The Birth of Jesus (chs1-2)
Genealogy of Jesus theMessiah (1:1-17)
Birth of Jesus (1:18-25)
Visit of the Wise Men(2:1-12)
Flight to Egypt (2:13-15)
Slaying of the Infants(2:16-18)
Return from Egypt (2:19-23)
Preparation for Jesus'Ministry (3:1-4:11)
Preaching of John the Baptist(3:1-12)
Baptism of Jesus (3:13-17)
Temptation of Jesus (4:1-11)
Jesus' Ministry Begins(4:12-25)
Beginning of GalileanMinistry (4:12-17)
Calling of the Four Fishermen(4:18-22)
Ministering to a GreatMultitude (4:23-25)
Sermon on the Mount (chs5-7)
Introduction (5:1-2)
Blessings (5:3-12)
Salt and Light (5:13-16)
Keeping the Law (5:18-20)
Anger (5:21-26)
Adultery (5:27-30)
Divorce (5:31-32)
Oaths (5:33-37)
Retaliation (5:38-42)
Love for Enemies (5:43-48)
Almsgiving (6:1-4)
Prayer (6:5-14)
Fasting (6:16-18)
Treasure in Heaven (6:19-21)
The Light of the Body(6:22-23)
God and Mammon (6:24)
Care and Anxiety (6:25-34)
Judging Others (7:1-6)
Ask, Seek, Knock (7:7-12)
The Narrow Gate (7:13-14)
Tree Known by its Fruit(7:15-20)
I Never Knew You (7:21-23)
The Two Foundations (7:24-29)
Many Miracles (ch 8)
Cleansing a Leper (8:1-4)
Healing a Centurion's Servant(8:5-13)
Healing Many (8:14-17)
Would-Be Followers (8:18-22)
Calming a Storm (8:23-27)
Healing the GadareneDemoniacs (8:28-34)
Controversy Develops (ch9)
Healing a Paralytic (9:1-8)
Matthew Called (9:9-13)
Question about Fasting(9:14-17)
Ruler's Daughter & WomanWho Touched Jesus' Garment (9:18-26)
Healing Two Blind Men(9:27-31)
Healing a Mute Demoniac(9:32-34)
Jesus' Compassion (9:35-38)
Mission of the Twelve(10:1-11:1)
Introduction (10:1-4)
Twelve Commissioned (10:5-15)
Coming Persecutions(10:16-25)
Whom to Fear (10:26-31)
Confessing Christ before Men(10:32-33)
Not Peace but a Sword(10:34-39)
Rewards (10:40-11:1)
Who is Jesus? (11:2-30)
Messengers from John theBaptist (11:2-19)
Woes to Unrepentant Cities(11:20-24)
Come to Me and Rest(11:25-30)
More Controversy (ch 12)
Plucking Grain on the Sabbath(12:1-8)
Man with Withered Hand(12:9-14)
Chosen Servant (12:15-21)
Jesus and Beelzebul(12:22-32)
Tree and its Fruit (12:33-37)
Demand for a Sign (12:38-42)
Return of the Unclean Spirit(12:43-45)
Mother and Brothers of Jesus(12:46-50)
Parables of the Kingdom(13:1-52)
Parable of the Sower (13:1-9)
Purpose of Parables(13:10-17)
Sower Explained (13:18-23)
Parable of Weeds among Wheat(13:24-30)
Mustard Seed and Leaven (13:31-33)
Jesus Use of Parables(13:34-35)
Wheat and Weeds Explained(13:36-43)
Treasure and Pearl (13:44-46)
Parable of Dragnet (13:47-50)
Treasures New and Old(13:51-52)
Growing Polarization(13:53-16:12)
Rejection at Nazareth(13:53-58)
Death of John the Baptist(14:1-12)
Feeding the Five Thousand(14:13-21)
Walking on Water (14:22-33)
Healing Sick at Gennesaret(14:34-36)
Tradition of the Elders(15:1-20)
Canaanite Woman's Faith(15:21-28)
Healing Many (15:29-31)
Feeding of Four Thousand(15:32-39)
Demand for a Sign (16:1-4)
Leaven of Pharisees &Sadducees (16:5-12)
Preparing the Disciples(16:13-20:34)
Peter's Declaration(16:13-20)
Jesus Foretells His Death& Resurrection (16:21-28)
Jesus Transfigured (17:1-13)
Healing Demonized Boy(17:14-20)
Jesus Again Foretells Death& Resurrection (17:22-23)
Payment of Temple Tax(17:24-27)
Greatest in Kingdom (18:1-5)
Temptations to Sin (18:6-9)
Parable of Lost Sheep(18:10-14)
Brother Who Sins (18:15-20)
Parable of UnforgivingServant (18:21-35)
Teaching about Divorce(19:1-12)
Little Children Blessed(19:13-15)
Rich Young Man (19:16-30)
Parable of Vineyard Workers(20:1-16)
Jesus Foretells Death &Resurrection Third Time (20:17-19)
Request of James and John(20:20-28)
Healing Two Blind Men(20:29-34)
The Last Week (chs 21-23)
Triumphal Entry intoJerusalem (21:1-11)
Temple Cleansed (21:12-17)
Fig Tree Cursed (21:18-22)
Jesus' Authority Questioned(21:23-27)
Parable of Two Sons(21:28-32)
Parable of Tenant Farmers(21:33-46)
Parable of Marriage Feast(22:1-14)
Paying Taxes to Caesar(22:15-22)
Question about Resurrection(22:23-33)
Great Commandment (22:34-40)
Question about David's Son(22:41-45)
Scribes and PhariseesDenounced (23:1-36)
Lament over Jerusalem(23:37-39)
The Olivet Discourse (chs24-25)
Destruction of TempleForetold (24:1-2)
Beginning of Woes (24:3-14)
The Great Tribulation(24:15-28)
Coming of the Son of Man(24:29-31)
Lesson of the Fig Tree(24:32-35)
Unknown Day and Hour(24:36-44)
Faithful and UnfaithfulServant (24:45-51)
Wise and Foolish Bridesmaids(25:1-13)
Parable of Talents (25:14-30)
Judgment of the Nations(25:31-46)
The Plot to Kill Jesus(26:1-16)
Prediction and Plot (26:1-5)
Anointing at Bethany(26:6-13)
Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus(26:14-16)
The Last Supper (26:17-35)
Passover with the Disciples(26:17-35)
Preparations (26:17-19)
Betrayer Identified(26:20-25)
Institution of Lord's Supper(26:26-30)
Peter's Denial Foretold(26:31-35)
Jesus' Death (26:36-27:66)
Prayer in Gethsemane(26:36-46)
Jesus Arrested (26:47-56)
Jesus Before the Council(26:57-68)
Peter Denies Jesus (26:69-75)
Jesus Brought before Pilate(27:1-2)
Judas' Remorse and Suicide(27:3-10)
Jesus Questioned by Pilate(27:11-14)
Jesus Sentenced to Die(27:15-26)
Soldiers Mock Jesus(27:27-31)
Jesus Crucified (27:32-44)
Jesus Dies (27:45-56)
Jesus Buried (27:57-61)
The Tomb Guarded (27:62-66)
Jesus' Resurrection (ch28)
The Empty Tomb, the Angel andJesus (28:1-10)
The Guards Report (28:11-15)
The Disciples Commissioned(28:16-20)
NT Commentary Sets:
Martin, Ralph, NT ed.
