TheCalling of the Church

                                                     andHistoric Premillennialism


                                                               RobertC. Newman

                                                      BiblicalTheological Seminary




            Inone sense, our Millennial position doesn't matter:

            Godinitiates the Millennium (whenever it is) and doesn't need our advice on whenor how to go about it!


            Butthere are some important aspects, one of which we have been asked to addresstonight: what are we Christians individ­ually and collectively supposed tobe doing right now?  i.e., what isthe calling of the church?


            Twoother items that are less important, but by no means trivial:

                        --what is the status of Israel today?

                        --how do we go about deciding on a hermeneutic for the interpretation of OT (andNT) prophecy?


Overview of Historic Premillennialism


Historic:shows up as early as Papias (dc 130-155; acc Eusebius, CH 3:39), Justin Martyr(dc 165; DT 80-81; ANF 1:236-40) and Irena­eus (dc 200; AH 5:33-36; ANF1:563-65).


Premillennial:The Pre-Mill view sees the Millen­nium as a "silver age" tofollow the return of Christ, distin­guished from "this pres­entevil age" and also from the "golden age" (for believ­ers) ofthe eternal state.



Distinguished from A-Mill and Post-Millpositions:

            Unlikeboth, the Mill is viewed as following the 2nd coming of X rather than precedingit, and a long time-span is viewed as intervening between the 2nd coming andthe last judgment. (OT passages on silver age; Rev 19-20)

            LikeA-Mill but unlke Post-Mill, the 2nd coming could be very soon (no long periodneeds to intervene)

            Unlikethe A-Mill but like the Post-Mill, the Mill will be an age of unprecedentedpeace, righteousness and prosperity (OT passages re/ such)

            Likeboth, Hist Pre-Mills see that the kingdom is al­ready present in somerestricted sense, but not yet present in its fullest sense (sketch some ofRidderbos' points)


Distinguished from DispensationalPre-Mill position:

            Apparentlyan older view than Disp PM, so "historic"

            Thekingdom has already begun at Jesus' 1st com­ing, rather thanbeing refused and postponed entirely as is common in DPM position("already but not yet")

            Doesnot make such a hard distinction between Israel and the church as DPM  does:

                        Paul'solive tree (Rom 11)

                        TheNew Jerusalem (Rev 21:12-14) combines apos­tles and the tribes of Israel

            Seesmore continuity between Israel and the church, between OT and NT than DPM does,though perhaps less than some AM and PostM do.


View of the Kingdom

            Biblicalpictures of the relations between God and humans:

                        potter/clay;farmer/plant; shepherd/sheep; king/subject; master/slave; father/child;husband/wife

            Dangerof overemphasis on one picture                     

            King/subjectimplies kingdom

            Somemore collective aspects pictured:

                        kingdom:subjects, rebels, armies, conquest

                        body:head, parts

                        temple:chief corner stone, other stones


The Calling ofthe Church - the collective aspects of the pic­tures above suggest that thechurch has some purpose(s) as a whole; what might this/these be?


            Passageson our calling:

                        Matt28:19-20 and other Gospel commissions

                                    Go,make disciples of all nations, baptizing, teaching

                        Acts1:6-8, not for you to know time, but you will be my witnesses


            Variouscharacterizations of church

                        Jesusto Pilate (Jn 18) - if my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight

                        Paul(Eph 6) - wrestle not against flesh and blood

                        Parableof pounds (Lk 19) - servants given cities after master returns

                        Parablesof kingdom (Mt 13) - structure of para­bles seems to indicate growth ofmustard seed/leaven is good/bad rather than (AM & PostM) good/good or (DPM)bad/bad

                        Parableof sheep/goats (Mt 25) - what were people supposed to have been doing before Xsreturn?


Given at Wallace Presbyterian Church,Hyattsville, MD, 9 May 1997