Series at Cedarcroft Bible Chapel
October 1, 8, 15, 1989
Dr. Robert C. Newman
Time of increasingtensions between evan Xns and government, whether federal, state or local govt.
Variousareas of tension:
publicschool vs Xn school for declining no. of students
stateoversight of Xn schools
taxexemption for Xn organizations
prayer& Bible reading in public schools
religiousinterest groups using public school property
growingpluralism in US, w/ pressure for women's rights, gay rights, etc.
Twomajor areas of concern for Xns:
(1)What is right thing to do in each case?
(2)Who has authority and how much?
Wantto concentrate on 2nd area:
Whatdoes Bible say about relationship of believers – individually andcollectively – to the state?
TheOld Testament Background
Creation (Gen 1 & 2)
Godhas created both earth & mankind, so He owns them to use as He sees fit (cpRom 9:16‑24, esp 20‑21).
Man does not absolutelyown himself or anything else, but holds self and property as a trust from God.
Biblicalview contrasts sharply with
(1)Statism ‑ state has absolute authority
(2)Individualism ‑ individual has abs authority
GodŐs Worldwide Covenants
AdamicCovenant (Gen 1:28; 2:15‑25)
Mankindis given authority over earth, its plants & animals.
Familyauthority also established.
TheFall apparently did not nullify this disposition, though it is made moredifficult by curses:
Onchildbirth, family, agriculture (3:16‑19)
Onrelations with animals (9:2)
Herewe have origin of human authority, property and (with fall) of crime; nothingexplicit on govt. beyond family.
NoachianCovenant (Gen 9:1‑17)
Apparentlyextends man's authority over man (vv 5‑6) when cp with cases of Cain,Lamech earlier.
Lookslike some sort of govt with power of life & death is instituted to punishsin.
God'sLimitations on Man via These Worldwide Arrangements
Seenin God's Judgments:
Flood(Gen 6‑8) ‑ for general wickedness
Babel(Gen 11) ‑ for disobedience, pride
Sodom& Gomorrah (Gen 18‑19) ‑ for great wickedness, sodomy; misuseof wealth (Ezk 16:49‑50); note evid of protective function of righteous.
Denouncedby God's Prophets:
Amosagainst various nations:
Damascus(1:3) ‑ threshing Gilead
Philistia,Tyre (1:6,9) ‑ deportation
Edom(1:11) ‑ warfare, cruelty, vengeance
Ammon(1;13) ‑ aggression, atrocities
Moab(2:1) ‑ murder, desecration of corpse?
Jonah& Nahum against Nineveh:
Jonah(1:2) ‑ wickedness
Nahum(1:2) ‑ enmity toward God
(1:15)‑ afflicting Judah
(3:19)‑ afflicting others
Danielagainst Babylonian kings:
Nebuchadnezzar(ch 4) ‑ pride
Belshazzar(ch 5) ‑ pride, mocking God
GodŐs Covenants with Israel
Above covenants made withall people, may still be in force even where Gospel has not penetrated.
Covenants below (incl NT)apply to restricted groups at enactment (Israel, church), but prob to bebroadened in Millennium.
AbrahamicCovenant (Gen 12,13,15,17,22)
Noexplicit form of govt established.
Promisesof blessing developed.
MosaicCovenant (Exodus ‑ Deuteronomy)
Officesof prophet, priest & king established, with latter two (at least) keptseparate.
(1)Prophet (Deut 18:15‑22) ‑ chosen by God individually; put to deathif false (presumably by govt); act as "advisors" for govt.
(2)Priest (Ex 28‑29) ‑ chosen by God as dynasty, clearly specified bylaw (enforced by whom?); no govt functions.
(3)King (Deut 17:14‑20) ‑ chosen by God, to be set up by people later(becomes dynasty under Davidic covenant); restrictions: Israelite, few horses(military), wives (alliances, idolatry, promiscuity), moderate wealth; periodof judges suggest some ambivalence re/ form of govt?
