Robert C.Newman
[prepared for Christian Legal Society meeting,but never given]
Some Definitions
Chance/Randomness ‑ several levels
anythingcan happen
anythingw/in certain law‑boundaries
nomind, but some ordering mechanism
Design ‑ also several levels
workingw/o limitations
variouslimitations: time, materials
A Thought Experiment
"Giveenough monkeys enough time..."
Purely random case
Imagineelectric typewriters: all caps, 33 keys, typing at 3 keys/sec
24characters, so 33 to 24th power = 3 x 1036 combinations
Thejob will take 3 x 1028 monkey‑years
Dawkin's guided randomness
usecomputer network instead of typewriters
monkeysmake variations on chosen "best case"
jobcompleted in only a few minutes w/ a few monkeys
(Dawkins uses this forillustration of how natural selection works, but it is really a sample ofdesign w/ limitations)
DesignVersus Chance
The Origin of the Universe
Recent move toward absolute origin at big bang
chance:fluctuation in vacuum produces universe
design:God created it
designin inanimate universe?
Quantum Mechanics
Copenhagen interpretation dominant, featuringchance as basic
variousother interpretations
The Origin of Life
Dawkins: evolution of lifefrom non‑life reasonable if 1 chance in 10 to 20th per planet per billionyears
Calculation for protein of 100 linked amino acids
Langton's self‑reproducing automaton
The History of Life
Non‑theistic evolution:problem of designing a computer simulation of natural selection to show it willwork
Various forms of creation (th‑evol,old‑earth & young‑earth creation): minds can produce order, so creationmodel works in this sense
Human History
Design in history?
Suggest Christian model supported by prophecy, transformedlives, changed societies
Barrow, John D.and Frank J. Tipler. TheAnthropic Cosmological Principle. New York: Oxford Univ Press, 1986.
Davies, Paul. Accidental Universe. Cambridge:Cambridge Univ Press, 1982.
Davies, Pauland J. Brown, eds. The Ghost inthe Atom: A Discussion of theMysteries of Quantum Mechanics. New York: Cambridge Univ Press, 1986.
Dawkins, Richard. The Blind Watchmaker. New York: Norton, 1986.
Denton, Michael. Evolution: A Theory in Crisis. Bethesda, MD: Adler and Adler, 1985.
Kellog, S.H. The Jews, or Prediction andFulfilment. New ed. New York: Anson Randolph, 1887.
Pollard, William. Chance and Providence. New York: Scribners, 1958.
Thaxton,Charles B., Walter L. Bradley and Roger L. Olsen, The Mystery of Life'sOrigin. New York: Philosophical Library, 1984.
Urquhart, John. The Wonders of Prophecy. Harrisburg,PA: Christian Publications, n.d.