Here we compare Biblical statements in 4 areas ofastronomy with those of ancients and modern science
Bible: Ps 8:3‑4: amazing to Psalmist that Godcares about man; Jer 31:37: heavens immeasurable
Koran: Sura 2: earth a bed, sky a dome; Sura 22:holds sky from falling down; Sura 34: let a part fall
Anaximander, About Nature
Modern Science: objects apparently 10 billion light yearsaway (1 light year = 6 trillion miles); no end in sight
Bible: Gen 15:5: large number; Jer 33:22, Gen 22:17:uncountable, like sand
Hipparchus, Ptolemy: anc. catalogues, about 1000stars (only about 6000 visible without telescope)
Democritus: speculated an infinite no. of worlds
Modern Science: 100s of billions of stars in each ofbillions of galaxies; Sir James Jeans, The Stars in Their Courses
Bible: Job 26:7: earth hangs on nothing
Hindu Vedas: earth flat & triangular; 7 stages:honey, sugar, butter, wine, etc.; supported by elephants
Greek mythology: Atlas
Greek philosophers: water (Thales); air (Anaxagoras);nothing (Anaximander, contra Aristotle)
Modern Science: support is non‑material, bybalance of gravity and inertia
Bible: Job 26:10: boundary between light and darkness onearth's surface is a circle; Luke 17:34‑36: different times of day indifferent places
Greek philosophers: flat (Hecataios); pillar‑shaped(Anaximander); round (Pythagoras)
Have to postulate very lucky guesses to avoid Biblicalevidence; contrast ancient Jewish attempts to write Scripture: 1 Enoch 72:3‑7:sun's chariot, gates, winds; 3 Baruch 3:6‑8: bore thru heaven's dome
Looks like we have real evidence of God behind the Biblewriters here.