CovenantCommunity Church
SundaySchool, June, 1994
Dr.Bob Newman
TheMinor Prophets
I. Introduction
A. The Name "Minor Prophets"
1.What is a Prophet?
Deut18:9-22: in place of divination,in place of direct appearance of God, prophets were to be sent to give Israelrevelation of God's will; to be obeyed; false prophets to be put to death;false detected by error in prediction
Isa44:24-28: God's control of historyguarantees that His prophets' predictions will come true, while there will beerrors among predictions of other "prophets"
2.What do we mean here by "minor"?
a.Not minor re/ importance as a group:
e.g.,in UBS Gk NT, columns of NT citations
Isa Jer Ezk Dan M.P. (Zch)
10 3 3.5 3.5 6 1.5 = 71x
b.Minor re/ size of book:
(1)pp in ABS KJV:
Isa Jer Ezk Dan M.P. (Hos) (Zch)
46 52 47 14 40 7 8
(2)chapters in each
Isa Jer Ezk Dan M.P. (Hos) (Zch)
66 52 48 12 67 14 14
c.Not the Hebrew name anyway:
called"the Twelve"
individualnames "same" as in English
B.The Order of the Minor Prophets
1.Same in English as in printed Hebrew Bibles
2.Not ordered by length, since longest books are first
3.Not in alphabetical order, either Hebrew or English
4.Probably an attempt at later time (when collected into single scroll) to give achronological order; thus Hos, Amos, Jon early; Hag, Zch late; Mal prob last
II. Hosea
A.Author and Date
1.Son of Beeri; not otherwise mentioned in OT; name is common, often spelled"Hoshea," e.g., Dt 32:44
2.Superscription indicates time-period (Hos 1:1)
Kingsof Judah: Kingsof Israel:
Uzziah792-739 JeroboamII 793-753
B.Historical Background
1.Religious situation
Worshipof Jehovah w/ false elements & attitudes
Greatdecline in public & private morality (more on this in Amos)
2.Political situation
JeroboamII raised Israel to greatest heights politically;
upperclasses very prosperous;
noparticular signs of danger from outside
Within25 years of Jer II's death, Samaria was
destroyedand Israel captive in Mesopotamia
B.Acrostic Outline: letter and phrase for each chapter
(fromBarry Huddleston, The Acrostic Bible)
Gomer's marriage and children
Offenses of Gomer condemned
Message of second marriage
Error of Israel's ways
Rebuke of Israel's leaders
Testimony of God's love
Hopelessness of Israel's desertion
Exile unavoidable for Israel
Harlotry will be punished
Assyria will enslave Israel
Rebellion against God's love
Legal case against Israel
Overthrow of Ephraim certain
Transformation if Israel repents
C.Key Verses 3:4-5:
Thesons of Israel will remain for many days without king or prince, withoutsacrifice or sacred pillar, and without ephod or household idols. Afterward the sons of Israel willreturn and seek the LORD their God and David their king, and they will cometrembling to the LORD and His goodness in the last days.
D.The Prophecy of Hosea
1.Hosea's Marriage a Picture of God & Israel (chs 1-3)
a.The problem of Hos 1:2: Real marriage or symbolic? Did Hosea know in advance?
b.Gomer and the Children
(1)Jezreel: town in V of Jezreel
Joram& Jezebel killed there
Naboth'svineyard located there
valleyis famous ÒArmageddonÓ valley
explainedas "not pitied"
explainedas "not my people"
eventuallydeserts Hosea altogether
c.Hosea's reaction
(1)Buys (hires?) her back (3:2)
(2)Isolates her (3:3)
(3)Later restores her as full wife
d.Significance for Israel (3:4-5)
2.God's Case against Israel (chs 4-10)
a.Religious disobedience (ch 4, 9:10-17)
b.Political disobedience (chs 5, 7, 8)
c.Personal disobedience (ch 6)
d.The punishment to come
(1)Invasion (ch 8)
(2)Destruction (10:1-15)
(3)Exile (9:1-9)
3.The Lord's Faithful Love (chs 11-14)
a.God's love as a father to them (11:1-11)
b.Israel's punishment for unfaithfulness (11:12-13:16)
c.Israel will repent and be restored (ch 14)
E.Lessons from Hosea
1.God's relation to His people (both OT and NT) is like that of a husband to hiswife (collectively) and of a father to his children (individually).
