Audubon Bible Ch THEPROPHECIES OF DANIEL Dr.Robert Newman
6 Dec 1992 ANDTHE END OF THE AGE BiblicalSeminary
A. A Tour of the Prophecies
1.Daniel 2: Nebuchadnezzar's Statue
(someinterpretation; stretches to end)
goldhead = Babylon (Dan 2:48)
silverchest & arms, app Medo-Persia (8:20)
bronzebelly & thighs, app Greece (8:21)
legsof iron
feetof iron/clay
stonecut without hands, God's kingdom (2:44)
2.Daniel 4: Nebuchadnezzar's Tree
(someinterpretation; fulfilled in past)
greattree = Nebuchadnezzar (4:22)
cutdown, etc. = loses power (4:24-25)
stump,roots remain = will be restored (4:26)
3.Daniel 5: The Handwriting on the Wall
(crypticwriting; fulfilled in past)
MENE= mina or numbered
TEKEL= shekel or weighed
PARSIN= half, Persia, divided
4.Daniel 7: The Four Wild Beasts
(someinterpretation; stretches to end)
wingedlion plucked, raised, human heart
bear,tilted, gnawing three ribs
leopardw/ four heads & wings
terriblebeast, iron teeth, bronze claws
tenhorns and eleventh
thrones,Ancient of Days, Son of Man
5.Daniel 8: The Ram & the Goat
(someinterpretation; fulfilled in past)
ramw/ two large horns, one larger than other
goatwith one horn defeats ram
hornbroken, replaced by four horns
fifthhorn, casts down stars, defeats saints
destroyed,not by human power (8:25)
6.Daniel 9: The Seventy "Weeks"
(crypticspeech; stretches to end)
70weeks to finish transgression, etc.
7weeks (to rebuild city?)
62more to Messiah being cut off
1week covenant confirmed
in midst of week, sacrifice abolished,
abomination of desolation set up
enddecreed poured out on him
7.The Kings of the North & South
(crypticspeech; stretches to end)
rathercomplex sequence which seems
to match events from Daniel's time
(about 600 BC) to Maccabean period
(about 168 BC)
thenseems to skip to end of age
B. Daniel's Future Predictions Compiled
1.The Empires Daniel2 Daniel7
Neo-Babylonian Goldenhead Lionw/
(609-539 BC) human heart
Medo-Persian Silverbreast Bearraised
(539-331 BC) & arms on one side
Greek Bronzebelly Leopardw/ 4
(331-30 BC) & thighs wings& heads
Roman Ironlegs Terriblebeast
(30 BC-300 AD) iron teeth
DividedRoman Iron/clay [notdetailed]
(300 AD-present) feet (Hornsof beast)
2.The Messiah
see70 weeks chart; cut off after 69th week begins
3.The Gaps
Dan2 & 7 jump from Roman empire to end-times empire
Dan9 jumps from Messiah's 1st coming to 2nd
Dan11 jumps from Antiochus 4 to Antichrist
Arethese jumps from closest ancient example to end-time feature? End empire closest to Roman? Jesus unique, only like himself? Antichrist closest to Antiochus?
4.Daniel's Prophecies Picked Up in New Testament
Jesusand Abomination of Desolation (Matt 24:15)
Pauland Man of Lawlessness (2 Thess 2:1-11)
Johnand Beasts (Rev 13)
A. Introduction
Isaac Asimov, A Choice of Catastrophes
MiddleEast turmoil: Gulf War, Israel
Six-thousandyear theory of human history
Adam:c4000 BC; Abraham: c2000 BC;
Jesus:0 BC; 2nd Coming: AD 2000
B. Can We Tell?
Not exactly:
Matt24:42‑44: be on alert; don't know when; when you don't expect it
24:36:no one but Father knows day or hour
1Thess 5:2: day of Lord comes as thief in night
But should be able to recognize its approach:
Matt24:32‑35: parable of fig tree
(misuseto calculate year, 1988)
realmeaning (cp Luke 21:29: all trees)
signsindicate approach
1Thess 5:1‑6: though like thief, shouldn't surprise believer, since not indark; stay awake!
C. Signs of the End
Jesus' message on Mt. of Olives (Matt 24):
3:sign of coming, end of age
4‑6:false Xs, wars, etc, but not yet end
7‑8:nations at war, famines, earthquakes, beginning of "birth pangs"
9‑14:persecution, general hatred of Xns, betrayal, false prophets, increased lawlessness,love growing cold, Gospel preached to all nations
15‑28:The Great Tribulation
Abominationof Desolation
Dan9:27; 11:31 (Antiochus); 12;11
getaway quickly
nothingto match it in human history
continuedappearance of false Xs and false prophets
Lord'sreturn will be unmistakeable
29‑31:Christ's Second Coming
Paul's predictions: moral collapse & Man ofLawlessness:
2Tim 3:1‑5: compare Matt 24:12
2Thess 2:1‑12: apostasy and Man of Sin (antichrist)
compareMatt 24 on abomination of desolation
vv11-12:God will allow delusion as judgment
John's predictions of world government &religion:
Rev13: one world govt under beast (antichrist)
666in 13:18 probably symbol for Serpent's Christ
D. Where Are We Now?
unprecedented:one‑second communication, few hour travel has produced one world &possibility of one‑world govt; has also speeded up spread of Gospel towhole world
populationgrowth due to medical & agricultural advances has put severe strain onresources and environment, making famine, disease & environmental disastermore severe if anything goes wrong
allowslarger scale, more disastrous wars; danger of nuclear proliferation; thesefavor one‑world govt as solution
Scientism (Evolutionism, etc.)
underminesall traditional religions & their concepts of moral absolutes
desireto unite all religions, partly to avoid conflict, assisted by loss of absolutes
regatheringhas produced tensions in Middle East, which superpower confrontation and oilembargo have spread to whole world; may be setting stage for abomination ofdesolation
notmuch yet, some famines, usual earthquakes, tho even San Francisco type earthquakewould be far more destructive to human life today, and much bigger earthquakeshave occurred (New Madrid, MO, 1811)
AIDSis feared by some to reach proportions of Black Death
E. What Should We Do About It?
How near is the end? Don't know, but it may be close
Whether the end of the age is close ornot, your end may be close
Repent! Recognize that you won't make it onyour when you stand before God to answer for everything you've done or thought
Trustin Jesus: he obeyed for us andpaid for us
explainhow to trust in Jesus
Livelike each day is important