



Dr. Robert C. Newman











Fall 2006

Bible College of Malaysia

Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Bible Collegeof Malaysia                                                                     4-21 September 2006

Dr. Robert C. Newman                                                                   Mon-Thurs, 7pm– 9:50pm


Evidenceof the Christian Faith


A survey of major evidencesfor the truth of Christianity, drawn from GodÕs activity in nature (generalrevelation), in Scripture (special revelation) and in his people (redemption),together with some discussion of various objections commonly encounteredagainst Christianity.








4: Course Introduction

5: Evidence from General Revelation:

Created Universe

6: Evidence from General Revelation: Created Universe

7: Evidence from General Revelation:

Created Life

11: Evidence from General Revelation:

Created Humanity

12: Evidence from Special Revelation:

Preknowledge of Science

13: Evidence from Special Revelation:

Fulfilled Prophecy

14: Evidence from Special Revelation:


18: Evidence from Special Revelation:


19: Evidence from Redemption: Redeemed Individuals

20: Evidence from Redemption: Redeemed Society

21: Final Exam


Outcomes:  Whatknowledge, attitudes and skills should the student develop as a result of thiscourse?


1.     Knowledge:  The student should come to know many ofthe basic sorts of evidence for the truth of Christianity, what books give goodpresentations of this evidence, and some good examples he or she can use inhelping others see that Christianity is not just superstition, wishful thinkingor a leap in the dark.

2.     Attitudes:The student should come to realize that God has provided quite adequateevidence that he exists, that he wrote the Bible, and that he is most fullyrevealed in Jesus.  The studentshould be able to feel increasingly more confident discussing Christianity withoutsiders, and not feel intimidated by opponents.

3.     Skills:The student should be able to interact with non-Christians, to learn what theybelieve and why, and what objections they may have to Christianity.  The student should be able to sharewith them some evidences that are personally convincing.




Read either:

1.     John W. Montgomery, ed., Evidence for Faith (Probe-Word, 1991); or,

2.     both of Robert C. Newman, ed., Evidence of Prophecy (IBRI, 1998) and Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ (Zondervan, 1998). 

Due by final.  There will also be a printed coursesyllabus from which most of the exam material will be taken.




Other Assignments:


1.     Make a list of at least ten objections you have heardto Christianity.  Due 2ndclass session, Tuesday 5 September 2006.

2.     We will post the ten most common objections on ourDiscussion Board.  You are to maketwo presentations to post on our Discussion Board during the course on how toanswer two of these, and make four brief responses to presentations byothers.  First presentation dueMonday September 11, and two responses Wednesday September 13; secondpresentation due Monday September 18, and responses Wednesday September 20.

3.     Write a jargon-free presentation of the Gospel in oneor two pages.  You should target aparticular individual or category of individual as your audience.  Tell me briefly about your targetaudience.  Due Thursday 7 Septemberin class.

4.     Interview an unbeliever to find out what he or shebelieves and why, and what objections they have to Christianity. Try to respondbriefly, and present some positive evidences.  Write up a summary of this session afterwards, telling howyou felt and how you think it went. Due three weeks after end of course, i.e., Thursday 12 October 2006.




1.     A final exam will cover the material discussed inclass, including both evidences for Christianity and objections against it,with proposed responses.  This willbe part objective (multiple choices, short answer, cross-matching) and partessay.  Counts 100 points.  You will be asked whether you havecompleted the assigned reading, which will count as part of your final examgrade.

2.     The list of objections and the jargon-free Gospel willbe graded for completeness and being on time.  We will discuss these in class, both in small groups and asa whole.  Counts 100 points.

3.     The postings on the Discussion Board will count 30points each for the two presentations, and ten points each for the fourresponses, totaling 100 points.

4.     The interview and report will be graded for contentquality and must be completed on time in order to receive credit for thecourse.  Counts 100 points.





Contents: Evidence for the Christian Faith Syllabus


I. Evidence from General Revelation........................................................................................... 1


A. Created Universe............................................................................................................. 2    

1.Scriptural Warrant (2)

2.Some Possible Lines of Argumentation (2)

a.Existence of the Universe Itself

b.Design in the Inanimate Universe

c.Design in the Animate Universe

3.The Origin of the Universe (3)

GoodBooks (7)

Power-PointTalk: the Cosmos and the Bible (8)

4.Inanimate Design in the Universe (15)

Power-PointTalk: Cosmos and Contact (15)

Good Books (23)


B. Created Life................................................................................................................... 23    

1.Scriptural Warrant (23)

2.Some Possible Lines of Argumentation (25)

a.High level of order in life & mankind

b.Existence of Ainitiative@ inmankind

c.Level of intellect in mankind

d.Structure of rationality in mankind & universe

e.Existence of moral standards in mankind

f.Existence of pleasure for mankind

g.Existence of futility for mankind

3.The Problem of an Evolutionary Explanation for Life & Mankind (27)

Power-PointTalk: Creation-Evolution Debate (27)

GoodBooks (31)


II. Evidence from Special Revelation......................................................................................... 32


A. Preknowledge of Science.............................................................................................. 32    

1.Scriptural Warrant (33)

2.Lines of Argumentation (33)



Hygieneand Medicine


3.Problems in Using Internal Evidence (35)

4.Argument in Detail (35)

Power-PointTalk: Astronomy in the Bible (35)



B. Fulfilled Prophecy......................................................................................................... 38    

1.Scriptural Warrant (39)

2.Lines of Argumentation (39)

Detailedprophecy far in advance

Predictionsabout Israel & surrounding nations

Predictionsabout Messiah

3.Some of the Better Examples (40)

Propheciesabout the Messiah (40)

Propheciesabout Israel (40)

Propheciesabout the Nations (41)

PairedCities (41)

4.Advantages of this line of evidence (43)

5.Power-Point Talk: Prophecy Ancient and Modern (43)

6.Power-Point Talk: Israel, Evidence of God in History (44)



C. Jesus.............................................................................................................................. 46    

1.Scriptural Warrant (46)

2.Lines of Argumentation (46)

Theuniqueness of Jesus

Thefulfillment of prophecy in Jesus

Corroborationby historical tests

Theresurrection of Jesus

3.The Uniqueness of Jesus (47)

4.Fulfillment of Prophecy in Jesus (47)

Power-PointTalk: Jesus, the Testimony of Prophecy & History (47)

Power-PointTalk: Fulfilled Prophecy: Nostradamus and the Bible (49)

5.The Resurrection of Jesus (49)

Power-PointTalk: Evid of Resurrection from Prophecy & History (50)



III. Evidence from Redemption................................................................................................. 55


A. Redeemed Individuals................................................................................................... 55    

1.Scriptural Warrant (55)

2.Lines of Argumentation (55)

Personalexperience is consistent w/ biblical teaching

AChristian is a changed person

3.The Importance and Force of this Argumentation (56)


B. Redeemed Society......................................................................................................... 57    

1.Scriptural Warrant (57)

2.Lines of Argumentation (57)

Phenomenaof OT and NT history

Phenomenaof history in general

Phenomenaof present

                        3.Some Bibliography on Redeemed Society (59)

                        4.A Sketch of SchmidtÕs Under the Influence (59)






We here wish to consider whatevidences God has provided to help us in evangeliz­ing others.  These can be useful for (1) removingstumbling blocks that keep people from Christ; (2) strength­eningChristians in their faith; and (3) stopping the mouths of opponents.   We shall discuss Christianevidences under three major subdivisions, organized by the source of theevidence provided: 


(1)General Revelation - evidence from nature

(2)Special Revelation - evidence from Scripture

(3)Redemption - evidence from regeneration


Regarding the question ofwhether evidences are valuable, conclusive, etc., we refer you to two quitedifferent works which make (I think) a strong case for Christian evidences:


David P. Hoover, TheDefeasiblePumpkin:  An Epiphany ina Pumpkin Patch (IBRI, 1997).

Inthis delightful story, the now middle-aged characters of Charles SchultzÕswell-known comic strip Peanuts arereunited at the request of Charlie Brown to rescue Linus from his belief in theGreat Pumpkin.  While Charlie is aChristian, he finds himself in a dilemma, for his method of defending theChristian faith is essentially identical to the method Linus uses to defend thePumpkin.  They are both presuppositionalists of the Van Tillian sort, and infaithfulness to their common method, both find their views equallyvindicated.  The setting of thedialogue is an all-night vigil in a pumpkin patch.


John Warwick Montgomery, TractatusLogico-Theologicus (Bonn:  Verlag fŸr Kultur und Wissenschaft,2002).  The culmination ofMontgomeryÕs many books during a long and productive apologetics career, thisshort book organizes his evidential apologetic under about 1800 propositions inlogical sequence, including logic, literature, history, myth, science,philosophy, jurisprudence, political theory, and theology.


I. Evidence from GeneralRevelation (GR)


What evidence has Godprovided from general revelation (whether external GR or internal GR) that wecan use to help others see that Xy is true?  


Robert DunzweilerÕsdefinition of GR: ÒDivine self-disclosure in mediate, natural mode.Ó 


How does God reveal himselfthrough what he has made, whether out there in nature, or insideourselves?  We will here confineourselves to the evidence out there in nature. 


C.S. LewisÕ MereChristianity, in its first section ÒRightand Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe,Ó does an excellent job onthe internal evidence of con­science.


Within our area of evidencefrom external GR, I suggest two further subdivisions for the evidence we willconsider:


(1)Created Universe

(2)Created Life (including Created Humanity)


We have suggested above thatwe will be using evidence Godhas provided.  Since we are insidethe universe and fallible, we may sometimes be mistaken in using or identifyingthis evidence, but often only time will tell us this.  Like all human endeavors, we need to recognize ourfallibilities and put the results in God's hands.  However, if we have scriptur­al warrant for a particularline of evidence, we are less likely to go astray.  We will thus try to present such warrant as we go along.


