Course Notes


for NT 590











Robert C. Newman

Biblical Theological Seminary

Hatfield, Pennsylvania





I. Course Introduction


A. The "Dangers" of Revelation


            1.Dangers from both sides:

                        insome circles book is neglected

                        inothers, book is overemphasized to neglect of equally important matters


            2.Why sometimes neglected?

                        bookthought to be unintelligible

                        somerepelled by its symbolism

                        someturned off by its interpreters

                        somedon't like to think of heaven & hell


            3.Why thought unintelligible?

                        widevariety of interpretations

                        (fourquite distinct approaches; here give extremes)


                        a.Contemporary View (Preterite)

                                    booktalks about events of John's time only


                        b.Historical View (Church Historical)

                                    bookspecifically referring to events over whole of church history


                        c.Future View (Futurist)

                                    bookrelates only to events at end of age


                        d.Spiritual View (Idealistic)

                                    bookdescribes spiritual warfare by means of symbols


                        mosthold some combination of these views with emphasis on one or other


            4.Unusual and strong symbolism

                        somerepelled by it

                        someinterpret it literally

                        someevaporate meaning



B. The Rewards of Revelation


            blessingpromised in Rev 1:3 on those who read, hear & keep what is written in book

            valueof the big picture

            centralityof Christ

            importanceof worship

            protectionagainst influence of world in own lives


C. The Writing of Revelation



                        a.According to Book: John (1:1,4,9; 22:8)

                        b.Which John?

                                    (1)modern suggestions include John Mark, John the Baptist or some unknown John aswell as John the Apostle

                                    (2)ancient evidence all points to Apostle John (Justin, c 150; Muratorian Canon& Irenaeus, c170; Hippolytus & Origen, c 225)

                                    (3)stylistic evidence  more ambiguous,but Rev only other place in NT besides John where Christ is called "theWord" (Rev 19:13)


            2.Date of Writing

                        a.According to Book: when on Island of Patmos (1:9)

                                    thisis when vision occurred, and 10:4 suggests John is writing while vision isgoing on

                                    probablyan exile during persecution (cp 6:9; 12:17 and tradition)

                        b.When Was That?

                                    (1)Some try to date by identifying name coded by "666" in 13:18, and bysixth king in 17:10, as being some Roman emperor at time of writing; not verysuccessful

                                    (2)External evidence not as solid as for authorship, but earliest evid points to c95 AD, during Domitian persecution

                                    (3)Some evid favors Nero's reign (c 65 AD), but state of church at Laodicea(3:14ff) doesn't fit (destroyed by earthquake in 60 or 64, would still berebuilding)



                        ApostleJohn, about 95 AD, in exile on Patmos during Domitian's persecution



D. A Sketch Outline of Revelation


            1. Prologue (1:1-8)


            2. The First Vision (1:9-3:22): The Present

                        a.Vision of Glorified Christ (1:9-20)

                        b.His Seven Letters (2:1-3:22)


            3. The Second Vision (4:1-16:21): The Future


                        a.The Heavenly Throne-Room (4:1-11)


                        b.The Seven Seals (5:1-8:1)

                                   (1)The Scroll & the Lamb (5:1-14)

                                   (2)Six Seals Opened (6:1-17)

                                   (3)The Seal Interlude: Two Multitudes (7:1-17)

                                               (a)The 144,000 (7:1-8)

                                               (b)The Innumerable Multitude (7:9-17)

                                   (4)The Seventh Seal (8:1)


                        c.The Seven Trumpets (8:2-14:20)

                                   (1)Trumpets Prepared (8:2-6)

                                   (2)Six Trumpets Sounded (8:7-9:21)

                                   (3)The Trumpet Interlude: Two Witnesses (10:1-11:13)

                                               (a)The Angel with the Scroll (10:1-11)

                                               (b)The Temple & the Two Witnesses (11:1-13)

                                   (4)The Seventh Trumpet (11:14-20)


                        d.The Second Vision Interlude: Beauty & Beast (12:1-14:20)

                                   (1)The Dragon, the Woman & Her Seed (12:1-17)

                                   (2)The Two Beasts (13:1-18)

                                   (3)The 144,000, the 3 Angels & the 2 Harvests (14:1-20)


                        e.The Seven Bowls (15:1-16:21)

                                   (1)Bowls Prepared (15:1-8)

                                   (2)Seven Bowls Poured Out (16:1-21)


        4. The Third Vision(17:1-21:8): The End


                        a.Babylon Destroyed (17:1-19:5)

                                   (1)The Woman on the Beast (17:1-18)

                                   (2)The Judgment of Babylon (18:1-19:5)


                        b.Final Victory (19:6-21:8)

                                   (1)The Marriage of the Lamb (19:6-10)

                                   (2)Christ's Second Coming (19:11-21)

                                   (3)The Millennial Rule (20:1-10)

                                   (4)The Last Judgment (20:11-15)

                                   (5)New Heavens & New Earth (21:1-8)


        5. The Fourth Vision(21:9-22:5): The Beginning


                        a.The New Jerusalem (21:9-27)

                        b.The River of Life (22:1-5)


        6. Epilogue (22:6-21)


Interspersed in our notes, we will give chapter summaries,which will include:

            Locationin structure of Revelation, OT background, other background, Greek language notes,the basic picture in this chapter, and various hermeneutical indicators:





Location in Structure of Revelation:

        Prologue (1-8)

        Beginning of FirstVision (9-20)

          extends thruend of chapter 3


O.T. Background:

        He who is, was, etc, (4)- Ex 3:14

        7 Spirits (4) - Isa11:2?; Zech 4:10

        Coming with clouds (7) -Dan 7:13

        Pierced him (7) - Zech12:10

        Golden lampstands (12) -Ex 25:31ff; 1 K 7:49; Zech 4:2

        Head, hair, etc. (14) -Dan 7:9; 10:6; Ezk 1:27; 8:2

        Sword of mouth (16) Isa49:2


Other Background:

        Ancient letter format(4) - sender (nom);

          recipient(s)(dat); greeting (w/ charis)

        Lord's day (10) -Didache 14.1, Ignatius, Magn. 9.1

        Robe w/ chest sash (13)- Josephus, Ant. 3.7.2


Greek Language Notes:

        en tachei (1) - in a short time: soon, quickly

        semaino (1) - indicate (beforehand), foretell, sometimes ofspeech giving vague indication (cp Jn 21:19)

        apo ho on, etc. (4) - cp Ex 3:14 LXX for on

          undeclinedfor unchangeable God?


Basic Picture:

       Glorified X appears to John w/ revelation re/ past (?), present &future, directed to 7 churches (note 1:1, 4, 11; 22:16)

        Thevision (9-20) has a temple setting, app the "heavenly temple" wherethe holy place (on earth?) includes the churches, which X as priest is tending


Hermeneutical Indicators:

        O.T. background -thruout chapter (& book)

        Blessing (3) - stronglysuggests book is understandable

        Outline of book? (19) -what you have seen, what is, & what will be after this

        Interpreted symbols (20)- lampstands & stars



Back to notes outline:


II. The Prologue (1:1-8)


A. Title (1:1-2)


            1.Revelation of Jesus Christ: ambiguity; given to Him, he is revealing, he isrevealed?

            2.Passed on to Christ's servants (us!) via angel & John


                        a.What must soon happen - predictive

                        b.What John saw - visionary

                        c.God's Word - sure; beyond human ability

                        d.The Testimony of Jesus Christ - Christ-centered (?)


B. Blessing (1:3)


            1.Encouragement to Read

            2.Encouragement to Keep (Take to heart? Obey, certainly)

            3.Time is Near 

                        problemof imminency; cp Ps 90; 2 Pet 3:8-9;

                        espIsa 60:22: "in its time ... swiftly"


C. Greetings and Doxology (1:4-6)


            1.Like beginning of letter at this point

                        sender,recipients, greeting

            2.Trinitarian blessing

                        7spirits unusual; will see more later

            3.Doxology: poem praising God

                        hereit is Jesus Christ being praised

                        praisefor His love, redemption, gifts to us



D. Promises (1:7-8)


            1.He is coming again

                        (noteveryone will be happy about this)

            2.God (who stands behind this) described

                        beginningand end (creator and purpose)

                        whois ... (eternally existing)

                        Almighty(who strong enough to stop Him?)


III. The First Vision (1:9-3:22): The Present (i.e., John's Time) 


A. Vision of the Glorified Christ (1:9-20)


            1.Background (9-11):  John describeshimself


                                    onPatmos, on Sunday, in Spirit


                                    writewhat you see

                                    sendit to 7 churches


            2.Christ Described (12-16)

                        Onelike a "son of man"

                                    humanform (prob allusion to Dan 7:13)

                        Dressand lampstands imply priesthood

                        Descriptionimplies supernatural being, usually God

                                    (cpDan 7:9; 10:6; Ezk 1:27-28)

                                    Swordin mouth

                                                probsymbolic, though this is presumably what John saw

                                                (i.e.,God is providing the symbolism, not John)

                                                God'smere word can inflict damage like sword

                        Action:standing among lampstands, holding seven stars


            3.John's Reaction & Christ's Response (17-20)

                        Fallsdown as though dead (cp Isa 6:5; Ezk 1:28; Dan 8:17,18) terror beforesupernatural & God's holiness

                        Christ'sreaction like that on Easter: don't be afraid

                        Describesself as "first & last" (cp 1:8; 22:13)

                        Referenceto resurrection and power over Hades

                        Commandrepeated to write:

                                    whatyou have seen                 |   is this a sketch of

                                    whatis now                             |    book's contents?

                                    whatwill happen later             |

                        Twosymbols explained (few are)

                                    stars= angels (see below)

                                    lampstands= churches



Chapter Two


Location in Structure of Revelation:

        First Vision (chs. 1-3)

         Seven Letters (chs. 2-3)

           1st 4 churches: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira


O.T. Background:

        Left 1st love (4) - Jer2:2

        Tree of life, Paradise(7) - Gen 2:9; 3:22-24

        Ten days (10) - Dan1:12,14

        Balaam, Balak (14) - Num 22-24; 31:8,16

        Hidden manna (17) - Ex16:32-34; John 6:49-51

        New name (17) - Isa56:5; 62:2; 65:15

        Jezebel (20) - 1 Kings16:31; 19:2; 21:25

        Rod of iron (27) - Ps2:8-9


Other Background:

        Strong linkageback to chap 1 & forward thru Rev

        Allusions tocharacteristics of cities?

          (see Ramsay,Letters to 7 Churches in Asia)

          Ephesus:change of position

          Smyrna: deadyet lived; crown, faithful

          Pergamum: sword, throne of Satan

          Thyatira:revels of trade guilds

          Nicolaitans(6,15) - early Xn fathers (Ramsay, 350)

          White stone(17) - vote of acquittal, banquet ticket, amulet (BAGD 892; Beas-Murray, Cairdad loc)

          Morning star (28) -cp Rev 22:16


Greek Language Notes:

       note variant (22):  klinen - bed, phulaken - prison, klibanon-  oven, astheneian - sickness, luctum - mourning 


Basic Picture:

        Letters to churchess ofJohn's time, with parallel structure:

           (1)description of Christ from chap 1




           (5)eschatological promise


Hermeneutical Indicators:

        Obviously representchurches at John's time (preterist)

          possiblythruout church history (historicist)?

          end of age(futurist)?

          lessons forwhole church (idealist)?




B. Christ's Seven Letters (2:1-3:22)


        Toseven of the churches existing in John's time in Asia Minor; not all there wereeven there (e.g., Troas, Colossae); poss chosen to represent completeness

        To angel: angel, pastor,church itself?

        In each, Jesus pictureshimself using features of vision (V) appropriate to given situation

        Eachletter has compliment (exc Sardis & Laodicea) or complaint (exc Smyrna& Phila)(C); a warning or exhortation (E); a promise to overcomers (P); anda general admonition (to all, not just church) to heed the letter


            1.Ephesus (2:1-7)

                        mostimportant of the 7 cities at time; Paul & John active there

                        V:holds stars, walks among lampstands (serving as priest using them?)

