Cornell University
14 November 1981
Miracles: True andFalse
Robert C. Newman
Interestin miracles reviving in recent years.
Especiallyinterest, in contrast to my own college days at Duke, 1959-63.
Wesee a resurgence of the occult also.
Perhapsthe experiences of Carlos Castaneda have been influential.
Definition of Miracle
Dowe properly define ÒmiracleÓ as a Òviolation of natural lawÓ?
It is true thata miracle is thought of as something that doesnÕt naturally happen.
But how do weknow it violates natural law?
Does a humanaction (say, picking up a pencil) violate natural law?
How well do weunderstand the universe?
Cosmologicallevel (time before the big-bang; space beyond telescope range)
Local level(space curvature & its implications re/ more than three spatial dimensions)
Human level(cybernetics & the problem of a machine initiating an action; consciousness& integration of stimuli; out-of-body experiences)
A suggesteddefinition:
A miracle is ahighly unusual event or combination of events which purports to be the resultof personal interaction with natural phenomena by means which transcend knownphysical laws.
Do MiraclesOccur?
Hume (ConcerningHuman Understanding, ¤10): uniformexperience against miracle, so accept any natural explanation first.
Harnack (Whatis Christianity, 24-25): ancients expectedmiracles, didnÕt understand nature.
Bultmann (JesusChrist & Mythology, 15): universe is aclosed system of cause and effect.
Evidence for themiraculous:
True &False Miracles
# | True | False | Comment |
1 | Really miraculous | Not really miraculous | Not all strange events are miraculous. |
2 | Good guide | Misleading | Re/ meaning of life |
Life isdangerous; we have to make many decisions which have long-range consequences;some such decisions cannot be avoided; remember PascalÕs wager.
Two foolisherrors here:
(1) To deny themiraculous because you donÕt like the kind of world in which such would exist.
(2) To acceptthe miraculous without any concern whether all that is miraculous is on theside of good.
This is far tooimportant a decision to leave to others to make for you.