A. Created Universe


Theexistence and nature of the universe itself is evidence for the existence ofthe God of the Bible and indirectly for biblical Christianity.


1. Scriptural Warrant forSuch Evidence


Isthere Scriptural warrant to believe that the universe itself is evidence forthe truth of Christianity?  Yes, consider:


Psalm 19:1‑4 - The heavens (astronomy,meteorology?) are telling us about God via the quality of his craftsman­ship;they are telling all the time and are not limited by language barriers.


Romans 1:18-20 - Humans are without excuse forignoring God, and in fact mishandle evidence to do so, for he has revealed hisdeity and eternal power in what he has made.


Acts 14:15‑18 - This witness extends even tonon-sophisti­cated people, since God does good to them in many ways,including good harvests and times of joy.


2. Some possible lines ofargumentation:


Generalrevelation differs from special revelation.  We now have all the Bible we are going to have, at leastuntil the appearance of the two witnesses in Rev 11 and probably till thesecond coming.  We have beenstudying it for nearly 2000 years. But much new informa­tion turns up from general revelation everytime we build a bigger telescope, a better microscope, or a device forinvestigating areas of nature we have never looked at before.


a. The existence of the universe itself:  Since itdoes not seem to be eternal, something else must be. An induc­tive form ofthe cosmological argument.


b. Design in the inanimate universe:  An induc­tiveform of the teleological (design) argument.  This has been strongly resist­ed, but evidence hascontinued to accumu­late in this area, and has become quite overwhelming inthe past generation. We will give some detail on this also.


c. Design in the animate universe:  SinceDarwin, it has generally been thought this argument was no good (RichardDawkins, ÒDarwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheistÓ),apparent design being explained by random changes naturally selected for sur­vival.  Howev­er, serious problems forevolution are undermining this move and tending to re‑es­tab­lishthe valid­ity of the teleo­logi­cal argu­ment frombiology.  We will look at thisunder ÒB. Created Life,Ó below.


3. The Origin of the Universe


Thereis strong evidence that our universe had an origin, thus pointing to aCreator.  The argument is basicallyinductive, and looks like this:


a. The universe exists. (If the person you're arguingwith doesn't believe this, then he or she is not ready for this kind ofargument!)


-Showsneed for common ground in argument.


-We need to listen to unbelievers to find out wherethey are and show them the problems of their view.


-Help them to see the Bible is right about truthsuppres­sion.


b. But the visible matter of the universe has notalways existed.  Most of thismatter is in stars where, as they burn, it is being converted from the lessstable to the more stable elements (from hydrogen and helium thru heavierelements to the elements in the vicinity of iron).  Moreover 70‑80% of the observable matter is hydrogen,and nearly all the rest is helium. 


Seereferences at end of this section: Schatz­man 94-­117; Sciama 1‑14; Motz 135‑63; Hoyle321‑43; J&T 151-203, 254‑65.


-Like coming upon burning campfire in woods: Has italways been burning?  Look at fuel,ash, use know­ledge of how wood burns.


-Musteither say universe hasn't always been running,

orthat there is some sort of unknown recycling mechanism.


c. The universe is expanding.  The light coming to us from othergalaxies, except the few in our own group, has its spectral lines shifted tothe red, for which the only known cause would be the recession of galaxies from one another.


SeeSchatzman 128‑32; Sciama 37‑48; Motz 28‑53; J&T 265‑67.


-This will rule out theories of a static universe,which were natural alternatives to creation in the 19th century.


d. Since World War II, the principal alternative cosmo­logiessatisfying items a‑c, above, have been:


(1) Big‑bang cosmologies: no creation atpresent; uni­verse expanding from com­pressed state, some 10‑20billion years ago, called Òbig bang.Ó


-So density decreasing, universe getting thinned out,with wider spacing between objects (gal­axies, etc.).


-First proposed by George Lemaitre, modified by Gamowand others.


(2) Steady‑state cosmologies: continual (non-super­nat­ural)creation; expansion of matter balanced by crea­tion to keep densityconstant.


-This process is assumed to follow a natural law, sothere is no need for God.


-First proposed by Herman Bondi, Thomas Gold, FredHoyle.


SeeSchatzman 225‑46; Sciama 98‑127; Motz 54‑72; Hoyle 675‑94;J&T 267‑82.


e. The steady‑state model (at least in itsoriginal, fairly simple form) has failed to fit recent findings:


(1) Galaxy counts suggest universe was more crowdedearlier in its history. [Schatzman 238; Sciama 83; Motz 63‑66; J&T273‑74]


(2) So do quasar counts, with less chance of er­ror.[Sciama 93; Motz 67‑70]


-Steady state theory expects the universe to look thesame (e.g., have same density) at all places and all times.


-Looking at galaxies and quasars far away (which wesee as they looked long ago) shows the universe to have been much more crowdedthen, when it was younger.


(3) Background radio radiation.  To radio tele­scopes, the skyappears ÒgrayÓ at night instead of ÒblackÓ as for optical telescopes; thedetails of this radia­tion (almost perfect uniformity at a tempera­tureof 3o K) fit what is ex­pected for the remains of the big‑bangÒfireball.Ó [Schatzman 233,245; Sciama 176‑84; Motz 70‑72; Hoyle680‑81; J&T 274-75] 


-This radiation is naturally explained (was even pre­dicted)by the big-bang theory long before it was discovered.  The steady-state theory proposes nothing of the sort.


-So we turn to the various varieties of the big-bangtheory.


f.The principal varieties of the big‑bang model are:


(1)Lemaitre's No‑Bounce: universe created at big bang.


-Universe created at big-bang (10-20 bill yrs ago)


-Lemaitre was RC priest & astronomer; made thispropos­al in 1930s.


(2) Gamow's One‑Bounce: universe has alwaysexist­ed, but bounces once in its history (at big bang).


-Big-bangwas a bounce from a previous contraction.


-Universe was initially (at infinite time in past) auniform distribution of hydrogen gas which gradu­ally contracted to bouncejust once at the big bang.


(3) …pik's Oscillating: universe has always exist­ed,expanding and contracting, with last bounce at (last) big bang. [Sciama 98‑127;Motz 307‑08; J&T 267‑82]


-Until just a few years ago, this was most popu­larview, favored by such science popularizers as Isaac Asimov and Carl Sagan.


-The universe has always existed, expanding and con­tractingevery 100 billion years or so forever.


-Rather close to Hindu view of cosmology, as Saganpoints out in Cosmos.


g.The oscillating model (3) faces several problems:


(1) Stopping expansion: as yet no evidence for suffi­cientmatter to overcome expansion and start nec­essary collapse. [J&T 278‑81]


-If universe is to oscillate, it must stop expand­ing.

-Model assumes there is enough matter for its grav­ityto overcome expan­sion energy.


-Current observations (including amount of heavy H pro­ducedin big bang) suggest there is only about 10% of amount need­ed.


-Even more recently, it appears that the universe isnow expanding faster than it was early in its history.


(2) Stopping collapse: present evidence indicates thatno known force could stop collapse from be­coming black hole instead of bigbang. [Dicke 66‑67; Jastrow 29]


-Recently Stephen Hawking showed theoretical­lythat universe would not bounce if it were to collapse.


(3) Oscillating eternally: all known physical systemshave tendency to lose usable energy, so oscilla­tion would become smallerand smaller, damping to zero in finite time. [Schatzman 245]


-Comparebehavior of bouncing ball.


h.The one‑bounce model faces at least two problems:


(1) How will an almost infinitely large universe col­lapseto one point?


-How does all of universe ÒknowÓ where to col­lapseto?


-Somethinglike behavior of ripples from pebble drop­ped in pond if you film and then run film backwards.


(2) Why would it take an infinite time to do so?


-Know of no natural forces that start out infi­nitelyslowly and build up in such a way as to take infi­nite time to accomplishfinite task.


(3)Problem g(2) above, stopping collapse.


-Since this model also must have a bounce at big bang.


i. At present, only Lemaitre's no‑bounce big‑bangmodel (suitably updated; a creation model) fits the data without assuming theexistence of unknown, specialized forces to solve these problems. [Jastrow 19‑38;Ross gives an excellent up-to-date treat­ment]


-Naturally Lemaitre's view must be updated to dealwith additional scientific knowledge since 1930s.


-But it is impressive that this theory (which wasprobably part­ly based on Genesis) has shot down its oppo­nents.



j. Current anti-theistic forces in cosmological contro­versyare looking at universes which pop into existence without a cause!  [See Hawking, and Ross, below, and myIBRI Research Report #15 (available free on www.ibri.org)]


Good Books to HelpBelievers & Unbelievers re/ Origin of Universe:


Heeren, Fred. Show Me God: What the Message from Space Is Telling Us About God. Wheeling, IL: Searchlight Publications, 1995.  An excellent lay-level presentation of the sorts of evidencethat Hugh Ross covers below in a more technical fashion.  Heeren is or was a science reporter whohas become a Christian.  Featuresinterviews with major figures in cosmology.  Very readable. Highly recommended.

Ross, Hugh. The Fingerprint of God.  2nd ed.  Orange, CA: Promise Publishing,1991.  The best available work onthe relation of biblical teaching about the cosmos to the latest scientificfindings.  Ross has a PhD inastronomy from the University of Toronto, and he is a full-time evangelist tointellectuals.  Topics coveredinclude a historical survey of cosmological theories; the recent evidence for acreated universe and the God behind it; biblical evidence for long creationdays; the Genesis creation account; the problem of suffering and evil; and theGospel according to creation. Extensive references, indices, and glossary.