                        C:highly commended, but has left 1st love

                        E:repent or lampstand taken away

                        P:eat from tree of life


            2.Smyrna (2:8-11)

                        alsolarge city, destroyed c 625 BC, came back to life 400 yr later

                        V:1st & last, died and came to life again

                        C:poor, persecuted (but really rich)

                        E:don't be afraid; be faithful in persecution

                        P:not hurt by second death (crown of life)


            3.Pergamum (2:12-17)

                        centerof emperor worship; altar to Zeus; Asklepium

                        V:double-edged sword of mouth

                        C:held fast in bad location, persecution; but some follow Balaam &Nicolaitans

                        E:repent or X will fight them

                        P:hidden manna, white stone, new name


            4.Thyatira (2:18-29)

                        notas important as cities above

                        tradeguilds important: copper, leather, wool, linen, dyeing

                        V:Son of God, eyes like fire, feet like bronze

                        C:good and improving; but tolerate prophetess Jezebel

                        E:against Jezebel; no further to rest but to hold fast

                        P:authority over nations; morning star (cp 22:16)


            5.Sardis (3:1-6)

                        inland,impregnable fortress, but twice taken by stealth

                        V:holds 7 spirits (fullness of spirit? cp Jn 3:34) & 7 stars

                        C:living name but dead (a few have not soiled garments)

                        E:wake up, repent, or X will come like thief

                        P:clothed in white; not erased; confessed before Father


            6.Philadelphia (3:7-13)

                        namedfor founder Attalus 2, for love to his brother Eumenes

                        V:holy & true; key of David (not overridden)

                        C:small strength; kept word; not denied Xs name

                        E:coming soon; hold fast; don't lose crown

                        P:made pillar; write on him name of God, X, Jerusalem


            7.Laodicea (3:14-22)

                        wealthycity, able to rebuild in 60s after earthquake w/o govt help; water from warmsprings via aqueduct

                        V:Amen (faithful & true witness); ruler of God's creation

                        C:lukewarm, self-deceived

                        E:be zealous; repent; buy real wealth; let X in

                        P:right to sit w/ X on his throne



Chapter Three


Location in Structure of Revelation:


        First Vision (chs. 1-3)

          SevenLetters (chs. 2-3)

           last 3 churches: Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea


O.T. Background:


        Seven spirits (1) - seenote on 1:4 - Zech 3:9, 4:10

        Soiled clothes (4) -Zech 3:3

        Book of life (5) - Ex32:32-33; Ps 69:28

        Key of David (7) - Isa22:22

        Fall down at your feet(9) - Isa 49:23

        Pillar, write on him(12) - Isa 56:5

        Rich (17) - Hos 12:8


Other Background:


        Allusions tocharacteristics of cities?

          (Ramsay, Lettersto 7 Churches of Asia)

          Sardis:lived on past prestige; thief in night (387-8)

         Philadelphia: missionary city; dread of disaster; went outside; took newname (398)

          Laodicea:lukewarm, compromising; rich; garments (black vs white); eye medicine (424-29)


Greek Language Notes:


        tereo ek (10) - cp Jn 17:15


Basic Picture:


        See notes on chap 2


Hermeneutical Indicators:


       Strongest references to Lord's coming are in letters 1 (2:5), 3 (2:16),4 (2:25), 5 (3:3), 6 (3:11)

        If historical interpcorrect, would expect this only in #7, which merely has 3:20

        Preterite(actual churches in John's time) and idealist ("to him whoovercomes"; "he who has an ear") seem best attested for chaps2-3


Chapter Four


Location in Structure of Revelation:


        Beginning of SecondVision (4:1-16:21)

          Forms preludeto incident of scroll, Lamb & seals

          Possiblyprelude to whole vision also


O.T. Background:


        Heaven opened (1): Ezk1:1 (cp Matt 3:16; Acts 10:11; 2 Cor 12:2ff)

        In Spirit (2): Ezk 1:3;2:2, 3:12,14

        One on throne (2): 1 K22:19ff; Isa 6:1ff; Ezk 1:26; 1:1; Dan 7:9ff

        Rainbow (3): Gen 9:13ff;Ezk 1:28

        24Elders (4): orders of priests, Levites? (1 Chron 24,25); heavenly council? (1 K22:19ff); 12 tribes + 12 apostles? (cp Rev 21:12-13)

        7 Lamps (5): Ex 37:23;Zech 4:2,10

        Sea of glass (6): Dan7:10? (cp Rev 15:2); Ex 30:17; 31:9; 1 K 7:23-26

        4 Creatures (6-8):seraphim (Isa 6:2-7); cherubim (Ezk 1:5-21; Ex 25:18-22)


Other Background:


        Gemstones (3): somequestion of exact identifications


Greek Language Notes:


        lampas (5): lamp, lantern, torch (10 Virgins, arrest ofJesus) rather than luchnia (ch1): lampstand (under bushel, in temple)


Basic Picture:


        Throne room scene inheaven, app w/ some temple features

        Emphasizes holiness ofGod in His own nature, worthiness of God as Creator

        Location in structure ofRev may be to emphasize God's control over disasters which follow


Hermeneutical Indicators:


        OT connections (thoughout)

        7 lamps = 7 spirits (5)

        John describes howthings look (3,6,7, etc.)



IV. The Second Vision (4:1-16:21): The Future


A. The Heavenly Throne-Room (4:1-11)


            1.John Carried to Heaven (1-2)

                        inthe Spirit (i.e., in a vision)

                        somesee rapture of church represented here, but no such significance for othertransports (17:3; 21:10)


            2.The One on the Throne (2-3)

                        throne:Dan 7:9, of Ancient of Days

                                    Ezk1:26, of sapphire (w/ glowing metal, rainbow)

                        notmuch description of person enthroned (like Isa 6)

                                    cpEzk 1, Dan 7, Dan 10

                        presumablythis is God the Father

                                    sinceHS rep in v 5, Christ in ch 5


            3.The 24 Elders (4, 10-11)

                        alsoon thrones, wear crowns

                                    (soruling with or under God?)


                                    (1)angelic beings: God's heavenly council

                                                cpJob 1, Isa 6:8, esp 1 K 22:19-22

                                    (2)humans: 24 rep courses of priests and Levites (1 Chron 24, 25);

                                                or24 = 12 + 12, rep Israel (12 tribes) and church (12 apostles)


            4.Other Features (5-6)

                        thunder,lightning, etc.: God's majesty? fearful power?           

                                    (recallEx 20:16; Deut 18:16)

                        lamps= 7 Spirits, prob 7-fold Holy Spirit (cp Rev 1:5, grouped with God and Christ;Zech 4:10, vision of lampstand, note Zech 4:6)

                        seanot explained; some connect with Red Sea deliverance;

                                    otherswith evil, chaos


            5.The Four Living Creatures (6-9)

                        similarto cherubim in Ezk 1, 10, but have one face each instead of four,

                                    6wings vs 4

                        perhapsthese are seraphim instead (see Isa 6), which have six wings and 1 face each,but not fully described

                        whythe faces? one rabbi explained eagle as most powerful bird, ox as most powerfuldomestic animal, lion as most powerful wild animal, man most powerful of all


            6.Praise of God (8, 11)

                        praisingGod's holiness

                        praisingGod's worthiness in creating, sustaining everything





Location in Structure of Revelation:


        2nd vision (4:1-16:21)

          Connectsthrone room scene w/ opening of seals

          Focus on problemand solution


O.T. Background:


       Scroll (1): Isa 8:1,16; 29:11; Ezk 2:9-3:2; Dan 12:4; Zech 5:1-4[revelation, covenant, title deed, curses?]

        Seals (1ff): authenticity? (1 K 21:8; Est 3:12; Jer 32:10); ownership?(SS 8:6); protect from tampering, prying? (Ps 40:9; Jer 32:11) [prob last]

        Lion of Judah (5): Gen49:8-10

        Root of David (5): Isa11:1,10

       Lamb slain (6): OT sacrificial system, esp Passover (Ex 12), poss Day ofAtonement (Lev 16) 

        7 horns (6): prob power(Zech 1:18ff; Dan 8:4,7,8)

        7 eyes (6): probknowledge (Zech 3:9; 4:10; cp Isa 11:3)

        Incense = prayer (8): Ps141:2 (see esp Rev 8)


Other Background:


        7 seals (1ff): Romancontracts & deeds (see B-M)


Greek Language Notes:


        arnion (6) instead of usual amnos (only once outside Rev in rest of NT; 4x in LXX);distinction betw terms not clear

        phiale (8): bowl used in offerings (esp in Rev 15-16)


Basic Picture:


        Only the Lamb of allcreatures has the right to open the scroll, based on his atoning death

        Worthy to receive power,wealth, etc.

        Worshiped in same breathw/ God the Father


Hermeneutical Indicators:


       Slain lamb seems clearly symbolic rather than realistic, but John wasprobably shown the symbols directly

       Chronology: does the scene of not being able to find anyone worthysuggest this vision is set before and just after JesusÕ ministry?




B. The Seven Seals (5:1-8:1)


            1.The Scroll and the Lamb (5:1-14)


                        a.The Scroll (1-4)


                                    (1)Seven Seals

                                                (a)uses of seals:

                                                            authenticatea message (1 K 21:8; Est 3:12)

                                                            markownership (Rev 7:2,3; pot handles)

                                                            protectfrom tampering (Matt 27:66; Jer 32:10) 

                                                (b)sealed books:

                                                            Dan12:4 revelation sealed until end time

                                                            7seals used in RE to seal up various legal                  documents, esp contracts, deeds


                                    (2)The Book Itself: Various Suggestions


                                                            /1/God's Promises

                                                            /2/Debenture (slavery to sin?)


                                                (c)Title Deed


                                                (e)Book of Life


                                    (3)No One Found Worthy to Open (4)

                                                locations:no human, dead or alive?

                                                nocreated being anywhere in universe?


                        b.The Lamb (5-14)



                                                prettyclear indication here that vision uses symbolism

                                                (a)lamb slain - atoning death of Christ

                                                (b)seven horns - power (cp Dan 8:7,8; Zech 1:18-21)

                                                (c)seven eyes

                                                            probknowledge (cp Zech 4:10 w/ Zech 1:10; 6:5)


                                                            /1/Lion of Judah (cp Gen 49:8-10)

                                                            /2/Root of David (cp Isa 11:1,10; note this context for ideas of power andknowledge too)

                                    (2)Takes the Scroll (7)

                                    (3)Lamb is Worshiped (8-14)

                                                (a)Worthy for His Redeeming Death (8-10)

                                                (b)Worthy to Receive Power

                                                (c)God & Lamb worshiped together


C. Lessons of Chapters 4 & 5


            1.In all the disasters to follow, God the Father and His Son are in control; theyalone have wisdom, power and righteousness to handle matters properly.

            2.Christ having purchased salvation for His people, now begins the events thatwill wind up man's (and Satan's) rebellion against God.



Chapter Six


Location in Structure of Revelation:

        2nd vision (4:1-16:21)

          Six seals opened (ch 6)


O.T. Background:

        Four horsemen (1-8):Zech 1:8ff; 6:1ff

        Four plagues (1-8): Ezk14:21

        Souls under altar (9):Ex 29:12: sacrificial blood poured out at base of altar (cp 2 Tim 4:6)

        Earthquake (12): Ps97:4; Isa 29:6; Ezk 38:19; Zech 14:4-5

        Sun darkened, etc. (12):Isa 13:10; Joel 2:10,31; Ezk 32:7

        Stars fall (13): Isa34:4

        Kings of earth, etc(15): Ps 2:2,10; 76:12

        "Fall on us!"(16): Hos 10:8

        Who can stand (17): Ps76:7


Other Background:

        Denarius (6): Matt 20:2,day's wage

        Parallels of seals w/Olivet Discourse (Matt 24)

          1. Gospelpreached (14), or false Xs (5,23-24) or nation against nation (7)

          2. Wars& rumors of wars (6-7)

          3. Famines(7)

          4. Death(9b, 21-22)

          5.Persecution (9) 

          6. Sundarkened, etc. (29-30)


Greek Language Notes:

        choinix (6): about one quart dry measure

        adikeo (6): injure, damage, spoil, treat unjustly

        chloros (8): light green; pale as opposed to healthy

        thanatos (8): death; more specifically, fatal illness


Basic Picture:

        Disasters unleashed byLamb; seem to run to end

          (cp seal #6w/ Matt 24:29-30)

        When do they start?beginning or end of church age?