Commentaries on Matthew:
Studies in Matthew:
A. Authorship and Date.
1. Matthew's Authorship
a.Internal Evidence
Exceptfor the title (and we never have a copy of Matthew with any other person listedin the title), the text is anonymous (i.e., the writer never indicates when heis alluding to himself in an identifiable manner). We do not know if the title was put on the autograph by theauthor or not.
Giventhat Matthew wrote it, is interesting that in his Apostle list (Matt. 10:2‑4) he calls himself a taxcollector, not exactly a popular profession in NT Palestine!
b.External Evidence
ThenMatthew wrote the oracles (τα λόγια) in theHebrew dialect(διαλέκτω), but everyone interpretedthem as he was able.
Theoriginal of Papias' Exposition isnot extant, but extracts are cited by several ancient and medieval writers, andthe whole was apparently still extant in the middle ages.
Whatis meant here by "the oracles": Was this the Gospel? Liberals who hold to the Two Document Theory (see our later discussionof the Synoptic Problem) often say that "the oracles" were the Qsource.
However,Papias later uses "oracle" to refer to Mark, and everyone agrees heis referring to the Gospel there. Irenaeus gives the same tradition regarding its origin, but explicitlyidentifies it as the Gospel of Matthew.
Whatis meant by "Hebrew dialect"? This could refer to either Hebrew or Aramaic language, as both aresometimes called "Hebrew" in antiquity. This would imply that the original of Matthew was in Hebrewor Aramaic, and it was translated later.
Inopposition to the above idea, some take "dialect" to mean "Greekwritten in a Hebraistic style." This theory does not fit Papias' comment as well, as it is hard to seehow a simple stylistic difference would make Matthew so difficult tointerpret. The idea of a languageforeign to a Greek audience is more in keeping with Papias' remark.
Recently,George Howard at the University of Georgia has argued that a rather poorlypreserved text of the original Hebrew of Matthew has come down to us in amedieval Jewish polemical (anti-Christian) text Even Bohan
NowMatthew published also a book of the Gospel among the Hebrews in their owndialect, while Peter and Paul were preaching the Gospel in Rome and foundingthe Church.
Notethat Irenaeus calls Matthew's work a Gospel, in the Hebrew dialect, and givesit a date C when Peter and Paul were in Rome (we know Paul was in Rome in early60's AD).
Eusebius, ChurchHistory 5.10.3
Pantaenuswas a Christian from Alexandria, Egypt, who was head of the catechetical schoolthere before Clement and Origen.
Noticethat this is indirect information: "The story goes that ..."
Theremark about India is not far‑fetched; there was travel between India andthe Roman world at this time.
Headof catechetical school after Pantaenus. Left Alexandria during persecution in 203, died 210-217 AD.
Againin the same books Clement gives a tradition of the early presbyters concerningthe order of the Gospels in the following manner: He said that those Gospelswhich contain the genealogies were written first; but the Gospel accordingto Mark had this occasion...
By"tradition of the presbyters", Clement means
Explicitlystates that Matthew and Luke were written first, so before Mark.
Clement'ssuccessor in Egypt; later went to Caesarea, where he built up a large library inherited eventually byEusebius.
Inthe first of the books onthe Gospel according to Matthew,observing the ecclesiastical canon, he testifies that he knows only four Gospels, writing somewhatas follows: As he has learned bytradition concerning the four Gospels, which alone are undisputed in the Churchof God under heaven, that first there was written the Gospel according toMatthew, the one‑time publican but afterwards an apostle of JesusChrist, who published it in the Hebrew language(γράμμασιv) for those from Judaism whobelieved.
Order:is Origen giving chronological or canonical order here?
Language= letters. This is clearer thansaying "dialect."
Thenext two witnesses are important more for their access to written documentswhich have not survived than for their likely access to reliable oraltradition. Eusebius is the majorhistorian of the ancient church, Jerome one of its best scholars.
Bishopof Caesarea after the end of Roman persecution, with access to the same libraryas Origen.
Yetof all the disciples of the Lord, only Matthew and John have left us memoirs; and they, it is reported, hadrecourse to writing only under pressure of necessity. For Matthew, who preached earlier to Hebrews, when he wasabout to go to others also, committing his Gospel to writing in his nativetongue, compensated by his writing for the loss of his presence to those fromwhom he was sent away.
"Memoirs"- an ancient genre for famous people thinking back over events in their ownlives. Matthew and John had notplanned to write but when they saw the need arise (e.g., leaving Palestine)they did so.
Matthewwho is also called Levi, and who changed from a publican to an Apostle, was the first one in Judaea to
c.Summary on Authorship of Matthew
Thisis consistent with title and content of the first Gospel.
Thisis frequently disputed today, as most liberals (and many conservatives) thinkMatthew's Gospel uses Mark's.
This,too, is often disputed today because the extant Greek Gospel does not look liketranslation‑Greek from a Semitic language. [Translation-Greek: a lot of Hebrew syntax and vocabulary range carried over into theGreek.] The LXX is an example oftranslation‑Greek in most of its text, though it varies from book tobook.
Butit could be that the translator tried to give it a more fluent Greekstyle. Some OT translations intoGreek were concerned about style: e.g.
Symmachusand Theodotion ‑ good Greek style;
contrastAquila ‑ very literal translation Greek.
InEnglish, interlinears have their English in translation-English; the NASB issomething like translation-English; the NIV has a good English style.
PerhapsMatthew himself made a free translation at a later time.
