        d.Summary on Pagan Religions

                                    Allmore or less polytheistic, tolerant, syncretistic

                                    Bigon ritual, not much on personal ethics


            2.Sectarian Judaism

                        Asopposed to "mainstream" Judaism of OT, Pharisees, Sadducees

                        Evidencedfrom various sources, of uncertain connection


                        a.Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha


                                    (1)Emphasis on Law

                                                e.g.,Jubilees traces many Mosaic laws back to creation or to time of patriarchs

                                                esp.Sabbath: observed by God and highest angels at           creation (Jub 2:18)


                                    (2)Interest in Angels

                                                createdon first day (Jub 2:2); many kinds listed

                                                observedSabbath (Jub 2:18)

                                                Gen6:2 interpreted as angels taking women (Jub 5:1; 1 Enoch 6‑7), causingGod to send flood

                                                astrology/magicwas secret of fallen angels (Jub 8:3; 1 Enoch 8)

                                                namesof angels: bad (Enoch 6 names 19); good (1 Enoch 9 names 4; 1 Enoch 20 the 7archangels)


                                    (3)Interest in Visions (more widespread)

                                                Jubgiven to Moses on Sinai by angel (Jub 1:1;2:1)

                                                1and 2 Enoch in vision of angels (1 En 1:2; 2 En 1:4‑9); latter includestrip to heaven

                                                2Baruch contains visions (2 Bar 36, 53)

                                                3Baruch also a trip to heaven

                                                4Ezra has 7 visions in 14 chapters


                        b.The Essenes and the Qumran Community

                                    Thinkthese same; at least some overlap most likely


                                    (1)According to Josephus:

                                                (a)Stringent on Law, going beyond OT

                                                           templedefiled, so don't offer sacrifice

                                                           dohave baptisms

                                                           exceedall others in virtue

                                                           rejectpleasures as evil

                                                           wearwhite garments, use no oil

                                                           communal:all goods in common

                                                           liveby selves

                                                           nowives (not true of all varieties of sect)


                                               (b)Elitist, Secretive

                                                           probationaryperiod of several years

                                                           4classes of membership (seniors defiled by touch              ofjuniors)

                                                           completerule by elders

                                                           secretdoctrine, involving special books, names                 of angels


                                    (2)From Qumran literature

                                                (a)Used, copied, wrote (?) OT Pseudepigrapha

                                                (b)Stringency re/ law

                                                (c)Elitist, secretive

                                                (d)Angels: more details

                                                           aboutten terms for angels

                                                           titlesgiven for 6 particular angels

                                                           namesof 5 given

                                                           inVermes (210‑13) have "Angelic Liturgy," app               picturing 7 archangels as they worship

                                                (e)Visions: nothing definite

                                                           somehints re/ visions: "transcendental knowledge," "lore of the sonsof heaven" 1QS 4:22


                        c.The Therapeutae: known only from Philo, Contemplative Life


                                    (1)Similar to Essenes, but known to exist outside Palestine ("found manyplaces"); headquarters near Alexandria in Egypt; monastic, elitist,secretive, w/ perhaps some interest in numerology & calendar

                                    (2)Differ in giving much larger place to women, though segregation maintained

                                    (3)More clearly ascetic: virginity app a virtue; likewise fasting; diet of breadand water; wine and meat app forbidden

                                    (4)Scripture: allegorical interp mentioned; study writings of founders; composeown hymns and psalms


            3.Heretical "Christianity"


                        a.NT Period


                                    (1)Colossians (Colossae, province of Asia)

                                                2:4:delude w/ persuasive arguments

                                                2:8:philosophy = empty deception

                                                2:16judging in regard to food, drink, festival, new moon, Sabbath

                                                2:18:self‑abasement, worship of angels, pride, visions?, not holding to head =Christ

                                                2:20‑21elements, submission to rules, don't taste, touch, etc.

                                                2:23:appearnce of wisdom, self‑made religion, self‑abasement, severetreatment of body


                                    (2)1 Timothy 1:3‑7 (Ephesus, province of Asia)

                                                law,myths, speculation, genealogies


                                    (3)2 Corinthians 10‑13 (Corinth, province of Achaia)

                                                Jewswho emphasized works, visions




                                    (1)Encratites: a heresy of the 2nd and 3rd centuries, app intermediate betw Xy andGnosticism; Tatian one of its most famous proponents; several apocryphal Actsseem to  be Encratite (Acts of Jn,Peter, Andrew, Thomas)


                                                            anti‑marriageAJ (Jas 266); APl 2:5; APt 34

                                                            nomeat AT 20 (bread w/ salt, water; fasting)

                                                (b)Elitist, esoteric:  AJ 100

                                                (c)Heavy on wonders

                                                (d)Docetic view of Jesus: AJ 97‑98; APt 20,21


                                    (2)Gnosticism: more elaborate theology, mythology

                                                (a)Developed forms (mid 2nd cen) often violently anti‑Jewish, taking part ofserpent (Ophites) or wicked persons (Cainites) in OT

                                                            [1]Against matter (GT 114) sometimes ascetic (no meat, wine, marriage orintercourse), sometimes libertine (wear out body by various sins)

                                                            [2]Elitist, esoteric: GT title, 13, 23

                                                                       3classes of mankind: hulic, psychic, pneumatic

                                                            [3]Emphasis on revelation, visions, knowledge: GT          1,3,5

                                                (b)But hints of development from Jewish background 

                                                            [1]note use of OT, above

                                                            [2]James the Just: GT 12

                                                            [3]fasting, sabbath: GT 27

                                                            [4]angelic hierarchy (e.g., in Apocryphon Jn)               somewhat like Enoch, Jubilees


            4.Summary on Religious Background


                        a.NT period characterized by enormous variety of religions, religious views, mostof them syncretistic.