Hermeneutical Indicators:

        OT background

        Parallels w/ OlivetDiscourse




D. Six Seals Opened (6:1-17)

            openedby Christ with some involvement of 4 creatures


            1.First Seal (1-2): Imperialism?

                        rideron white horse, w/ bow and crown, goes out conquering

                        identityobscure; three common suggestions

                                    (1)Christ: use of white in Rev;

                                                butseals, trumpets, bowls are nearly all disastrous;

                                                spreadof Gospel?

                                    (2)Antichrist: mimics Christ; no other evidence

                                    (3)Imperialism: fits other 3 seals as allegorical

            2.Second Seal (3-4): War

                        rideron red horse, w/ large sword, takes peace from earth

                        prettyobviously represents war


            3.Third Seal (5-6): Famine

                        rideron black horse, w/ scales and voice re/ wheat, barley, oil, wine (shortage offormer, but not latter)

                        Faminerepresented; oil & wine not luxuries, so may represent moderate famine orlack of manpower for harvest (moderation not out of place in 1st              sequence)


            4.Fourth Seal (7-8): Death

rider on "green" horsenamed Death, accompanied by Hades (allegorical names);

                        kill1/4 of world by warfare (seal #2). famine (#3), plague & wild animals (cpEzk 14:21)


            5.Fifth Seal (9-11): Martyrdom

                        soulsunder altar, killed for Word of God and their testimony; i.e., persecution

                        cpEx 29:12: sacrificial blood poured out at base of altar; same symbol here?


            6.Sixth Seal (12-17): Signs on Earth & in Heaven

                        earthquake,sun darkened, moon like blood, stars fall, sky rolls up, mts & islandsmoved

                        fiercenatural (?) disasters

                        menrecognize God's hand but try to hide




                        parallelsto horses in Zech 1-6:

                        perhapshint of angelic activity?

                        closerparallels to events in Olivet Discourse Mt 24:


                                    seal#1             Gospelpreached (14)

                                                            falseChrists (5,23-24)

                                                            nationsrise against nation (7)


                                    seal#2             wars &rumors of wars (6-7)


                                    seal#3             famines(7)


                                    seal#4             death(9b,21-22)


                                    seal#5             persecutionof believers (9)


                                    seal#6             sundarkened, moon no light, stars fall; nations mourn (29-30)



Chapter Seven


Location in Structure of Revelation:


        2nd vision (4:1-16:21)

          Throne roomw/ Lamb (chs 4-5)

          Six seals opened (ch 6)

          Interludebetween 6th & 7th seals (ch 7)


O.T. Background:


        Seal on forehead (3):Ezk 9:4 - protection; ownership?

          (use of HebTau, which then looked like X or +)

        Census of Israel (4-8): Num1; 26; 2 Sam 24:9

        12 Tribes (5-8): Gen 49(12 sons); Num 1 (Eph & Man for

          Levi &Jos); Ezk 48 (ditto; Dan still around in Millennium?)

        12 groups (of 24,000each) 1 Chron 27; (of 1,000 ea) Num 31:4-5

        Spread tent (15): Isa4:5-6

        Shepherd (17): Ps 23,etc.


Other Background:


        White clothing, palmbranches (9): holiness, festivity;

          cp Jn 12:13;1 Macc 13:51-52


Greek Language Notes:


        phoinix (9): palm tree or branch; fabulous bird

        skenoo (15): live, shelter, dwell, tabernacle


Basic Picture:


        Interlude seems to lookback to 5th seal and forward to coming disasters of trumpets

        Israel (4-8) = Jewishnation? church? people of God?

        Two groups (4-8 &9-17) same or different?


Hermeneutical Indicators:


        OT background

        Contrast of two groups:

          1. Israel(4) vs all nations (9)

          2. 144,000(4) vs innumerable (9)

          3. on earth(3) vs in heaven (13-15)

          4. sealed (3) vs slain? (14,16)




E. The Seal Interlude (7:1-17): Two Multitudes


            1.The 144,000 (1-8)


                        interruptionof seal sequence

                                    suchinterludes significant part of structure of Rev

                        sealedto protect from coming disasters (allusion to trumpets?)

                        picturedas Israelites, 12,000 for each tribe

                        protectedby seal of God's ownership


            2.The Innumerable Multitude (9-17)


                        someidentify this group with #1 above, as two alternative pictures of Xns

                        Butdistinction of 2 groups seems too much emphasized:

                                    number<=> innumerable

                                    Israel<=> every nation

                                    onearth <=> in heaven

                        atleast, distinction of believers on earth & in heaven

                        identityof 2nd group:

                                    victors(white, palm branches): faithful to death?

                                    persecuted:come out of great tribulation  

                                    redeemed:washed robes in blood of lamb





Location in Structure of Revelation:


        Second Vision(4:1-16:21)

          Seven Seals(5:1-8:1)

           Seventh Seal (8:1)

          Seven Trumpets(8:2-11:20)


O.T. Background:


        Silence (1): Hab 2:20;Zeph 1:7

       Censer, altar, etc. (3-5): tabernacle & temple Ex 30:1-6; prayer& incense Ps 141:2; casting

          coals onearth Ezk 10:2

        Seven trumpets (2,6ff):Josh 6:2-5

        Hail & fire (7): Ex9:23; Ezk 38:22 (prob = Rev 20:9)

        Mountain (8): Jer 51:25(but more like Rev 17:9)

        Water to blood (8): Ex7:17-21 (closer to 2nd bowl)

        Wormwood (11): Ex 15:23;Jer 9:15; 23:15

        Darkness (12): Ex10:21-23; Isa 13:10; Ezk 32:7-8


Other Background:


        compare w/ seals &bowls, app escalating disaster

          notejustification of escalation in Ex 9:13-16

          (cp also Lev26:18,21,24,27)

        incense & prayer(Edersheim LTJM, 1:137-38)


Greek Language Notes:


        epi (3) - "at" the altar

        took (5) - perfect tense

        autous (6) - angels prepared "themselves"


Basic Picture:


        Continuation ofdisasters on earth, principally directed at environment


Hermeneutical Indicators:


        OT background

        Variety of views onsilence of 7th seal:

          (1) silenceof end of world or new creation

          (2) silenceto hear prayers of God's people

          (3) silenceanticipatory of trumpets

          (4) silencebecause contents of seal hidden

       Note pattern of nesting 7s in destruction of Jericho (Josh 6:3-4);suggests nesting of trumpets & bowls leading to fall of Babylon (Rev16:17-20)




F. The Seventh Seal (8:1)


            silencein heaven

            seemsrather anticlimactic after previous violent action

                        somethink this is "calm before storm"

            suggestthat 7th seal is trumpets

                        and7th trumpet is bowls


G. The Seven Trumpets (8:2-11:20)


            1.The Trumpets Prepared (8:2-6)


                        newimagery for plagues of judgment

                        perhapssource is Josh 6:4, where priests with 7 trumpets march around Jericho beforeits destruction


            2.Six Trumpets Sounded (8:7-9:21)


                        a.1st Trumpet (8:7)

                                    hail,fire & blood thrown to earth

                                    1/3of earth burnt, 1/3 trees, all grass


                        b.2nd Trumpet (8:8-9)

                                    burningmountain thrown in sea (volcano, meteor?)

                                    1/3of sea => blood; 1/3 sea creatures die; 1/3 ships sunk


                        c.3rd Trumpet (8:10-11)

                                    starfalls, named Wormwood (bitter herb)

                                    turns1/3 of fresh water bitter


                        d.4th Trumpet (8:12)

                                    sun,moon, stars struck

                                    lightdecreased by 1/3: intensity or temporal?


                        e.The Three Woes (8:13)

                                    5th-7thtrumpets also labelled "woes"

                                    appmuch worse; described in more detail





Location in Structure of Revelation:


        Second Vision (4:1-16:21

          SevenTrumpets (8:2-11:20)

           5th & 6th Trumpets


O.T. Background:


        Locusts (3ff): Jer51:27; Joel 2:1-11

        Abaddon (11): Ex 12:23;Isa 37:36; Jer 6:26; 48:8


Other Background:


        Abyss (1ff): Luke 8:31;Rev 11:7; 17:8; 20:1,3


Greek Language Notes:


        phrear (1): well, pit, shaft

        akris (3): grasshopper, locust

        huakinthos (17) hyacinth-colored; dark blue?  smoke-colored?

        plege (18): plague, misfortune, blow, stroke, wound


Basic Picture:


        Disasters become worse,now directed more specifically toward (unsealed) mankind

        Still no repentance(20-21)


Hermeneutical Indicators:


        Less OT background thanusual

        Wide variety ofinterpretations of "locusts":

          (1) demonic,actual appearance

          (2) demonic,figurative description

          (3)supertechnological: helicopters, etc.

          (4) symbolicof delusions, fears, hardships, memories of sins



                        f.5th Trumpet (9:1-11): 1st Woe

                                    "star"opens abyss, lets out "locusts"

                                    tormentmen without God's seal for 5 months

                                                howinterpret?  some say thesesymbolic, some say demonic, some say technological


                        g.6th trumpet (9:12-19): 2nd Woe

                                    fourangels bound at Euphrates loosed to kill 1/3 of mankind, app by means ofinfernal cavalry rather similar to "locusts" above

                                    butlocusts do not kill (5-6), these horses do (18-19)


                        h.Results (9:20-21)

                                    survivorsstill do not repent of their sins:

worship of demons, idolatry,murder, magic, sexual           immorality, robbery

                                    i.e.,the drawn-out nature of these plagues intended to bring mankind to repentance;few repent



Chapter Ten


 Location inStructure of Revelation:


        Second Vision(4:1-16:21)

          SevenTrumpets (8:2-11:20)

           Trumpet Interlude (10:1-11:13)


O.T. Background:


        Cloud (1): theophanic?

        Rainbow (1): Gen 9:13; cpEzk 1:28; Rev 4:3

        Fiery pillars (1): Ex13:21-22; cp 1 K 7:15-22

        Voice like lion (3): Hos11:10

          (lion imagefor Christ, Gen 49:9; Rev 5;5)

        Thunder (3-4): Judgment:Ex 9:23ff; 1 Sam 7:10; Isa 29:6; Sinai: Ex 19:16

        Seal up(4): Dan 12:4,9; (9:24); Dan 8:26

        Lift right hand (5): Dan12:7; Deut 32:40

        Mystery accomplished(7): Dan 9:24?; 12:7

        Eat scroll, etc. (9-10):Ezk 2:8-3:5, 14

        Sweet in mouth, etc.(9-10): Job 20:12-18


Other Background:


        Face like sun (1): Matt17:2

        Open scroll (2): Rev5:1ff

        Thunder (3-4): Jn12:28-31; Rev 8:5; 11:19; 16:18

          precursorsof judgment?


Greek Language Notes:


        chronos (6): time, usually a period of time; hereprobably  has force of"delay"

        kai (7): prob Hebraistic, with meaning "that"


Basic Picture:


       Angelic proclamation re/ end & its disasters to be relayed by John(cp Messianic proclamation in Ps 2:7)

        Thunders?: noteverything revealed, will still surprise when it happens


Hermeneutical Indicators:


        OT background, esp.covenant symbolism & scrolls

        Scrolls --> seals--> mystery connection

        7th trumpet = end




            3.The Trumpet Interlude: Two Witnesses (10:1-11:13)


                        a.The Angel with the Scroll (10:1-11)


                                    (1)Mighty Angel Described (1)

                                                robedin cloud, rainbow above head, face like sun, feet like pillars of fire

                                                angelicappearance? symbols of God's covenant?

