Discovering God's Fingerprints Dr.Robert C. Newman
Hershey Ev Free Ch 20 Sept 97 BiblicalTheol Seminary
Is religion wishful thinking?
Depends on who is wishing!
Christianity has a God who:
Needs nothing, so we cannot earn his favor
Sees most righteous as deserving punishment
Holds those who know him better tohigher standard
Will forgive worst who repent,condemn most righteous who depend on selves
Easy to see why atheists wouldn't want a God who:
Will judge all their actions and thoughts
Restricts their behavior andcondemns their sins
Is religion a crutch?
Better to have a crutch than not walk!
Look at all the problems in society today:
crime, poverty, abortion, AIDS
TRANSITION: God exists and He hasactually provided quite adequateevidence of His existence for those who really want to know
Sketch recent developments is cosmology
Steady‑state (Bondi, Gold, Hoyle) vs big‑bang =>big-bang
Oscilatting (Sagan) vs beginning => beginning
Something from nothing? (Hawking) Not anywhere else!
Creator a far more adequate explanation
TRANSITION: What about evolution? Doesn't that remove need for God?
Origin of life?
Simplest life has info content =(100 million pages) 4,000 sets of
How generate observed complexitywithout a Designer?
Mutation & natural selection as source of order?
Can't get this to work on computer
Lack of transitions in fossil record
Everywhere above lowest levels ofbiological classification scheme
Creator a more natural explanaiton
TRANSITION: This is more clearlyseen in evidence for design in the inanimate universe
Carbon: unique in length of chainsformed; C-O and C-H bonds about same energy as C-C
Water: unique in high heat capacity,universal solvent, expanding on freezing
Earth: temp, water, oxygen level <25%,
grav: 1/4x: atm pr too low; 2x toomuch greenhouse
Sun: size 20% + or ‑ fatal tolife (too short lifetime or too little blue/too long day); variation of 25%over history too much except for action of plants on earth changingatmosphere
Basic Forces: fine-tuning is astonishing
expansion vs gravity: 10 to 60th at Planck time
e‑m cancellation: to 1 part in 10 to 37th
Alternative Explanations:
weak anthropic principle: accident of observation
strong anthropic principle: backward causation
many universes: simultaneous or sequential
Creator a far more plausibleexplanation than any of these!
TRANSITION: OK, so there's a god orgods; why should we limit it to the God of the Bible?
Presence of real predictionsfulfilled long after prediction written:
contrast Nostradamus
A few samples:
Tyre: Ezk 26:4,12: rock scraped,dust into sea
Babylon: Isa 13:19-22: no Arabs, no shepherds
Jer 51:24-26: stones not reused as stone
51:42‑43: to become parched desert
Israel: Hos 3:4: w/o king, prince,sacrifice, pillar, ephod or teraphim for "many days"
Light to Gentiles: Isa 42:6; 49:6
Only Jew claiming to be Messiah whohas founded a world religion
Messiah cut off at specified date,Dan 9:24‑27
works out to 28-35 AD
Historical Reliability of Gospel accounts
if miracle ruled out in advance, appear unreliable
if miracle not ruled out, look very good
What makes the "first world" different?
Science/technology => Christian roots
Personal freedom => Christian roots
Ironside story
Harry Ironside preaching in San Francisco,challenged to debate by popular socialist speaker; IronsideÕs counter-challengere/ witness of people reformed by Xy vs socialism
Secular humanism/socialism don'tchange human nature
Christianity does
TRANSITION: Sowhat does all this mean?
There is a God and He's the One revealed in the Bible
Human history does have significance
So do our individual lives: what wedo with God will make the difference between whether our lives turn out tobe a disaster or a joy beyond imagining
The place of Jesus in all this?
The one being in all universe who isboth uncreated and created
As uncreated being, he alone choseto become created, so his obedience as creature not owed to God
As created being, his obedience as ahuman is the sort we should have given (but didn't)
If we trust in Jesus, his obediencecounts as ours
As created being, his suffering forsins is human suffering
As uncreated God, he is able to takein a few hours what would take us forever to suffer
If we trust in Jesus, ourdisobedience is paid for by his suffering
When we trust in Jesus foracceptance with God, our sin is paid for, our righteousness provided, andGod begins to change us from inside by coming to live in us
You, too, can trust in Jesus!
GeneralBooks on Christian Apologetics and Evidences:
Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli, Handbookof Christian Apologetics. InterVarsity, 1994.
John Warwick Montgomery, ed., Evidencefor Faith: Deciding the God Question. Probe/Word, 1991.
Originof Universe:
Hugh Ross, The Creator and theCosmos: How the GreatestScientific Discoveries of the Century Reveal God. NavPress, 1993.
Hugh Ross, The Fingerprint of God. 2nd ed. PromisePublishing, 1991.
Originof Life:
Charles B. Thaxton, Walter L.Bradley, and Roger L. Olsen, The Mystery of LIfe's Origin: ReassessingCurrent Theories. Philosophical Library, 1984; Lewis andStanley, 1992.
Michael Behe, Darwin's BlackBox: The Biochemical Challenge toEvolution. Free Press, 1996.
Phillip E. Johnson, DefeatingDarwin by Opening Minds. InterVarsity, 1997.
J. P. Moreland, ed., The CreationHypothesis: Scientific Evidencefor an Intelligent Designer. InterVarsity,1994.
Ross, Fingerprint of God, chapter 12.
Montgomery,Evidence for Faith,several chapters.
Robert C. Newman, ed., TheEvidence of Prophecy: FulfilledPrediction as a Testimony to the Truth of Christianity. Interdisciplinary Biblical Research Institute, 1988.
Craig Blomberg, The HistoricalReliability of the Gospels. InterVarsity, 1987.
Gregory A. Boyd, Cynic Sage orSon of God? Recovering the RealJesus in an Age of Revisionist Replies. BridgePoint/Victor, 1995.
Josh McDowell and Bill Wilson, HeWalked Among Us: Evidence for theHistorical Jesus. Here's Life, 1988.
Michael J. Wilkins and J. P.Moreland, eds., Jesus Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus. Zondervan, 1995.