2.While we understand (from elsewhere in Scripture) that those who arereally saved will never fall away, God may indeed disown some individuals whoprofess to be His and divorce those groups which fall away from Him.
3.Yet God will never be unfaithful to His promises. He will one day restore a remnant of His OT people toHimself.
III. Joel
A.Author and Date
1.Author not known, other than his name and father
"Joel"(the LORD is God) is a very common OT name
2.Date is very much in doubt
evenamong conservatives range from 800-400 BC
nodirect/indirect connection with named kings
refsto Philistines (3:4) suggest early date
refsto Greeks (3:6) suggest late
butneither required by context
positionin 12 near beginning may indicate early date & there is reason to supposelocust plague mentioned would be long remembered
1.What are they?
Englishpopular use includes cicadas, but rather different
Inmiddle east, includes several kinds of insects which look like flyinggrasshoppers
2.Pecularities of locusts
Differfrom many insects (incl cicadas) in having no "caterpillar" stage;instead all look like grasshoppers; sheds skins several times, finallydeveloping wings
Haveboth a hermit phase and mob phase, the latter produced by crowding
3.Locust plagues
Inmob phase, swarms may number in millions or billions (about 1/2 billion eggscases destroyed on Cyprus in 1881), covering up to 2000 sq mi (sq 45 mi onside), flying as far as 1000 mi, sometimes thick enough to blot out sun, makinga deafening racket
Theseswarms app use up food supply and begin to march to find more, sometimescompletely devastating vegetation in bands many miles wide
C.The Locust Plague in Joel
1.Described in 1:2-13; 2:2-10
2.Evidence for literal locusts
ratherthan military invasion, etc.
emphasison destruction of vegetation
noreference to killing people, sieges, captivity, etc., as accompany regularwarfare
after"military" passages of ch 2 comes 2:25
Joel 2:25 (NIV) `I will repay you for the years thelocusts have eaten--
the great locust and the young locust,
the other locusts and the locust swarm--
my great army that I sent among you.
noticehow 2:20 would fit this
Joel 2:20 (NIV) `I will drive the northern army far fromyou,
pushing it into a parched and barren land,
with its front columns going into the eastern sea
and those in the rear into the western sea.
And its stench will go up;
its smell will rise.`
Surely he has done great things.
3.Time of the plague
hadit already come when Joel prophesied?
easyto be misled by English verb-tenses, but Hebrew tenses don't give thisinformation
note1:14, day of LORD at hand; suggests that event was near but future when Joelbegan to prophesy
4.Purpose of the plague
a.A day of the LORD (1:15; 2;1-2, 11)
notalways eschatological, but refers to judgment on sinners
b.A call to repentance (1:13-14, 19; 2:12-19)
c.Evidence of God's activity (1:11; 2:26-27)
D.Long-Range Prophecy in Joel
1.Starts in 2:28, runs to end of book
2.A human invasion pictured, involving all surrounding nations: Tyre, Sidon, Egypt and Edom singled out
3.Suggest locust plague with God's deliverance foreshadows this humaninvasion
E.Acrostic Outline
Cry to avoid judgment
Return to God's blessing
Yield to God's sovereignty
F.Key Verses 2:31-32:
Thesun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great andawesome day of the LORD comes. Andit will come about that whoever calls on the name of the LORD will be delivered.
IV. Amos
A.Author and Date
1.Amos a herdsman from Tekoa (about 10 mi S of Jerusalem) (1:1); a workerwith sycomore fruit (a type of fig which must be pierced to ripen properly)(7:14), but Amos prophesied in Northern Kingdom
2.Date of activity is about same as Hosea, in reigns of Uzziah (792-739),Jeroboam II (793-753); dated two years before the earthquake (date not nowknown, but event remembered over 200 yr later, Zech 14:5)
B.Historical Background
C.Acrostic Outline
Judgement on Israel's neighbors
Ungodliness of Israel explained
Destruction of Israel coming
Gods' reproofs went unnoticed
Making plea for repentance
Elimination of unrighteous wealthy
Nature of God's judgments
Time ripe for judgment
Scattering and Israel's restoration
D.Key verses 5:18-20:
Alas,you who are longing for the day of the LORD, for what purpose will the day ofthe LORD be to you? It will bedarkness and not light; as when a man flees from a lion and a bear meets him;or goes home, leans his hand against the wall, and a snake bites him. Will not the day of the LORD bedarkness instead of light, even gloom with no brightness in it?