Ross, Hugh. The Creator and the Cosmos: How the Greatest Scientific Discoveriesof the Century Reveal God.  Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress,1993.  An excellent work onevidence of design in nature, both in the cosmos as a whole and in the enormousnumber of detailed features of the earth that are necessary for it to supportlife.

Ross, Hugh. AA Beginner=s B and Expert=s B Guide to the Big Bang,@ Facts for Faith (Quarter3, 2000): 14-32.  This is the mostup-to-date presentation of the evidence by an evangelical, given in auser-friendly fashion, yet with extensive references.


Additional Bibliographyfor Origin of Universe:


Dicke, Robert E. Gravitation & the Universe.  Philadelphia: American PhilosophicalSoc., 1970.

Hawking, Stephen.  A Brief History of Time.  New York:  Bantam, 1988.

Hoyle, Fred. Astronomy & Cosmology: A Modern Course.  SanFran­cisco:  Freeman, 1975.

Jastrow, Robert. Until the Sun Dies.  New York:  Norton, 1977.

________ and Thompson, Malcolm H.  Astronomy: Fundamentals &Frontiers, 3rd ed.  New York:  Wiley, 1977.

Motz, Lloyd. The Universe: Its Beginning & End. New York: Scrib­ners, 1975.

Newman, Robert C.  ÒCritical Examination of Modern Cosmolog­ical Theories,ÓIBRI Research Report 15 (1982).  The same article appears as chapter 2.3in J. W. Montgomery, ed., Evidence for Faith.  Dallas:Probe/Word, 1991.  Available for freedownload at www.ibri.org.

Ross, Hugh. The Fingerprint of God.  Orange, CA:  Promise, 1989.

________. The Creator and the Cosmos.  Colorado Springs:  Nav­Press, 1993.

Schatzman, E. L. The Structure of the Universe.  New York:  World University Library, 1968.

Sciama, Dennis W.  Modern Cosmology.  Cambridge:  University Press, 1971.



Power-Point Talk: TheCosmos and the Bible: A Critical Examination of Modern CosmologicalTheories  [Note:  all thePowerPoint talks herein are at www.ibri.org.]


An earlier version of thetext of this talk can be found in IBRI Research Report 15 (1982) entitled ÒA Critical Examination of ModernCosmological Theories,Ó available in hardcopy from IBRI at $2.50 plus shipping,or downloadable free from www.ibri.org.


Cosmology: What is It?

Studyof the known parts of the universe to try to describe the whole universe.

Interpreting information presently reaching earth totry to reconstruct entire history of cosmos.


Importance of CosmologyPhilosophically

Awaste of time! - Hannes Alfven

Largevariety of cosmological models

Oneof the most basic questions we can ask

Tooimportant to be ignored


Importance of CosmologyBiblically

Theuniverse is created.

ItsCreator is a person.

TheCreator will one day call us to account for our every thought and action.

TheCreator has imbedded evidence in the cosmos that it is created.


Importance of CosmologyScientifically

Oneof the most basic questions of science

Since World War 2 (especially recently) the scientificevidence is more extensive than ever:


understandingnuclear & particle physics

artificialsatellites, esp COBE and Hubble space telescope

Thescientific evidence points to a created cosmos.


The Cosmos and the Bible:Overview

Scientificdata relevant to cosmology

Variouscosmological models

someproposed by secular scientists

someproposed by Bible believers

Proposea best model using both scientific and biblical data


The Nature of Stars: OurSun as a Sample

Massiveball of gas held together by own gravity

Temperature1000s of degrees at surface, millions in center

Heatproduced by nuclear reaction like hydrogen bomb, but controlled.

Enoughhydrogen in a star like sun to burn for ten billion years.


The Nature of Stars: Howdo we know that stars are suns?

Measuringdistances to nearby stars:

TheAjumping finger@

Usingparallax due to width of earth=s orbit

Apparentbrightness of objects decreases with the square of the distance.

So starsare as bright as the sun

Measuringmasses of stars

Theycover a range that includes our sun.

Starsvary in size, mass, color; the Main Sequence stars


A Miniature Universe: theCosmology of Harold Camping (Family Radio)

Thewhole universe is only a few light-years across.

The parallax method shows that the thousand neareststars are closer than the rest, but doesn=ttell us how far the background stars are.

All distancemeasurements used on the background stars are unreliable.


A Miniature Universe:Scientific Problems

Binarystars: compare speed in orbit with apparent size of orbit and time to make acircuit.

Dimmerstars would be too small to hold their gas.

Clustersof stars fit the main sequence:

samesort of pattern as in nearby stars

both clusters and nearby stars are explained by sameenergy mechanism if clusters are at great distances


Galaxies: Our Milky Wayand Other Galaxies

Hugecollection of stars, ranging up to many hundreds of billions of stars

Some shaped like pinwheels (spirals), most likespheres, footballs, M&Ms (ellipticals), a few rather shapeless (irregulars)

Theseappear to be at distances of millions to billions of light-years.


Distances to Galaxies:Various Measuring Techniques

Notby parallax, since all are too far away

Mostmethods depend on comparing the apparent and actual brightness of variousobjects:

Mainsequence stars of same color have same brightness

Variablestars whose actual brightness correlates with variation period

Brighteststars and brightest (globular) clusters tend to have a fixed brightness

Likewisefor brightest galaxies in a cluster


An Optically SmallUniverse: the Cosmology of Moon and Spencer

Some features of Einstein=s Theory of Relativity could be explained otherwise iflight travels in circles of radius 5 light-years instead of in straight lines.

So perhaps our universe is just a dozen or so starswithin this distance and their multiple images seen by us; compare pairedmirrors in clothing store.

View has attracted little interest in secular circles,but a good deal among yonug-earth creationists.


An Optically SmallUniverse: Biblical Problems

Bibleindicates a huge number of stars, like grains of sand on seashore.

This model doesn=tsolve the problem of light travel-time for young-earth model anyway, sincelight from objects that appear to be millions of light-years away must havemade many circuits and taken millions of years to do so.


An Optically Small Universe:Scientific Problems

Model claims all stars we see are multiple images of afew stars within a few light-years, like the images we see in paired mirrors inclothing stores or amusement parks.

Lookat our astronomical photos!

Toomuch variety in objects seen, even in stars

Toomany large objects with coherent structures


Galactic Red-shifts: AnExpanding Universe

Slipher and Hubble in 1920s found all but closestgalaxies have their light shifted to red, and shifted by a greater amount thegreater the distance.

Red-shift: dark or light lines in spectra from starsare found at longer wavelengths (redder color) than for same lines in lab onearth.


Sources of Red-shift

Gravity red-shift: light rising from gravitationalfield is shifted to red; stronger gravity gives more red-shift.

Motion red-shift: used in police radar to catchspeeders; motion toward police car is blue-shifted, motion away red-shifted;amount indicates speed.

Wehave more direct experience with red-shift of sound waves of auto coming or



Explanation of Red-shift

Gravity red-shift requires enormous gravitationalfield; sensible for specific large objects, but not for general light fromdistant stars.

Motion red-shift implies universe is expanding asthough from an explosion, though most cosmologists think it is space expandingrather than physical movement of galaxies.

Of these two explanations, latter seems more likely,yet it too involves a very far-reaching conclusion about the nature of theuniverse. 

Thewhole thing (so much as we can see) is expanding like a balloon or soap bubble!


A Static ATired Light@ Universe

To avoid an expanding universe, some suggest that ourred-shift is due to some unknown mechanism by which light gets redder as ittravels longer distances.

Not impossible for a finite, created universe, but itpostulates an unknown mechanism without other evidence.


Problems for an EternalStatic ATired Light@ Universe

Gravityis attractive.  How does theuniverse remain static?

Starsdon=t burn forever. How do they Arecycle@?

Ifuniverse infinite in size, then it violates Olbers= paradox:

Oursky is relatively dark at night.

Aneternal, infinite universe should have a very bright sky.


Olbers= Paradox: the Problem of a Dark Sky

Imaginethe universe divided up into concentric spheres, with us at center (like onion).

If the stars are (reasonably) uniformly distributed,then number of stars in each layer increases with the square of the radius.

But the apparent brightness of each star back here atearth decreases with the square of the radius, so each shell contributes anequal amount of light at earth.

Thus light reaching earth from infinite universeshould be infinite, or at least as bright as the surface of a star!


Olbers= Paradox: the Solution

Situation like that of seeing out of a forest.  How deep must one go to see only treetrunks in all directions?

To have a dark sky, universe must not be deep enoughto see only star surfaces in all directions.

Thusthe universe is of finite size, or finite age (or average density of stars =zero).


A Young ACreated Light@ Universe

Mostcommon view among young-earth creationists

Universeis seen as very large, but only some 10,000 years old.

Since most objects visible in our large telescopes aremore than 10,000 light-years away, the light coming from them must have beencreated on the way.


A Young ACreated Light@ Universe: Problems

Astronomicalobjects are sending us a stream of information about their history.

For objects > 10,000 light-years away, this historymust be fictitious, since they did not exist so long ago.

Given that God cannot lie, this view seems to havemore problems than does the view that the Bible does not narrate a recentcreation.


Setterfield=s Changing Speed of Light Cosmology

To avoid these problems, suggested that speed of lightinfinite at creation, has recently settled down to current value.

ThusAdam and Eve could see the distant stars right away.

Noneed to accuse God of showing us fictitious history.


Changing Speed of Light:Problems

Einstein=s equation E = mc2 measures energy producedby nuclear reactions.

If humans existed when c was 100x larger, then c2was 10,000x larger, and sun would have vaporized earth!

If m is adjusted downward to keep E constant, thenmasses too small to keep air (or people) on earth=s surface!