Effecton inspiration if it is a translation: No problem if Matthew translated it. More a concern if done by someone besides an apostle or atrusted associate (Luke, etc.). However, the church has been without the Bible in the original languagesfor long periods in church history: Western church only had Latin in Middle Ages. Even today, most Americans don't know the Biblicallanguages.
Whatlanguages were used in Palestine in NT times? Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek were all used in Bar-Kochbamaterials which we have found recently in caves. Latin, Greek, and Hebrew (or Aramaic) were used in the
2. Date of Matthew's Gospel
a.Internal evidence
Internalevidence is of very little help here. Two remarks suggest that it was not written immediately after the resurrection (i.e. in the 30's):
Matt28:15 "This story was widely spread among the Jews to this day."
Bothimply a significant time interval between the event and writing, but don=t sayhow much.
Liberalstend to date Matt after 70 AD, partly to place it after Mark (which they datejust before 70), and partly to "post‑date" Jesus' predictions:
Liberalssay Mark could be written just before the fall of Jerusalem since that Gospeldoes not include these details as clearly.
Obviouslythis is no problem to believers, since all these are in prediction contexts,and Jesus can predict the future.
b.External evidence
Matthewwas written before earliest surviving manuscripts.
Epistle of Pseudo‑Barnabas (probably writtenc132 AD) cites Matt. 22:14 ("many called, few chosen") saying"as the Scripture says," but doesn't name Matthew. Liberals sayMatthew was written by then, but Pseudo‑Barnabas misremembered quote asOT Scripture.
Traditionon authorship would require that it be written within Matthew's lifetime,probably no later than 100 AD, possibly much earlier. This is limited by Matthew's age: Since he was an adult with some authority (tax collector) byc30 AD, it is doubtful he was living after 100 AD. Thus the traditions imply that Matthew was written in the1st century. Allusions in other Apostolic Fathers, including Clement (c95 AD)would agree with this.
Irenaeus'tradition would date it to c61‑68 AD.
Severalother traditions make Matthew's Gospel the first one written, so it might beeven earlier.
Luke(see below) was probably written in late 50's, so Matthew's date would then beearlier.
c.Various proposals for Matthew's date
Theserange from 37 AD (Old Scofield Bible) to 125 AD (so Robert Kraft, a liberal atU. Penn.). 37 AD is probably tooearly for the "to this day" references. 125 AD is far too skeptical of historical sources.
Mysuggestion for date: Irenaeusslightly mistaken. Matthew wrote aHebrew Gospel in the 40's or 50s before he left Jerusalem (note when Paul visitsJerusalem, he found only Peter and John there). Matthew later made a Greek edition in the 60's for wideruse. Thus Irenaeus is correctabout author and language, but mistakes its publication in Greek (61‑68AD) for its original Hebrew composition in the 40's or early 50's.
Papias'sstatement implies that for some time Matthew was the only written Gospelavailable and was in demand even in its Hebrew form as apparently no Greektranslation had been made yet.
Thismodel is proposed to fit (1) the tradition of Matthew being the first Gospelwritten, with (2) the evidence for a pre‑60 date of Luke.
B. Characteristics of Matthew
1.Matthew the author
Heis mentioned by name 7 times in 4 different books of the NT, but these involveonly 2 occasions: (1) his conversion and (2) the apostle lists.
Conversion:Matt 9:9, Mark 2:14, Luke 5:27,29 ‑ was a tax‑collector, so held adinner for old friends to meet Jesus. An interesting picture of the reaction of a new convert.
Apostlelist: Matt 10:3 (only list using term "publican"), Mark 3:18, Luke6:15, Acts 1:13. In these lists, theapostles are always grouped in 3 groups of 4 and are never mixed betweengroups. Matthew is always in the2nd group, as either #7 or #8.
2.Matthew's Original Audience
Matthew'sMessianic emphasis is more appropriate for Jews.
Histendency to assume a knowledge of Jewish practices (rather than to explainthem) suggests principal readers in view are Jews and Jewish Christians.
3.Aim and Structure of Matthew.
1)Aim ‑ no direct statement is made in the Gospel.
Contentssuggest Matthew's purpose is to show Jesus as the Messiah who fulfilled OTprophecies. Matthew cites moreprophecies and a wider variety of them than any other Gospel writer.
Matthewappears to draw a subtle parallel between the ministry of Jesus and the historyof Israel.
2)Internal evidence of structure.
Wetry to find out how the writer would have outlined the material (not makingarbitrary guesses); this gives more accurate view of book's structure.
Mt4:17 "to preach" = begins ministry to multitudes.
Mt16:21 "to show His disciples" = begins His private ministry to thedisciples and outlines the rest ofthe book: suffer, be killed, rise.
Usually5 are seen (Godet, Introduction to the NT), ending with the formula: "And it came to pass when Jesushad finished ..."
Somesay Matthew models his Gospel around the Pentateuch, so have 5 discourses = 5books. Sermon on Mount would fitExodus, but what of Genesis?
Somesee further (but non‑chronological) parallels of: Genealogy = Book of thegenerations. Wildernesstemptation = Wanderings.
Butthere are 2 other discourses in Matthew, not just 5:
Mt3: Discourse of John the Baptist.
Itappears that Matthew is giving topical samples of Jesus' preaching relevant towho Jesus is. Attempts to getthese samples to fit the Pentateuch seem rather far-fetched.
c)Is Matthew involved in shifting materials?
Somesuggest that Matthew gathered materials by theme rather than ordering themchronologically.
Hisdiscourses are admittedly by topic. His miracles are mainly concentrated in ch.8‑9.
Matthew'sorder of events is different from that of Mark and Luke in a few places.
Butwe find no solid evidence of chronological liberty between the Gospels (i.e.,the same events explicitly said to have happened in a different order).
Asan itinerant preacher, Jesus doubtless repeated the same/similar teachingmaterial on different occasions.
Differentcultures have different literary procedures. Quotations must follow a specific accuracy and style for anacademic thesis, but the requirements for a newspaper article are not asformal. Of course, to inventdialogue which never occurred is bad in any culture.
Whencondensing a long speech or narrative, a writer might either use key sentencesfrom a discourse, simplify the action or summarize it in his own words.
4.Characteristic phrases in Matthew
Someof these fulfillments are also noted in other Gospels, but not so many as inMatthew. Some liberals havesuggested that a book of testimonies (a compilation of OT prooftexts about theMessiah) was used in the early church. This may be so, but it is more likely (cp. Luke 24:27) that these goback to Jesus' own explanation of Messianic prophecy after hisresurrection.