                                                            cpface w/ transfig Mt 17:2; rainbow w/ Gen 9:13; pillars w/ Ex 13:21-22; cloudfrequently


                                    (2)The Open Scroll (2)

                                                Isuggest this is the scroll opened in Rev 5,6,8

                                                seefurther below (8-11)


                                    (3)The Thunders Speak (2-4)

                                                angelspeaks w/ voice like lion (cp God's voice, Hos 11:10; and lion imagery forChrist, Rev 5:5; Gen 49:9)

                                                7thunders speak (cp God's voice, Ps 29:3)

                                                Rev8:5; 11:19; 16:18: precursors of judgment?

                                                            whysealed? not told; cp Dan 8:26; 12:4,9 and contrast Rev 22:10; secrets not evenJohn to reveal


                                    (4)The Angel's Oath (5-7)

                                                raisedright hand standard for oath (Deut 32:40; Dan 12:7)

                                                Ònomore delay" rather than "no more time"

                                                seventhtrumpet will complete mystery of God

                                                            (fitsidea that 7 bowls part of 7th trumpet)


                                    (5)John Eats the Scroll (8-11)

                                                samefigure in Ezk 2:8-3:5

                                                            receivingGod's word to pass on to others, as seen in context of both passages



Chapter Eleven


Location in Structure of Revelation:


        Second Vision (4:1-16:21)

          SevenTrumpets (8:2-11:20)

           Trumpet Interlude (10:1-11:13)

           7th Trumpet (11:14-20)




        Measure temple (1): Ezk40-43

        42 months (2): notexplicit, but same length in 3-1/2 yr of Dan 7:25; 12:7; 9:27

        1260 days (3): = 42x30;nearly comparable periods in Dan 12:11,12; 8:14

        Two olive trees,lampstands (4): Zech 4:14

        Fire, drought (5-6):like Elijah; cp also Mal 4:5; Matt 27:49; 11:14; 17:10-12

        Blood, plagues (6): likeMoses

        Eschatological sketch w/OT background (17-18)

        Destroying destroyers(18): Jer 51:25

        Temple opened, ark seen(19)


Other Background:


        Trample city (2): Luke21:24

        Beast from abyss (7):Rev 9:1-2; 13:1 (sea = abyss?)

        7th trumpet (15): Rev10:7

        Temple opened, ark seen(19): Matt 27:51; Rev 15:5; 19:11 


Greek Language Notes:


        kalamos (1): reed, measuring rod

        rabdos (1): rod, staff

        plateia (8): wide road, street

        onoma (13): name, title, category, person, office


Basic Picture:


        Much disagreement re/witnesses



           -Moses & Elijah: cp transfiguration

           -Enoch & Elijah: never died

           -others w/ spirit & power of such: like John Baptist


Hermeneutical Indicators:


        OT background

        killed by beast,resurrected, taken to heaven




                        b.The Temple & the Two Witnesses (11:1-14)


                                    (1)The Temple (1-2)  

                                                measuringtemple parallel to Ezk 40ff

                                                whereis the temple?

                                                heavenlyJerusalem? earthly? both?

                                                whereis outer court?

                                                seemsto be on earth: trampled by Gentiles

                                                maybeit is the earth

                                                2witnesses (below) app at Jerusalem (8)

                                                42months = 3-1/2 yrs


                                    (2)The Two Witnesses (3-14)

                                                theyprophesy for 1260 days = 3-1/2 yr

                                                isthis the 1st or 2nd half of 7 yrs?

                                                whoare they?

                                                twoolive trees, lampstands (cp Zech 4:3,11,14)

                                                somesee as church due to lampstand analogy

                                                            (butsound like individuals)

                                                othersas Moses & Elijah due to miracles

                                                            (M:water--> blood, plagues; E:drought, fire)

                                                othersas Enoch & Elijah, the ones who never died (Gen 5:23-24; 2 Kings 2:11)

                                                death,resurrection, ascension analog to Jesus'


                                    (3)The Great Earthquake (13-14)

                                                freqmentioned in eschatological passages

                                                            (cpesp Zech 14:4-5 & Rev 16:18)

                                                firstsigns of repentance (13)

                                                secondwoe (6th trumpet) ends here? (14)


            4.The Seventh Trumpet (11:15-20): Third Woe


                        trumpetproduces announcement in heaven: world's kingdoms have become God's (15)

                        praise(16): because God has begun to reign

                        openingof God's temple & appearance of ark

                                    veilsplit? (Mt 27:51) reminder of covenant?

                                    Godabout to come out and intervene?

                        suggest7th trumpet runs to end of bowls (16:17)

                                    betterfits concept of "woe"

                                    allowscity to fall w/ last trumpet as at Jericho



Chapter Twelve



Location in Structure of Revelation:

        Second Vision (4:1-16:21)

          SevenTrumpets (8:2-11:20)

    =>   Second Vision Interlude (12:1-14:20)

          Seven Bowls(15:1-16:21) 


O.T. Background:

        Sun, moon, 12 stars (1):Gen 37:9-11

        Pregnant woman (2): Isa26:17; cp Isa 54 & Mic 4:10

        Dragon (3): Isa 27:1; Ps74:14

        Stars cast down (4): Dan8:10

        Rule nations w/ rod ofiron (5): Ps 2:9

        Desert (6,14): Jer 31:2;Ezk 20:34-38; Hos 2:14

        1260 days (6): seebackground to Rev 11:3

        War in heaven (7): Dan12:1; cp Dan 10:12-13,20-21

        Ancient serpent (9): Gen3:1-7; Isa 27:1

        Out of serpent's reach(14): Isa 26:20-21

        Time, times & 1/2time (14): Dan 7:25; 12:7; cp 9:27

        Flood (15): 2 Sam 22:5ff;Isa 28:15-18

        Make war w/ rest ofoffspring (17): Dan 12:7; 7:21,25; 8:24; 11:31-35


Other Background:

        Woman as heavenlyJerusalem (1-2): Gal 4:21-31 (citing Isa 54)

        Pursuit of holy family:Matt 2:13-15

        Recall Elijah, John Bapt& Jesus in wilderness

        1/3 stars (4): Rev8:7-12

        Rule w/ rod of iron (5):Rev 2:27; 19:15


Greek Language Notes:

        odino (2): suffer birth pangs

        poimaino (5): shepherd, tend; (fig.) rule, govern

        oikoumene (9): inhabited world, empire


Basic Picture:

        Woman who gives birth toChrist is protected from Satan, but he goes after her offspring


Hermeneutical Indicators:

        OT background important

        woman = Israel, or (moregenerally) God's people?




H. The Second Vision Interlude: Beauty and Beast(12:1-14:20)


            1.The Dragon, the Woman and Her Seed (12:1-17)


                        a.The Woman described (1-2)

                                    RomCatholics think this is Mary, who gave birth to Christ

                                                butcontrary to RC theol, she has other seed (17)

                                                alsoapparently on earth whole time from birth of X to end

                                    sun,moon & stars recalls Gen 37:39ff where symbolic of Israel

                                                cpIsa 54 sym of Zion, & Gal 4:21-31 symb of heavenly Jerus

                                    suggestwoman either Israel or more generally people of God


                        b.The Dragon (3-4)

                                    similarto 4th beast in Dan 7 and beast from sea in Rev 13, tho clearly distinguishedfrom latter there

                                    v9 identifies as Satan

                                                verysimilar OT background in Isa 26:11-27:1, with both birth pangs of God's people& slaying of serpent


                        c.The Child is Born (5-6)

                                    prettyobviously Christ, tho some might include his church

                                    Satantries to destroy, but escapes to heaven (ascension?)

                                    womanescapes to desert


                        d.War in Heaven (7-12)

                                    Satancast out by Michael


                                                somesee this at orig fall of Satan, but several Script passages against this (Job1,2, Zech 3, etc.)

                                                othersput at X's ministry (Lk 10:18), but ref to 3-1/2 years (6,14) suggests end ofage


                        e.Pursuit of Woman & Her Seed (13-17)

                                    eitherIsrael (pre-trib rapture has taken out church) or believers (post-trib)

                                    protectedby God in wilderness 3-1/2 years

                                                cpElijah in wilderness 1 K 17; also note Isa 26:20-21 cited above; cp Mt 24:15-22flee Jerusalem; Zech 14;5

                                    whoare rest of seed? - obv believers (17) suggesting not all escape



Chapter Thirteen


Location in Structure of Revelation:


        Second Vision(4:1-16:21)

          SevenTrumpets (8:2-11:20)

   =>  Second Vision Interlude (12:1-14:20)

          Seven Bowls(15:1-16:21)


O.T. Background:


        Description of beast(1-2): Dan 7:2-10

           fromsea: Dan 7:2-3

          10 horns:Dan 7;10 (cp Zech 1:18)

          7 heads: Dan7:4,5,6,7

          leopard: 7:6; bear: 7:5; lion: 7:4

        Dragon gave it authority(2): Dan 7:6; cp Matt 4:8-9

        Who is like...? (4): cpEx 15:11

        Utter blasphemies (5-6):Dan 7:8,11,20,25; 11:36

        42 months (5): seebackground to Rev 11:2

        Make war against saints(7); ditto re/ Rev 12:17

        Captivity, etc. (10): cpJer 15:2; 43:11

        Image to be worshiped(14-15): cp Dan 3


Other Background:


        horns like lamb (11):power like Christ's?

        spoke like dragon (11):message like Satan's?

        performs signs (13):Matt 24:24; 2 Thess 2:9

        mark of beast (16-17):cp seal of God, Rev 7

        number of his name(17-18): gematria? (see handout)


Greek Language Notes:


        didomi (7,15): allow

        poieo (12): exercise

        dosin (16): indefinite 3rd plural active = passive


Basic Picture:


        Beast & falseprophet force mankind to worship Satan


Hermeneutical Indicators:


        1st beast related tofour empires of Dan 7 

                        sumsthem up?


                        notetotal number of heads & horns

        2nd beast lateridentified as "false prophet" (16:13)



            2.The Two Beasts (13:1-18)


                        a.Dragon stands on shore (1) - calling up beast?


                        b.Beast from Sea (1-10)

                                    abyss= sea? (cp Rev 11:7)

                                    verysimilar to dragon:

                                                            headshorns crowns color

                                                dragon    7       10         7       red  (12:3)

                                                beast       7       10       10      scarlet? (13:1;17:3)

                                    verysimilar to beasts of Dan 7:

                                                [10horns] fourth beast (Dan 7:7)

                                                likeleopard (3rd beast) (7:6)

                                                feetlike bear (2nd ) (7:5)

                                                mouthlike lion (1st) (7:4)

                                    suggestit sums up previous world powers and has family resemblance to Satan, the"prince of this world"

                                    fatalwound (more later, 13:12,14)

                                                phrase"as if slain" in 13:3 parallel to Rev 5:6

                                                doesAntichrist have death & resurrection also?

                                    wholeworld follows, worships beast

                                    refto slander, war against saints like Dan 7:8,11,20,25           

                                    lengthof authority 42 mos., again like Rev 11,12

                                    warningagainst danger of worshiping beast (8)

                                    exhortationto patience, endurance, faithfulness (10)


                        c.Beast from Earth (11-18)

                                    anotherbeast from earth

                                                sea= abyss? people? (17:15)

                                                land= Israel?

                                    hornslike lamb = power like Christ? performs miracles

                                    speakslike dragon = message is Satan's; gets people to worship beast

                                    Satanictrinity: dragon, beast, false prophet?

                                    imageof beast, made to speak

                                                creationmimicked? resembles Nebuchadnezzar's image in Dan 3

                                    markof beast mimics seal of God (ownership, protection?)