                        b.Many of these big on secret doctrine and ritual, restricted membership, etc.


                        c.Some groups ascetic, in reaction to gross materialism and licentiousness oflarge segments of society.


                        d.In Jewish circles, several fringe groups, some of which (Essenes, Therapeutae)share features of Colossian heresy.


                        e.Some later heresies from Christianity (Encratites, Gnostics) also sharefeatures with Colossian heresy.


II.Exegesis of Introductory Section (1:1‑13)


A.The Salutation (1‑2)


            1.Follows standard format for Hellenistic letter

                        (seesamples in Acts: 15:23‑29: Jerusalem council letter; 23:26‑30:Tribune's letter to governor; also samples in Loeb Classical Library, SelectPapyri I, ch V, items 88‑169)


                        a.Sender(s) in nominative

                        b.Recipient(s) in dative

                        c.Greetings: Greek chairein,ANE "peace"; often something about health here; pagans often thankgods

                        d.Body of letter: what it is mainly about

                        e.Closing: often greetings from or to friends; use of  erroso, errosthe:"fare well"


            2.Paul's Modifications


                        a.Generally longer throughout (the 82 letters in LCL above take up about 65pages, vs 13 Pauline letters in Jerususalem Bible taking 135 pp; i.e. 3/4 page vs 10 pp)

                        b.Greetings distinctively Xn: charisfor chairein, plus"peace" and ref to God and Christ

                        c.Body longer, often (as in Col) divided into doctrine & exhortation sections


            3.The Senders


                        a.Paul often associates others w/ self in sender spot:

                                    (1)Paul alone in 5 letters: Rom, Eph, 1‑2 Tim, Tit

                                    (2)Paul with one other in 5:

                                               (a)Timothy: 2 Cor, Php, Col, Phm

                                               (b)Sosthenes: 1 Cor

                                    (3)Paul with two others in 2:

                                               Timothy& Silas: 1‑2 Thess

                                    (4)Paul with unspecified others in 1: Gal


                        b.Significance of co‑sender?

                                    Notenough info to be sure; prob share in authority & interest re/ church/personto whom letter sent

                                    (1)3 of 5 with Paul alone to immed assistants; many think Eph a circular letter;Rom to church neither Paul nor assistants had founded

                                    (2)Timothy and Silas helped found Thess church

                                    (3)Ditto for Timothy re/ Philippi & Corinth (perhaps Silas not present whenletters sent?); also Tim acted as Paul's rep there: 1 Cor 4:17; 16:10; Php 2:19

                                    (4)Sosthenes (if same as in Acts 18:17) a Corinthian, perhaps a church leaderthere?

                                    (5)Group mentioned in Gal may be Xns at Antioch; if so, could vouch for incidentsw/ Peter, Jerusalem Council 

                        c.Perhaps Timothy known in Colossae? later in charge at Ephesus, might havelabored in Col?


            4.The Recipients

                        notesingle article: is this Granville‑Sharp's rule indicating single group?or does kai connectadjectives instead of nouns?

                        "saints& brothers" or "holy & faithful brothers"?

                        doesn'tuse "church", paralleling Rom, Eph, Php

                                    incontrast to  Cor, Gal, Thess

                        standardterms for Christians



B.Thanksgiving for the Colorrisns' Faith (3‑8)



                        rathercomplex construction of dependent clauses

                        canbe considered one sentence

                        (3)proseuchomenoi: time"when I pray"?

                                    circumstantial"and pray"?

                                   means"by praying"?

                        (4)akousantes: probcausal "because I heard"

                        (5)dia prob refers backto "love" & poss "faith"

                                    toueuaggeliou probepexegetical to "word of truth,"

                                   i.e., "the word of truth which is the Gospel"

                        (6)kathos...kathos probcomparison

                                    epegnote: "acknowledge" or "cometo know well"?



                        Paulthankful for Colossians in his (regular) prayers

                        thankfulnessbased on report of their faith & love

                        faith& love caused by hope stored away in heaven

                        hopepreviously heard in Gospel

                        Gospelwith you and growing (as in all world)

                        w/you & growing from time you heard the grace of God

                        gracelearned from Epaphras

                        Epaphrasfaithful servant

                        Epaphrasmade known your love


C. Prayer for Colossians' Growth(9-13)


            1.Connection with preceding: "therefore" (9)

                        previousclause (demonstrated love)?

                         whole previous section (3-8)?



            2.pauometha + ptcs. (9)

                        anunusual construction, but common for this particular verb

                        supplementaluse of ptc completing vague verb (Chapman, 30)


            3.epignosis (9-10)

                        4xin Colossians (2:2, 3:10; plus verb once) out of 20x in NT and 14x in Paul

                        possiblypicking up a term used by heretics?



                        Paulprays and requests that:

                                    Colbe filled with true knowledge of God's will

                                    trueknowledge = all sp wisdom & understanding?

                        w/result that:

                                    theywalk worthy of Lord w/(?) every desire to please in (by?) every good work b f& g in true k of God (note repetition of b f & g from 1:6)

                                   with(in?) all power => endurance & patience

                                   withthanks to God

                                               whomade us fit for the inheritance

                                               whorescued us  (note light/darknesscontrast)

                                               whotransported us


III.Exegesis of Doctrinal Section (1:13‑2:3)


A.Summary & Transition (13‑15): The Pre‑Eminence of Christ



                        (13)aorist for "rescue" and "transfer": already in kingdom insome sense?

