Robert C.Newman




            Thereare a number areas of controversy in science teaching today, but our concernhere is the Creation‑Evolution dispute.

                        (giveexamples of strong feelings on both sides, e.g., some quotes in reaction to TSCC booklet, Asimov letter)


            Teachersare typically caught in the middle

                        Ifthey teach evolution, flack from evangelical parents

                        Ifteach creation, flack from some other parents

                        Ifdon't teach one or both, also get flack

                        Whatis a teacher to do?


What is Science?


            Twodistinct definitions:

                        explanationw/o invoking supernatural

                        explanationof how things really are


            Confusion arises whenopponents use different definitions, or unconsciously switch back and forth, orassume that two are equivalent.

                        (partof debate over whether evolution and/or creation is scientific comes in here)


            Suggestteacher needs to clarify this ambiguity, noting that treating them as equal isitself to preach a philosophical/religious view (e.g., opening lines of Cosmos):


"TheCosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be."


What is Religion?


            Alsovarious definitions

                        beliefsregarding ultimate reality

                        worshipof a supreme being


            Accordingto definition #1, religion already being taught in many classrooms whereworldview "evolutionism" promoted.


            Accordingto definition  #2, this is not whatcreationists are asking for in science classes.


How Can We Teach Science in aPublically‑Funded Setting?


            Public Funding does not remove one's responsibility toteach truth, but it does raise questions re/ fairness in a pluralistic society(taxpayers are rightly incensed if they feel they are paying the salaries ofpeople who are dumping on their views).


            Obviouslyparents can send their children to private schools (as many are), but thisstill does not alleviate problem that they are helping finance public education.


            Raisesquestion whether first ammendment re/ estab religion is consistent with publicschooling (which was not envisioned at time of Constitution); perhaps we needto adopt a voucher system as most of the other Western democracies have inseeking to solve this problem.


Recognizing the Limits of Science:


            Empiricallybased on limited database

                        Doesbest w/ mathematical, mechanical models

                        Problemshandling operation of intellect

                                    (soif an intellect involved in origin & operation of universe, may be missingsomething)


            Helpfulif students can see where science mistaken in past (for balance, Xns need torecognize where they have misinterpreted Bible in past too).


Distinguishing Known from Unknown, Factfrom Theory:


            Scienceteaching in elem sch, HS, often even college does not clearly distinguish datafrom theory (e.g., quotation re/ daily life of Piltdown).

            Creationists often sloppy here too (e.g.,speculation re/ tidal waves during flood).


Discussing Open Questions re/ Origins


            1. Did the universe have a beginning?


            2.Did life arise by chance?


            3.Where did the first animals come from?


            4.Do we share ancestry with the apes?


Handling the Controversy in theClassroom


            1.Don't avoid the subject, use it as an opportunity to discuss science on a topicin which most students are naturally interested.

            2. Try to keep the discussion within boundaries.


            3.Show respect for opposing views.


            4.Consider the whole spectrum of opinion.


            5.Seek common ground.


            6.Watch your language.


            7.Keep asking questions.


The lastseveral sections (above) were borrowed from the booklet Teaching Science ina Climate of Controversy,authored by the members of the Committee for Integrity in Science Education ofthe American Scientific Affiliation. Copies may be ordered from the American Scientific Affiliation, PO Box668, Ipswich, MA 01938-0668.