                                    numberof beast: 666  (see Appendix, page53)

                                                appgemaitria, but technique is ambiguous 

                                                usedreg Gk alphabet, plus 3 old letters:

                                                            digamma= 6; koppa = 90; sampi = 900

                                                bestguess: 666 = the serpent's Christ, i.e., Antichrist



Chapter Fourteen


Location in Structure of Revelation:


        Second Vision(4:1-16:21)

          SecondVision Interlude (12:1-14:20)

           Woman & Dragon (12)

           Two Beasts (13)

           144,000, 3 Angels & 2 Harvests (14)


O.T. Background:


        Mt. Zion (1): Ps 2:6; cpHeb 12:22

        New song (3): Ps 33:3;40:3; 96:1; 144:9; 149:1; Isa 42:10

             themes of deliverance, warfare,eschatology

        Pure from women (4):Deut 23:9-11; 1 Sam 21:5

        Firstfruits (4): Jer2:3; Jas 1:18

        Eternal gospel (6): cpIsa 24:5

        Give God glory (7): Josh7:19, idiom for "confess" 

        Fallen is Babylon (8):Isa 21:9; cp Jer 51:8

        Make nations drunk (8):Jer 51:7

        Wine of God's wrath(10): Isa 51:17; Jer 25:15

        Burning sulfur (10): Gen19:24; Ps 11:6; Isa 30:33; Ezk 38:22

        One like son of man(14): Dan 7:13

        Sickle (15,18): Joel3:13; cp Mt 13:30,39-42

        Winepress (19): Isa63:3; Joel 3:13


Other Background:


        144,000 (1-3): Rev 7:4

        Name on foreheads (1):Rev 3:12; 7:3; cp Rev 13:17

        No one could learn (3):Rev 2:17; 19:12


Greek Language Notes:


        Ripe (15): lit."dry," i.e., grain harvest


Basic Picture:


        Is this prelude to 2ndcoming?

        Warriors ready, warningssent, harvest about to begin?



Hermeneutical Indicators:


       Blood flow: 1 gal/person x 200 million people / 200 miles  = stream 6' x 3'; perhaps this picturesJordan R and Dead S stained red by bloodshed




            3.The 144,000, the 3 Angels and the 2 Harvests (14:1-20)


                        a.144,000 on Mt. Zion (1-5)

                                    where?heavenly or earthly?

                                                ifearthly, not in chron order, as Lamb is there too

                                                ifheavenly, suggests they have died

                                    whatdoes "not defiled w/ women" mean?

                                                literal:some special unmarried group

                                                figurative:warriors not to have sexual relations

                                                            Deut23:9ff, 1 Sam 21:5

                                    firstfruits:used of X's resurrection (1 Cor 15:20,23);

                                                alsoas picture of believers in general (Jas 1:18)


                        b.The Three Angels (6-13)

                                    lastopportunity to repent?

                                    1stangel calls on all to fear & worship God

                                    2ndannounces fall of Babylon (more in chs 17-18)

                                    3rdwarns of consequences of worshiping beast & taking his mark


                        c.The Two Harvests (14-20)

                                    possiblyonly one harvest seen, but looks like two:

                                                agrain harvest & a grape harvest

                                    Biblicalbackground would suggest two aspects of X's return in view:

                                                deliverancefor believers

                                                judgmentfor unbelievers



Chapter Fifteen


Location in Structure of Revelation:


        Second Vision(4:1-16:21)

          Seven Bowls(15:1-16:21)

           Prepared (15)

           Poured Out (16)


O. T. Background:


        Seven plagues (1): Lev26:18,21,23,27

        Red Sea (2): Ex 14

        Song of Moses (3): Ex15:1ff (or Deut 32)

        Tabernacle (5): Ex 25ff

        Bowls (of blood) (6): Ex24:6

        Temple filled w/ smoke(8): Isa 6:4

        Unable to enter (8): Ex 40:34-35; 1 K 8:10-11


Other Background:


        Sea of glass (2): Rev4:6 (now mixed w/ fire)

        Passover fulfilled inkingdom (2-3): Lk 22:16

        Dress of angels (6): cpRev 1:13 & Jos, Ant 3.7.2

       Bowls (7): B-M: drinking cups filled w/ God's wrath, cp Isa 51:17,22;more likely bowls used to sprinkle blood on altar, Zech 14:20; 2 K 12:13; Ex27:3


Greek Language Notes:


        nikao ek (2): free selves by victory (BAGD 234, 1d)


Basic Picture:


        Angels as priests bringbowls (of blood?) from temple to pour on earth; cp Mt 23:35-36.  The righteous blood previously shedwill now be avenged.

        Seals: God's answerabout to be revealed

        Trumpets: God's answer announced

        Bowls: God's answer pouredout


Hermeneutical Indicators:


        Strong Exodus theme

                 but this alreadyconnected w/ end in Isa 51:10-11




 I. The SevenBowls of God's Wrath (15:1-16:21)


            1.The Bowls Prepared (15:1-8)


                        Christhimself opens seals, angels sound trumpets, pour out bowls

                        Signin heaven (cp Rev 12:1, woman; Rev 12:3, dragon)

                        haveseven angels w/ seven last plagues

                                    ÒlastÓexplained as completing God's wrath

                        7thbowl apparently destruction of Babylon (detailed in chs 17-18)

                        6thprepares for Armegeddon at Lord's return (detailed in ch 19)


                        Exodustheme here?

                                    resemblanceof plagues to those of Egypt

                                    refto Song of Moses (3) cp Ex 15:1ff (Deut 32 also called Song of Moses)

                                    heavenlyRed Sea? (2) cp Rev 4:6 for sea of glass, now red from being mixed w/ fire

                                    tabernacle(5) = temple, but that of Mosaic period

                                    mayindicate that events here complete deliverance from bondage to Satan & sin,as (1st ) Exodus delivered from Pharoah & slavery

                        Songof Moses (3-4)

                                    praisingGod for his marvelous works, justice & truth

                                    rightthat men should fear & glorify him

                                    willbe worshiped by all nations


                        TabernacleOpened (5-6)

                                    nolonger hidden?

                                    angelsin priestly attire



                                    Beasley-Murray(cp Heb & Gk in Isa 51:17,22) thinks these drinking cups filled w/ wine ofGod's wrath; cp Rev 16:19

                                    buttemple scene, plus use of Gk term phialein LXX points to bowls used in sprinkling blood on altar (see Zech 14:20; 2 K12:13, grouped w/ trumpets; Ex 27:3) for use of bowls filled w/ blood, see Ex24:5-8 and Lev 16:11-19

                                    yetZech 9:15 suggests combination of two figures (note also ref to trumpet in v14; whole passage is eschatological)

                                    mainidea expressed in two ways: mankind in rebellion against God will get back whatthey have given:

                                                wineto make drunk those who made others drunk

                                                bloodpoured out on altars due to human sin now being poured back on earth


                        Smokefills Temple (8)

                                    smokealso at Sinai (Ex 19:18), dedication of tabernacle (Ex 40:34), dedication oftemple (1 K 8:10-11), so no one enters

                                    theme:man unable to stand when God acts?

                                    perhapspicture of God's holiness & wrath against sin?



Chapter Sixteen


Location in Structure of Revelation:

        Second Vision(4:1-16:21)

          7 Seals(5-7)

          7 Trumpets(8-11)

          7 Bowls(15-16)


O.T. Background: [pe = plagues of Egypt; cc = covenantcurses]

       Pour out wrath (1): Ps 69:24; Isa 42:25; Jer 7:20; 42:18; 44:6; Lam4:11; Nah 1:6  (more common image"kindled")        

        Sores (2): Ex 9:9-11(pe); Deut 28:35 (cc)

        Water => blood (3-4):Ex 7:20 (pe); cp Gen 4:10; Num 35:33; Mt 23:35; Rev 6:10

        Scorch by sun (8): Ps121:6; Deut 28:22 (cc)

        Darkness (10): Ex10:21ff (pe); Deut 28:28-29 (cc)

        Euphrates (12): boundaryof Israel: Gen 15:18; Deut 1:7; dry up: Isa 11:15

        Armageddon (16): Jud5:19

        City/ies fell (19): Josh6:20; Jer 51:44; Ezk 38:19

        Every island flees (20):Ps 46:2; Isa 54:10; Jer 4:24; Ezk 38:20

        Huge hailstones (21):Josh 10:11; Ezk 13:13; 38:22


Other Background:

        2nd bowl (3) like 2ndtrumpet (8:8-9)

        3rd (4) like 3rd(8:10-11)

        5th bowl (10ff) like 4thtrumpet (8:12)

        6th bowl (12ff) like 6th(9:13ff)

        Gather for battle (14):cp Rev 17:14; 19:19

        Every island flees (20):Rev 6:14


Greek Language Notes:

        helkos (2): sore, abcess, ulcer


Basic Picture:

        God's wrath poured outon earth in form of returned blood from sacrifices


Hermeneutical Indicators:

        Bowls are escalation oftrumpets

        Parallels to Exodusplagues & covenant curses

        Short timespan (10-11)

        Purpose? cp Ex 9:14-16




            2.The Bowls Poured Out (16:1-21)

                        God'swrath poured out on earth


                        a.1st Bowl (2) sores on people w/ mark of beast


                        b.2nd Bowl (3) sea becomes blood so all life in it dies

                                    (cp2nd trumpet, where 1/3 die)


                        c.3rd Bowl (4-7) fresh water becomes blood

                                    justretribution: shed blood => blood to drink

                                    (cp3rd trumpet)


                        d.4th Bowl (8-9) sun scorches

                                    noticeref to (lack of) repentance (9)


                        e.5th Bowl (10-11) darkness of beast's kingdom

                                    (cp4th trumpet: there 1/3, here complete, darkness)

                                    refto sores recalls 1st bowl, so app close together

                                    again,men refuse to repent (11)


                        f.6th Bowl (12-16) Euphrates dried up (cp Rev 9:14)

                                    toprepare way for kings of East to gather to fight God

                                    noteGod in control, even as Satan et al rebel 


                             note interlude (15):

                                    Christcoming like thief

                                    stayawake, have clothes

                                    Armegeddon- Heb for "mount Megiddo"

                                                fortifiedcity at edge of large plain of Esdraelon

                                                seeJudg 5:19: Deborah's victory near there

                                                2K 23:29-30: Josiah killed there

                                                Zech12:11: eschatological


                        g.7th Bowl (17-21) Earthquake, hail

                                    worstearthquake ever (since humans on earth)

                                    Babylondestroyed by God

                                                getsGod's winecup of wrath

                                                notealso Babylon destroyed by beast (17:16)

                                    hailstonesweighing 100 lb each

                                    menstill curse God (no repentance)



Chapter Seventeen


Location in Structure of Revelation:


        2nd Vision (4-16)

        3rd Vision (17:1-21:8)

          BabylonDestroyed (17:1-19:5)

           Woman on the Beast (17)


O.T. Background:


        Harlot figure (1)

          Israel asharlot: Isa 1:21; Jer 2:20; Ezk 16

          Pagan cityas harlot: Isa 23:15-17; Nah 3:4

        Babylon (5)

          Tower ofBabel: Gen 11

          Later city:Jer 50-51

           by many waters (1): Jer 51:13

           gold cup (2,4): Jer 51:7

           shed blood of saints (6): Jer 51:35,49

           pictured as mountain (9): Jer 51:25

        7 Heads (3,7): 4 beastsof Dan 7 have 7 heads total

        10 Horns (3,7): 4thbeast has 10 horns; other 3 not horned type (lion, bear, leopard)

        7 kings (10): combineIsa 52:4 w/ 4 kings of Dan 2,7


Other Background:


        Woman riding beast(3ff): cp pagan Europa myth

        Babylon the Great (5):Rev 16:19; 18:2

        7 Hills (9): traditionaldescription of Rome

        7 Kings (10-11): Romanemperors or world empires?

        Make war against Lamb(14): Rev 16:14; 19:19


Greek Language Notes:


        parestai (8): is coming

        gnome (13): design, mind, opinion, purpose

        eremoo (16): depopulate, lay waste 


Basic Picture:


