Robert C.Newman




            Author: named Habakkuk, otherwise unknown


            Place: Judah, shortly before Babylonian captivity


            Date: prob about 605 BC, reign of Jehoiakim


            Setting:rampant sin in Jewish society


HabakkukÕs First Complaint to God:(1:2‑4)

            How can you let such evil in society go unpunished?


            Picture of Jewish society of time cast in generalterms


            Certainly resembles much in our society today


GodÕs First Answer: (1:5‑11)

            I'm not: I'm sending invadersto destroy that society!


            Explicit reference toChaldeans = Babylonians, but characteristics fairly general for worldconquerors


            Could God raise up Communism or some other invaderor disaster to destroy our society?


HabakkukÕs Second Complaint: (1:12‑2:1)

            How can you let such wickedconquerors destroy those more righteous than themselves?


            Babylonians certainly morewicked than Israelites, though possibly not when different level of light takeninto account; but many righteous in Israel will also suffer.


            Communists, etc. more wickedthan us, though perhaps not when different level of light taken into account;if some such happens to U.S., many righteous will suffer.


GodÕs Second Answer: (2:2‑20)

            Depend on me; the wicked (includingconquerors) will get what they deserve & the righteous what they hope for.


            Doesn't deal with question ofrelative levels of light, but with response of wicked and righteous.



            Problem of Delay (2:2‑5)

                        Wickedbecome arrogant (Eccl 8:11; Lk 18:7‑8)

                        Righteousmust live by faith/faithfulness



            Woes to Wicked (6‑20) ‑appears to be generalized so as to have application both to wicked in Israeland wicked Babylonian conquerors; and to wicked in our society


                        Plunders(6‑8): to be plundered


                        Unjust(9‑11): to get justice


                        Greedy(12‑14): to lose all


                        Seducers(15‑17): to be overwhelmed by violence


                        Idolaters(18‑20): to be confronted by real God


HabakkukÕs Response of Prayer & Trust(3:1‑19)


            Calls on God to Intervene (2)


            God's Intervention (3‑15)


                        Usesimagery from Exodus, from theophanies


                        DivineWarrior motif


                        Looksto end of age


            Habakkuk's Response (16‑19)


                        Fear& trembling (16a)


                        Trustin face of calamity (16b‑18)

                                   (thejust will live by faith)


                        Godis my strength & protection (19)

                                   (notjust a dark future, but a dark tunnel this side of a bright future)


            How will we respond if such disaster comes uponus?