2)"Kingdom of Heaven" occurs over 30 times.
Thisis apparently synonymous with "kingdom of God" in Mark and Luke.
5.Other Materials Unique to Matthew
2)Matthew's birth material is distinctive.
BothMatt and Luke narrate Jesus' birth; both are clear on the virgin birth.
Mattnotes the Wise men coming, Herod's attempt to kill Jesus, and the flight toEgypt.
Mattappears to give Joseph's perspective (see him wondering, worrying, acting),while Luke gives Mary's viewpoint.
OnlyMatthew discusses the Church, even though it is the most Jewish Gospel.
4)Great Commission ‑ Matt. 28.
Acommission also appears in Mark (but in questionable text), Luke, Acts andJohn, each (exc Matt & Mark) in a different context than the others.
Liberalsdon't like the implications of "go to all the nations," "be withyou through the ages," and the Trinitarian formula, so they deny this goesback to Jesus. They also questionMatthew's authenticity and date because of perceived conflicts with Acts: (1)command to go vs. early reluctance of apostles; (2) Trinity vs. early baptism"in the name of Christ."
Noneof these is very serious if Xy is true. If Jesus is who the Bible claims he is, then his atoning death andresurrection are certainly news of earth-shaking importance (Psalm 22 says asmuch, and it was certainly written before the rise of Xy).
6. GraphicOutline of Matthew. (| = about onechapter)
| Genealogy
| Birth and Infancy
| Preparation for Ministry
|‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑4:12 (17)
| Public
| Galilean
| Ministry
| ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑13:1
| Limited
| ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑16:21
| Private
| Journey to Jerusalem
| Last Week
| Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion
| Resurrection
7. ASymmetrical Outline of Matthew
fromCharles H. Lohr, Catholic Biblical Quarterly
A Narrative: Birth andbeginnings (1-4)
AŐ Narrative: Death andresurrection (26-28)
The Birth of Jesus
Genealogy (1:1-17)
Emphasison Abraham and David
Abrahamto David
Davidto Babylonian Captivity
BabCapt to Jesus
TheÔfourteensŐ app partly artificial (see 2 Chron 3):
missingJoash, Amaziah, Azariah betw Uzziah and Jotham
missingJehoiakim betw Josiah and Jeconiah
aplay on name "David" is suggested
the3 consonantal letters DVD add up to fourteen
Genealogylooks like Joseph's, moves through royal line
(contrastLuke: Mary's, Davidic line, but not royal)
butJer 22:30 curses Matthew's line (Jeconiah)
Fourwomen in genealogy (not counting Mary)
Tamar(3) (Gen 38) - Canaanite, incest
Rahab(5) (Josh 2 & 6) - Canaanite, prostitute
Ruth(5) (Ruth) - Moabite, faithful
[Bathsheba](6) - Uriah's wife
Birth (1:18-25)
Overlappingdetails w/ Luke:
birthat Bethlehem
ButMatt appears to give Joseph's perspective, Luke Mary's
Joseph'sdeliberation re/ Mary's pregnancy
annunciationto Joseph
dreamsto Joseph re/ flight to Egypt and return
betrothed- Jewish engagement stronger than modern Western type
foundto be pregnant - presumably by Joseph
righteousman - not sure connection w/ what follows
sonof David
don'tbe afraid to take her
conceivedby Holy Spirit
callname Jesus (Yeshua - He [God]saves)
fulfillmentof Isa 7:14, 9:6-7, 8:10
Josephis obedient (see also 2:14, 21, 23)
takesher as wife
nosexual relations until after birth
Wise Men (ch 2)
Gifts– Christmas carol "We Three Kings" emphasizes symbolism:
goldfor king
incensefor God
myrrhfor burial
practically,gifts prob financed flight to Egypt
Flightto Egypt
reasonsfor this direction
Preparation for Jesus'Ministry (3:1-4:11)
Preaching of John the Baptist(3:1-12)
JohnŐsclothing: traditional prophetic attire? cp Ascension Isaiah 2:7-11
MoreDetail on Message:
mustlive lives consistent with repentance
baptismnot enough?
ancestrynot enough
alreadyaxe laid to root
theComing One:
greaterthan John, not worthy to be his servant
baptismw/ HS and w/ fire
figureof winnowing, harvest
Baptism of Jesus (3:13-17)
Johnrecognizes him
asMessiah yet?
orfrom childhood acquaintance?
Jesus'baptism to fulfill all righteousness
perhapsbaptism as symbol of judgment
seeKline, By Oath Consigned forbaptism as judgment
Jesusidentifying with his people
HolySpirit descends like a dove
voicefrom heaven:
Son,beloved, well-pleased
The Temptation of Christ(Matt 4:1-11)
Compareand Contrast with:
Temptationof Adam and Eve in Garden
Temptationof Israel in Wilderness
FirstTemptation (vv 3-4)
Jesusis presumably very hungry by this time
commandstones to become bread
showself to be Son of God?
usemiracles for own comfort, advantage?
Jesus'response: Deut 8:3
notby bread alone (note context)
dependon God for everything
SecondTemptation (vv 5-7)
jumpoff temple pinnacle
showothers you are Son of God?
short-circuitthe atonement?
usemiracles to wow audience?
fulfillŇcome suddenly to his templeÓ?
Satancan quote Scripture, too!
Ps91:11-12 (note context)
Jesus'response: Deut 6:16
don'tput God to test
notecontext here and ref to Ex 17:7
ThirdTemptation (vv 8-10)
notedifferent order in Luke
doesSatan repeat temptations?
seemsvery blatant, not subtle like others
becomeMessiah without opposition?
compromisein order to do good?
takeSatan's word over God's?
Jesus'response: Deut 6:13, 10:20
worshipGod only
Jesus' Ministry Begins
Beginningof Galilean Ministry (vv 12-17)
Johnarrested (see Matt 14:3ff)
Jesussettles in Capernaum rather than Nazareth
fulfilmentof Isa 9:1-2
Jesus'message: cp with John BaptistŐs, Matt 3
kingdomis at hand/has come
Callingof the Four Fishermen (vv 18-22)
Peterand Andrew
Jamesand John
relationto other calling accounts?