E.Prophecy against Other Nations (1:2-2:5)
1.Damascus (1:3-5) - actually Syrians
2.Gaza (1:6-8) - actually Philistines
3.Tyre (1:9-10)
4.Edom (1:11-12)
5.Ammon (1:13-15)
6.Moab (2:1-3)
7.Judah (2:4-5)
Citescertain sins of each, usually violence, treachery (but notice judgment againstJudah); pictures punishment, usually fire, captivity (notice Philistinesto perish)
F.Prophecy against Israel (Northern Kingdom) (2:6-6:14)
1.Starts like previous sections (2:6), but much longer (to end chap 2)
a.Charges against Israel (vv 6-8)
b.Examples of God's judgment on Amorites (9)
c.God's goodness rejected (9-13)
d.The coming judgment (14-16)
2.2nd warning to Israel (chap 3)
a.God's goodness implies responsibility (1-2)
b.Necessary connection of cause & effect (3-6)
c.God will reveal judgment, then bring it (7-8)
d.Charges against Israel (9-10)
e.Resultant punishment (11-150
3.3rd warning (chap 4)
a.To wealthy Israelite women (1-3)
b.To outwardly religious (4-5)
c.Partial judgments ignored (6-11)
d.Total judgment now coming (12-13)
4.4th warning: call to repentance (chap 5)
a.Desolation of Israel pictured (1-3)
b.Seek God (4-17)
c.The day of the LORD (18-27)
5.5th warning: contrasting futures (chap 6)
a.Israel's present luxury (1-6)
butcompare other cities destroyed
b.Israel's coming captivity (7-14)
G.Amos' Visions (chaps 7-8)
1.Locusts (7:1-3)
2.Fire (7:4-6)
3.Plumbline (7:7-9)
4.Amaziah's objections (7:10-17)
5.Summer fruit (8:1-14)
H.Conclusion (chap 9)
1.Complete destruction of the sinful (1-10)
noteverse 9, sieve picture
2.Restoration of the redeemed (11-15)
V. Obadiah
A.Authorship and Date
abouta dozen OT people named Obadiah (means "servant of of LORD")
noneseems to be indentifiable with the prophet
widevariety of opinion, from about 850 to 585 BC or later
mostarguments center around finding a place in history for verse 11
B.The Land of Edom
Sand mostly E of Dead Sea, extending to Arabian Desert on E; also called"Mt. Seir" because this range dominates the land
alsoincludes Wadi el'Arabah and highlands W of Arabah and S of Judah
wholearea now very desolate, but N end of Mr. Seir once wooded and relatively well-watered
King'sHighway E of Dead Sea once a major trade route
C.History of the Edomites
Earliestknown inhabitants of Mt. Seir were Horites (to about 1900 BC)
Esau,Jacob's older twin brother, married a Horite (Gen 36:20); his descendants eventuallyconquered them and became known as the Edomites
Jobmay have been an Edomite (lived in Uz, a land which Lam 4:21 connects withEdom); his friend Eliphaz from Teman, one of Edom's three chief cities (withSelah [Petra?] and Bozrah)
WhenIsrael wanted to use King's Hwy thru Edom on way to promised land, Edomitesrefused (Num 20:17-21)
Israelitesnot allowed to despise Edomites (Dt 23:7-8)
Saulfought Edomites (1 Sam 14:47)
Davidand Joab conquered Edomites (2 Sam 8:13; 1 Kings 11:15)
Althoughnearly all Edomite men killed by David, one member of royal house escaped toEgypt (1 Kings 11:14, 15ff, 25), later made trouble for Solomon
Edomrevolted under Jehoram son of Jehoshaphat (c 845 BC; 2 Chron 21:8-10, 16-17).possibly aiding Philistines and Arabs in sacking Jerusalem (Obad 11?)
Edomlater became part of Assyrian, then Babylonian empire; poss Obad 11 refers toNebuchadnezzar's taking Jerusalem 587 BC
About500 BC, Nabatean Arabs drove out Edomites, who fled into S Judah (came to becalled Idumea)
Aftertime of Maccabees, John Hyrcanus (135-105 BC) conquered Idumeans, forced themto become Jews
Later(after 40 BC) the Idumean Herods became rulers over Judea, etc.