The Isotropic RadioBackground

Discoveredin 1960s by Penzias and Wilson, who later received Nobel Prize for this.

Atradio wavelengths, sky is not black but gray (compare Olbers= Paradox).

This is very uniform, in all directions, times, andseasons, so does not come from our solar system, galaxy or cluster.

Therecent observations of the COBE satellite show a perfect fit to a 2.7 degree



The Isotropic RadioBackground: Consequences

Such a background was predicted years in advance byGeorge Gamow as a natural consequence of a ABig-Bang@ cosmology.

In such a scheme, it would be the remains of a glowfrom the moment when the universe became cool enough to be transparent, about100,000 years after its creation.

Othercosmologies have no natural explanation for this phenomenon.


Quasars: Quasi-StellarRadio Sources

Looklike stars through (optical) telescopes

Unusuallybright in radio-telescopes

Haveenormous red-shifts, with most of them apparently billions of light-years away


The Steady-State Cosmologyof Bondi, Gold and Hoyle

Takesaccount of red-shifts and finite ages of stars

But seeks to preserve an infinite, eternal universe(i.e., no Creator) by having new matter pop into existence by natural causes atjust the rate to keep up with expansion.

Seen as philosophically more satisfying (to atheists)in that universe looks the same at all times in its history (PerfectCosmological Principle).


The Steady-StateCosmology: Problems

Violatesvirtually all known conservation laws

Doesn=t have any natural explanation for 3-degree blackbodyradiation

Nor for fact that quasars appear to be more common atgreater distances, i.e., earlier in history of universe


The Big-Bang Cosmology:Advantages

Fitsobservations of expanding universe and stars of finite age

Predicts isotropic radio radiation, giving itsfrequency dependence exactly and approxi­mate value of its temperature

Fitsobservation that quasars more frequent in early history of universe


The Big-Bang Cosmology:Varieties

No-bounceversion - universe begins at big-bang event

One-bounceversion - eternal universe, bounced once at big-bang event

Oscillatingversion - eternal universe, bounces every 100 billion years w/ a big-bang



No-Bounce Big-Bang: GeorgeLemaitre

Universehas not always existed

Cameinto existence at big-bang event

Mightexpand forever, might collapse back into black hole


One-Bounce Big-Bang:George Gamow

Universehas always existed

Farback in past, just a thin soup of hydrogen gas

Graduallypulled together by gravity, getting denser and hotter until it bounced at big-


Sincethen, it has formed galaxies, stars, planets, life.

Allthis will end with a whimper.


Oscillating Big-Bang:Popularized by Sagan and Gamow

Eternal,like Gamow=s cosmology.

Buthave a bounce every 100 billion years or so.

Maybe the bounce changes the basic physical constants,giving a different kind of universe each time; maybe not.

Foreach cycle, the universe ends with a bang.


Oscillating Big-Bang:Problems

Universe doesn=tappear to have enough matter density to stop expansion; in fact, it looks likeexpansion may even be speeding up

A contracting universe (as in oscillating just beforebounce) would collapse into a black hole instead of bouncing.

Even if neither of these were a problem, would auniverse be able to expand and contract forever without irreversible changes?


One-Bounce Big-Bang:Problems

Sharesproblem of bounce with oscillating version.

How would an infinitesimal rate of bounce eventuallyproduce a universe-wide big-bounce?


The Cosmos: CurrentSummary of Scientific Data

Stillcannot specify a single model, but

Theuniverse gives every evidence of being very large

Theuniverse certainly looks old, but of finite age

Theuniverse appears to be created

Someversion of the no-bounce big-bang model best fits the current data


The Cosmos and the Bible:Biblical Data

TheBible pictures the universe as immeasurably large, but apparently finite insize.

The Bible says the cosmos was created at a finite timein the past by the infinite, personal God of the Bible, and that it evidenceshis craftsmanship.

TheBible pictures the universe as running down.

Manysee the Bible as picturing the universe as only a few thousand years old.


The Universe asImmeasurably Large


AI will make the descendants of David... as countlessas the stars of the sky and as measureless as the sand on the seashore@ - Jer 33:22


AWhen I consider your heavens, the work of yourfingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man thatyou are mindful of him?@ - Psalm 8:3-4


The Universe as Finite


AHe determines the number of the stars and calls themeach by name@ - Psalm 147:4


The Universe as Created


AIn the beginning God created the heavens and the earth@ - Gen 1:1


ABy faith we understand that the universe was formed atGod=s command, so that what is seen was not made out ofwhat is visible@ - Heb 11:3


The Universe as Designed


AThe heavens declare the glory of God, the skiesproclaim the work of his hands.@ - Ps 19:1


ASince the creation of the world God=s invisible qualities B his eternal power and divine nature B have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, sothat men are without excuse.@ - Rom 1:20


The Universe is RunningDown


AIn the beginning you laid the foundations of theearth, and the heavens are the work of your hands.  They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear outlike a garment.  Like clothing youwill change them and they will be discarded.@  - Ps 102:25-27 (also Heb 1:10-12)


Is the Universe Young?

Thetraditional understanding of the Bible.

Mainreason for the strength of the young-earth creation movement among Bible-


Bibledoes not teach the earth is young.

Bibledoes not say the days of Genesis were literal or consecutive.

Bibledoes not say genealogies of Gen 5 and 11 should be added up to get a



Is the Universe Old?

See my arguments in Genesis One and Origin of Earth; those of Hugh Ross in Creation and Time; those of Alan Hayward in Creation and Evolution.

Seealso David Snoke=s book A Biblical Case for an Old Earth (IBRI, 1998).

An earth & universe billions of years old is nottaught explicitly in the Bible either, but it is not in disagreement with afair and reasonable interpretation of the biblical creation account.

An old earth & universe seems to harmonize thedata of nature and Scripture in such a way that we need not postulatefictitious history in either source.


**** end power-point talk


4. Inanimate Design in theUniverse


Thereis even stronger evidence for God in the marvelously precise and intricate fitbetween various features of the universe that make it possible for it tosupport life.  See my chapter ÒInanimateDesign as a Problem for Nontheistic WorldviewÓ in Montgomery, Evidence forFaith and Hugh Ross, The Creatorand the Cosmos.


   a. The Argument


(1) There are numerous features in our universe which,if very slightly different, life would impossible, either locally oruniversally.


(2) These features could not have been adjusted bymutation and natural selection since they involve inanimate rather than livingthings.


 (3) Ifthese things just happened by chance, then our uni­verse is unbelievablyunlikely in very non‑trivial ways.


(4) If these things were designed, then our universe israther like one would expect, particularly if its Designer had intentionallyput evidence of his exis­tence in the structure of nature.


(5) Therefore, these features are natural consequencesof a created world, but unbelievably unlikely in a world without a designer.


   b. The Details


****begin power-point talk


Cosmos and Contact:  Discerning Signs of Intelligence in theUniverse




Want to talk about the religion of Carl Sagan as it isrevealed in the two films and books Cosmos and Contact, making someuse also of Sagan=s last book The Demon-Haunted World.

Not just a survey of Sagan=s views, but an attempt to think through the wholequestion of how one should decide between one worldview and another



Sagan=s Opening Statement in Cosmos


The cosmos is all that is,

or ever was,

or ever will be


This is not a scientificstatement, but a religious one.

From this statement, itappears that Sagan believes nothing exists but the cosmos.

Does Carl Sagan have areligion?


What is AReligion@?


Webster=s New World Dictionary (1955)

Sagandoesn=t have a religion by first two meanings here, but considerthe 3rd:

AAnyspecific belief, worship, conduct, etc., often involving a code of ethics and aphilosophy.@


Roy Clouser, The Myth ofReligious Neutrality, 21-22:

AAreligious belief is any belief in something or other as divine.@

A>Divine= means having the status of not depending on anythingelse.@


Sagan has a religion in thissense, as we shall see that he believes the universe has always existed.


The Big Bang (Cosmos,246)


In thattitanic cosmic explosion, the universe began an expansion which has neverceased.  It is misleading todescribe the expansion of the universe as a sort of distending bubble viewedfrom the outside.  By definition,nothing we can ever know about was outside.


Here Sagan seems to indicatethat he believes there is nothing outside the universe, or at least, that wecan never know about anything beyond our universe.  Is this true? How could we learn about something that we cannot reach out to with ourtechnology?  Sagan will try toaddress this in his sci-fi novel and film Contact.


How it all Began (Cosmos,257)


In manycultures it is customary to answer that God created the universe our ofnothing.  But this is mere temporizing...if we decide [where God comes from] to be unanswerable, why not save a step anddecide that the origin of the universe is an unanswerable question?  Or, if we say God has always existed,why not save a step and conclude that the universe has always existed?


Here we see that Sagan isvery reluctant to allow the postulation of a God to help in understand­ingthe universe.


Sagan=s Methodology (Demon-Haunted World)


B Sagan is concerned about the rise of Asuperstitions,@e.g., New Age philosophies, belief in UFOs, belief in supernatural.

BSagan wants to be open to the evidence of nature.

B Hedoes not in principle rule out thesupernatural.

B He says he is not impressed by evidence for thesupernatural he has seen.


But is it really true that weare faced with a lack of evidence for God?


Origin of Life (Cosmos,39)


Sagan admits there is much wedon=t understand about the origin of life, including theorigin of the genetic code (the information stored in DNA molecules).  He admits there are many majorquestions in science which have not been explained by purely naturalcauses.  But Sagan thinks that allof these will eventually be explained without having to call in thesupernatural as a cause.  [a sortof promissory materialism]


Complexity of Life (Article ALife@ in Encylopaedia Britannica [1970])


Theinformation content of a simple cell has been estimated as around 1012bits, comparable to about a hundred million pages of the Encyclopaed­iaBritannica. (13:1083B)


Sagan himself, in his articleALife@ which appearedin two editions of the EB, granted that the complexity of even the simplestknown life is staggering.