Mark1:16-20 is same incident as Matthew
Luke5:2-11 is a later incident
Ministeringto a Great Multitude (vv 23-25)
teachingin synagogues:
proclaiminggood news re/ kingdom
drawinglarge crowds from considerable distances
The Sermon on Mount
Teachingabout the Law (5:17-48)
(Trueand False Interpretation)
(Trueand False Outworking)
(Trueand False Security)
Trueand False Judgement (7:1-23)
(Trueand False Reaction)
crowdsamazed at authority of his teaching in contrast to scribes (7:28-29); soperhaps not to be understood merely as repetition of OT law
trueblessedness is not now, but then; it is not having, but being; it is even acertain wretchedness because sin is still given (rather) free rein
Saltand Light (5:13-16)
smallthings which produce large effects; salt: taste, preservation,
Teachingabout the Law (5:17-48)
Jesusnot to destroy but fulfill
Nota letter to disappear until all happens
Don'tyou abolish
Righteousnessmust exceed scr & Pharisees'
includedunder category "murder"
reconcilationtakes precedence over worship
includedunder "adultery"
puritytakes precedence over physical health
includedunder "adultery"
developedfurther in Matt 19
includedunder category "lying"?
comparew/ Matt 23:16-22 and Jas 4:13-17
showwe really believe what we claim to?
Lovefor Enemies (5:43-48)
showslikeness to God
Doinggood deeds to be seen by others is this world's "righteousness"; Godrewards those deeds which are reallygood
privatenot public
simplenot elaborate
sampleprayer given, "Lord's Prayer"
secret;even hiding effects
Treasurein Heaven (6:19-21)
summaryon reward?
certainlyinsight regarding priorities
transitionto next section
Lightof Body (6:22-23)
spiritualinsight vs blindness
probspecialized to money-attitudes,
since"evil eye" meant covetousness
Godand Mammon (6:24)
Mammonis Semitic for money, here personified
Careand Anxiety (6:25-34)
foodand the birds
clothingand the flowers
yourrighteousness must exceed the pagans'
seekfirst God's rule and righteousness
Hewill take care of the rest
Trueand False Judgement (7:1-23)
JudgingOthers (7:1-6)
Somewill not appreciate your help
Ask,Seek, Knock (7:7-12)
Keepasking God for what is good
Don'tbe judging His motives
TrustHim by doing good to others
TheNarrow Gate (7:13-14)
Therearen't many who will enter heaven
TreeKnown by Fruit (7:15-20)
UseGod's yardstick to evaluate teachers
Whatthey do speaks louder than what they say
INever Knew You (7:21-23)
TwoFoundations (7:24-29)
Many Miracles
Cleansinga Leper (1-4)
youare able to cleanse
ifyou want to
Iwant to
touches& cleanses him
Lesson:Who is Jesus?
whenothers touch a leper, they become unclean
whenJesus touches a leper, leper is cleansed!
HealingCenturion's Servant (5-13)
Condensedversion re/ Luke's
e.g.,mediation not mentioned
Centurionasks healing for his servant
Jesusready to go
Centurionexpresses his unworthniess
Centurionunderstands authority
notnecessary to go & do it yourself
amazementat his faith
contrastwith Jews
healsservant without going there
Lessons:Jesus can heal at a distance
ahint at the Gospel going to Gentiles
HealingMany People (14-17)
healing,strengthening of Peter's mother-in-law
manyothers in evening, incl demonized
fulfof Isa 53:4: "bore"
Would-BeFollowers (18-22)
leavesa crowd behind
postponedfollowing? let unsaved do whatthey can do
Calminga Storm (23-27)
whois this?
evenwind and sea obey!
HealingGadarene Demoniacs (28-34)
Matthewexplicit about two demoniacs
demonsknow who Jesus is
comebefore the time?
Jesuslets them enter pigs
Inhabitantsask him to leave
Controversy Develops
Healinga Paralytic (1-8)
Jesusforgives his sins
Scribescomplain: this is blasphemy!
Jesusgives visible evidence of his invisible power
Lesson:Jesus' claim supported by miracle
Callingof Matthew (9-13)
Taxcollector called and comes
Matthew'sfriends (?) share dinner w/ Jesus
Phariseescomplain: bad associations!
doctorsassociate with sick people
whatdoes Hos 6:6 mean?
Jesus'mission is to call sinners
Lesson:people of God not to be a ghetto
Questionabout Fasting (14-17)
Whydon't Jesus' disciples fast?
notnow appropriate
likemourning at a wedding
doesn'tfit new situation
likenew patch on old cloth
likenew wine in old skin
Lessons:doesn't rule out fasting altogether,
butdifferent in new situation which has come
Jairus'Daughter and Bleeding Woman (18-26)
differentconcentration here than in Luke
womanhealed while on way
savedby trusting
Jesussends off mourners & is ridiculed
littlegirl raised
newsspread broadly
importanceof faith
ridiculea hint of coming rejection?
TwoBlind Men Healed (27-31)
doneindoors rather than in public
storyspread in spite of Jesus' warning
Healinga Dumb Man (32-34)
demonized,unique healing
Pharisees:must be Satanic healing!
Compassionof Jesus (35-38)
teachingand healing in all the towns
concernfor crowds, like sheep w/o shepherd
prayto God for more workers
Mission of the Twelve
Missionof the Twelve (1-4)
givenauthority over unclean spirits
Matthewthe tax-collector (only apostle-list that calls him Ôtax collectorŐ)
Cananaean- Aramaic for zealot
Commissioningof the Twelve (5-15)
sendingrestricted to Israelites
message:kingdom of heaven at hand
dependenceon God's provision through hospitality
responsibilityof hearers
ComingPersecutions (16-25)
sentlike sheep among wolves
persecutionby synagogue and government
don'tworry about what to say
hatedby all, including close relatives
ifJesus persecuted/rejected, so also disciples
Whomto Fear (26-31)
don'tfear men, they will be judged
don'thide message
fearGod alone
Heknows all and values you
ConfessingChrist before Men (32-33)
reapingwhat you plant
NotPeace but a Sword (34-39)
Jesus'"good news" won't bring immediate peace
evenclose relatives may be your enemies
trustme with your very life
Rewards(10:40-42, 11:1)
noone who does good will lose their reward
Who is Jesus?
Messengersfrom John the Baptist (2-19)
Jesuscalls his attention to Isa 35:5-6; 42:18; 61:1
Blessedare those who don't take offense at me
allusionto Isa 8:14?