        Harlot Babylon as inleague with beast & opposed to saints


Hermeneutical Indicators:

        OT background

        Identity of harlot?  apostate church?

          mercantilecity? (more evidence in ch 18)




V. The Third Vision (17:1-21:8): The End


A. Babylon Destroyed (17:1-19:5)


            1.The Woman on the Beast (17:1-18)


                        a.John shown vision of harlot/prostitute (1-2)

                                    sitson many waters (explained in 17:15)

                                    commitedadultery w/ kings of earth

                                    inhabitantsof earth drunk w/ her wine (cp 14:8)


                        b.OT Background: Harlot Figure


                                    (1)Israel as Harlot

                                                Isa1:21: minor feature, but some parallels to Rev in Isa 2 & 4

                                                Jer2:20 set in context (vv 2, 32) of bride

                                                            becomingfaithless; developed in detail in ch 3

                                                Ezk16: whole chap is allegory of Jerusalem as castoff child, raised & marriedby God, turning to harlotry

                                                Basicidea is that of unfaithfulness to husband


                                    (2)Pagan City as Harlot

Isa 23: destruction of Tyreforetold; harlot imagery in vv 15-17

                                                            wailingof merchants (cp Rev18:11ff) in vv 1-2; Isa 24 seems eschatological

                                                Nahum3:4 pictures Nineveh as harlot; v 11 her drunkenness; v 16 innumerablemerchants

                                                Basicidea of figure is that of allurement of nations via merchandising (Isa 23:2)& sorcery (Nah 3:4)


                        c.Description of Woman (3-5)   

                                    sittingon beast (seems to be that of Rev 13:1)

                                    richlydressed, jewelry, golden cup

                                    titleon forehead: "Babylon the Great"

                                    drunkw/ blood of saints


                        d.OT Background: Babylon

                                    Hebrewword is "Babel"

                                    Towerof Babel: man's civilization in rebellion against God?

                                    Babylon:world empire which took Judah captive?

                                                butbeast seems to represent world empire, so harlot something different?

                                                noteesp Jer 50-51 on destruction of ancient Babylon and parallels in Rev 17 &18

                                                picturedas gold cup, making nations drunk (51:7)

                                                bymany waters (51:13)

                                                shedblood of saints (51:35,49)

                                                picturedas mountain (51:25; cp Rev 17:9)

                                                urgedto flee it (50:8; 51:6,9,45; cp Rev 18:4)


                        e.John astonished (6-7)

                                    Why?not told

                                    Somesuggest that this is harlot church of end times, emphasizing figure of harlotas unfaithfulness of professing believers, parallel to unfaithful Israel in OT

                                    Yetmain parallels are with pagan cities with their economic and political power

                                    Possiblethat figure picks up both ideas, but if only one, then it is pagan city


                        f.The Angel's Explanation (7-14)

                                    moreinfo on beast than on woman

                                    toldshe is great city which rules over kings of earth (17:18)

                                    thatshe sits on 7 hills (17:9), reminding John's readers of Rome

                                    beast:once was, now is not, will come out of abyss & be destroyed (app"not" at John's time)

                                    7heads = 7 kings: 5 have fallen, one is, one to come

                                                beast(once was & now is not) one of 7, also an 8th

                                                manytry to identify with Roman emperors, but won't work well because of 3 emperorsin one year:

                                                            [Julius]            1

                                                            Augustus         2       1

                                                            Tiberius           3       2

                                                            Caligula           4       3

                                                            Claudius          5       4

                                                            Nero                6       5

                                                            [Galba]            ?       ?

                                                            [Otho]             ?       ?

                                                            [Vitellius]       ?       ?

                                                            Vespasian        7       6

                                                            Titus               8       7

                                                            Domitian        9      8


                                                seemsto work better with world empires:

                                                            Egypt               1 \

                                                            Assyria            2 | five

                                                            Babylon           3 | have

                                                            Persia              4 |fallen

                                                            Greece             5 /

                                                            Rome               6  one is

                                                            BrokenRm?    7  must remain fora while

                                                            Antichrist        8  one of the 7 (now is not)


                                                tenhorns: cp ten horns of Dan 7 beast and 10 toes of Dan 2 image; app subrulersunder beast to join beast in fighting Christ (see ch 19)


                        g.Harlot Destroyed (15-18)

                                    hated& ruined by beast and his ten kings (16)

                                    knockeddown by earthquake (16:19)

                                    perhapsGod damages and kings plunder



Chapter Eighteen


Location in Structure of Revelation:


        3rd Vision (17:1-21:8)

          BabylonDestroyed (17:1-19:5)

           Woman on the Beast (17)

           The Judgment of Babylon (18:1-19:5)


O.T. Background: [*Babylon, +Nineveh, #Tyre , %Edom,  ^Israel]


        Fallen, fallen, etc.(2): Isa 21:9*

        Haunt of demons, etc.(2): Isa 13:20-22*; Isa 34:13-15%; Jer 50:39; 51:37*; Zeph 2:14-15+

        Nations drunk w/ wine ofher adulteries (3): Jer 51:7*

        Merchants rich from herluxuries (3): Ezk 27:9-25#

        Come out of her, mypeople (4): Jer 51:45; 50:8; 51:6*

        Give her what she hasgiven (6): Jer 51:6,24,56*

        I sit a queen, etc. (7):Isa 47:7-8*; Zeph 2:15+

        Destruction in a day(8): Isa 47:9*; Jer 50:30-31*

       Lament of kings, merchants, sailors (9-19):  Ezk 27:28-36#; sailors (39), kings (35), merchants (36)

        List of cargoes(12-13,16): Ezk 27:12-24#

        Sink like stone (21): cpJer 51:63-64*; Ezk 27:25-27#

        Music, bridegroom, etc.(22-23): Isa 24:7-13 (earth); Ezk 26:13#; Jer 7:34; 16:9; 25:10^

        Merchants world's greatmen (23): Isa 23:8#

        Magic spells (23): Isa47:9,12*; Nah 3:4+

        Shed blood of saints(24): Jer 51:49*


Greek Language Notes:


        soma (13): slave

        krinein to krima (20): pronounce judgement (see BAGD, 450 5a)


Basic Picture:


        Calamity of Babylon'sfall; destruction of its wealth & gaiety


Hermeneutical Indicators:


       Nearly all OT allusions to pagan cities (see *+#) rather than Israel(^); suggests apostate Israel or apostate church not best identifications

        Suggest capital city ofbeast's empire, or possibly civilization itself




            2.The Judgment of Babylon (18:1-19:5)


                        mainlya series of dirges and laments very similar to those on Babylon in Isa 21 and Jer51 and one on Tyre in Ezk 27, and for Jerusalem in Lamentations


                        mainthemes are:

                                    completedestruction of city

                                    punishmentwas deserved

                                    thosewho profited from city will lament:

                                                kings,merchants, sailors

                        rejoicingfor those who were harmed by her or who care about justice being done


                        whois the harlot?

                                    suggestshe is that which is attractive and seductive about economic/political power;civilization; the world; mammon; man's worship of things



Chapter Nineteen


Location in Structure of Revelation:


        Third Vision (17:1-21:8)

          BabylonDestroyed (17:1-19:5)

          FinalVictory (19:6-21:8)

           Marriage of Lamb (19:6-11)

           Second Coming (19:11-21)


O.T. Background:


        Prostitute, adulteries(2): see chap 17

        Marriage of Lamb/bride(7-8): Ps 45

        Clean clothes =righteousness (8): Isa 61:10; Zech 3:4ff

        Judges/wars (11): Ps9:8; 96:13; 98:9; Isa 11:4; Zech 14:3

        Robe bloody (13): Isa63:1-3

        Armies of heaven (14):Deut 33:2-3; Zech 14:5

        Sword of mouth (15): Isa49:2; cp Isa 31:8

        Smite nations (15): Isa11:4; 30:28,31; cp Zech 14:12

        Rule w/ rod of iron(15): Ps 2:9

        Tread winepress (15):Isa 63:3; Joel 3:13

        Thigh(16): Gen 24:2,9

        Call to birds (17-18):Ezk 39:4,17-20

        Beast/king/armies (19):Ps 2:2,12; Ezk 38:16; Zech 12:3;14:2


Other Background:


        Marriage of Lamb/bride(7-8): Matt 22:2; Eph 5:32

        Fall at his feet (10):Acts 10:25-26; Rev 22:9


Greek Language Notes:


        meros (16): thigh

        deipnon (17): dinner, supper, banquet


Basic Picture:


        Rejoicing overdestruction of Babylon

        Marriage supper of Lamb(Christ) & bride (His people)

        Second coming


Hermeneutical Indicators:


        Wedding: parallels to Ps45 & Matt 22 looks like defeat of enemies precedes wedding

        See OT parallels re/sequence: 2nd coming followed by Millennium




B. Final Victory (19:6-21:8)


            1.The Marriage of the Lamb (19:6-10)


                        bride= believers collectively (Eph 5:25-33, man & wife cp to Christ &church; Gal 4:21-31, Sarah & Hagar analogy; Rev 21:2,9;22:17, bride as NewJerus; plus OT background of bride/wife)

                        marriagesupper (cp Matt 22:1-14, parable of marr supper; Matt 26:29, drink wine inkingdom)


                                    inheaven before return (pre-trib view)

                                    onearth after return (post-trib view);

                                    preannouncement,like that of fall of Bab in 14:8 


            2.Christ's Second Coming (19:11-21)


                        rideron white horse - Christ (see further)

                                    descriptionlike glorified X in 1:14

                        manycrowns (rule many realms?)

                                    cpdragon 7 crowns (12:3; seven empires?) & beast 10 crowns (13:1; ten kings?)

                        nameno one knows - future? (2:17); beyond human? (Jdg 13:18)

                        robedipped in blood - winepress analogy? his own blood?

                        nameis Word of God - cp Jn 1:1

                        armiesof heaven - angels? believers? prob both

                        sharpsword - X's punishing word

                        ironscepter - Ps 2

                        treadswinepress - Isa 63

                        name:King of k's, Lord of l's

                        birdscalled to dine - cp Ezk 39

                        thebattle (19-21)

                                    beast,kings, armies oppose (cp 16:14,16;17:14)

                                    beast& false prophet captured (nothing about how)

                                                throwninto lake of fire

                                    rest(kings, armies) killed by X's sword

                        birdsgorged on their bodies

                                    twowedding suppers?



Chapter Twenty


Location in Structure of Revelation:


        3rd Vision (17:1-21:8)

          FinalVictory (19:6-21:8)

           Millennial Rule (20:1-10)

            LastJudgment (20:11-15)


O.T. Background:


        Bind, imprison (2,3):Isa 24:21-22

        Thrones, judging, ruling(4): Dan 7:9,10,22,26

        1000 years (2ff): Ps90:4 (cp Isa 24:22; Ezk 39:12; Dan 7:12; Zech 14:16)

        Gog & Magog (8): Ezk38:2; 39:1

        Like sand of seashore(8): Gen 22:17; Ezk 38:9,15-16

        Fire from heaven (9):Ezk 38:22; 39:6

        Lake of fire (10,14-15):Isa 30:33; Dan 7:11

        Last judgment (11-15):cp Ps 50; Mt 25

        Sky vanish (11): Isa 34:4

        Books opened (12): Dan7:10

        Book of life (12): Ex32:32; Dt 29:20; Dan 12;1; Mal 3:16; cp Lk 10:20; Rev 3:5; 21:27


Other Background:


        Abyss (1,3): Lk 8:31;Rev 9:1,2,11; 11:7; 17:8 (13:1?)