Recognizing a Message froman Extra-Terrestrial


In his science fiction novel Contact, made into a film just a few months before he died,Sagan imagined what it would be like to receive a message from higherintelligences. 

How might we recognize such amessage?


BStrong signal

B Astring of a few dozen prime numbers would be decisive

B The whole message to build the transport machine isabout 50,000 pages


We want to look at a15-minute clip from this film.


Film Clip from Contact


Starts with Ellie Arroway=s arrival on the planet (or spaceship?) in Vega systemand her experi­ences there. When she returns, the powers that be on earth refuse to believe sheactually made the trip.  Aninteresting exercise on how one could prove the existence of a higherintelligence than our own.  Somevery strong parallels with evidence for God and for the resurrection of Jesus!


Contact: How the Novel Ended


For some reason, the bookends very differently than the film. In the book, the hero, Ellie Arroway, comes to believe in the existenceof God because she is confronted with what seems to her (and to Sagan?) incontrovertibleevidence.


Ellie finds that in theinfinite run of the digits of the number Api,@ there is a place where a picture of a circle isgiven.


The Film Doesn=t End This Way!


Why not?  Did Sagan have second thoughts?  Did Hollywood veto this ending?  Did Sagan back away from Athe precipice of theism@ in the last years of his life? He comes closer to Christianity in this novel than in anything he wrotebefore or after.


I fear that part of thereason for this was that Sagan didn=tlike the idea of God sending messages. For if we seriously entertain this as apossibility, we may start looking for them.  And if we look for them, we will indeed find them, and thiswould force us to reconsider our whole worldview and lifestyle.


Might God Send Such aMessage?


If God exists, he certainlymight!


Where would he put such amessage?


Christians claim he put onesuch message in the Bible.


But there is good evidencethat he has also put such a message in:


BThe structure of the universe itself

BLiving things


The Universe and God=s Message


Several books, dating back asearly as 1913, but most since the mid-1980s, have pointed to a marvelous Afine-tuning@ inthe structure of our universe:


BLawrence Henderson, The Fitness of the Environment

BPaul Davies, The Accidental Universe

BJohn Barrow & Frank Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle

BHugh Ross, The Creator and the Cosmos

BMichael Denton, Nature=sDestiny





Fine-Tuning of theUniverse


There are four known basicforces in the universe:

BStrong Nuclear Force (strength = 1)

BElectromagnetic Force (strength = 1/100)

BWeak Nuclear Force (strength = 1/100,000)

BGravity (strength = 1/1039)


As divergent in strength asthese forces are, if their strengths were only very slightly different, theresults would be disastrous!


The Strong Force


The strong force isapparently the external appearance of the force that binds the so-called Aquarks@ together.  It is the strongest we know about, andhas a very short range of influence, about the diameter of an atomicnucleus.  Its most obvious influenceis to hold atomic nuclei together.


B50% weaker, no stable elements in the universe

B 5%weaker, deuterium not stable, stars won=tburn

B 5%stronger, diproton stable, stars explode!


The strong force is tuned to+ or - 5% for our universe to function!


The Weak Force


The weak force is some100,000 times weaker than the strong force, and of much shorter range.  It is more obscure to the non-physicistthan the other forces, but is involved in the decay of neutrons.


- few% weaker:

      * too little heliumformed in big bang, too few heavy elements

*heavy elements stay trapped inside stars

-few % stronger:

*too much helium formed in big bang, too many heavy elements

*heavy elements stay tapped inside stars


The weak force must befine-tuned to a few % to have any heavy elements (carbon and heavier) outsidestars where they can be used for planets and people!


Electromagnetic Force


The e-m force is veryfamiliar to us, being involved in all our electrical devices.  It is also what makes solid objectssolid.


B number of + and - charges in the universe almostexactly equal, to better than one part in 1040

B protons and electrons are drastically different inmass, and Afroze out@ atvery different times in the history of the universe


If not for this equality of +and - charges, electromagnetism (being much stronger) would overwhelm gravity,with the result that there would be no universe of galaxies, stars andplanets.  Electromagnetism isfine-tuned to one part in 1040!




Gravity is also veryfamiliar, though it is the weakest of all these forces.  It is the force that is mainlyresponsible for the movement of the galaxies, stars and planets through space.


There is a very close balancebetween gravity and the expansion of the cosmos:


B weaker by 1 part in 1060: universe expandstoo quickly, no galaxies or stars

B stronger by 1 part in 1060: universecollapses too quickly, no galaxies or stars


Gravity is fine-tuned tocosmic expansion at the big bang to one part in 1060!


Fine-Tuned Universe


Combining these cases givesfine-tuning to one part in 10100.  How big is 10100?  There are estimated to be 1080 elementaryparticles (protons, electrons, etc.) in our universe, so need 1020universes to get 10100 particles.


So to explain this fine-tuningby chance, we have to imagine marking one electron (say) in all the 1020universes and then trying to find it purely by guesswork!  Would you want to stake your life on achance like that? 


To make such a fine-tuneduniverse by chance, we something like 10100 universes formed bychance in order to expect that just one of them would turn out with this levelof fine-tuning.   Do we reallyhave any evidence for another 10100 universes?


Besides the four cases weexamined above, Hugh Ross gives 22 more in his book Creator and the Cosmos.  Theuniverse gives every evidence of being designed!


Sir Fred Hoyle on aDesigned Universe


A far more minor feature thanthe ones we have examined (the detailed spacing of nuclear energy levels forcarbon and oxygen) led former atheist Sir Fred Hoyle to make the followingstatement:


... asuperintellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology

TheUniverse: Past and Present Reflection,16



Life and God=s Message


Living things are also astriking example of organized complexity. Those who believe that the cosmos is all there is have nothing butchance and survival to explain the level of order found in living things:


B Living things are by far the most complex objects yetfound in the universe

B RecallSagan=s remark about the E coli bacterium:


*info content = 1012 bits

* =100 million pages of the Encyclopaedia Britannica


B Human beings have trillions of cells, each of whichis more complex than an E colicells, and they are also coordinated


Sir Fred Hoyle and hisassociate Chandra Wickramasinghe spent a number of years investigating thecomplexity of living things.  Theycame to the conclusion that life could not be understood in a worldview wherethere is no mind behind the universe. In an interview, Hoyle said:


Thechance that higher life forms might have emerged [by chance] is comparable withthe chance that a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing747 from the materials therein.

Nature (12 Nov 81): 105


Recognizing an ET Message


If we go back to the scenariovisualized by Sagan in Contact, wefind a strong analogy between the message we find in the DNA of living thingsand the radio message detected by Ellie Arroway and her associates.  Will we try to explain this away likethe villain Michael Kitz in Contact?


BStrong signal: seen in all living things

B Decisive: the information content is beyond theprobabilistic resources of the universe

B The whole message to build an E coli bacterium is about 100 million pages, but to buildthe Vegans= transporter was only 50 thousand pages.


The Religion of Carl Sagan


B Ifhe was really open to the universe

B Ifhe was really willing to consider the supernatural


Why didn=t Sagan respond to this sort of evidence?

Why did he draw back from Athe precipice of theism@?


Why indeed?  Will you?


****end power-point talk



Attempts to Avoid Designer


Asseen above, universe looks very designed; as this has become apparent, somestrenuous attempts to avoid this:


WeakAnthropic Principle ‑ BrandonCarter


ifthese not balanced, we wouldn't be here; just acci­dent of observation: noobservers if not right 


butthis is trivial response, not explanation:


ifmy parents hadn't met...

if1000 men in firing squad hadn't missed me...


StrongAnthropic Principle ‑ J.D.Barrow


futureevents cause past ones




time‑machine paradox: imagine you have a time-ma­chine;then buy gold brick, multiply it by going back in time and picking it up andputt­ing in machine again and again


ManyWorlds Hypothesis ‑ HughEverett


at each moment, universe branching into many uni­verses;we are in one of few allowing life


butno evidence for such branching


OscillatingUniverse Hypothesis ‑ JohnWheeler


many worlds in succession rather than simulta­neously


but problems of bounce & infinite repetition (re­callour discussion under ÒOrigin of UniverseÓ)




Allof these make rather strong assumptions regarding the nature of unseen realitywithout any positive evidence.


Christianitypresents corroborating evidence for its world­view in historical evidenceof God's intervention, fulfilled prophecy, changed lives (which we look atlater in course).


Acreation model would expect that design of this sort would be present, but itis a great fluke in worldviews which have no mind behind the universe.


Good Books to HelpBelievers and Unbelievers re/ Design:


Denton, Michael J.  Nature=s Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe.  NewYork: Free Press, 1998.  Probablythe best book available on evidence of design in both inanimate and animatenature.  The author is a theisticevolutionist, but was formerly an agnostic, and was led to theism andChristianity through his studies of biology.

Ross, Hugh. The Creator and the Cosmos: How the Greatest Scientific Discoveriesof the Century Reveal God.  Revised edition.  Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1995.


Additional Bibliographyfor Design Argument


Adair, Robert K. The Great Design: Particles, Fields and Cre­ation.  NewYork: Oxford Univ. Press, 1987.

Barrow, John D. and Frank J. Tipler.  The Anthropic Cosmo­logicalPrinciple.  New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1986.

Carr, B.J. and M.J. Rees. ÒThe Anthropic Principle andthe  Structure of the Physical World,ÓNature 278 (1979), 605‑12.

Davies, Paul C.W.  The Accidental Universe.  Cambridge: CambridgeUniv. Press, 1982.