Jesus'eulogy on John the Baptist (7-15)
Johnfulfills Mal 3:10
verse12 tough: 2 alternatives
needviolence to get into kingdom
kingdomafflicted by opponents
Jesus'rebuke to that generation (16-19)
Woeto Unrepentant Cities (20-24)
Chorazin,Bethsaida, Capernaum
fargreater evidence given them than to Tyre, Sidon, Sodom
sofar greater judgment
Cometo Me and Rest (25-30)
theso-called "bolt from the Johannine heaven"
showsJesus did talk like Gospel of John says
God'smercy to children/simple
mysteryof Jesus' person
Jesusas revealer of Father
come,my yoke is easy
More Controversy
PluckingGrain on the Sabbath (1-8)
Phariseesobject that disciples are working on Sabb
cp39 labors of rabbinic literature and question
ofminimal amount of work needed to violate Sabb
Exampleof David
needto satisfy hunger overrides showbread law?
Exampleof priests
needto serve God overrides Sabbath regulations
Somethinggreater than temple is present!
Jesus(as Son of Man) is Lord of Sabbath
proban allusion to Dan 7:13-14
Manwith Withered Hand (9-14)
AnotherSabbath controversy: Is it lawful to heal?
Healshim, but opponents now begin to plot his death
TheChosen Servant (15-21)
Jesuscontinues healings, but discourages publicity
Jesusand Beelzebul (22-32)
healsblind and mute demoniac
crowdsbegin to wonder if this is Messiah
Pharisees:he has demonic power!
dangerto Satan of dividing his forces
howcan you tell where power comes from?
signof the kingdom having come
evidenceof power superior to Satan
importanceof choosing right side
ATree and its Fruit (33-37)
needfor internal change to produce good works
judgmentwill extend to every idle word
Demandfor a Sign (38-42)
Jesuspromises only the "sign of Jonah"
Matthewmentions burial and resurrection of Jonah
Markdoesn't record this part of answer
Lukementions Jonah becoming sign to Ninevites
Returnof Unclean Spirit (43-45)
aparable based on demon phenomena
spiritdwelling in person like person dwelling in house
generation'srejection of Jesus will bring disaster
Motherand Brothers of Jesus (46-50)
spiritualrelationship more important than physical
Parables of the Kingdom
Parableof the Sower (1-9)
broadcastmethod of planting, poss done before plowing
fourkinds of soils (or six) with different responses:
road:seed eaten by birds
thin:no root, burned by sun
weedy:choked by thorns
good:various yields: 100, 60, 30
Purposeof Parables (10-17)
disciples:why parables?
thosewho have, get; those who don't, lose
agift of God
fulfillmentof Isa 6:9-10
blessedevents which are crux of salvation history
SowerExplained (18-23)
seed:word of kingdom
road:don't understand word, Satan takes away
weedy:worries of life, deception of riches choke word
good:hears, understands, bears fruit
Parableof Weeds among Wheat (24-30)
kingdomof heaven like this story
enemyscatters weed seed on top of good planting
servantswant to uproot weeds
masterforbids, let them grow together till harvest
thenthey will be separated
Parablesof Mustard Seed and Leaven (31-33)
leavenput in dough grows till all is leavened
Useof Parables (34-35)
fulfillmentof Ps 78:2
Weedsand Wheat Explained (36-43)
field= world
goodseed sown by Son of Man, bad seed sown by Satan
good/badseeds = sons of kingdom/sons of evil one
harvest= end of age, reapers = angels
Parablesof Treasure and Pearl (44-46)
treaurefound in field (by agricultural laborer?)
goesand sells everything to buy field
pearlfound by pearl merchant
goesand sells everything to buy pearl
Parableof Dragnet (47-50)
whenfull, dragged to shore and fish sorted
TreasuresNew and Old (51-52)
disciplesclaim to understand (!)
Growing Polarization
Rejection at Nazareth(13:53-58)
sameincident as Mk 6:1-6, but not same as Lk 4:16-30
couldn'tunderstand source of Jesus' wisdom
don'tconsider what his miracles might say about this
Jesuswon't/can't do many miracles on acct of their unbelief
hardnessof heart in face of powerful evidence
linkageof faith and God's work
Death of John the Baptist(14:1-12)
accountgiven as flashback to explain Herod's theory
Johnimprisoned for criticizing Herod's marriage
Herodwanted to kill him, but afraid to
trickedby wife Herodias and her daughter
Herod'stheory prob an indicator of his guilty conscience
storyreaches Jesus via John's disciples
dangerof confronting sin
warningof what Jesus is to face
Feeding the Five Thousand(14:13-21)
Jesuswants to get away from crowds due to news above
butthey follow him
Jesushas compassion on crowd, heals many
Feedsthem instead of sending them away
moreleftovers than original food!
prophetlike Moses:
Walking on Water (14:22-33)
sendsdisciples off in boat & dismisses crowd (John 6:15 explains)
spendsseveral hours alone in prayer (temptation? prep for coming crucifixion?)
walksto them on water sometime after 3 AM
Peter'srequest and subsequent failure
Jesusflees temptation?
Jesusrescues his disciples
Jesusencourages Peter's faith and rebukes his weakness
Healing Sick at Gennesaret(14:34-36)
backover on W side of lake
menrecognize Jesus, bring sick, who are healed merely by touching his garment
Lesson:healing like that of woman w/ hemorrhage
Tradition of the Elders(15:1-20)
anotherconfrontation w/ scribes & Pharisees
theyrebuke discipes (& Jesus?) for breaking tradition
Jesusrebukes them for breaking God's law to keep their traditions
e.g.,Corban vs. 5th commandment
realdefilement comes out from within, not vice versa
thetruth will be offensive to some
becareful whom you choose as your guides
needto distinguish picture from reality
Canaanite Woman's Faith(15:21-28)
Jesusat first ignores her request
thensays he is sent only to Israel
finallycommends her faith for her quick and humble response
SometimesGod doesn't seem very compassionate
Godrewards humility, persistence
Healing Many (15:29-31)
anothersummary of Jesus' healing ministry
healsall sorts of diseases, God is glorified
Feeding of Four Thousand(15:32-39)
fromMark, this also East of lake, so perhaps mainly Gentiles
Demand for a Sign (16:1-4)
opponentswant a sign from heaven
somemanuscripts have him give "sign," others just refusal
signfrom heaven is common weather-lore
ironic,humorous, prob original
otherwise,just 2nd reference to Jonah (see 12:39)
Lesson:we need to make good use of the evidence God provides
Leaven of Pharisees &Sadducees (16:5-12)
disciplesmisread Jesus' figurative remark
afterJesus' prodding, they realize he is speaking of danger
inteaching of Pharisees & Sadducees
Lesson:some teaching out there is quite dangerous
Preparing the Disciples
Peter's Declaration(16:13-20)
Jesus Foretells His Death& Resurrection (16:21-28)
fromthen on: the disciples now ready?
