Johannine Epistles

Bible Study at Day's

Dr. Robert C. Newman



                                              (outlinemodified from Burdick, NIVSB)


I. Introduction:  The Reality of the Incarnation (1:1-4)


                        He(Word of Life) existed from the beginning, with the Father


                        He(the Eternal Life) was manifested to us


                        Weexperienced Him


                        Weproclaim Him to you


                        Mayyour joy be complete


II. The Christian Life as Fellowship with the Father and Son (1:5-2:28)


            A. Ethical Tests of Fellowship (1:5-2:11)


                        1. Moral Likeness (1:5-7)


                                    Ourmessage from Him


                                    Godis light, no darkness at all


                                    Wecannot walk in darkness & have fellowship with Him


                                    Withfellowship we have cleansing by His blood


                        2. Confession of Sin (1:8-2:2)


                                    Weare not sinless yet


                                    Hewill forgive if we confess


                                    Denialof sin is denial of Him


                                    Purposeof letter is to avoid sin


                                    Butall need Christ's advocacy, payment


                        3. Obedience (2:3-6)


                                    Howwe know we have come to know Him


                                    Claimwithout obedience marks liar


                                    Obediencecompletes love


                                    Wemust follow Jesus' example


                        4. Love for Fellow Believers (2:7-11)


                                    Nota new command (goes back to OT)


                                    Yetnew as manifested in Him and believers


                                    Hatredfor brothers belies claims


                                    Lovemotivates lifestyle, avoids causing sin


                                    Hatredis blindness


            B.  Two Digressions (2:12-17)


                        1.Writing to Family (2:12-14)


                                    children,fathers, young men


                                    forgiveness,knowledge, victory


                        2.Don't Love the World (2:15-17)


                                    Inconsistentwith love for Father


                                    Doesnot find its source in Father:


                                                Lustof flesh (sensuality)


                                                Lustof eyes (covetousness)


                                                Prideof life (boasting)


                                    Worldwill not last


            C. Christological Test of Fellowship (2:18-28)


                        1. Contrast:  Apostates vs Believers (2:18-21)


                                    Alreadythe last hour


                                    Manyantichrists on scene

                                                showthey are not Xns by their departure


                                    Truebelievers have Holy Spirit

                                                (showthey are Xns) by knowing truth


                        2. Person of Christ:  Crux of the Test (2:22-23)


                                    Antichristis liar

                                                deniesJesus is the Christ


                                                deniesboth Father and Son


                                    Confessionof Son is key to having Father



                        3. Persistent Belief:  Key to Continuing Fellowship (2:24-28)


                                    Abiding(remaining) in original Gospel message


                                                linkedto abiding in Father & Son


                                                thisis eternal life


                                                don'tbe deceived


                                    Anointingremains in you


                                                teachesthe truth


                                                keepsthe believer


                                    Abidein Him


                                                inview of judgment




III. The Christian Life as Divine Sonship (2:29-4:6)


            A. Ethical Tests of Sonship (2:29-3:24)


                        1. Righteousness (2:29-3:10a)


                                    Anattribute of God and all His children


                                    God'slove demonstrated:


                                                callsus His children


                                                ismaking us so


                                    Soworld misunderstands us as it does Him


                                    Ourlikeness to God will be perfected when we see Him


                                    Meanwhilewe seek to be pure just as He is


                                    Sin,by contrast, is law-breaking


                                                Christcame to rescue us from this


                                                HeHimself is sinless


                                                Thosewho are His don't keep on sinning


                                    Contrastwith children of Satan


                                                Sinan attribute of Satan & all his children


                                                Christcame to destroy Satan's work


                                                God'sseed in us keeps us from sinning


                                                Thisis how we distinguish God's children from Satan's


                        2. Love (3:10b-24)


                                    Alsoa test for God's chidren vs Satan's




                                    ContrastCain (Genesis 4)


                                                belongedto (child of) Satan


                                                murderedbrother Abel


                                                hatedAbel's righteous lifestyle


                                                don'tbe surprised if world hates you


                                    Testof eternal life


                                                lovefor brothers


                                                            Exampleof true love:  Jesus died for us


                                                sowe ought to die for brothers


                                                lovelinked to compassion


                                                loveresults in action


                                    Activelove is test of truth




                                                            Godknows more than we


                                                givesus confidence


                                                            supportof God


                                    Butthis confidence linked to obedience:


                                                trustin who Jesus is


                                                lovefor one another


                                    Andobedience linked to abiding




            B.  Christological Tests of Sonship (4:1-6)


                        Notall spirits from God


                                    Testthe spirits




                                                Jesusis the Christ


                                                Christhas come in the flesh


                                    Spiritof antichrist already in world


                        Contrastchildren of God and of Satan


                                    Childrenof God overcome world


                                    Childrenof Satan heard by world


                                    Childrenof God not heard by world,

                                                butby other children of God



IV.  The Christian Life as an Integration of Ethical &Christological (4:7-5:12)


            A. The Ethical Test: Love (4:7-5:5)


                        1. The Source of Love (4:7-16)


                                    comesfrom God


                                    characterizesall & only regenerate


                                    manifestedin Son's redemptive work


                                    God'slove, not ours, was first


                                    Hislove should motivate us to love


                                    noone has seen God, but he can be seen in us


                                                ifwe love one another


                                                ifwe confess Jesus as Son

                                    abidingin love = abiding in God


                        2. The Fruit of Love (4:17-19)


                                    byabiding in God's love, love is perfected in us


                                    thisgives us confidence in day of judgment


                                    thiscasts out fear


                        3. The Relation between Godward andManward Love (4:20-5:1)


                                    cannotlove God and hate brother


                                    thosewho love God commanded to love brother


                                    ifyou love God then you must love His children


                        4. Obedience:  Evidence of Love for God's Children  (5:2-5)


                                    testfor love of believers is love of God and obedience


                                    testfor love of God is obedience


                                    childof God is victorious over world thru faith


                                    victorover world is one who trusts Jesus as Son


            B.  The Christological Test (5:6-12)


                        JesusChrist came by water and blood


                                    waterapp incarnation (birth water; see Jn 3:5)


                                    bloodapp atonement


                        Spiritbears witness to Christ









                        Theseare divine witnesses, not merely human


                                    believerhas witness in himself


                                    thiswitness is eternal life


                                    onlyone who has Son has this life



V.   Conclusion: Great Christian Certainties (5:13-21)


                        Writtento believers to give assurance of life


                        Believersalso have assurance of answered prayer


                        Assuranceof answers to prayers of intercession


                        God'schildren kept from sin and Satan


                        Givenunderstanding to know God and live in Him


                        Guardyourselves from idols





I. Introduction (1-3): lengthened form ofstandard letter introduction


            Author:"the Elder"


                        somehave denied this is apostle John, as term elder seems like too low adesignation


                        thesehypothesize another "John the elder"


                        but"elder" may here mean:


                                     --church officer: Peter uses of self (1Pet 5:1)


                                     --old man: similar to Paul's use (Phm 9)


                                     --one of 1st Xn generation: Papias' use


                        styleof letter and earliest tradition favor apostolic authorship


            Recipients:"elect lady and her children"


                        seealso "lady" (5) and "children of your elect sister" (13)




                                     --literal: a Xn woman with grownchildren

                                                (whohas a sister w/ grown children)


                                     --figurative: a Xn church and individualmembers

                                                (sisteris another church)


                        ifliteral, name of woman?




                                     --"Kyria" - rare but notunknown name


                                     --"Eklecte" - app ruled out by(13)


            Greeting:similar to Paul's greeting style


                        Grace,mercy and peace


                        Willbe with us: note of confidence


II. Occasion for Letter (4)


            contactwith some of lady's children


            gladto see them walking in the truth


III. God's Commandment (5-6)


            loveone another


            notnew commandment


            love= obedience to God's commands            


IV. Warning against Deceivers (7-11)


            manyout in world, like the deceiver, Antichrist


            don'tacknowledge Jesus as Christ come in flesh


            dangerto believers to lose reward


                        they"go beyond" the teaching of Christ


                                    don'thave God


                        notto be aided in their work


                                    lestwe share their ÔrewardÕ


V. Conclusion (12-13)


            furthermatters postponed for personal visit


                        greetingsfrom sister's children









                        Elder(1): apostle John, prob in neighborhood of Ephesus, overseeing a number ofchurches


                        Gaius(1): recipient of letter; mature Xn; prob wealthy; member (perhaps an elder) ofchurch in view


                        Demetrius(12): app carrier of letter, a travelling Xn worker, poss in charge of a groupof such,       seekinghospitality from church in view


                        Diotrephes(9-10): app elder in same church, with considerable influence which he hasmisused to build himself up and to put down all signs of independence


            Circumstancesof Early Church




                                    cp2 John 10, Didache 11-13 and Paul's practice of sending associates


                                    Responsibityof local churches to help Xns who have gone out as travelling workers


                                    Dangerof misuse of hospitality by charlatans and heretics


                        MonarchicalBishops: cp Ignatius of Antioch, Rev 2-3?


                                    Bishopbecomes an office distict from elder, above elders, one per church, withconsiderable powers


                                    Clearestexamples in Ignatius: Eph 2:1; Mag 6:1; Trall 3:1; Smyr 8:1-9:1


                        Lettersof Recommendation:


                                    Acommon practice, see 2 Cor 3:1-2


                                    Samplesfrom NT:


                                                Jerusch for Judas & Silas (Acts 15:24-27)


                                                Paulfor Phoebe (Rom 16:1-2)


                                                Paulfor Timothy et al (2 Cor 8:16-24)


                                                Paulfor Tychichus (Eph 6:21-22) and Onesimus (Col 4:7-9)




I.          Introduction(1)


II.        Gaius'Hospitality (2-8)


                        Evidenceof his spiritual maturity (2-3)


                        Sourceof joy for his spiritual father (4)


                        Encouragementto continue hosptality (5-8)


III.       Diotrephes'Inhospitability (9-11)


                        IgnoredJohn's request (9)


                        Wantspreeminence (9)


                        Wickedactions (10)




                                    refusalto receive travelling brethren


                                    forbidsothers to receive them


                                    excommunicatesthose who don't obey him


                        Abad example (11)


IV.       John'sRequest (12)


                        Hisrecommendation of Demetrius


                        Requestfor showing hospitality implied in verses 3, 5, 6, 8, 10b


V.        Conclusion(13-14)


                        Verymuch like that of 2 John


                        Johnprefers personal contact to letter writing


                        Greetingsfrom others