________ and Brown, J., eds.  The Ghost in the Atom: A Discussion of the Mysteries ofQuan­tum Physics.  New York: Cam­bridge        Univ. Press, 1986

Dyson, Freeman J.  ÒEnergy in the Universe,Ó Scientific American  225(1971), 51‑59.

Hart, Michael. ÒHabitable Zones about Main Sequence Stars,Ó Icarus 37 (1979), 351‑57.

Leslie, John. ÒObservership in Cosmology: the Anthropic Princi­ple,Ó Mind 92 (1983), 573‑79.

Ross, Hugh. The Fingerprint of God.  Orange,CA: Promise Publ. Co., 1989.



B. Created Life


Asmentioned above, life itself (and humans in particular) are also evidence forthe existence of the God of the Bible and indirectly, for Christianity.  This involves both a teleological-typeargument, the inability of evolution to craft the level of order seen in livingthings; and an anthropological-type argument (both regarding man's moral andintellectual equipment).


1. Scriptural Warrant forSuch Evidence


Besideswarrant under ÒCreated Universe,Ó above, is there Scrip­tural warrant tobelieve that life (particularly human life) is an evidence for the truth ofChristianity?  Yes:


Mankindmarvelously made: Ps 139:13-16


-Psalmist gives thanks to God for being Òfearfully andwonderfully made,Ó Òskill­fully wroughtÓ


Mankind created in the image of God:  Gen 1:26‑27; 9:6; 1 Cor 11:7; Jas3:9


-Someunspecified resemblance to God

-Stillretained to some degree after the Fall


Featuresof man as created:  What is this ÒimageÓ?


-Seekingparallels supported by Scripture


Spiritualbeing: 1 Cor 2:11

-Ananalogy between God and man as spirits

-As we cannot see spirit of another human, so don'tknow what he/she is thinking unless re­vealed, so with God

-Philosopher Alvin Plantinga extends this concept asargument for exis­tence of God in God & Other Minds


Moralbeing: Rom 1:32‑2:1; 2:13‑15

-Not meaning we always act in accord with our moralstandards

-Butthat we have and use Òmoral machineryÓ

Madeto have dominion: Ps 8:3‑8

-Ties back into Gen 1:26-30, mankind's original design


-These 3 features also true of God: spirit, moral,ruling


Thesefeatures used as evidence for God:




-Depends on how we handle ¦v: ÒwithinÓ or ÒamongÓ?

-If ÒwithinÓ then conscience seen as evidence for God,as in moral argument; supported by Rom 2.




-Paul speaking to educated Greeks

-Since we are made by God, ought not think divine na­tureis something we can make.

-Manis God-made rather than vice versa.



2. Some possible lines ofargumentation:


a. High level of order evidenced in life & inmankind vs. evo­lu­tion­aryproblem of explaining order by random processes (note Carl Sagan, Dragons ofEden, 46, 212).


-Thisis real dilemma even with simplest life forms.

-Great weakness in evolutionary model at this point.


b. Existence of ÒinitiativeÓ in mankind and other animals compared to cyber­netic problemof designing a machine that can turn itself on.


-Initiative here understood as ability to beginactions without any real external cause, to be the Òfirst causeÓ orself-starting.

-Cyberneticsis theory of control machinery.

-Example of control mechanism which responds tooutside influence: thermostat.

-Example of control mechanism which turns self off:novelty store Òcoffin.Ó

-Godis only absolute self-starter, first cause.

-But mankind, in limited sense, is also a creator;creator in realm of moral activity, apparently also art, etc.

-Relates to problem of whether humans just complexmachines or something more.


-See this problem in computers: a computer cannotdecide to do something itself (like write a new program) with­out humaninitiative being applied.  SeeRoger Penrose, The Emperor's New Mind.


c. Level of intellect in mankind seems to be far above that necessary for man inprimitive conditions or even that necessary for most humans today; tension withman's competitors imagined during evolution (too much energy given to brain tocom­pete physically?).


-Tension in evolution: if some feature much betterthan necessary or useful for survival, organism should be beaten out bycompetitor which has used that energy for something else.

-Thus man's unneeded brain power would take away nutri­tionfrom muscles, coordination, eyesight, etc..

-Suggests mankind designed for something that requiresgreat intellect (ruling the earth), though this purpose not beingwell-fulfilled since the Fall.


Arthur Koestler, The Sleepwalkers:  A History of ManÕs Changing Vision ofthe Universe (New York:  Grosset & Dunlap, 1963), 514:

            Thisis a very curious paradox indeed. The senses and organs of all species evolve (via mutation and selectionas we suppose), according to adaptive needs; and novelties in anatomicalstructure are by and large determined by those needsÉ.   But it is entirely unprecedentedthat nature should endow a species with an extremely complex luxury organ farexceeding its actual and immediate needs, which the species will take millenniato learn to put to proper use – if it ever does.  Evolution is supposed to cater foradaptive demands; in this case the goods delivered anticipated the demand by atime-stretch of geological magnitude. The habits and learning potentialities of all species are fixed withinthe narrow limits which the structure of its nervous system and organs permits;those of homo sapiens seemunlimited precisely because the possible uses of that evolutionary novelty inhis skull were quite out of proportion with the demands of his naturalenvironment.


d. Structure of rationality in mankind and universe. A strange fit between mankind and universe (seeSagan, Dragons of Eden, 216, 232‑33:  Einstein: ÒMost incompre­hensiblething about universe is its comprehensi­bilityÓ).  Yet humans don't al­ways obey their own logic!


-Man's logic appears well-designed to explain the uni­verse.

-Can deal with all sorts of things it could never havehad contact with during its supposed evolu­tion in a primitive environ­ment:e.g., mathemat­ics, atom­ic structure, poetry, music, art.

-Einstein was amazed that man's mind (developed bymuta­tion) should have these categories to handle all this.

-Xy can easily explain the match of mind with world asarising from a Creator who made both, designing human mind to function in andrule over nature.

-Evolution has only mutation and natural selection toexplain this.


e. Existence of moral standards in mankind.  SeeLewis, ÒRight & Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the UniverseÓ in MereChristianity;  also Abolition of Man


-Philosophically, we cannot derive an ÒoughtÓ from an ÒisÓ;so how do we explain the origin of this realm of human activi­ty?

-Abolition of Man shows parallel moral standards through­out world's cultures.

-This argues against independent development of morali­ty,and for a common source.


f. Existence of pleasure for mankind. See Loren Wilken­son's article ÒThe Problem ofPleasureÓ in J. W. Montgomery, Christianity for Tough‑Minded.


-Isall pleasure really biologically useful?

-Argues that Òbiologically usefulÓ explanation notsuffi­cient to explain variety and strength of human pleasures.


g. Existence of futility for mankind, esp. emphasized in OT book of Ecclesiastes.


-Lewis' concept of ÒjoyÓ in his Surprised by Joy deals with both this and previous item.

-Things after Fall are futile, as man was not designedto be what he is now (Òa ruin,Ó Buswell, Systematic Theology 1:255ff).

-This Òfrustrated designÓ is hard to explain by evolu­tion,since there is no apparent reason for de­sires which transcend the presentorder of things.

-This maybe the point of Eccl 3:11, ÒHe has put eternity in their hearts.Ó


Wewill not seek to work through all these in detail.  The major opposition today to humanity and life as being evidenceof God is the claim that evolution explains all these phenomena with­outany need for God.  We will attemptto sketch what is wrong with evolution scientifically, and how the biblicalpicture of a Creator God solves these problems.


3. The Problem of anEvolutionary Explanation of Mankind and Living Things


****begin power-point talk


Talk:  The Creation-Evolution Debate:  Recent Developments


Evolution is the ÒcreationmythÓ of secular humanism.  It hashad a controlling influence on much of the basic outlook of our secular societytoday.


Favorable Evidence forEvolution:


It would be a mistake toassume that evolution is nothing but rebellion against God.  There is a great deal of that in it,but it is also based on a number of discoveries made since about 1800, as newpages of general revelation have come to light.  These discoveries put pressure on Xns to rethink how toharmonize science and Xy, and opened opportunities for those who wanted toescape the restraints of the lifestyle commanded by the Bible.


Oldearth, some billions of years

Initiallyno life

althoughperiod for this now seen to be very short

Thenjust simple life

firstprokaryotic, then eukaryotic cells

Thenexplosion of life at beginning of Cambrian period

allanimal phyla but bryozoans (Gould, Wonder­ful Life)

Thenfishes, followed by amphibians, reptiles,

birdsand mammals, then apes, then mankind

Similaritiesof biochemicals also looks favorable to evolution

Sodoes homology, similar structures, esp. in vertebrates


So why doesn=t everybody believe in evolution?


Avariety of reasons, depending on person's worldview:


Some have another source of information thanscientific which raises questions for them:  (if one be­lieves this world is all there is, nothingbut natural forces, then something like evolution has to be true; if one be­lievesin a God behind everything, then he may have used some other method, assimilarities are a common feature of design also): e.g.,


Young-earthcreationists don't think earth old enough.

Old-earth creationists think earth old, but that cer­taindata doesn't favor evolution (more below).


Not all opponents to evolution object for religiousrea­sons e.g., Denton, Evolution, a Theory in Crisis; Hubert Yockey, Information Theory and MolecularBiology.


Not all who have religious reservations feel thatthese are the decisive problems; after all, there are many theis­ticevolutionists who think God did it via evolution. I think the decisive problemis scientific evidence.


Could so many scientists be wrong?  Consider the case of conti­nentaldrift, with a sudden paradigm shift in the middle of the 20th century.


Want to look at scientific problems for evolution,partic­ularly evolution in the ÒBlind WatchmakerÓ form, that purely randomchanges are made into apparently designed structures merely by naturalselection, the model favored by Charles Darwin and especially emphasized byRichard Dawkins in The Blind Watchmaker.