Peteris not!
God'sway is victory thru sacrifice
Jesus'prediction of kingdom
Jesus Transfigured (17:1-13)
probpartial fulfillment of prediction above
toinner three only
probwhat John has in mind in Jn 1:14; 1 Jn 1:1; 4:14
Peter'sproposal: here to stay?
theVoice: be quiet & listen to Jesus!
again,keep secret
disciples'question about Elijah
Healing Demonized Boy(17:14-20)
"moonstruck"? actually demonized
disciplescouldn't heal, lacked faith
Jesusrebukes them, casts out demon
Jesus Again Foretells Death& Resurrection (17:22-23)
Payment of Temple Tax(17:24-27)
two-drachma(= 1/2 shekel) tax is religious, not secular
mandatedby OT law (Ex 30:13ff)
Jesus(& Peter) as sons are exempt!
Greatest in Kingdom (18:1-5)
Matt'semphasis on disciples asking Jesus
humilityrequisite for salvation & greatness
Temptations to Sin (18:6-9)
betterto suffer great harm than cause another to sin
betterto suffer great harm than sin oneself
Parable of Lost Sheep(18:10-14)
differentoccasion than in Luke
don'tdespise even least person
Brother Who Sins (18:15-20)
stepsfor reconciliation or judgment
God'sauthority behind church's (proper) actions
Parable of UnforgivingServant (18:21-35)
comparesituation to that of two debtors
strongstatement at end (35)
Teaching about Divorce(19:1-12)
Phariseesask about lawful reasons for divorce
Jesus:don't break what God has joined
Pharisees:what about Moses command? (Dt 24:1)
disciples:better not to marry!
Jesus:perhaps (?), but not everyone can handle this!
Little Children Blessed(19:13-15)
Jesus'response to disciples' rebukes
Rich Young Man (19:16-30)
Jesus:keep commandments to enter life
fellow:have kept everything
Jesus:to be complete, give away your property
Jesus:hard for rich to enter kingdom of heaven
disciples:we've left everything; what do we get?
Jesus:100x as much! but 1st will be last...
Parable of Vineyard Workers(20:1-16)
pictureof God's grace in rewards
andhow mercenary attitudes rewarded
explains1st last...
Jesus Foretells Death &Resurrection Third Time (20:17-19)
Matt(Mk & Lk) emphasize that disciples told in advance
Request of James and John(20:20-28)
motherinvolved too; not sure who is driving force
Jesus:can they drink the cup?
disciplesangry (J & J trying to pull a fast one?)
Jesusgives proper leadership attitudes
Healing Two Blind Men(20:29-34)
two(vs Mark and Luke)
goingout of Jericho (Mt & Mk vs Lk)
theyrecognize his Messiahship
Jesusshows compassion
The Last Week
Triumphal Entry intoJerusalem (21:1-11)
narratedin all four Gospels
Matthewmakes clear that two animals used
seemsto involve miraculous foreknowledge
Matthewnotes fulfillment of Zech 9:9
"Hosanna"- Save us!
Thisis the prophet Jesus
Jesus'claim is Messianic, crowds app don't get it
Temple Cleansed (21:12-17)
castsout moneychangers and merchants
twopassages Jesus uses in justification Isa 56:7; Jer 7:11
responseto anger of opponents over "Hosannas"
Fig Tree Cursed (21:18-22)
Matthewapparently groups curse and fulf together
alesson on faith
anacted parable?
Jesus' Authority Questioned(21:23-27)
opponentstrying to get Jesus to make damaging claim
Parable of Two Sons(21:28-32)
first:rebellious but repents = tax-collectors & harlots
second:good talk, no action = Jewish leadership
attitudesshown in reactions to John the Baptist
Parable of Tenant Farmers(21:33-46)
ifvineyard = Israel, tenants = leaders/Israelites
crowd'sreaction condensed differently in 3 Gospels
impliedin Ps 118:22 (rejected cornerstone)
leaderswant to kill him, but afraid of crowd
Parable of Marriage Feast(22:1-14)
furtherclarification of what is going on here
unwillinginvitees = leaders (rebellious)
replacementinvitees = lower classes, undesirables
(parallelparable in Luke makes Gentiles more obvious)
felloww/o proper garment = no nonchalance allowed
Paying Taxes to Caesar(22:15-22)
attemptto trap Jesus: cp John 7:53-8:11
looksperfect: if "yes" Pharisees will tell people
if"no" Herodians will tell Pilate
Question about Resurrection(22:23-33)
Great Commandment (22:34-40)
Question about David's Son(22:41-45)
turnstables on Pharisees, but also reaching out to them
thisends attempts to trap Jesus in words; too risky
Scribes and PhariseesDenounced (23:1-36)
Jesus'final warning to scribes & Pharisees
talkbut no action
makeit hard for others to come to God
lookingout for own reputation
keepingothers from God
devouringwidows' houses
makingconverts of the wrong sort
twistingthe law: oaths
majoringon minors
sonsof those who murdered prophets
facingmassive judgment
disasterto come on this generation
Lament over Jerusalem(23:37-39)
Jesus'desires and their reaction
houseleft desolate
hintof repentance at last days
The Olivet Discourse
Namedfor location at which it was given, on Mount of Olives
Paralleledin all three Synoptic Gospels:
Mark13; Luke 21
Destruction of TempleForetold (24:1-2)
Jesushas just left temple for last time in public ministry
Jesusresponse: these will one day be leveled
Beginning of Woes (24:3-14)
Theycross Kidron Valley to east to Mt Olives
Disciplesask for private explanation
(1)When will these things happen?
(2)What will be sign of your coming and end of age?