                        (13)"son of his love": qualitative genitive "beloved son"

                        (14)"redemption" and "forgiveness" in apposition

                        (15)eikon ‑ figure,image, likeness, as of a statue, picture; similitude, semblance (LS, 401);image, likeness; form, appearance (BAG, 221); MM adds "description"(MM, 183)

                                    InBible: freq of man as image of God (LXX Gen; 1 Cor 11:7); but note 2 Cor 4:4: Xas image of God; Rom 1:23: changing glory of God into image of mortal man;Heb    10:1: law as"shadow" not "image"

                        (15)prototokos ‑usually firstborn in time, but also: principal heir: Israel God's firstborn (Ex4:22; Jer 31:9); Jacob getting birthright; Joseph double portion; in fact,Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Ephraim all principal heirs, tho not born first

                                    pre‑eminence:Job 18:13; Isa 14:30; R Bechai on Pentateuch: "God the firstborn of theworld" (Lightfoot, 147)






            3.Christ characterized

                        redeemerfrom sin

                        imageof invisible God

                        firstbornof creation (= Creator? heir?)


B.ChristŐs Work in Creation (16‑17)


            1.Agent of all creation (16)

                        en ‑ in or by; usual representationof X's work in creation; cp John 1:3 dia w/ Col 1:16 en, dia

                        tapanta twice, w/ detailedlist of angelic terms (cp Eph 1:20‑21)


            2.Goal or Purpose of all creation (16)



            3.Before all creation (17)

                        temporalor pre‑eminence?

                        heretemporal best fits hotias causal in v 16 and #4, below


            4.Upholds all creation (17)

                        sunistemi ‑ intrans ‑ stand w/ or by;be composed of; continue, endure, exist, hold together (BAG, 790‑1); cp pheron in Heb 1:3


C.ChristŐs Work of Redemption (18‑20)


            1.Head of the Church (18)

                        kephale ‑ using head/body analogy; see Col2:19; Eph 1:22; 4:15; 5:23; 1 Cor 11:3


            2.Beginning (18)

                        howconnected with context? beginning of new race?


            3.Firstborn from Dead (18)

                        temporal?not if OT & NT resurrections counted

                        posstemporal if first w/ glorified body meant


            4.First in Everything (18‑19)

                        probcombining both B and C, creation & redemption

                        notvis a vis Father & Spirit

                                    butbecause he alone of all creatures is also God (19)

                        "allthe fulness" dwells (katoikeo‑ live, settle, perhaps as opposed to paroikeo ‑ live temporarily)

                        "fulness"cp Col 2:9


            5.Through him everything reconciled (20)

                        throughblood of cross

                        bothon earth and in heaven

                                    deadsaints? angels?


D.ChristŐs Work among the Colossians (21‑23)


            1.Former state (21)

                        oncealienated, enemies

                        en by evil works


            2.Present state (22)


                        en by his body

                        dia through his death

                        goal‑ to present you holy, spotless, blameless before him (at judgment?)


            3.The Condition (23)

                        eige ‑ if indeed

                        epimenete ‑ stay, remain, continue,persevere (BAG, 296)

                        "founded,steadfast, not moved"


E.ChristŐs Work through Paul (1:24‑29)


            1.Suffering for Church (24)

                        anapleroo ‑ fill a gap, make complete,fulfill an agreement (BAG, 59); Paul somehow "completes" XŐssufferings


            2.Servant of Church (25‑27)

                        oikonomia ‑ administration, stewardship,responsibility given by God to fulfill (cp v 24) word of God

                        mysterion ‑ app in apposition to "wordof God"

                                    mystery,secret, secret rite, secret teaching, revealed secret (BAG, 530‑1)

                                                usedin LXX only in Daniel chs 2 & 4 re/ interp dreams          

                                                Gospels:mysterious parables of kingdom

                                                Epistles:Gospel itself; secrets; parable

                                                Revelation:riddle; God's plan for ages?

                                    noteesp where mystery = Gospel and mystery = Gentiles          fellow‑heirs

                                    heremystery explained as hidden from ages & from generations,           now revealed to saints& among nations

                                    Xin you, hope of glory

                                                parallelto HS as down‑payment? 2 Cor 1:22; Eph 1:13‑14

                                                cpMt 28:20 ‑ with you always


F.Summary (2:1‑3)


            Paul struggling for Colossianset al

                        tobring them to full knowledge of mystery of God

                        mysteryof God = Christ looks like best variant re/ both internal & externalevidence

            In Christ all treasures ofwisdom & knowledge hidden



III.Exegesis of Polemical Section (2:4‑3:4)


A.Exhortation to Perseverance (4‑7)


            1.Connection with previous (4)

                        toutolego connects back to2:1‑4 at least, perhaps whole doctrinal section or even whole letter


            2.First Clear Reference to Heresy (4)

                        paralogizomai ‑ deceive, delude (BAG 620)

                        pithanologia ‑ persuasive speech; plausible(but false) argument (BAG 657)

                        previoushint 1:23 "not moved away from hope of Gospel"



Excursis:The Identity of the Heresy in Colossians



                        2:4delude w/ persuasive argument

                        2:8philosophy = empty deception

                                    accto tradition of men, elements of world

                        2:16judging in regard to food, drink, festival, new moon, Sabbath

                        2:18self‑abasement, worship of angels (?), visions (?)