Idumeanstry to help in defense of Jerusalem about 68 AD, but refused
Disappearfrom history after 70 AD
D.Acrostic Outline (with only one chapter, this is subdivided for acrostic)
Edom's doom is prophesied (1-9)
Sins of the Edomites (10-14)
Accountability of all nations (15-16)
Ulitmate restoration of Israel (17-21)
E.Key Verse 10:
Becauseof your violence to your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame, and youwill be cut off forever.
F.Obadiah's Prophecy against Edom
1.Coming Destruction of Edom (1-9)
downfallof Selah (?) (1-4)
cityto be plundered, devastated, forsaken (5-9)
2.Charges against Edom (10-14)
3.Coming Day of the LORD (15-21)
judgmentsoon on Edom and other Gentiles (15-16)
deliveranceof Israel (17-21a)
thefinal kingdom (21b)
G.Lessons from Obadiah
1.God judges all people, not just "His own."
2.Rejoicing at another's calamity is sin.
3.No nation on earth is invulnerable.
4.God will yet cause His people to triumph.
VI. Jonah
A.The Prophet
1.Son of Amittai (1:1; see 2 Kings 14:25)
2.From Gath-hepher (2 Kings 14:25)
inN Kingdom, about ½ way from Mt. Carmel to Sea of Galilee
3.Lived before fall of Nineveh (in 612 BC), during
reignof Jeroboam II (793-753 BC; 2 K 14:25)
B.The City of Nineveh
1.Capital of the Assyrian empire, actually reached its
greatestheights in century after Jonah
2.Reference to size of city in 3:3-4 seems to be to "GreaterNineveh," stretching 26 mi from Khorsabad to Nimrud (about60 mi around, pop of several hundred thousand)
3.Now merely ruins, with a small village on top of one of the heaps
C.The Assyrian Empire
1.An independent kingdom by about 1700 BC, with capital at Ashur, began toconquer neighboring countries, reaching Mediterranean coast about1100 BC.
2.Real organization of empire for conquest about 875 under Ashur-nasir-pal II(883-859)
3.His son, Shalmaneser III (858-824) put N Kingdom under heavy tribute in 841 BC.
D.Acrostic Outline
Flight from God's presence
Intercession from within fish
Sackcloth worn in Nineveh
Human failure of Jonah
E.Key Verse 4:11:
ShouldI not have compassion on Nineveh, the great city, in which are more than120,000 persons who do not know the difference between their right and lefthand, as well as many animals?
F.The Prophecy of Jonah
1.Chapter One: From God
Joppa- a Mediterranean port, about 25 mi NW of Jerusalem, app a Phoenician colony
Tarshish- name is thought to be related to mining, prob ref to a city in Sardiniaor Spain
Whydid Jonah run? see his remark in4:2; app didn't want God to show mercy to this cruel empire
Noteexamples of God's control: storm, lot, calming storm, great fish
"fish"may or may not have been a whale
2.Chapter Two: To God
Jonah'sprayer: did he die?
3.Chapter Three: With God
Onlyone verse giving the prophet's message
Reactionof people
noteesp 3:9: who knows?
4.Chapter Four: Ahead of God
Jonah'sanger (1-5)
God'sanswer (6-11)
G.Lessons from Jonah
1.It is a dangerous thing to stubbornly refuse God's will for your life.
2.God will use even our disobedience for His glory (but we will lose the joy andreward of it).
3.God may bring even the most unpromising to repentance.
4.God will receive even the most sinful and vicious when they repent.
5.God may postpone judgment (even when most deserved) to those who repent.
6.God is more concerned about the lost than we are.
VII. Micah
A.The Prophet
1.Name "Micah" is very common, a shortened form of Michaiah orMicayahu, meaning "Who is like God?"
2.Our prophet from Moresheth-Gath (1:1, 14), a village about 25 mi SW ofJerusalem
3.From same period as Isaiah and Hosea, but with different background
4.His prophecy was well-known over 100 years later (see Jer 26:18, citing Mic3:12)
B.Background to His Prophecy
1.Given (1:1) in days of Jotham (739-35), Ahaz (735-15) and Hezekiah (715-687),so earlier prophecies came before fall of Samaria and Northern Kingdom (c722BC), but after Hosea, Amos and Jonah; compare Isa 1:1
2.Now Israel (Northern Kingdom) about gone, Judah about to be reduced to one maincity by Assyrians.