PresumablyJesus' response deals with both
Dangerof being misled by false Messiahs (4-5)
Endis preceded by beginning of birth pangs (6-8)
wars& reports of such
famines& earthquakes here & there
Then(end? beginning of end? interadvent period?) (9-12)
persecutionof Jesus' followers
hatedby all nations
Twoencouragements (13-14)
thosewho endure will be saved
Goodnews will go to all nations before end
The Great Tribulation(24:15-28)
Abominationof desolation spoken of by Daniel (15)
Getout of there! (16-20)
Greattribulation (21-28)
worstin history of world
woulddestroy all flesh, but shortened for elect's sake
falseMessiahs & false prophets doing miracles
electnot deceived (because told in advance?)
don'tbelieve 2nd hand accounts of 2nd coming
lightningand vulture analogies
Coming of the Son of Man(24:29-31)
thereal coming is after greattribulation (29)
thesigns (29)
powersof heaven shaken
thecoming (30-31)
signof Son of Man visible in sky
alltribes mourn
comeson clouds w/ power and glory
sendsangels w/ trumpet to gather elect
Lesson of the Fig Tree(24:32-35)
fig'sbranches and leaves foretell summer
soevents (above) foretell coming
it allhappens in one generation
Iguarantee it
Unknown Day and Hour(24:36-44)
signsnot such as to calculate exact time
noteven Son knows/knew
likedays of Noah
businessas usual till judgment overtakes
onetaken, one left
unknowntime (like thief's coming), but be alert
Faithful and UnfaithfulServant (24:45-51)
twocases re/ overseer slave:
(1)faithful in responsibilities, rewarded (45-47)
Wise and Foolish Bridesmaids(25:1-13)
twocases re/ bridesmaids
goneout to meet bridegroom & procession
(1)wise, took (extra) oil for lamps
(2)foolish, didn't take oil
comingdelayed, all fall asleep
foolishoff looking for oil and shut out of banquet
lookslike two paired parables (servants, bridesmaids)
1st:master returns sooner than expected
2nd:master returns later
Parable of Talents (25:14-30)
mastergives slaves money to trade with while away
(1talent = 60-75 lb silver, c 20 yrs wages)
comparablereward for comparable faithfulness
wickedness,laziness also rewarded
excuseswon't work
unfaithfulness& excuse shows he doesn't know God
Judgment of the Nations(25:31-46)
whenthe Son of Man returns in glory
ajudgment of nations (as individuals)
likeseparation of sheep from goats
parallelfeatures mention:
foodfor hungry
drinkfor thirsty
hospitalityfor strangers
clothingfor naked
carefor sick
vistationfor prisoners
thedecision is clear-cut
righteousto everlasting life
wickedto everlasting punishment
The Plot to Kill Jesus
Prediction and Plot (1-5)
Anointing at Bethany (6-13)
Womananoints Jesus' head with very expensive perfume
Disciplesangry at this waste of money, better given to poor
Jesusdefends her:
shedid something good
youalways have the poor, but not always me
shehas prepared my body for burial
Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus(14-16)
perhapsJudas angered at this
goesto leaders to get offer for betrayal
The Last Supper
Preparations for Passoverwith the Disciples (17-19)
Matthew'saccount quite brief
Disciplesgive message to so-and-so to get place
Disciplesmake preparations
Betrayer Identified (20-25)
Jesuspredicts betrayal by one of twelve
Eachdisciple asks, "It isn't me, is it?"
Jesus'response: he dips with me in same dish
(furtherlimiting?); warning of danger for betrayer
Judasidentified (apparently not understood by others)
Institution of Lord's Supper(26-30)
duringthe meal
takesbread and cup from passover meal
breadrepresents Jesus' body
cup(wine) his blood "of the covenant"
Jesustakes a Nazarite vow?
Peter's Denial Foretold(31-35)
discipleswill scatter in fulfillment of Zech 13:7
Peter:not me!
Jesus:yes, you! 3 times before cock-crow
Peter(and others): never!
Jesus' Death
Prayer in Gethsemane(26:36-46)
disciplesasked to stay awake, but fail
Jesus'grief, anxiety, sadness to point of death
Hisrequest for cup to pass
Hissubmission if this not possible
Jesus Arrested (26:47-56)
greatcrowd w/ swords and clubs
slave'sear cut off
Jesus'rebuke to disciples: don't need your help;
Scripturemust be fulfilled
Jesus'rebuke to crowd: coming against a terrorist?
Scripturemust be fulfilled
disciplesflee to safety
Jesus Before the Council(26:57-68)
preliminaryhearing (see 27:1; Lk 22:66-71 for formal trial)
Peterfollows at distance (narration in next section)
unsucessfulattempt to get (consistent) testimony
Jesuscondemned as worthy of death
Peter Denies Jesus (26:69-75)
threeoccasions, with some complexity
Peter'soath: "I don't know the man!"
remembersJesus' prediction, goes and weeps bitterly
Jesus Brought before Pilate(27:1-2)
earlymorning decision of Sanhedrin
turnedover to Pilate, the Roman governor
Judas' Remorse and Suicide (27:3-10)
Judas'reaction: what had he expected?
"Ihave sinnned in betraying innocent blood!"
Nosympathy from leaders, goes and hangs self
Theirdisposal of returned blood money
Thefulfillment: Zech 11:12-13; Jer 32:6-9?
Jesus Questioned by Pilate(27:11-14)
Pilate:"Are you king of the Jews?"
Jesus'answer same as in 26:25, 64: yes, with some ambiguity
astonishedat Jesus' silence before accusers
Jesus Sentenced to Die(27:15-26)
Pilate'sattempt to get crowd on Jesus' side
knowsleaders betrayed Jesus for envy
hasheard warning from own wife
Butcrowd has been sold on Barabbas
Theblood scene:
Pilate:washes his hands
Crowd:his blood be on us and our children!
Soldiers Mock Jesus(27:27-31)
severalhundred men at governor's HQ
stagea mock coronation with brutality
Jesusled off to be crucified
Jesus Crucified (27:32-44)
Simoncarries cross
crucifiedat "skull place" (skull-shaped hill?)
Jesuswon't drink drugged wine
thecharge: "king of the Jews"
therobbers: Matt does not narrate their repentance
mockeryby passers-by, even leaders (the last temptation?)
Jesus Dies (27:45-56)
darknessfrom noon to 3 PM
Jesus'shout and Ps 22:1
misunderstoodas cry to Elijah
Jesusgives up his spirit
templecurtain ripped
tombsopened (and later appearances of saints)
centurion'sresponse: "Truly, God's Son!"
Jesus Buried (27:57-61)
Josephof Arimathea gets body
putsit in his new tomb, closed w/ large stone
The Tomb Guarded (27:62-66)
Pilateallows tomb to be guarded
Jesus' Resurrection
The Empty Tomb, the Angel andJesus (28:1-10)
womencome to tomb (two women named); narr prob compressed
theyand guards see angel, but prob not simultaneously
The Guards Report (28:11-15)
someof guard report to chief priests
storycontinues to day Matthew wrote
The Disciples Commissioned(28:16-20)
disciplesgo to Galilee to mountain Jesus had specified
Jesus'commission to his followers:
Fatherhas given me all authority in universe
Iam with you every day to end of age