                                   pride, not holding to head = Christ

                        2:20‑21elements, submission to rules: don't handle, taste or touch

                        2:23appearance of wisdom, self‑made religion, self‑abasement, severetreatment of body


            Otherstatements may refer to heresy, but cannot be sure unless we identify it:

                        e.g.,circumcision, baptism


            Relatively clear inferences:


                        1.Seems to involve Judaism: 2:16 not easily otherwise understood; likewise"angels" gives better fit.


                        2.In spite of some commentators (Lohse, Martin), looks legalistic, even tho nomos does not occur: 2:16; 2:20‑21(rules); 2:8, 20 (elements; cp Gal 4:3, 9).


                        3.This would fit either a relatively std form of Judaism (not Sadducees, prob notPharisees) or some sort of syncretism of a pre‑Gnostic or Gnostic sort,whether basically pagan (w/ Jewish elements), basically Jewish, or basicallyXn.




                        1.How to take "worship of angels"?

                                    (a)objective genitive           

                                                hereticsactually worship angels

                                    (b)subjective genitive

                                                hereticsinterested in how angels worship God 

                                    Ifformer, pretty unorthodox for known Judaism

                                                (butrecall Rev 19:10; 22:8‑9)

                                    Iflatter, fits known character of Essenes


                        2.How much of Paul's own discussion is structured by beliefs of this heresy?                                             (i.e.,using their terms in response)


Back to course outline:


            3.Paul concerned though absent (5)

                        cp2:1; 1:9 re/ Paul's struggles for them; 4:12 Epaphras' yet rejoicing in theirorder (taxis) &stedfastness (stereoma);both terms have military uses


            4.Paul's exhortation (6‑7)

                        notethe test: as received, as taught

                                    contrast2:8: trad of men, not acc to X

                        newtrue doctrine must agree w/ old true doctrine

                        notethe source: walk in X, rooted & bult up in Him

                        notethe lifestyle: put doctrine into practice, grow, be thankful


B. Warning against False Doctrine (8‑15)


            1.Characterized (8)

                        itsaction: "taking prisoner, plundering"

                        itsreal nature: "philosophy" prob their term (popular even in someJewish circles); Paul's, "empty deception"        

                        itssource: human tradition

                        itscontent: stoicheia ‑elemental things

                                    secularuse: rudiments (ABCs); physical elements (air, fire, earth, water);                                                     heavenlybodies; elemental spirits

                                   NTuse: Heb 5:12: basics of Xy; 2 Pet 3:10: physical elements; Col 2:8, 20; Gal4:3, 9 disputed: either rudiments of legalism or elemental spirits; either possin our context, with both rules and angels; former looks better in Gal

                        contrastw/ Xy: true Xy has its source & content in X


            2.Christ is the Antidote (9‑15)

                        [applyingtruths from doctrinal section]


                        a.His Nature (9)


                                   (1)"fulness of deity" ‑ perhaps pleroma refers to gnostic sort of view; they laterused term for whole group of angels or (better) divinities of which X was onlyone; but also applicable to any view which downplays X, as this heresy clearlydoes

                                    (2)"bodily" ‑ real human nature; ascetics usually view body asinherently bad; idea very common at this time

                                    (3)"dwells" ‑ poss katoikeo as opposed to paroikeo ‑ "sojourns, lives for awhile"; Cerinthiangnostics saw X as only temporarily in Jesus


                        b.His Work in and for Christians (10‑14)


                                    (1)you are made full (10)


                                                &since Christ is above all, why look elsewhere?


                                    (2)you have been circumcised (11‑14)


                                                (a)apparently ref to regeneration (real, spiritual                circumcision,cp Lev 26:41; Dt 10:16; 30:6; Jer 4:4; 9:25‑6; Ezk 44:7,9; Acts7:51) 


                                                (b)God‑made, not man‑made "without hands"; probably            heretics advocated necess of physical circumcision


                                                (c)"removal of body of flesh" vs just a piece?


                                                (d)through baptism (12): new picture of regeneration?                                                                                 old:removal of sinful flesh by cutting off seed to come

                                                           new:cleansing via death & resurrection of X,                appropriated via repentance & faith

                                                           ifEssenes, heretics also required baptisms


                                                (e)made alive and forgiven (13)

                                                           thoughdead in sins & sin nature

                                                           madealive with Him


                                                (f)debt erased by nailing it to cross

                                                           probref to charge being nailed up (Mt 27:37 etc)

                                                             dogma against us presumably law, so law is mentioned in Col; hardly likely to bemerely man‑made rules in this context


                        c.His Triumph over Spiritual Enemies (15)


                                    (1)Disarmed or stripped them

                                               probmilitary analogy re/ defeated foes


                                    (2)Disgraced or displayed openly

                                               deigmatizo ‑ expose, make an example of, disgrace,mock (BAG 172)

                                               parrasia ‑ (dat) plainly, openly, publicly


                                    (3)Triumph in him (Christ) or it (cross)

                                               alsomilitary term; (1)‑(3) fit picture of Roman military ceremony called a"triumph"


C. Warning against False Practice(2:16‑3:4)


            1.Characterized (16‑19)


                        a.Ritual Law (16‑17)

                                    standardterms for such (2 K 4:23; 1 Chr 23:31; Isa 1:13‑14; see also Jub 1:14;2:9)

                                    (1)Heretics will try to judge you by it (16)

                                    (2)But it only foreshadows what X actually brings (17)

                                                shadow/bodyanalogy seems to be in view (cp Heb 10:1) here Lohse & Martin weakest:shadowy rules


                        b.Esoteric & Occult Features (18‑19)

                                    (1)Heretics will try to cheat you thru super‑piety

                                                humility,visions, worship of angels (if this last really worshiping angels, would thinkthis would scare off Xns, tho don't forget Rev 19, 22)

                                                embateuo ‑ set foot upon, come into possession,go into detail; app a technical term for initiation in mystery religion (BAG254)

                                                butthis humility = empty conceit

                                               super‑spirituality= unregenerate nature (flesh)

                                    (2)Heretics don't hold to head (X), from which alone comes divine growth (so howcan they be alive?)


