BiblicalTheological Seminary
Dr.Robert C. Newman
Mankindwas created in the image of God
Evidentlythis image was not destroyed by the Fall
Gen9:6; Jas 3:9
Yetit was sufficiently distorted that it must be restored or renewed inregeneration and sanctification
Col3:10; Eph 4:24
Thoughthe explicit "image" passages in Scripture are only a handful, thereare hundreds of passages in which God pictures himself as a human involvedin some activity or relationship, thereby suggesting that we image God invarious of our relationships and activities
God as Potter, Mankind as Clay
Aspotter makes clay pots, so God made us.
Isa64:8; 29:15-16; 45:9
Asclay pots are fragile, so are we.
Job10:8-9; 33:6-7; Jer 19:1-13; Ps 2:9
Aspotter makes pots for various purposes, so God makes us.
Rom9:19-24; Jer 18:1-12; Acts 9:15; 2 Tim 2:20-21
God as Farmer, Mankind as Plant
Therighteous pictured as healthy tree.
Ps1:3; 92:12-14; Jer 17:7-8
Thewicked pictured as endangered plants.
Ps1:4; Isa 5:1-7; Ezk 15:1-8; Lk 13:6-9; Mt 3:8-10
God'sgrace to Gentiles pictured as grafting.
Rom11:17-24; cp Jn 15:1-9
God as Shepherd, Mankind as Sheep
Shepherdseeks/finds sheep.
Isa53:6; Lk 15:4-7; Jer 50:6-7,17-20; Ezk 34:11-16
Shepherdleads his flock.
Ps23:2-3; 80:1; 78:52-54; Jn 10:1-5
Shepherdfeeds his sheep.
Ps23:1-2; Ezk 34:12-15
Shepherdprotects from predators.
Ps23:4; Jer 50:18-19; Ezk 34:12-16
Shepherdwill even die for his sheep.
Zec13:7; Jn 10:11-12; Mt 26:31
Slaughterof sheep
Ezk34:16-24; see also Mt 25:32-33
God as King, Mankind as Subjects
Kinghas/deserves prestige.
Ps29:1-11; Ps 47; Dan 4:17,25,37; 1 Tim 6:15
Kingprotects his subjects.
Ps10:12-18; 74:12; Isa 33:22
Insultagainst king is rebellion.
Lk19:11-27; Mt 22:1-14
God as Master, Mankind as Slaves
Socommon a picture as to be a "dead" metaphor.
Masterdeserves honor/respect.
Reflectedin human master/slave relationships.
Eph6:5-9; Col 3:22-4:1
God as Father/Parent, Mankind asChildren
Replacementfor mother & father.
Ps131:2; Dt 32:11; Mt 23:37
God'snatural children
Jn1:12-13; 1 Pet 1:3
God'sadopted children
Gal4:4-7; Rom 8:14-19
Wehave a family resemblance.
1Jn 3:1-10; Mt 5:43-48; Jn 8:36-47
Godprovides as a good father does.
Godloves and forgives.
God as Husband, Mankind as Wife
Isthis the point of 1 Cor 11:7?
1Cor 11:7 (NIV) A man ought not to cover his head, sincehe is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.
Marriagecovenant parallel to that with God.
Jer31:32; Isa 54:10; Ps 45:10; Eph 5:26-27; 2Cor 11:2-3
Mutuallove and joy
Ps45:11,15; Isa 62:5; Eph 5:25
Ps45:11; Eph 5:24
Bearingof children
Isa54:1; Ps 45:16
Husbandprovides, protects.
Eph5:23; Isa 54:14-17
Breakingof marriage cp to apostasy
Hos1-3; Jer 3:1,8; Isa 54:6-8; 62:4
Rebellion and SatanŐs Image
Jn8:44; 1 Jn 3:8,10; Mt 3:7
Goddespises this image.
Rebellionas a result of the Fall
Gen3:16-17; Gen 9:2-3; Rom 8:19-22
Distortionintroduced into imaging relations
Fromupper side:
mistreatmentof environment
tyrranyby rulers, employers
abuseof children, wife
Fromlower side:
wifenot subject
Theseimages can help us understand God better, esp through experiencing what itfeels like to act as God.
Theseimages can help us understand how we should act as potters, farmers, parents,etc.
Theseimages can help unsaved to see God for first time.
*for more detail, see Robert C. Newman,"Some Perspectives on the Image of God in Man from BiblicalTheology," IBRI Research Report 21 (1984).