3.Diplomatic, political features more emphasized in Isaiah; personal, internal problemsmore in Micah
C.Acrostic Outline
Messages against Samaria, Jerusalem
Evils of Israel's people
Sins of Israel's leaders
Sovereign king in Zion
Introduction of Bethlehem's Messiah
Actions of injustice rebuked
Hope in God's future
D.Key Verses 5:2-5a:
Butyou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out ofyou will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose campaigns arefrom of old, from ancient times. Therefore Israel will be abandoned until the time when she who is inlabor gives birth and the rest of his brothers return to join theIsraelites. He will stand andshepherd his flock in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name ofthe LORD his God. And they willlive securely, for then his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth. And he will be their peace.
E.The Prophecy of Micah
1.Chapter 1: Judgment for Sins of Israel and Judah
appearanceof Lord (3-4)
sinsof His people (5)
thejudgment (6-7)
Micah'sreaction (8-16)
2.Chaps 2 & 3: Doom for Oppressors & False Prophets
landgrabbers (2:1-5)
falseprophets (2:6-13)
judgmenton Jerusalem (3:8-12)
3.Chaps 4 & 5: Prophecies of Blessing
thecoming kingdom (4:1-5)
regatheringof Israel (4:6-8)
first,the Babylonian captivity (4:9-10)
Israel& her enemies (4:11-13)
theKing (5:1-3)
theKingdom (5:4-15)
4.Chaps 6 & 7: God's Lawsuit
God's1st charge: unfaithfulness (6:1-5)
Israel's1st reply: how please God? (5:6-7)
God'srequirement (6:8)
God's2nd charge: deceit, violence (6:9-16)
Israel's2nd reply: confession (7:1-10)
God'sblessing & charge (7:11-17)
Micah'spraise (7:18-20)
G.Lessons from Micah
1.Righteousness, not religiosity, is what God requires (6:6-8).
2.In the last analysis, only God can be safely trusted (7:2-7).
3.God will pardon sin; He will keep His promises (7:18-20).
4.One is to come from Bethlehem, who will be their (and our) peace (5:2-6).
VIII. Nahum
1.Not otherwise known
2.Name means "consolation, comfort"
3.Elkoshite (1:1) probably refers to city or tribal family, but not certainlylocated; some suggest he is person for whom Capernaum ("city ofNahum") named, which would put him in Galilee; others make him adescendant of Elkosh of tribe of Simeon, which would put him in SW Judah.
1.No date given, but he predicts fall of Nineveh, which occurs in 612 BC, andspeaks of fall of Thebes (No-Amon) as past (663 BC), so writing in period663-612, probably closer to latter end (2:1, 3:14, 19).
2.Assyria, largest international empire to this time, has destroyed NorthernKingdom Israel in 722 BC, reduced Judah to a small vassal state, defeatedEgypt, and used great cruelty against its opponents.
C.Acrostic Outline
God's character and judgment
Overthrow of Nineveh imminent
Details of Nineveh's judgment
D.Key Verse 3:19:
Nothingcan heal your wound, [O Nineveh]; your injury is fatal. Everyone who hears the news about youclaps his hands at your fall, for who has not felt your endless cruelty?
E.The Prophecy of Nahum
1.Chapter One: The God of Israel
Burden= prophecy against (1)
God'snature (1-7)
slowto anger (3)
God'saction (8-15)
2.Chapter 2: The Siege and Fall of Nineveh
TheSiege (1-6)
callto defend selves (1)
whatGod did to Israel (2)
theinvaders (3)
thedefense (4-5)
gateopened (6)
TheFall (7-13)
captivity& plunder (7-9)
3.Chapter 3: Last Warning
Woeto Nineveh (1-7)
Exampleof No-Amon (8-10)
Hopelessnessof Sitation (11-19)
F.Lessons from Nahum
1.God does act in human history to avenge sin, even that of unbelievers.
2.Who can stand before his indignation? (1:6)
3.God hates lying, stealing, adultery, occultism, slavery, selfishness.
IX. Habakkuk
1.not otherwise known
2.note the title "prophet," unique among minor prophets
3.meaning of name obscure (embracer?), probably not significant
predatesBabylonian conquest (605 BC), but probably after 612
C.Acrostic Outline
Why is evil unpunished
Haughty Chaldea will fall
Yielding to God's sovereignty
D.Key Verses 3:17-19:
Thoughthe fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though theolive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep inthe pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will bejoyful in God my Savior. TheSovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, heenables me to go on the heights.
E.The Prophecy of Habakkuk
1.Habakkuk's First Complaint (1:1-4)
"God,why don't you punish Judah for their disobedience?"