            2.Christ is the Antidote (2:20‑3:4)


                        a.Death with Christ means death to the "old way" of holiness (20‑23) 

                                    (1)whether we take "elements" = regulations or spirits: died to law (Rom6); no longer subject to Satan's accusations (Rom 8:33)

                                    (2)such regulations involve things of no lasting existence in any case (22)

                                    (3)such regulations are merely human (22)

                                                difficult:if we press this, then 16‑17 not OT law;

                                                problike Heb 10:8‑9 re/ change in law, which also uses shadow analogy (10:1)like Col 2:17

                                    (4)such regulations don't cure depravity anyway (23)


                        b.Resurrection with Christ means a heavenly life (3:1‑4)

                                    (1)Seek & think about heavenly things (1‑2)

                                                letthem control your mind, not earthly things

                                    (2)Your life is hidden with Christ (3)

                                                protected?He is now in heaven, so invisible?

                                                probpicking up term "hidden" in 1:26; 2:3; "invisible" in1:15,16; poss "stored up" in 1:5; plus several refs to "heavenand earth" and "mystery"

                                                likelythese are also buzzwords of the heretics

                                    (3)When X is manifested, you will be too – in glory! (4)



V.Exegesis of Horatory Section (3:5‑4:6)


A.Basically Attitude Exhortations (3:5‑17)


            1.Put off the "old man" (5‑9)

                        cpRom 6:1‑11 (esp 6); Eph 4:17‑24 (esp 22)

                        Listsof sins & virtues common to exhortations, ethical writings of Greco‑Romanperiod

                        Herewe have two lists of sins and one of virtues


                        a.Put to death these sins (5‑7)

                                    (thosewhich characterize unsaved?)


                                    (1)Sins to put to death (5)

                                                porneia (sexual immorality) ‑ of everykind of unlawful sexual intercourse; prostitution, fornication, unchastity

                                                akatharsia (impurity) ‑ lit., dirt; fig.,immorality, visciousness

                                                pathos (lustful passion) ‑ passion, esp.sexual

                                                epithumia (desire) ‑ desire, longing; hereesp indicated as evil (desire for something forbidden)

                                                pleonexia (covetousness) ‑ greed, avarice,insatiable desire; Paul equates with idolatry (cp Eph 5:5)


                                    (2)Reasons to put them to death (6‑7)

                                                (a)God is going to judge these

                                                           refto "sons of disobedience" uncertain text

                                                           maybe borrowed from Eph 5:6

                                                (b)You yourselves once lived like this


                        b.Put off also these sins (8‑9)

                                    (sinsmore common among Christians?)


                                    orge (wrath) ‑ anger, indignation,wrath

                                    thumos (anger) anger, wrath, rage; (rarely)passion

                                    kakia (hate) ‑ (general) depravity,wickedness, vice; (more specialized) malice, ill‑will, malignity

                                    blasphemia (slander) ‑ abusive speech,whether or not against God

                                    aischrologia (shameful speech) ‑ sh. speech,whether obscene or abusive

                                    pseudomai (to lie) ‑ lie, deceive by lying


            2.Put on the "new man" (10‑17)


                        a.Design or purpose of the "new man" (10‑11)

                                    whichis being renewed (pres ptc)

                                    forfull knowledge (epignosis)

                           the image (eikon) of the Creator

                                                (obvallusion to creation)

                                    where(in the new man) no longer earthly distinctions Jew/Greek;circumcised/uncircumcised; (Greek)/Barbarian (even Scythian); slave/free

                                    butChrist is everything and in everyone (?)


                        b.So put on its characteristics (12‑17)

                                    sinceyou are those chosen (eklektos),set apart (hagois)and beloved (agapetos)

                                    splachnaoiktirmou (heart ofcompassion)

                                                splachna (pl) ‑ innards, entrails; usedfig. as seat of emotions, rather like English "heart"

                                                oiktirmos ‑ mercy, pity, compassion

                                    chrestotes (kindness) ‑ also goodness, mercy,generosity

                                    tapeinophrosune (humility) ‑ also modesty

                                    praŸutes (meekness) ‑ also gentleness,consideration, courtesy

                                    makrothumia (patience) ‑ also forebearance,stedfastness

                                    [characteristicscontinue beyond v 12, but no longer simple list]



                                                anecho ‑ endure, bear, put up with

                                                charizomai ‑ give freely, forgive, remit,pardon

                                                (justas the Lord forgave you; cp Mt 18:23‑35)


                                    (14)love (agape)

                                                aboveall (put on on top of all these other "clothes"?)          

