Robert C. Newman
In looking around for a means by which one may learn what,if anything, is going on around him, one is naturally led to a sort ofpractical empiricism. We find thatconsistent, repeatable results are obtained by empirical methods, which resultswe will optimistically call "knowledge." Empirical methods seem to be the only means we have of confirming
Let us define the empirical method as a sort of proceduralthree-step: (1) collectinformation (oberve what is going on); (2) construct a hypothesis which (a)fits the data, (b) is as simple a hypothesis as we can think of, consistentwith (a), and (c) it would be nice if our hypothesis also predicted whatcertain as yet uncollected (but collectable) information would look like; (3)don't change hypotheses until required by (a) conflicting data, or (b) asimpler suggested hypothesis. Also, one should be on the lookout for alternative hypotheses whichmight be more amenable to predicting the nature of future data.
As we venture forth armed only with our practicalempiricism, we make what seems in this day of naturalism an astoundingdiscovery. Lo and behold, a bookwritten more than 1800 years ago makes statements consistent with the latestscientific knowledge, and even more strikingly, delivers the goods promised byits claim (e.g., Isa 48:5-6) to predict events in advance of their occurrence!
As described in the Bible, the men who made these recordedprophecies were chosen by the Israelites on the bases of having made no mistakesin their short-range prophecies, of consistency with previous revelation, andof their emphasis on the God revealed to the Israelites (Deuteronomy chapters13 and 18). Yet the inerrancy oftheir long-range predictions is astonishing, and no other serious explanationfor these phenomena has appeared which fits our present knowledge as well asthe straight-forward one adduced by the prophets themselves:
The method of authority should be mentioned here.
At this point, one has his ethics and philosophy (and goalin life, depending on his reaction to the situation) handed to him on a silverplatter, so to speak. One uses thesame empirical method described above to interpret the scriptures and findsthat the resulting picture obtained from the bible is in marked agreement withthat of others using the same approach – a rather surprising result inview of the diversity of positions found in historic and present-dayChristendom.
My personal experience also confirms the accuracy andrelevance of the Bible's picture of God and his dealings with men, which is anencouragement in my own search for the meaning of reality.
Probably written about 1967