ÒWhere is Heaven?Ó was published in the UnitedEvangelical, January 30, 1976, pp 5-7.
Where Is Heaven?
Robert C. Newman
After one of the early Russian astronauts returned fromorbit around the earth, he remarked that he was satisfied that God does not exist,since he had not seen Him while travelling in the heavens!
Just what does the Bible have to say about the location ofheaven? To answer this question,we must first distinguish which heaven we are talking about.
So, what we would like to know is the location of GodÕsspecial dwelling place. There are,of course, many Scriptures which speak of it as being Òup,Ó from which,naturally enough, most people have assumed it is up in the sky somewhere.
How far up is heaven? References about travelling to heaven do not indicate that anysubstantial distance is involved. When Jacob sees the ladder reaching into heaven, he recognizes Godstanding at the top. Since GodÕsappearances in human form are also in human size, this implies that the top ofthe ladder is not very far away, surely much less than a mile.
Only one passage would seem to speak of travel to heavengoing beyond the stars, Isaiah 14:13. Yet careful examination of this passage reveals that the king of Babylonis compared to the Òmorning starÓ Venus (improperly translated as a personalname, Lucifer). Thus the remarkthat the king will exalt his throne above the stars
But is heaven always ÒupÓ in the Bible?
Even more to the point, however, is the Biblical descriptionof GodÕs appearance to Israel at Mt. Sinai. In Nehemiah 9:13, God is represented as having come downupon the mountain and yet as having spoken from heaven.
Out of heaven
Both of these passages seem to say that heaven is upon Mt.Sinai at the time of these events.
The same impression is given by the direct account of theseevent related in Exodus 20:21-22:
And the people stood afar off:
It thus appears from Scripture that heaven, in the sense ofGodÕs special dwelling place, is all around us, although for some reason wecannot see it unless God chooses to reveal it. Such a picture is very fruitful in helping us ot understanda number of puzzling passages related to visions of heaven, the appearance ofpeculiar clouds, JesusÕ entrance into a closed room after His resurrection, theÒrolling upÓ of the sky at the Last Judgment, and so forth.
How may be understand the connection between our visibleworld and heaven? This is a matteron which we can only speculate. One sugestion has been given in the Moody Science Film Facts of Faith
To do this we need to look briefly at geometry, that ratherodd branch of mathematics which most of us learned in high school in a formvirtually unchanged since the time of the ancience Greeks.
The Russian Nikolai Lowachevsky, on the other hand, proposedthat more than one such parallel line couldbe drawn. As a result, hedesicovered the geometry of another sort of curved spece, which in twodimensions looks foughly like the surface of a riding saddle.
Early in this [20th] century the physicist AlbertEinstein discovered that these strange ideas about multi-dimensional curvedspace actually seemed to apply to our own universe – that ourthree-dimensional space is actually ÒbentÓ in the presence of gravity.
Now even mathematicians (not to mention laymen!) have a hardtime visualizing a three-dimensional space being curved (since it is necessaryto imagine some fourth spatial dimension or direction into which to bendit). So to illustrate someproperties of such a space, it is necessary to ÒretreatÓ to a two-dimensionalspace in order to visualize what is going on. Imagine then, a flat sheet of paper.
Now let us imagine two-dimensional people living in this flatsurface. They cannot see out ofthe surface but only within it, just as our senses are limited to the threedimensions in which we live. If athree-dimensional object (say a sphere) were to visit this three-dimensionalspace, the two-dimensional people would be terrified, just as we would by avisit from one inhabiting four dimensions. For instance, the sphere entering the two-dimensional spacewould look like a circle (the intersection of the sphere with the plane), butit would be able to change size by moving perpendicular to the plane, and itcould also enter the two-dimensional space at any point (seeming to appear fromnowhere) by moving parallel to the plane while not in it.
It seems to me that the appearance of Jesus to His discipleson Easter Sunday evening might have been something like this.
Likewise, then, we gain a terrifying picture of the realityof the Last Judgment when (perhaps) all mankind is moved a thousandth of aninch in this forth direction so that Òheaven and earth flee away and no placeis found for themÓ (Revelation 20:11) and we stand in the presence of GodAlmighty to answer for our every act and thought.
No doubt, several of the above paragraphs are speculation,and further investigation may prove them inaccurate. Yet even such guesses show us that the Scriptures are not tobe dismissed as merely the gropings of primitive men, but they are consistentwith the latest results of modern science and mathematics.