                                                bondof perfection; either:

                                                            unitesall the above virtues perfectly

                                                            unitesthe church perfectly


                                    (15)peace (eirene)

                                                letit brabeuo ‑arbitrate, judge, control, rule

                                                calledto peace in one body (a gradual transition has begun into how to put on the newman, perhaps starting as early as v 13)


                                    (16)God's word in you

                                                letit dwell in you (enoikeio)

                                                            plousios ‑ richly, abundantly

                                                Paulexplains w/ following:

                                                           teaching& warning yourselves by means of songs             singing to God in your hearts



                                                Doeverything in the name of Jesus

                                                ThankingGod through Him


B.Basically Action Exhortations (3:18‑4:6)


            1.Toward Those at Home (or in Authority Relationship) (3:18‑4:1)


                        a.Wives and Husbands (18‑19)

                                    cpEph 5:22‑23; 1 Pet 3:1‑7

                                    hupotasso ‑ become subject; subject oneself,obey

                                    aneko ‑ it is proper, fitting

                                    pikraino ‑ make bitter; (pass) becomebitter


                        b.Children and Parents (20‑21)

                                    cpEph 6:1‑4

                                    euarestos ‑ pleasing, acceptable 

                                    erethizo ‑ arouse, provoke, irritate,embitter

                                    athumeo ‑ be discouraged, lose heart


                        c.Slaves and Masters (3:22‑4:1)

                                    ophthalmodoulia ‑ eye‑service; done only toattract attention

                                    anthropareskos ‑ man‑pleaser (rather thanGod‑pleaser)

                                   ex psuches ‑ from the heart, gladly

                                    apolambano ‑ receive, recover, get back

                                    antapodosis ‑ repaying, reward

                                    kleronomia ‑ inheritance, possession,property

                                    komizomai ‑ carry off, get (for oneself),receive

                                    prosopolempsia ‑ partiality, favoritism

                                    isotes ‑ equality, fairness

                                    parecho ‑ (mid) show oneself to besomething, grant something to someone


            2. Toward God:specifically Prayer (4:2‑4)


                       a.Devote your selves to it




                       b.Pray for Paul

                                   foropportunity to speak

                                    forproper speaking (clarity? content?)


            3. TowardUnbelievers (4:5‑6)


                       a.Live wisely (walk w/ wisdom)


                       b.Make most of opportunities

                                   exagorazo ‑ buy up, redeem (see discussionin BAG 271)

                                    kairos ‑ time, both point of and timeperiod; often right, proper, favorable time


                       c.Speak out

                                   w/grace: attractiveness? showing favor?

                                   w/salt: prob ref to salt as seasoning rather than as preservative

                                    w/knowledge ‑ knowing how to answer various kinds of people (cp 1 Cor 9:19‑23)



VI.Exegesis of Personal Section (4:7‑18)


A.The Letter-Bearers (7‑9)


            1.Tychicus (7‑8)

                        presumablyborn of pagan parents, since name means "fortunate" and may refer togoddess Tyche

                        associateof Paul from Asia (Acts 20:4)

                        accompaniedPaul taking gift to Jerusalem (ibid)

                        apparentlydelivers both Col (4:7) and Eph (6:21), likely on same trip

                        withPaul after 1st Roman imprisonment (Tit 3:12)

                        alsowith Paul during 2nd Roman imprisonment (2 Tim 4:12)


            2.Onesimus (9)

                        probborn slave, sincwe name means "useful, profitable"

                        apparentlya Colossian (see remark here); at least from area

                        muchmore info in letter to Philemon, whose slave he was


B. Greetings from PaulŐs Associates(10‑14)


            1.Jews (10‑11)

                        seev 11 for fact these are Jews


                        a.Aristarchus (10)

                                    namemeans "best‑ruling"; Jews frequently had "secular" names,though avoided idolatrous ones

                                    mentionedalso in Philemon 24

                                    presumablythe same as Aristarchus of Thessalonica, who:

                                                accompaniedPaul & Luke on voyage to Rome (Acts 27:2)                                                               waspreviously w/ Paul to Jerusalem (Acts 20:4)

                                                beforethat, caught by mob in Ephesus (Acts 19:29)


                        b.Mark (10)

                                    well‑knownassoc of Paul & Peter, author of Gospel

                                    thisis his Roman name; Jewish is John (Johannan)

                                    herehis relation to Barnabas given: cousin

                                    apparentlyproblem arising on 1st m.j. now solved


                        c.Jesus Justus (11)

                                     Jewish name (Jeshua/Joshua) and Roman("just one")

                                    otherwiseunknown:  not apparently either:

                                                (1)Titius Justus (Acts 18:7) app a Gentile

                                                            (sebomen­os ‑ God‑fearer = uncircumcisedGentile worshiping in synagogue)

                                                (2)Joseph Barsabbas Justus (Acts 1:23); Jewish, but highly unlikely to have stilla 4th name


            2.Gentiles (12‑14)


                        a.Epaphras (12‑13)

                                    appshort for Epaphroditus, meaning "dedicated to Aprodite"; presumablyof pagan birth

                                    probnot same person as E. in Phil 2:25; 4:18, assoc with church at Philippi 

                                    ourE. app founder of work at Colossae (1:7‑8) and prob continuing as pastoror some such, working also at Laodicea & Hierapolis

                                    appbrought word re/ situation at Colossae, but now for some reason staying withPaul rather than returning immediately (work w/ Paul? further study?)