Some Scientific Problemsfor Evolution:


1. Problemswith generating order by random events merely selected for survival

2. Problemswith the fossil record


1. Problems withGenerating Order by Randomness & Survival


Originof life:  Mutation and natural selection will not work until one has amechanism capable of replicating itself. The minimum complexity for this self-reproducing automaton seems beyondthe probability resources of our universe over its history.


Originof specific biochemicals:  There are many thousands of examples(e.g., cyto­chrome c) which will not work until they have a certain levelof complexity that also seems out of range of what can be accom­plishedwith the number of atoms and length of time available.


Originof Chemical Processes and Organs:This relates to the problem that we find in living things many examples oflarge Aminimal complexity.@  How can one build a system by randomprocesses selected only for survival that requires many features workingtogether before it has any function?


Rotarymotor in the bacterial flagellium

Bloodclotting mechanism



These are well discussed inMichael Behe, Darwin=sBlack Box and also in Michael Denton,Nature=s Destiny.


2. Problems with theFossil Record


The Relative Lack ofTransitional Fossils.


ÒTheextreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the tradesecret of paleontology.Ó 

StephenJay Gould, Natural History 86(1977):14


ÒWell,we are now about 120 years after Darwin... ironically, we have even fewer examples of evolutionary transition than we had inDarwin=s time. By this I mean that some of the classic cases... have had to bediscarded or modified.Ó

DavidRaup, Field Museum Bulletin 30(1979):25


Ò...despite the detailed study of the Pleistocene mammals of Europe, not a singlevalid example is known of phyletic (gradual) transition from one genus to an­other.Ó            

StevenM. Stanley, Macrovolution: Pattern & Process (1979): 82


Notice we have said ÒrelativeÓlack.  There is no need to arguethat there are no fossils that might be transitional.  The problem is that Darwinian ÒBlind WatchmakerÓ evolutionhas only a random walk to cross the gaps between the major kinds of life.Instead the fossil record lacks transitional forms systemat­ically abovethe level of the couple lowest categories in the biological classifica­tionsystem.  Evolutionists havecharacter­istically sought to explain this by pointing to the fragmen­tarynature of the fossil record; or by postulating that all signifi­cantevolution takes place in small isolated populations.


Fragmentary Fossil Record?  Darwinand many since have argued that the lack of transitions in the fossil record isdue to the fragmentary nature of the fossil record.  The fossil record doubtless is fragmen­tary, but is itreasonable to believe that this accounts for hiding all the importanttransitions, given that some quarter billion fossils have been collected,studied and stored in university museums? By analogy, one can make an awfully detailed graphics image with 1/4billion pixels!


The Shape of the FossilRecord.


The various forms ofDarwinism (original, Neo-Darwinian, Punctuated Equilibria) all predict aspreading, cone-shaped ÒtreeÓ for the development of life's variety on earth,i.e., that the tree of life will form by the divergence of species into genera,genera into families, .... and classes into phyla, by the accumulation of smallchanges.  The actual shape is of asingle trunk suddenly joined by a large number of bushes!   For instance, all the animal phylawere formed within 10 million years at the Cambrian explosion (over 500 millionyears ago) and none since then, the opposite of the prediction.


Biological ClassificationSystem for the common dog


Kingdom:        Animals

Phylum:           Chordates

Subphylum:     Vertebrates

Class:              Mammals

Order:              Carnivores

Family:            Canidae

Genus:             Canus---------- Stanley: no gradual transitions above this level

Species:           familiaris


Small populations:  It istrue that any single mutation is more likely to become dominant in a small popu­lationthan in a large one, as the size of random fluctua­tions from average in asmall popula­tion is larger than in large ones.  Compare tosses of coins for a small number of tosses vslarge.  The number depen­dencyis N-1/2.  This is usedby evolutionists today to argue that all the significant transitions took placein small populations, which we would not expect to show up in the fossilrecord.


Multiple mutations:  However,to make any significant changes such as character­ize differences betweenhigher levels of the biological classification scheme, many mutations are neces­sary,probably hundreds or thousands for the higher levels.  The relative chance of getting (say) 5 of the rightmutations in a given population varies with the size of the population as N5,so that a large population is much more likely to have the mutations than asmall one.  This more than cancelsout the benefit of small populations.


Punctuation.  AsGould, Eldridge, et al have pointed out, the fossil record typically shows suddentransitions to new forms ratherthan gradual transitions. Geneticists have not been able to figure out how such transitions couldoccur.  This does not favorevolution as an undirected process.


Stasis:  Thefossil record is also characterized by stasis, that is, each particular form of life appears in therecord suddenly, and does not change significantly over its history in therecord, either eventually becoming ex­tinct, or surviving till today.  This suggests that mutation and naturalselection is basically a conservative mechanism, as confirmed by computersimulations.


Islands of function:  Astudy of living organisms suggests that they are ÒislandsÓ of function in themidst of a ÒseaÓ of dysfunction Cthat around each living thing are a multitude of slightly different designsthat don't work.  The standardtheory of evolution (in which life has gradually developed by a multi­tudeof small changes) must postulate that these are ÒisthmusesÓ of function ratherthan Òis­lands,Ó or that the islands are close enough together for singlemutations to be able to jump from one to another.  But how does one get from two-chambered to 3-cham­beredto 4-chambered hearts? from push-pull lungs to flow-through lungs? from black& white vision to color vision? from legs to wings? from scales tofeathers? These things typically have no intermedi­ate forms and requirenumerous coordinated changes for each to work.




Problems Generating Order

Originof Life

Originof Specific Biochemicals

Originof Processes and Organs

Problems with the FossilRecord

RelativeLack of Transitional Fossils

Shapeof Fossil Record

Inadequacyof Small Populations to Explain Large Changes

Punctuationand Stasis

Islandsof Function


Worldview:  If youhold tenaciously that we live in a universe without a God, that there is nomind behind it all, then undirected evolution must be your explanation, and all appearances of design innature must be merely thedeceptive products of that Ôblind watchmaker,Õ no matter how badly the theoryworks.  But of course, yourtenacity may be mis­placed. And how could you ever find that out, if you never look at thescientific problems facing a Òno-godÓ worldview?


If you admit that theseproblems indicate a Mind behind the universe, then that Mind may have worked bypurely natural means or by abrupt means or by some combination thereof.  But having such a Mind (God!) raisesthe question of what life is all about and what I am going to do about it.


****end power-point talk



Good Books to HelpBelievers and Unbelievers re/ Darwinism:


Behe, Michael J. Darwin=s Black Box: the Biochemical Challenge toEvolution.  New York: Free Press, 1996.  This is a delightful user-friendly presentation of theproblem of irreducible complexity as a stumbling block to Darwinism.  Behe is a professor of biochemistry atLehigh University in the USA.

Denton, Michael J.  Nature=s Destiny.  See full bibliography and comments inprevious section on design.

Newman, Robert C.; John L. Wiester; Janet and JonathanMoneymaker.  What=s Darwin Got to Do with It?  A Friendly Discussion about Evolution.  DownersGrove, IL: InterVarsity, 2000.  Itis not kosher to give rave reviews about one=sown books, but the diverse gifts of the authorship team has produced anexcellent cartoon book designed for high school biology students.

Wells, Jonathan. Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?  Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution is Wrong. Washington, DC: Regnery, 2000. A nice tour of ten of the most standard ÒpicturesÓ we associate withevolution.




Additional Bibliography onDarwinism:


Battson, Arthur L.  On the Origin of Stasis by Means of Natural Processes. Colorado Springs: Access Research Network, 1993.

Bird, W. R. The Origin ofSpecies Revisited. 2 vols.  New York: Philosophical Library, 1989.

Davis, Percival and Dean H. Kenyon. Of Pandas andPeo­ple:  The Central Questionof Biologi­cal Origins, 2nded.  Dallas, TX:  Haughton, 1993.

Dawkins, Richard.  The Blind Watchmaker.  NewYork: Norton, 1986.

Dembski, William, ed.  Mere Creation: Science, Faith and Intelligent Design.  DownersGrove, IL: InterVarsity, 1998.

Denton, Michael. Evolution:  a Theory in Crisis. Bethesda, MD:  Adler andAdler, 1986. 

Hayward, Alan. Creation and Evolution: Rethinking the Evidence from Science and theBible.  Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1995.

Johnson, Phillip E.  Darwinism on Trial.  Video, 2 hrs., Pasadena, CA:  Reasons to Believe, 1993.

_____.  Defeating Darwinism by OpeningMinds.  Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1997.

Pun, Pattle P.T. Evolution: Nature and Scripture in Conflict?  Grand Rapids: Zondervan/ Academie, 1982.  Available for free download from www.ibri.org.

Shapiro, Robert. Origins: A Skeptic's Guide to the Creation of Life on Earth.  NewYork: Bantam, 1987.

Sunderland, Luther D.  Darwin's Enigma: Fossils and Other Prob­lems.  Santee,CA: Master Books, 1984.

Thaxton, Charles B., Walter L. Bradley, and Roger L.Olsen.  The Mystery of Life'sOrigin:  Reassessing CurrentTheories.  Lewis and Stanley, 1984, 1992.

Wells, Jonathan.  Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth. Washington, DC: Regnery, 2000.

Wiester, John L. The Genesis Connection.Hatfield, PA: IBRI, 1983, 1992.


In summary, we suggest thatthe above-mentioned evidence from General Revelation points strongly to aninfinite, eternal, personal God of the sort revealed in the Bible.



