Essex Fells Apologetics Seminar
November 8, 1989
Robert C. Newman
Evidence from Prophecy:
Psalm16: God will not abandon his HolyOne to the grave, nor let him see decay
Psalm22: one pierced in hands &feet, surrounded by enemies, laid in dust of death, is delivered and his deliverancebecomes worldwide news down thru generations
Isaiah53: unbelievable report ofservant's exaltation; despised by Israel, suffered as sin offering, but then hewill see his offspring, prolong his days
Evidence from History:
Can'tgo back in time machine to see what really happened, but several significantlines of evidence:
TheExistence of the Church.
Themen and women who had followed Jesus were completely demoralized by his death.
--wehad hoped that he was Messiah
--hidingfrom enemies
Withina few months they were boldly proclaiming Jesus in the very city where he wascrucified.
Mostof the apostles (all but John) died at the hands of enemies, but would notretract their testimony that they had seen (etc.) the risen Jesus.
Thechurch's expansion to fill empire was made in face of persecution without usingmilitary forms of evangelism.
TheExistence of the New Testament.
TheNT comes from within a century of the events it records, as even liberalsadmit.
Theexternal historical evidence of authorship points to two apostles and two oftheir associates for the four Gospels and to a former enemy of Xy for most ofthe letters.
Uniformtestimony of NT is that many eyewitnesses to resurrected Jesus, includingextended appearances to multiple witnesses, with multiple senses involved.
Unlessone a priori rejectsthe miraculous, the evidence for the reliability of the NT is as good asfor any ancient histories.
Responsesof Opponents.
Severalattempts to avoid resurrection:
StolenBody Theory:
Oldest alternative, but originalversion has soldiers (asleep) testifying!
Later versions invariably try to getrid of soldiers
Doesn't explain:
Tacticsof apostles
Careerof Paul
Contentof NT
Various versions by Reimaurus,Schonfield
But, how get out of tomb?
How get past soldies?
How convince disciples death conquered?
Fatal objection in physiology ofcrucifixion
unconsciousperson will die of suffocation
Women go to wrong tomb, mistakegardener for angel
Disciples begin to have hallucinationsof risen Jesus
But, how avoid authorities producingbody when Xns begin preaching Gospel?
How mistake tomb in daylight?
How avoid correction from otherdisciples?
Grief-induced (or even drug-induced)hallucinations do not produce hour-long, multiple-sense, multiple-witnessappearances.
Evidenceis about as good as one could get for controversial event in history.
Occurringin a time of more advanced technology would not avoid possible objections.
Theimportance of knowing God and finding out what He is like is so great that wemust not go through life assuming it doesn't matter until we have throroughlyinvestigated matter.