2.God's Answer (1:5-11)
"Iam about to do so. I will use theBabylonians to do it."
3.Habakkuk's Second Complaint (1:12-2:1)
"God,how can you use them? They are worse than the Jews!"
4.God's Answer (2:2-20)
"Iwill protect the righteous and punish the sinner."
Fivewoes against:
5.Habakkuk's Prayer (chapter 3)
Formercy (2)
Thefearfulness of the LORD (3-15)
Habakkuk'sresolve (16-19)
F.Lessons from Habakkuk
1.We cannot understand the righteousness of all God's acts in this life; we musttrust Him.
2.We should not expect things to go easy with us should God judge our nation; butwe should have Job's attitude, "Though He slay me, yet will I trustHim."
X. Zephaniah
A.Author and Date
1.Name occurs twice elsewhere in OT (1 Chr 6:36 and Jer 21:1), but probablyneither is our prophet; fourth generation descendant of King Hezekiah
2.Time of prophecy given in 1:1 as reign of Josiah (640-609 BC); lived at time ofJeremiah, Nahum, Habakkuk
B.Historical Background
1.The Last Kings of Judah
2.The Reign of Manasseh - great wickedness
2Kings 21:1-18
2Chr 33:1-20
3.The Reign of Josiah - great (but shallow?) revival
2Kings 22-23
2Chr 34-35
C.Acrostic Outline
Judah's day of wrath
Enemies of Judah punished
Wrath and coming restoration
D.Key Verse 1:12
Atthat time I will search Jerusalem with lamps, and punish those who arecomplacent, who are like wine left on its dregs, who think "The LORD willdo nothing, either good or bad."
E.The Prophecy of Zephaniah
1.Warning of Judgment on Jerusalem (chap 1)
destructionuniversal (2-4a)
destructionof false worship (4b-6)
Malcham= Molech, god worshiped w/ child sacrifice
dayof LORD (7-18)
punishmenton royalty, merchants, complacent
dayof gloom
2.Call to Repentance (2:1-3)
seekLORD that you may be sheltered
3.Judgment on Surrounding Nations (2:4-15)
4.Jerusalem Present and Future (chap 3)
a.Present (1-7)
warningsignored (5-7)
thereforewait (8)
remnantregathered (9-13)
praisefor God's blessing (14-20)
F.Lessons from Zephaniah
1.Again, God intervenes in history to punish both the people of God and theheathen for disobedience.
2.He may protect His people in such times, but He may allow them to suffer withthe wicked.
3.In any case, His people need not fear His work is "going down thedrain." God will bringvictory in His time.
4.Those who trust Him can be comforted even in the worst circumstances by lookingbeyond.
XI. Haggai
A.Author and Date
1.Haggai mentioned in Ezra 5:1 and 6:14.
2.Several dates given in book itself, all in the 2nd year of the Persian KingDarius (I), 520 BC.
1.Return from Babylonian captivity 538-536 BC (Ezra 1)
2.Rebuilding altar and laying foundation of temple (Ezra 3:1-6, 8-13).
3.The work on temple stopped by authorities, 536-635 BC (Ezra 4:1-5, 24).
4.The work resumed under Haggai and Zechariah, 520 BC (Ezra 5:1-5, 13-16),completed in 516 BC.
C.Acrostic Outline
God's temple needs rebuilding
Older temple less glorious
D.Key Verse 2:9:
"Theglory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the formerhouse," says the LORD Almighty, "And in this place I will grantpeace."
E.The Prophecy of Haggai
1.Build the temple! (1:1-11)
given1st day of 6th month, about Sept, 520 BC
panelledhouses cp with unfinished temple (4)
consideryour ways! (5-11)
God'scurse on disobedience
2.I am with you! (1:12-15)
given23 days later
3.Don't despise small beginnings! (2:1-9)
givenabout one month still later
similarreaction earlier (Ezra 3:12-13)
thoughbuilding little cp with Solomon's,
willone day be greater
4.Blessing to begin (2:10-19)
givenabout two months later
ritualpollution a parable of Israel's (11-14)
contrastformer curse w/ coming blessing (15-19)
5.Zerubbabel pictures God's future conqueror (2:20-23)
"Iwill shake" connects w/ 2:6-7
Zerubbabelan ancestor of Jesus (Matt 1:12)
prophecylike that to 12 sons of Jacob (Gen 49)
signetcarries authority of owner
F.Lessons from Haggai
1.God often uses bad circumstances to warn us of our disobedience.