                        b.Luke (14)

                                    somedispute re/ full name, whether Lucius, Lucanus or other; recent evid seems tofavor first

                                    thispassage indicates he is a physician and, by separation from vv 10‑11, aGentile

                                    accto tradition (Eusebius, Jerome), he is native of Antioch


                        c.Demas (14)

                                    shortfor Demetrius? (related to Demeter, "earth‑mother")

                                    mentionedhere and Phm 24

                                    laterabandoned Paul for world (2 Tim 4:10)


C. Greetings for Others around Colosse(15‑17)


            1.Brothers at Laodicea (15)

                        obva church there (see vv 13, 16)


           2.Nympha (feminine) or Nymphas (masculine) (15)

                        genderdepends on variant later in sentence (autes/autou)        

                                    iffem, means "bride" or "nymph"

                                    ifmasc, prob short from Nymphadoros, "gift of Nympha"


                        believerw/ house‑church meeting in home, perhaps (from context) located inLaodicea


            3.Instructions re/ Letter (16)

                        Colossianletter to be circulated to Laodicean church

                        Laodiceanletter to be circulated to Colossian church

                        Threepossibilities re/ Laod letter:

                                    (1)no longer extant

                                    (2)Philemon ‑ taking Onesimus to be from Laodicea instead of Colosse, or tobelong to owner who is Laodicean

                                    (3)Ephesians ‑ some reason to believe it a circular letter;

                                                Marcionapp called Eph Laod

                                                Colto read Laod copy


            4.Archippus (17)

                        commonname, meaning "ruler of horses"

                        mentionedin Phm 2

                        appa Xn leader

                        atColossae or Laodicea?


D. PaulŐs Own Greeting (18)


            writtenin own hand

                        cp1 Cor 16:21; Phm 19

                        esp2 Thess 3:17 which (w/ 2 Th 2:2, 15) suggests this done to foil forgers

            mainbody of letter prob written by secretary 

                        cpRom 16:22

            remembermy chains

            gracebe with you




VII.Conclusions: The Value of Colossians Today


A.The Similarity of Religious Situation Then & Now


            1.Religious Changes in the West since about 1950



                                    Mostpeople in US (& Europe) professing Xns,

                                    InUS most were churchgoers, even though mainline denominations had alreadylargely been lost to liberalism

                                    Syncretisticreligions (e.g., Theosophy, Bahai) very minor


                        sincec 1965:

                                    Generallymuch less interest in traditional Xy

                                                (thoughpartly masked by semi‑revival)

                                    Farfewer churchgoers

                                    Greatinflux of religious influences from Far East: e.g.





                                                UnificationChurch (Moon),

                                    Considerablegrowth of home‑grown syncretistic religions:


                                                est(Erhard Seminars Training)



                                                NewAge movement

                                                Holistichealth movement

                                    (seeNewsletter and Journals of Spiritual Counter­feits Project for Xnperspective on these)




                        Like 1st cen AD Roman Empire: manysyncretistic and guru‑type cults competing with Xy, some of which aretotally pagan, others have some Xn, Jewish or Muslim elements


                        Unlike 1st cen situation:  many today think they have tried Xy andit has failed


            3.Value of Colossians Today


                        a.As we are tempted to follow some "in" variety of "Xy" weneed Paul's warnings.


                        b.As we are confused by all the varieties of religion today, we need Paul's clearthinking.


B. Some Principles in Colossians forRecognizing Heresy


            1.Compare Doctrines with those of Biblical Christianity

                        (1:7,23; 2:4, 8)


                        a.Especially its Christology



                        b.Also its Soteriology is most important

                                    (1:13‑14,20‑22; 2:8‑23)


            2.Compare Practices with those of Biblical Christianity

                        (1:6,10, 22, 28; 2:16, 18, 23; 3:5‑17; 3:18‑4:1)


                        a.Love (1:4, 8; 2:2)


                        b.Holiness (e.g., 3:5‑9 vs 3:12‑17)


                        c.Humility (2:18‑23 vs 3:11‑12)


                        d.Thanksgiving (1:3, 12; 2:7; 3:16‑17)



C. Some Specific Answrrs to ParticularModern Heresies

            (mostheresies share some characteristics with that at Colosse)


            1.To Occult‑type Movements (spiritism, etc.)


                        a.There is spiritual power out there all right, but "spiritual" is notnecessarily good, nor from God. (1:16; 2:18).


                        b.Christ has already defeated these powers (2:15), though their final disposal isstill future.


                        c.What God really cares about is holiness, not special powers, in His people (3:1‑4and following).


            2.To Gnostic‑type Movements (secret teachings, inner circle, mysticalillumination, emphasis on "knowledge"; e.g., Freemasonry, Mormonism,Scientology, etc.)


                        a.There is no knowledge of God that does not ultimately come through Christ andHis word, the Bible (2:3).


                        b.All experience must be tested against this standard (1:6‑7; 2:4, 8, 18,20‑23).


                        c.True knowledge of God and union with Him is an open secret.


            3.To Movements Playing Down the Person of Christ (e.g., liberal theology, all syncretisticcults, most other cults)


                        a.Christ is God: He made everything, keeps it going, and it has its goal andpurpose in Him (1:15‑17; 2:9).


                        b.He alone has made reconciliation with the Father; there is no salvation thatdoes not depend on His work only (1:13‑14, 18, 20‑22; 2:10‑15, 19).


            4.To "Super‑Spiritual" Movements (legalisms of all sorts, incl.vegetarianism, asceticism)


                        a.Christ did it all.  These extrarules will earn us nothing (2:8‑10, 16‑23).