        Bind, imprison (2,3): 2 Pet2:4; Jude 6

        Thrones, judging, ruling(4): Mt 19:28; Rev 2:26-27; 3:21

        1000 yr (2ff) 2 Pet 3:8

        2nd death (6,14): Rev2:11; 21:8

        Lake of fire (10,14-15):Rev 19:20

        Earth & sky vanish(11): 2 Pet 3:10; Rev 6:14


Greek Language Notes:


        epi (1): in, draped over

        krima (4): dispute, verdict, judgment, authority to judge

        pelikizo (4): behead, decapitate

        platos (9): broad plain, breadth, width


Basic Picture:


        Satan bound while saintsrule, then last judgment


Hermeneutical Indicators:


       Suggest ch 20 follows ch 19 given continuities between chapters 19-20and "silver age" features in OT allusions (see Appendix, pages 54-56)




            3.The Millennial Rule (20:1-10)


                        howdoes this relate to previous chapter?

                                    Premill:continues chronological  sequence

                                    Amill:(usually) recapitulation

                        suggestthat continuation most natural:

                                    dragon,beast & false prophet gather armies (16:13-14)

                                    b& fp arrested

                                    whathappens to dragon?

                                                in20:2 also arrested, but put in abyss

                                                inamill view, this not described until put in lake of fire, 20:10,

                                                            abysshere is just coincidence

                        Christcomes to reign (19:15), saints to reign w/ him (2:26-27; 3:21)

                                    nowsaints reign (20:4,6)

                                                thosewho reign (20:4) were previously killed for not worshiping beast who was justdisposed of (19:21)

                                    parallelsevents in Zech 14, with threatening rule over survivors

                        Satantemporarily bound tightly so as not to deceive nations (2-3); is this applicabletoday?

                        saintsreign (4-6)

                                    debateover whether all saints or only (say) martyrs

                                    suggestall, but martyrs singled out for encouragement

                        firstresurrection, app in contrast to another (11-14)            

                                    cp1 Cor 15:22-26: resurrection of Christ, of his people, at end

                        Satan'sdoom (7-10)

                                    releasedfrom abyss

                                    ableto gather multitude to follow him

                                    millenniumas "silver age" w/ unbelievers still living

                                    multitudedestroyed w/ fire from heaven

                                    Satanput where b & fp earlier put


            4.The Last Judgment (20:11-15)


                        greatwhite throne (common name for this judgment)

                                    thinkalso seen in Ps 50, Matt 25, each w/ distinct emphases

                        earth& sky flee from it (not in our dimension?)

                        apparently  resurrection involved (1st res above)

                        basisof judgment: works and/or book of life

                                    faith+ works? faith or works?

                        sea,death, Hades give up dead (3 or 2?)

                        death& Hades thrown in lake of fire (last enemy death)

                        2nddeath if not in book of life



Chapter Twenty One


Location in Structure of Revelation:


        3rd vision (17:1-21:8)

          FinalVictory (19:6-21:8)

           New Heavens & New Earth (21:1-8)

        4th vision (21:9-22:5)

          NewJerusalem (21:9-27)

          River of Life(22:1-5)


O.T. Background:


        New heavens & earth(1): Isa 65:17; 66:22; cp 2 Pet 3:13

        New Jerusalem (2): Isa54:11-12; 65:18; cp Gal 4:26

        Bride (2,9): cp Isa54:1-2; Ps 45:9; Rev 19:7-8

        God dwelling w/ men (3):Ex 25:8; 2 Chr 6:18; Ezk 48:35; Zech 2:10

        He their God (3): Lev26:12; Jer 32:38; Ezk 37:27-28; Hos 2:23

        Wipe away tears (4): Isa25:8; 35:10; 51:11; 65:19

        No more death (4): Isa25:8; cp 1 Cor 15:26; Rev 20:14

        All things new(5): see new h & e, above

        Drink w/o cost (6): Isa55:1; cp Jn 4:10,13-14; Rev 22:1

        High mountain (10): Isa2:2; Zech 14:10

        Description of NewJerusalem  (11ff): Isa 54, 60

        Jewels (19-21): h.p.breastplate (Ex 28:17-20); king of Tyre in Eden (Ezk 28:18)

        No sun or moon (23): Isa24:23; 60:19-20

        Kings bring splendor(24): Isa 60:3,5ff

        Book of life (27): seeRev 20:12 note


Other Background:


        Alpha & Omega (6):Rev 1:8; 22:13

        He who overcomes (7):Rev 2, 3


Greek Language Notes:


        skene (3): tent, booth, dwelling, lodging

        tetragonos (10): rectangle, square

        plateia (12): wide road, main street, square


Basic Picture:


        Eternal state of blesseddescribed


Hermeneutical Indicators:


        Extensive use of OTallusions

        How much figurative?




            5.New Heavens & New Earth (21:1-8)


                        newheavens & new earth (atm? universe?)

                        nolonger any sea (ocean? Mediterranean?)

                        NewJerusalem as bride (city/people)

                        dwellingof God w/ men (reversal of Eden)

                        notears, death, pain, mourning

                        God'sword: this is true! (5)

                        Alternativesset forth (6-8)


                        cowardly,etc., 2nd death



VI. The Fourth Vision (21:9-22:5): The Beginning


            possthis functions like interludes earlier, detailing or giving another perspectiveon what has gone before, in this case 21:1-8


            reasonfor seeing new vision is phrase "come, I will show" as in 4:1 and17:1


A. The New Jerusalem (21:9-27)


"comingdown": is this indication of movemen,t or of connection between heaven& earth?  note same phrase in21:2 (cp airplane coming down to land vs stairway coming down from 2ndfloor)


            brideis city: how fit w/ bride = church?

                        mightsay city is symbol for church

                        suggestthat city is church's home, natural identity between home & inhabitants;that city & inhabs mutually glorify one another


            descriptionof city

                        shinesw/ God's glory

                        severalprecious materials mentioned, but they are different from such today:

                                    jasperlike crystal, pearls big enough to be gates; gold transparent like glass

                        suggestchanged natural order?

                                    gloryof city resembles that of science fiction, fairy tales; truth is greater than fiction;man's view of future w/ growing technology becoming more like Bible's?

                        gates& foundations named for 12 tribes & 12 apostles

                                    clearlyunity of church & Israel here, if not earlier

                        parallelpassage in Isa 54:11-12

                        greatbeauty & wealth at least implied


            notemple: God & the Lamb are its temple

                        dwellingof God is now with men


            God& the Lamb its light

                        noneed for sun, moon (doesn't explicitly say they don't exist)



            nations,kings bring their glory into it


            nosin or sinners enter, only saved



Chapter Twenty Two


Location in Structure of Revelation:


        4th vision (21:9-22:5)

          River ofLife (22:1-5)

        Epilogue (22:6-21)


O.T. Background:


        River of life (1): Ezk47:1-12; Zech 14:8 (& 13:1?)

        Tree of life (2,14): Gen2:9; 3:22; Ezk 47:12

        No more curse (3): Gen3:14-19; cp Rom 8:20-22

        See his face (4): Ps17:15; 42:2; cp Jn 1:18; Heb 12:14

        Coming soon (7,12,20):Isa 48:3; 60:22

        Don't seal up (10): Dan12:4; cp Rev 5,6

        Continue to do evil(11): Ezk 3:27; 20:39; Dan 12:10

        Reward w/ him (17): Isa40:10; 62:11

       Give as deserved (17): Job 34:11; Ps 62:12; Jer 17:10; Ezk 18:20; cp Mt16:27; 1 Cor 3:12-15; 2 Cor 5:10

        Outside (15): Dt23:18; Isa 66:22-24; cp Mt 8:12; 22:13; 25:11-12

        Root of David (16): Isa11:1,10

        Morning star (16): Ps36:9; Isa 9:2; 42:6; 49:6; 58:10; 60:1; Mal 4:2

        Whoever thirsty (17):Isa 44:3; 55:1; Jer 2:13; 17:13; Zech 14:8; cp Jn 4:10

        Don't add or subtract(18-19): Dt 4:2; 12:32; Prov 30:6


Other Background:


        Alpha & Omega, Beg.& End (13): Rev 1:8,17; 21:6

        Morning star (16): 2 Pet1:19; Rev 2:28


Greek Language Notes:


        enteuthen kaiekeithen (2): on either side

        therapeia (2): service, care, healing

        epi (16): (dat) about, concerning (BAGD 287 II i delta)


Basic Picture:


        End of description ofeternal state

        Closing of book withsummary, exhortations, warnings


Hermeneutical Indicators:


        Strong connection withGenesis as sort of mirror image

        Genesis and Revelationlike bookends to canon?




B. The River of Life (22:1-5)


            parallelto Ezk 47, but there seems millennial

            strongrecall of Eden

                        watersflowing out

                        tree(s)of life

                        nomore curse

                        presenceof God

            thronemoved to earth?

            servantsw/ name on foreheads

            reignfor ever & ever


VII. Epilogue (22:6-21)


            BookAttested (6-9)

                        byangel - from God, so true

                        byChrist - coming soon, so keep words

                        byJohn - I saw it

            [whyepisode re/ angel? to show not from Satan? warn against angel worship?]


            BookNot Sealed (10-11)

                        incontrast, apparently, to Daniel (12:4), which is sealed

                                    timeis near?

                                    notmuch nearer than Dan's time chronologically

                                    butmuch nearer re/ events of salvation history since crucifixion &resurrection intervene

                        continueto do wrong?

                                    possa threat, as in Ezk 3:27; 20:39; Dan 12:10

                                    atime when one's destiny can no longer be changed?


            SummaryLessons (12-15)

                        Christcoming w/ rewards for everyone

                        Blessedare those who wash robes

                        Outsideare dogs (cp Isa 66:24)


            AdditionalAttestation (16)

                        givenby Jesus to angel to John for churches


            FinalInvitation (17)

                        fromSpirit, bride, individual believer


            WarningAgainst Tampering (18-19)









Gematriaand Revelation


Thepractice used in ancient times to represent numbers by letters of the alphabetled rather naturally to the symbolic/ interpretive device known as gematria, in which words were coded by thesum of the numerical values of their letters.  This is commonly thought to be the technique used in Rev13:18, where we are told that the number of the beast's name is 666 (a few msshave 616 or 646).


Inthe Hebrew and the Greek languages, the assignment of numerical values to theletters is similar (different from Roman numerals, where only a few of theletters have numerical value).  Thefirst nine letters of the alphabet represent the numbers one through nine.  The next nine represent ten throughninety.  The remaining lettersrepresent 100 through 400 (Hebrew) or 900 (Greek).  Since Greek had only 24 letters at NT times, the additionalthree symbols needed to make 27 were provided by resurrecting or continuing theold letters vau/digamma, koppa and sampi for the values 6, 90 and 900,respectively.  The following chartindicates the correspondences:


Mod  Gk         Heb     Rom    Mod    Gk       Heb     Rom    Mod    Gk       Heb     Rom


1          α          !         I           10        ι           *         X         100      ρ          8         C

2          β          "                     20        κ          ,                     200      σ          9

3          γ          #                     30        λ          -                     300      τ          :

4          δ          $                     40        μ          /                     400      υ          ;

5          ε          %         V         50        v          1         L          500      φ                      D

6          ς          &                     60        ξ          2                     600      χ

7          ζ          '                     70        o          3                     700      ψ

8          η          (                     80        ¹          5                     800      ω

9          θ          )                     90        ž          7                     900      Ÿ


Somecalculations suggested for Rev 13:18:


1.The simplest (and standard) numerical transcription of 666 isχξς (using the final sigma for vau). This has been seen as theabbreviation of Christ, χς, with the snake-like letter ξ in themiddle, and thus Òthe serpentÕs Christ.Ó


2.Irenaeus noted that the Greek word for Latin,λατειvoς, added up to 666.  The numerical value of Jesus in Greek,Iησoυς, is 888. The antichrist falls short of perfection, 777, and Jesus surpasses it!


3.Several commentators, believing that Revelation sees a resurrected Nero as theantichrist, have noted that ÒNeron KaisarÓ in Hebrew, 9280&91,gives 666.