2.We should not let circumstances discourage us from doing God's will.
3.God is with us as we obey Him.
4.We cannot judge the full significance of our service, no matter how lowly,in the light of God's total plan.
XII. Zechariah
A.Author and Date
1.A common OT name, but here have father Berechiah and grandfather Iddo;this Z mentioned in Ezra with Haggai
2.3 dates given in book:
1:1:2nd year of Darius, 520 BC, overlaps Haggai
1:7:later in same year
7:1:2 years later, 518 BC
C.Acrostic Outline
Meaning of Zechariah's vision
Examination with measuring line
Satan and the Branch
Seven lampstands of gold
Interpreting the flying scroll
Act of crowning Joshua
Hearts become like flint
Security comes to Jerusalem
Return of the Messiah
Ephraim and Judah restored
Teaching about wicked shepherds
Understanding whom they pierced
Refining of God's remnant
New kingdom ushered in
D.Key Verse 9:9:
Rejoicegreatly, O daughter of Zion! Shoutin triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; He is just and endowed withsalvation, Humble, and mounted on a donkey, Even on a colt, the foal of adonkey.
E.The Prophecy of Zechariah
1.Introduction (1:1-6)
callto repentance based on Israel's history
2.The Eight Visions (1:7-6:8)
a.Horses and Riders (1:7-17): the earth is at peace, God has returned to build
b.4 Horns and 4 Craftsmen (1:18-21): God will deal with those who scatteredIsrael
c.Man with Measuring Line (2:1-13): Jerusalem to be inhabited, large, prosperous,protected
d.Joshua with Filthy Garments (3:1-10): cleansing of high priest
e.The Golden Candlestick (4:1-14): temple to be completed against all obstaclesby the Spirit of God, working through His two witnesses
f.The Flying Scroll (5:1-4): curse against stealing and false witness inIsrael
g.The Woman and Basket (5:5-11): removal of sin and transgression from Israel (toBabylon)
h.4 Chariots (6:1-8): obscure, probably connected with first vision of 4 horsemen
3.The Symbolic Coronation (6:9-15)
ofMessiah, who is both king and priest
4.The Question on Fasting (7:1-8:23)
self-imposedfasting no substitute for obedience; promise of blessing on Israel symbolizedby converting these fasts to feasts
5.The Restoration of Judah & Destruction of Its Enemies (9:1-10:12)
notecoming king in 9:9-12
6.The Rejection of the Shepherd & Its Consequences (11:1-13:9)
a.Destruction of Jerusalem (11:1-6)
b.Rejection of Good Shepherd (11:7-14)
c.The Evil Shepherd (11:15-17)
d.God's Defense of Jerusalem (12:1-9)
e.The People's Repentance (12:10-14)
f.The Cleansed Land (13:1-6)
g.Israel Purified (13:7-9)
7.The Final Victory of the Shepherd-King (14:1-21)
XIII. Malachi
A.Author and Date
1.Name may be shortened form of Malachiah, "the messenger ofJehovah"; individual not otherwise known
2.Contents of book show problems very much like those late in Nehemiah (Neh 13),so perhaps from same period, 450-425 BC; probably latest book in OT
B.Acrostic Outline
Lord reproves and reminds
Offenses of the priests
Robbing God is cursed
Dawning of new day
C.Key Verses 4:5-6:
Behold,I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great andterrible day of the LORD. And hewill restore the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of thechildren to their fathers, lets I come and smite the land with a curse.
D.The Prophecy of Malachi
1.God's love for Israel (1:2-5)
2.Israel has despised God (1:6-2:9)
pollutedofferings (1:7-9)
shutthe temple, let Gentiles worship! (1:10-11)
Israel'scontempt for worship (1:12-14)
Godwill abase the priests (2:1-9)
3.Israel has mistreated others, esp. their wives (2:10-16)
4.Israel has wearied God with unbelief (2:17-3:6)
5.Israel has robbed God (3:7-12)
6.Israel has spoken against God (3:13-4:3)
7.Summary (4:4-6)
Rememberthe Law (4)
Elijahcoming (5-6)
E.Lessons from Malachi
1.God loves us very much (#1, above).
2.We must beware of treating religion as a mere pastime or occupation (##2,5).
3.We must be faithful to our marriage relationships (#3).
4.We must beware of practical atheism (##4, 6).