Robert C. Newman
Onlya century ago, many Bible commentators, thinking the disasters in prophecyunrealistic, saw Jesus' description in Matt 24 as just the fall of Jerusalem inAD 70; strange locusts of Rev 9 as just Turks invading Europe; thought worldgetting better
Sincethen, the 20th cen has brought us WWs 1 and 2, nuclear
In1979, Isaac Asimov's A Choice of Catastrophes
1stclass: universe becomes uninhabitable
2ndclass: solar system becomes uninhabitable
3rdclass: earth becomes uninhabitable
4thclass: human life is destroyed
5thclass: civilization is destroyed
Wantto look at some disasters which are impending today, which are being takenseriously by scientists & politicians
Some Potential Disasters (statistics from World Almanac
Nuclear War: none of superpowers wants it, but there ismore than enough armament to have a good one, and no surefire guarantee thatone couldn't start by accident; don't know what all of the effects would be;many killed by blast, many more by fallout of radiation; nuclear winterscenario being investigated; big problem coming up is that of nuclear proliferation:32 countries are using nuclear power (incl Cuba, Iran, Pakistan); others areexperimenting to develop nuclear weapons capability (Israel, Iraq at least,prob Libya); may get terrorist groups trying nuc blackmail soon
Ozone Depletion: life on earth protected from deadly UVradiation by layer of ozone (O3) in upper atmosphere; this is being depletedby several chemicals produced by mankind (various oxides of nitrogen andrefrigerant chemicals called CFCs); already getting "hole" in ozonelayer in polar regions during part of year; Antarctic hole in 1988 allowedtwice normal UV, think 1987 hole was much worse (4-5x normal UV); occurrence ofskin cancers has risen by 93% since 1980; may be due to increased UV
Greenhouse Effect: explain name; earth has always had abeneficial greenhouse effect, tempabout 35o above that w/o effect; but now CO2 and othergases accumulating from modern technology (carbon dioxide up over 10% in 30years, nitrous oxide rising 2-3% per decade); not sure how much effect on tempthis has had yet, because many weather stations now more downtown than earlier;but in century of temperature records, six hottest years have occurred in1980s: 88, 87, 81=83, 80, 86; since 1880s, global land Ts up 1.2o F;if T trend of last 20 yrs continues for next 20, will have warmest weather inpast 100,000 years! will warmpoles most, produce very dry weather in interior of continents, prob messing upagriculture; during coldest part of ice ages, ave T only 8o Fcolder; water frozen and stored in glaciers, so that sea level then hundreds of feet lower; if all glacial ice todaymelted, sea level would rise several hundred feet more (I calc about 600 ft:Antarctica has area of 5.5 mill sq mi; whole earth 57.9; ave ice depth inAntarctic 2000 meters, so almost200 m rise in sea level if all melted)
AIDS: a viral infection that crashes human immunemachinery; first spread among homosexuals, perhaps coming from bestiality withmonkeys in Africa; now has moved into IV drug community, from which it canspread thru heterosexual intercourse and childbirth to broader population;cases thought to be heavily underreported in central Africa; in Feb 1988, 21countries reported over 200 cases each, US highest with 55K, GB 9th with 1.2K;a year later US cases had grown over 50% to 87K; in NYC, 60% of IV drug userstested were infected; app virus is transported in human white blood cells; RANDCorp estimates that AIDS hosp care in US over period 1986-91 will cost $37 billion
Earthquakes: no evidence that number or their forceincreasing at present; but subjective increase due to growing world population;if SF earthquake repeated today, far more loss of life and property
Pollution/Toxins: both growing technology and growing terrorist activity could producedisaster here; some items: modernAmericans and Britons have 500-1000x more Pb in bones than Amerinds of 700-1300yrs ago; long-term, heavy alcohol use damagesheart muscles in 1/3 drinkers, skeletal muscles in almost 1/2; dioxins (some ofmost powerful carcinogens known) app getting around in paper used in milkcartons & coffee filters; recent poisoned grape scare definitely linked toterrorism; earlier poisoned medicine scare certainly closely observed by them
These disasters have some real similarity to disasterspictured in Matthew 24 and Revelation: wars, famines, plagues, earthquakes, darkness,sun scorching people; might be the way God will bring these about
But Bible pictures a worse disaster ahead for those whocontinue to live as though God doesn't exist: Luke 13, parable of fruitless figtree in vineyard