Biblical Theological Seminary

1985 Summer Institute: "Our Great God"

Robert C. Newman





A Creed Derived from the Synoptics:


I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac& Jacob [1], creator of the world and mankind [2], who feeds the birds andclothes the plants [3].  He is theone and only God, the Mighty One, the Sovereign Lord of heaven and earth, withwhom nothing is impossible [4].  Heis the just One, who knows our hearts and will judge us as we judge others onthat day when he will destroy

body and soul of the unrighteous in helland welcome the blessed into his eternal kingdom [5].  He alone is good, able to forgive sin and by his mercy togive salvation to men [6].  He maybe

known only through his Son, Jesus Christ[7].  As his servant, I am toworship him only [8]; to love him with all my heart, soul & mind [9]; totrust him rather than test him [10]; to pray to him

[11]; to fear & obey him [12]; topraise him [13]; and to tell others what he has done for me [14].



1. Mt 22.32; Mk 12.26; Lk 20.37

2. Mt 19.4; Mk 10.6; 13.19

3. Mt 6.26,30; Lk 12.24,28

4. Mk 12.29,32; Lk 1.49;2.29; Mt 11.25;19.26;Mk 10.27; Lk 1.37

5. Mt 5.21‑26; 7.1‑5; 10.28; 11.22‑24;Lk 16.15; Mt 25.31‑46

6. Mt 19.17; Mk 10.18; 2.7; Lk 5.21; 1.77

7. Mt 11.27

8. Mt 4.10; Lk 4.8;Mt 6.24; Lk 16.13

9. Mt 22.37; Mt 12.30; Lk 10.27

10. Mk 11.22; Mt 4.7; Lk 4.12

11. Mt 6.5‑13

12. Lk 23.40; Mt 5.17‑20; 15.3‑6

13. Mt 9.8; Mk 2.12; Lk 17.15,17; 24.53

14. Lk 8.39


Some Figures by which God is Pictured:


Farmer: indirect thru parables; mostlyMatthew


Father: title& parables; in all 3, but most in Matthew; ideas of Christ as son,believers as sons, in all 3

Judge: by parables or judicial terms;Matt/Luke


King: parables in Matthew; kingdomfrequent in all 3


Lord: so common as to be "dead"metaphor


Some Distinctives within the Synoptics:


Matthew: tendsto avoid naming God by using passive voice & circumlocutions; uses"Lord, Master, King" interchangeably between Christ and God; distinguishesvia "Father/Son" and "Son of Man"


Mark: also someuse of passive voice & circumlocutions "heaven, power, blessed";less frequent use of "Father"; doesn't have farmer, judge, kingmaterials


Luke: showsless avoidance of name of God than Mt, Mk; less freq use of "Father"than Mt; much emphasis on praise of God; some emphasis on word of God



Some Distinctive SynopticPresentations of God:


Basically parabolic pictures of God asgiven by Jesus; distinction from "allegories" of John




            The Unjust Judge (Luke 18:1‑8)

                        argumentby contrast

                        whatdoes our non‑persistence in prayer show about how we think of God?

            TheUnmerciful Servant (Matt 18:21‑35)

                        notedifferences in size of debts (10,000 talents vs 100 denarii)

                        ifwe demand justice, we will get it!

            Marriage of King's Son (Matt 22:1‑14)

                        dowe really want to go to heaven?

                        dowe presume upon God's mercy?



            Son Asking Bread (Matt 7:9‑11; Lk 11:11‑13)

                        argumentfrom lesser to greater

                        similarto Unjust Judge, above

            Prodigal Son (Lk 15:11‑32)

                        Fatherlets him go, won't learn w/o experience

                        waitshis return

                        runsto meet him!

                        reinstatedas son

                        wantsothers to have same attitude