                        b.Such extra rules do not touch the real problem (our fallen, sinful nature)anyway (2:23).


                        c.What we really need (and can only get through Christ) is forgiveness,regeneration and a heavenly life (1:14; 2:13‑14; 1:27; 2:19; 3:1ff).


                        d.God has made the family with its authority structures; don't treat it withcontempt (3:18‑4:1, looking back to 1:16).


Bibliographyon Colossians




Bruce, F.F.  Commentary on the Epistle tothe Colossians, in E. K.Simpson and F. F. Bruce, Commentary on the Epistles to the Ephesians andColossians.  New International Comm on the   NT.  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1957. Conservative; Pauline authorship, written from Rome;heresy is proto‑gnostic

Lightfoot, J.B.   Saint Paul's Epistlesto the Colossians and toPhilemon.  Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1959 reprintof the 1879 Macmillan ed.  Classicconservative commentary.  Excellentmaterial on Essenes, Ebionites and Gnosticism; should be reexamined in light ofdiscoveries at Qumran & Nag Hammadi.

Lohse,Eduard.  Colossians and Philemon. Hermeneia.  Philadelphia:  Fortress, 1971. Liberal; denies Paulineauthorship; heresy proto‑gnostic; emphasis on hymnic materials

Martin, RalphP.  Colossians and Philemon. New Century Bible. Greenwood, SC: Attic, 1974. Conservative; Pauline authorship (but Eph not); writtenfrom Ephesian imprisonment; heresy proto‑gnostic; hymnic emphasis

Moule, C. F.D.  The Epistles of Paul theApostle to the Colossians and to Philemon.  CambridgeGreek Testament Comm. Cambridge: University Press, 1957. Nice exegetical, theological treatment; fairly conservative.

Williams, A.Lukyn.  The Epistles of Paul theApostle to the Colossians and to Philemon.  CambridgeGreek Testament. Cambridge: University Press, 1907.  Detailed discussion of      textual questions and comparison ofform with other epistles.  Manysuccinct word studies. Complete list of Colossians' vocabulary.



Historical/Theological Background:




Colson, F. H.;Whitaker, G. H.; and Marcus, R., eds. Philo. 12vols.  Loeb Classical Library.  Cambridge, MA:  Harvard, 1929‑53.  Discussion of Essenes and Theraputae bysympathetic contemporary, Philo.

Cross, FrankMoore, Jr.  The Ancient Libraryof Qumran & Modern Biblical Studies.  Rev. ed.  Grand Rapids:  Baker, 1980 reprint of 1961 ed.  Good survey of discoveries and their     significance.

Lasor, WilliamSanford.  The Dead Sea Scrollsand the New Testament.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1972. Good evangelical perspective.

Vermes, G.,ed.  The Dead Sea Scrolls inEnglish.  Rev. ed. Baltimore: Penguin, 1968.  Best texts in English.

Thackeray, H.St. J.; Marcus, R.; Wikgren, A.; and Feldman, L. H., eds.  Josephus. 9 vols.  Loeb Classical Library.Cambridge, MA:  Harvard, 1926‑65.  Josephus a Pharisee; claims to havestudied with Essenes.




Charles, R. H.,ed.  The Apocrypha andPseudepigrapha of the Old Testament.  2 vols.  Oxford: Clarendon, 1913.  Old std.texts in English, with notes.  Nowsuperceded by Charlesworth.

Charlesworth,J. H., ed.  The Old TestamentPseudepigrapha. Volume1: Apocalyptic Literature & Testaments.  Garden City, NY:  Doubleday, 1983.  Another volume to come; less annotationthan Charles, but many more texts and much more up‑to‑date.

Eissfeldt,Otto.  The Old Testament:  An Introduction. New York: Harper & Row, 1965. Gives brief introduction (date, provenance, content) for whole Apocryphaand principal    Pseudepigrapha.

Ginzberg,Louis.  The Legends of the Jews. 7 vols. Philadelphia: Jewish Publ. Soc., 1937.  Sourcebook of extrabiblical Jewish legends, massivelyannotated for finding ancient sources.




Doresse,Jean.  The Secret Books of theEgyptian Gnostics.  New York:  Viking , 1960. First major work on Nag Hammadi finds.

Grant, RobertM., ed.  Gnosticism: a SourceBook of Heretical Writings from the Early Christian Period. New York:  Harper andBrothers, 1961.  Mostly Christiansources.

Pagels,Elaine.  The Gnostic Gospels. New York: Vintage Books, 1981. A verylucid (& rather sympathic) treatment of gnosticism vis a vis Christianity;seeks to explain how orthodoxy won out due to socio‑political forces.

Robinson, JamesM., ed.  The Nag Hammadi Library. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1977.  English translation of gnostic library found in Egypt, 1945,plus a few related works.




Angus, S.  The Mystery Religions. New York: Dover, 1975 reprint of 1928ed.  Surveys religious situationaround NT times. Much theorizing, often without clear presentation of data.

Grant, F. C.,ed.  Hellenistic Religions. Indianapolis:  Bobbs‑Merrill,1953.  A reader of ancient sourceswith introductions.

Nash, RonaldH.  Christianity & theHellenistic World.  Grand Rapids: Zondervan/Probe,1984.  Responds to claims thatChristianity influenced by Greek philosophy, pagan mystery religions orGnosticism.  Gives good survey ofeach.

Rose, H. J.  Religion in Greece and Rome. New York: Harper and Bros., 1959.  Reprint of two books published 1946 and1948.