Background to Revelation 19‑20


Theological Background:

            VariousViews on the Chronology of the Rev 19 ‑ 20 Transition


1. Continuation: 2ndComing (e.g., Beasley‑Murray, Ladd,Walvoord)

            Chapter20 continues in chronological succession after chapter 19, which narratesJesus' second coming:


       ____________________ ____________________

               19:11‑21                              20:1‑6

           Second Coming                       Millennium



2. Continuation: Not 2ndComing (e.g., Barnes, Caird)

            Chapter20 continues in chronological succession after chapter 19, but 19 is not adescription of the 2nd coming:


       ____________________ ____________________

              19:11‑21                               20:1‑6

          Christ'sTriumph                       ChurchAge/Golden Age

         (not visible return)



3. Recapitulation (e.g., Hendriksen, Kik, Wilcock)

            Chapter19 carries us to second coming; chapter 20 goes back to beginning of churchage, when Satan bound




                                             Second Coming




               Church Age ‑ Satan Bound


O.T. Background ‑ Allusions


        Judges/wars: Ps 9.8;96.13; 98.9; Isa 11.4; Zech 14.3

        Robe in blood: Isa 63.1‑3

        Armies of heaven: Deut 33.2‑3;Zech 14.5

        Sword of mouth: Isa 49.2

        Smite nations: Isa 11.4

        Rule w/ iron rod: Ps 2.9

        Tread winepress: Isa63.3; Joel 3.13

        Call to birds: Ezk39.4,17‑20

        Beast/kings/armies: Ps2.2,12; Ezk 38.16; Zech 12.3; 14.2

        Thrown in fire: Isa30.33; Dan 7.11


A Suggested Solution to theMillennial Question



Response to "Continuation:Not Second Coming" View:


            IfRev 19 not 2nd coming, then Revelation, the eschatology book par excellence,does not narrate same!

            Thispassage looks as much like the 2nd coming as any in Scripture; why do youbelieve in a 2nd coming?


Response to "Recapitulation"View:


            ContinuityArgument:  Several features in Rev 19 show continuity into Rev 20:


            1. Satan, Beast, False Prophet Punished

                       All3 gather armies for battle (16:13‑16)

                       Armiesgather to make war on Christ (19:19)

                       B& FP thrown in lake of fire (19:20)

                       Satanput in abyss (20:1‑3)

                        (Isthis continuity merely accidental?)


            2. Persecution by Beast & False Prophet

                       B& FP disposed of, w/ specific reference to mark of B and worship of image(19:20)

                       Martyrsbrought to life who had not received mark of B nor worshiped image (20:4)

                       (Howcan saints rule during reign of B & FP if still being martyred, esp if B& FP eschatological?)


            3. Coming of Christ

                       Comesto judge & make war (19:11)

                       Comesto smite nations & shepherd them w/ rod of iron (19:15)

                       Overcomerspromised a part in this: authority, rule, rod of iron (2:26‑27);

                                    sharethrone w/ X (3:21)

                       Xand armies of heaven smite/fight nations (19:19‑21);

                        Thronesfor judgment set; saints rule w/ X 1000 yr (20:4)

                       (Judgment/ruleis purpose of coming in 19, occurs in 20)


            AllusionArgument: OT passages alluded to in Rev 19often show "silver age" features fitting millennium following 2ndcoming:


            1.Zechariah 14

                        Lordcomes w/ holy ones to wage war against nations gathered against Jersualem (1‑5)

                        Lorddestroys them miraculously (12‑15)

                        Subsequentsilver age (16ff)


                                    mustcome to Jerusalem yearly

                                    threatenedw/ drought if disobedient

                        (Definitelyafter, doesn't sound like eternal state)


            2.Daniel 7 

                        (Descriptionof beast in Rev 13 parallel to Dan 7; Rev 19 records his destruction)

                        Beastthrown in fire (11); cp Rev 19:20

                        Thronesset for judgment (9‑10); cp Rev 20:4

                        Universaldominion given Son of Man (13‑14) and saints (22); cp Rev 20:4 (reign w/Christ)

                        Subsequentsilver age?

                                    reignof saints follows Beast's destruction (26)

                                    otherbeasts live on without power after Beast's destruction (11‑12)


            3.Isaiah 30‑32

                        Goddefeats nations with breath of mouth (30:27‑28), w/ a sword not of man(31:8), coming down on Mt. Zion (31:4)

                        Castsleader (king of Assyrians?) into fire (30:33)

                        Subsequentsilver age?

                                    youngAssyrians become forced labor (31:8)

                                    God'sking & rulers will rule righteously (32:1ff)


            4.Joel 3

                        Godwill gather all nations and judge them in Valley of Jehoshaphat (1‑2)

                        Hisactivity is pictured as threshing, trampling grapes, God roaring from Zion (13‑14)

                        Jerusalemwill be safe and holy (16‑17)

                        Subsequentsilver age?

                                    nationssold as slaves (6‑8)

                                    Egypt,Edom desolate (19)

AnnotatedBibliography on Revelation




Alford, Henry. TheGreek Testament:  Vol. IV: Hebrews‑Revelation. Chicago: Moody, 1958 reprint of 7th ed.  Historicist & Futurist. Premil.

Beale, G. K.  The Book of Revelation.  GrandRapids: Eerdmans, 1999.  Idealist.

Beasley‑Murray,G. R.  Revelation.  NewCentury Bible.  Grand Rapids:Eerdmans, 1983.  Reprint of 1974ed.  Preterist & Futurist.  Premil.

Caird, G. B.  A Commentary on the Revelation ofSt. John the Divine.  Harper's NT Comm.  New York: Harper, 1966. Preterist.  Liberal with helpful theologicalinsights.

Charles, R. H. ACritical & Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John. 2 vols. International Critical Comm. Edinburgh:Clark, 1920.  Massive data onbackground          &grammar but speculative, unreliably liberal.

Colclasure,Chuck.  The Overcomers: theUnveiling of Hope, Comfort, andEncouragement.  Nashville: Nelson, 1981.  Idealist. Amil.  Popular level.

Eller,Vernard.  The Most RevealingBook of the Bible: Making Sense Out of Revelation.  Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,1974.  Preterist and futurist.  Premil.  Somewhat liberalizing.

Hendriksen,William.  More than Conquerors:an Interpretation of the Book of Revelation.  Grand Rapids: Baker, 1961.  Idealist (or recap Historical). Amil.

Hoeksema,Herman.  Behold He Cometh! AnExposition of the Book of Revelation.  Grand Rapids: Reformed Free, 1969.Idealist and Futurist.  Amil.

Hughes, PhilipEdgecumbe.  The Book of theRevelation: A Commentary.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1990. Idealist and Futurist. Amil.

Johnson, AlanF.  Revelation.  BibleStudy Commentary.  GrandRapids:  Zondervan Lamplighter,1983.  Futurist and Idealist.  Premil.

Keener, CraigS.  The NIV ApplicationCommentary: Revelation.  Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000.  Eclectic (Preterist, Idealist,Futurist).  Premil.

Ladd, GeorgeE.  A Commentary on theRevelation of John.  Grand Rapids:  Eerdmans, 1972. Mostly Futurist.  Premil.

Larkin,Clarence.  The Book ofRevelation.  Philadelphia: Clarence Larkin Estate, 1919.  Futurist.  Premil. Dispensational.  Nicecharts.

Lenski, R. C. H. TheInterpretation of St. John's Revelation.Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1961 reprint of 1941 ed.  Idealist.  Amil.

Morris,Leon.  The Revelation of St.John. Tyndale NT Comm.  London:Tyndale, 1969.  Mostlypreterist.  Amil.

Mounce, RobertH.  The Book of Revelation.  NewIntl. Comm. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1977. Futurist.  Premil.

Rushdoony, R. J. ThyKingdom Come: Studies in Daniel and Revelation.  Nutley, NJ: Presbyterian &Reformed, 1971. Idealist.  Postmil.

Swete, H. B.  The Apocalypse of St. John.  3rded.  London: Macmillan, 1911,  Reprint, Grand Rapids: Kregel,1977.  Preterist and Idealist.  Amil. Over 200 pp of introduction.

Thomas, RobertL.  Revelation 1-7:  An Exegetical Commentary. Chicago: Moody, 1992; and Revelation 8-22:  An Exegetical Commentary. Chicago: Moody, 1995. Futurist.  Premil.

Walvoord, JohnF.  The Revelation of JesusChrist.  Chicago:  Moody,1966.  Futurist.  Premil. 

Wilcock,Michael.  I Saw Heaven Opened:the Message of Revelation.  The Bible Speaks Today.  Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity,1975.  Idealist.  Amil.


Special Studies:


Cohen, GaryG.  UnderstandingRevelation:  a Chronology of theApocalypse.  Collingswood, NJ: Christian Beacon, 1968. Attempts to answerchronological questions.

Jenkins,Ferrell.  The Old Testament inthe Book of Revelation.  Marion, IN: Cogdill, 1972.  Good survey.  More details in Swete.

Newman, RobertC.  "The Return of Christ:Interpreting Revelation by Its Allusions." IBRI Research Report 24. Hatfield, PA: Interdisciplinary Biblical Research Institute, 1985.      Uses OTallusions and contextual continuity to argue for premill interpretation of Rev19‑20.

Pate, C. Marvin,ed..  Four Views on the Book ofRevelation.  Counterpoints. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1998. Presentations by proponents of preterist, idealist, and futurist (progressiveand classical dispensational) views.

Ramsay, WilliamM.  Letters to the SevenChurches of Asia.  Grand Rapids: Baker, 1963 reprint.  Mainsource of historical and archaeological information on 7 churches.

Strand, KennethA. Interpreting the Book of Revelation: Hermeneutical Guidelines, with BriefIntroduction to Literary Analysis. 2nded.  Naples, FL:  Ann Arbor, 1979. 


Apocalyptic Literature:


Charles, R. H.,ed.  The Apocrypha andPseudepigrapha of the Old Testament.  2 vols.  Oxford: Clarendon, 1913.  Old std.edition of texts in English.

Charlesworth, J.H., ed.  The Old TestamentPseudepigrapha. Volume 1: ApocalypticLiterature & Testaments.  Garden City, NY:  Doubleday, 1983.  Will probably replace Charles; has moretexts, but less notes.

Eissfeldt, Otto.  The Old Testament:  an Introduction.  NewYork:  Harper & Row, 1965.  Includes introductions to main Jewishapocalyptic works.

Goodspeed, E. J.and Grant, Robert M.  A Historyof Early Christian Literature.  Rev. ed. Chicago: Phoenix Books,1966.  Overview of ancient Xn litbefore Nicea.

Hennecke, Edgarand Schneemelcher, Wilhelm, eds.  NewTestament Apocrypha. 2 vols. Philadephia:Westminster, 1963‑64. Now std. ed. of NT Apocrypha in English.

James, M. R.  The Apocryphal New Testament. Oxford: Clarendon, 1924. Old std. ed.; both Hennecke and James have some materials the otherlacks.

Kraft, Robert A.,ed.  Society of BiblicalLiterature.  Texts &Translations.  Pseudepigraphaseries.  Missoula, MT:  Scholars Press, 1972‑.  Paperback series to fill in gaps inCharles, update texts, etc. 

Milik, J. T.  The Books of Enoch:  Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4. Oxford:  Clarendon,1976.  Evidence that all but onesection of 1 Enoch is pre‑Christian.

Morris,Leon.  Apocalyptic.  GrandRapids:  Eerdmans, 1972.  Evangelical assessment of apocalypticliterature.

Oesterley, W. O.E. and Box, G. H., eds. Translations of Early Documents. 1st Series:  Palestinian‑Jewish& Cognate  Texts (pre‑rabbinic);2nd Series:  Hellenistic‑Jewish       Texts.  London:  SPCK, 1916‑20.  Series of small hardbacks providingEnglish texts with introductions, notes.

Rowley, H. H. TheRelevance of Apocalyptic. 2nd ed. London:Lutterworth, 1947.  Liberalperspective.

Russell, D.S.  The Method and Message ofJewish Apocalyptic.  Philadelphia:  Westminster, 1964. More recent liberal perspective.