Interactionof Individual & Offices
(1)Indiv. & King:
Ehud& Eglon (Judg 3:12‑30, esp 21)
David& Saul (1 Sam 18 ‑ 2 Sam 2, esp 24:10‑14
contrastHazael (2 Kings 8:8‑15)
(2)King & Prophet:
obeying:Rehoboam & Shemaiah (1 Kings 12:21‑24)
resisting:Jeroboam (13:1‑10, esp 4,6)
testing:Ahab & Michaiah (22:26‑28)
killing:Joash & Zechariah (2 Chr 24:21‑22)
(3)King & Priest:
Uzziah& Azariah (2 Chr 26:16‑24)
Athaliah& Jehoiada (2 Kings 11:1‑16)
Proverbson Duties of King & Citizen
16:10‑15‑ divine commission, concern w/ truth, punishment
25:2‑ investigation
29:4,12,14‑ dangers of bribery, falsehood
31:2‑9‑ dangers of women & wine; defend defenseless
16:13‑14;20:2; 25:15 ‑ be righteous, don't make trouble; persuade
24:21‑22‑ fear God & the king
25:6‑7‑ be humble
TheNew Testament Teaching
Basic Passages
Matthew22:15‑22: Pay Taxes toCaesar
BackgroundHistory: Palestine conquered by Romans 63 BC; rule thru Herod the Great 37‑4BC, then a series of Rom governors after Archelaus deposed AD 6; at this time(JesusŐ ministry) governor was Pilate (incidents of Rom stds.; taking templemoney to build aqueduct; killing Galileans while sacrificing)
Jewishviews covered a wide spectrum:
Sadducees,Herodians ‑ cooperation
Pharisees‑ grudging obedience
Zealots‑ revolt
Taxation:high, imposed, corruption
Coinage:images, inscriptions
Dilemmaposed by Jesus' opponents to put him on spot:
(1)Allow payment: collaboration w/ enemy, condoning emperor's claims; discreditedw/ crowd
(2)Forbid payment: treason; discredited w/ govt
getscoin from opponents, who (having one) have left selves open (and demonstratedhypocrisy)
Jesus'tells them to give it back to owner
Teachingon govt:
twospheres clearly indicated, but relationship not; separate? God's sphere includes govt's?
noteterminology: not "temple & Caesar", but "God andCaesar"
clearlyJesus teaches responsibility to both, but not an equality of authority; Jesushardly pictures God as being excluded from Caesar's sphere.
Romans13:1‑7: Obey Your Rulers
(1)God is source not only of authority in general, but of every particularauthority as well.
(2)Therefore we disobey God in resisting authorities.
(3‑4)Govt authority is intended to limit evil (and succeeds); it serves God byrewarding righteous & punishing wicked.
(5)therefore we submit both to obey God & avoid govt punishment.
(6‑7)we must pay taxes, even tribute money to govt, respect its officers, submit tothem.
1Peter 2:11‑17: Live asServants of God
(11‑12)context: we are "strangers" here on earth, so we must resist livinglike "natives"; we are to have a "beautiful lifestyle."
(13‑14)this lifestyle involves submission to govt authorities for God's sake as theyare intended to reward righteous & punish wicked.
(15)God's purpose in this for us as "strangers": "put to silenceignorance of foolish men."
(16‑17)summary: don't use Christian freedom as pretext for wickedness; honor all, loveXns, fear God, honor king.
Some Specific Examples
Johnthe Baptist & Herod Antipas (Mk 6:16‑29, esp 17‑18)
ApparentlyJB publicly rebukes political leader; no attempt to organize revolt.
Peter & John vs TempleAuthorities (Acts 4:1‑31, esp 18‑20; 5:17‑42, esp 28‑29,38‑42) Refuse to obey authorities when they forbid what God demands; buttake consequences rather than organizing revolt; non‑violent resistance.
Paulw/ Sanhedrin (Acts 23:1‑10, esp 3‑5, 6; cp 24:21)
Paulseems to be uneasy about his remarks to High Priest and his trick in splittingSanhdedrin; suggests responsibility to show respect even when not"deserved."
Paulw/ Felix (Acts 24:10‑27, esp 11‑12, 19‑20, 24‑25, 26)
Appealsto evidence, witnesses; uses opportunities to present Gospel; apparentlyrefuses to pay a bribe.
Paulw/ Festus (Acts 25:6‑12, esp 7‑8, 9‑11)
Appealsto evidence; admits right of tribunal to put him to death; uses available legalremedies.
Paulw/ Festus, Agrippa (Acts 26:1‑32, esp 22‑29)
Againuses opportunity to present Gospel.
Limitsto State (& Religious) Authority
Nomen given "blank check" from God;
Prophetsare closest, but they are closely tested and have no political power;
Theauthority of religious leaders over political is persuasive & moral only.
Obedienceto God Takes Precedence
Individualor group must obey its conscience, though this does not exempt them frompolitical penalties.
Leadershave greater responsibility as they may punish.
NoAutomatic Right to Rebel
Disobedienceof leaders does not cancel their authority over subordinates, thoughsubordinates may have to disobey in particular points.
Caseof Ehud suggests that rebellion may need explicit revelation; no evid for different NTethic here.