II. Evidence from SpecialRevelation (SR)


Weturn now to consider evidence from special revelation, basically evidenceprovided by the Bible for the existence of the God of the Bible, the truth ofChristianity, and the inspiration of Scripture.  We will group our materials under three headings:

(1)Preknow­ledge of science;

(2)Fulfilled prophecy; and



A. Preknowledge of Science


Theidea here is that the God who made and controls the universe obviously knows agreat deal more about how it works than did the people living at the timevarious parts of Scripture were revealed and written.  Perhaps God put into Scripture hints that would come to berecognized later when our understanding of nature had advanced, thus provid­ingevidence that the Bible is not merely the work of an­cient peoples.


1. Scriptural Warrant forSuch Evidence


Isthere Scriptural warrant to believe that there are mate­rials in Scrip­turewhich indicate an unusual knowledge of sci­ence in advance of what wasotherwise known then, which therefore constitute a line of evidence for thetruth of Chris­tianity?  Yes,though the warrant is not so strong as for our other areas of evidence in this course.  Consider:


a. The author of Scripture is also Creator of thatwhich sci­ence studies, as claimed in Psalm 19, Genesis 1, etc.  It would not therefore be surprisingthat he might reveal such things, if he chose to do so. 


b. Scripture contains important knowledge, some ofwhich is otherwise unknown. Therefore God is capable of convey­ing new information to finite,sinful humans in their languages.


Jer33:3: ÒI will tell you... things which you do not knowÓ - context basically prophetic knowledge


Ps119:97‑100: through Scripture we can know more than own teachers and thosew/ experience (in context, this is probably basically spiritual knowledge)


Deut4:6: your obedience to God's law will demonstrate your wisdom to nations aroundyou; i.e., when they see how much better your society is.


Prov1:1‑6: proverbs contain wisdom for both young,inexperienced and wiseexperienced; includes at least moral & behavioral information


c. Some of this appears to be scientific knowledge (Òscien­tificÓby subject matter, rather than by method).


Job38‑41: God questions Job at Job's request; definit­ely scientific information here.


Ex15:26; Deut 7:12, 15: Israelites kept from diseases if they will obey God'slaws; definitely medicalknowledge, though nature of mediation unclear (freedom from disease as resultor as reward?).


2. Lines of Argumentation: (My thanks to Dr. JohnBloom, biophysicist and theologian, Professor of Physics at Biola Universityand head of their masters program in science and Christianity, for some of thismaterial.)


Evidencefor (1) the compatibilityof the Bible with sci­ence, and (2) its uniqueness, is hard for most people to see, as the Bible is theonly ancient text that they ever read.



  a. Genetics. Two nice examples:


Sheep breeding. Gen 30:31-31:12.  NoteJacob's mistaken means (putting speckled, spotted sticks in front of the ewes);the ancient Bible characters did not themselves know modern science.  But note also God's correction in the later dream.  God knows true science and is able to communicate what isneeded in terms Jacob can under­stand.  It is the kind of ram that mates with the ewe, not thesticks she sees.


Fertility. Gen 30:14-18.  God'sblessing of Leah counters Rachel's attempt to get preg­nant with the helpof mandrakes.  The one that has thehusband gets pregnant, not the one with the fertility potion.


Notethat God is correcting the false notions of the patri­archs, his ownpeople!


  b. Astronomy.


Size of the Universe.  Jer 31:37.  Theheavens are immea­surable.


Shape of the earth.  Job 26:10. Circular boundary between light and darkness on the earth's surface (cf.Prov. 8:27).


Support for the earth.  Job 26:7. Nothing, i.e., the earth's support is non-material.


Note:  I suggest that Job 26:11 Òpillars ofheavenÓ are clouds. (only occurrence of this phrase; compare Exodus 14:24)


Contrastother religions, cultures:  Theuniverse is finite, the earth flat, the sky a solid dome.  The sun, moon, plan­ets and starsare deified, their movements used for divining the future.


SomeExamples of scientific problems from the Qur'an:


34 [Sheba], 9: ÒDrop a fragment of the sky upon themÓ[unbe­lievers]


67 [Kingdom], 5: ÒWe have adorned the sky with lamps,and made them missiles against the devils ....Ó  Meteors are stars thrown at devils who try to sneak into theheavenly assembly.  See Campbell,p. 175.


  c. Hygiene and Medicine.


Quarantine. Lev. 13:46.  McMillen, p.21ff; Barfield, ch. 3-5.


Sanitation.  Deut. 23:12-13.


Washingafter touching unclean things. Lev. 11ff


Eighth-Day Circumcision.  McMillen, p. 92.


PsychologicalWell-being.  Most of McMillen.


Contrast medical beliefs of surrounding cultures:  Sorcery, amulets, Òsewage pharmacology.Ó


EbersPapyrus, McMillen, p. 19.


Babylonianmedical texts have Òno modern medical signifi­cance at all.Ó  (Roderick E. McGrew, ÒMedicine inMesopota­mia,Ó Encyclope­dia of Medical History [1985], p. 186; Barfield p.189)


   d. Agriculture.


Fallow fields for curbing crop disease (Lev. 25:1-6;7th year sabbati­cal cycle). Cairney, in Evidence for Faith,p. 133f.


3. Problems in using internalevidence.


      a. The Bible carries historicalbaggage from Òtraditional word­ingÓ associated with translations made inpre-scientific eras.


Firmamentˆ solid sky.  Follows the Greek LXX and LatinVulgate.

Hebrewraqia is better translated as Òexpanse.Ó  See Robert C. Newman, The Biblical

Firmament: Vault or Vapor (IBRI, 2000).


      b. Poetic wording was/ismisunderstood to have scientific con­tent.  For example:


Foundations of the earth cannot be moved (Ps. 93:1,96:10)

 ˆ geocentric universe.

Talkingabout justice and the Òworld orderÓ.

Thewicked say ÒI shall not be movedÓ Ps. 10:6.


ÒFoundationsÓ are that which support the land masses.Earth cannot be moved from its orbit (foun­da­tion).


Translatingand understanding a given passage have a sub­jec­tive element.  Use cautiously, evaluate criticism.



4. Argument in Detail (apower-point talk)


Astronomy in the Bible






Isreligion, like art, music or food, a matter of taste?

Eachreligion claims to tell us how things really are.

Only Christianity offers much evidence to support itsclaims.

Here we compare Biblical statements in 4 areas ofastronomy with those of ancients and modern science.


The Size of the Universe



Ps8:3‑4: amazing to Psalmist that God cares about man

Jer31:37: heavens immeasurable



Sura2:19-20 -  earth a bed, sky a dome

Sura22: 64 - holds sky from falling down

Sura34: 9 - let a part fall


ComparingBible and Qur=an


Immeasurablylarge universe

Amazingthat God cares about humans


A AChicken Little@universe

Domesky, that might fall on people below


AncientGreek Science:

Anaximander, About Nature:

starsare wheel-shaped masses of air, full of fire

sunmost distant object

about28x size of earth away


     Modern Science:

Don=t know how big universe is; we still have not beenable to measure it!

About25 trillion miles to the nearest star (besides our sun)

About2 million light-years (12 quintillion miles) to next large galaxy

Themost distant known objects are over 10 billion light years away

(1light year = 6 trillion miles)

Noend in sight


The Number of Stars



Gen15:5: large number, able to count them?

Jer33:22, Gen 22:17: uncountable, like sand



Hipparchus,Ptolemy: anc. catalogues, about 1000 stars

           (only about 6000 visible without telescope)

Democritus:speculated an infinite number of worlds



Witheven a moderate telescope, can see millions of stars

OurMilky Way galaxy has perhaps 200 billion stars

Estimatedto be some 100  billion galaxies inour universe


SirJames Jeans, The Stars in Their Courses, 137

Numberof stars like number of grains of sand on earth


The Earth's Support



Job26:7: earth hangs on nothing


     Hindu Vedas:

earthflat & triangular

7stages: honey, sugar, but­ter, wine, etc.

supportedby elephants


     Greek mythology:

Atlasholds up the earth


     Greek philosophers:



nothing(Anaximander, contra Aristotle)


     Modern Science:

supportis non‑material, balance of gravity & inertia


The Earth's Shape



Fourcorners? Rev 20:8


Flatearth with round or angular edges

Domesky attached to earth at edges

Atticrooms for rain and snow

Earthfloats on water


Circleof earth

Spreadsout heavens


boundarybetween light and darkness on earth's surface is a circle


differenttimes in different places







Conclusionson Earth=s Shape

prettygood approximation to a sphere

linedividing day from night is very nearly a circle


Astronomy and the Bible:Summary


Biblesees universe as enormous, in contrast with most ancient views.

Biblesays stars are uncountable, like the sand of the sea; also a rare view inantiquity.

Biblesays earth is supported by nothing, also rare.

Bibleseems to picture a round earth, which was rare and counter-intuitive.




Needvery lucky guesses to avoid Biblical evidence

Contrastancient Jewish attempts to write Scripture:

1Enoch 72:3‑7: sun's chariot, gates, winds

3Baruch 3:6‑8: bore thru heaven's dome


Bibliography onPreknowledge of Science:


Barfield, Kenny. Why the Bible is Number 1: TheWorld's Sacred Writings in the Light of Science.  Baker,1988.

Campbell, William.  The Qur'an and the Bible in the Light of History andScience.  Middle East Resources, 1992.

McMillen, S.I. and David E. Stern.  None of These Diseases. 2nd ed. Revell, 1984.

Morton, Jean S.  Science in the Bible.  Moody,1980.

Newman, Robert C.  The Biblical Firmament: Vault orVapor?  IBRI, 2000.



B. Fulfilled Prophecy


Thishas been an important line of evidence for the truth of Christianity throughoutchurch history, beginning in the New Testament.  In fact, as we note below, it was also important in the OldTestament period.


Prophecyis not particularly mysterious. God simply tells people what He is going to do and then He does it.  Of course, imagining how He does thiscan be a bit tricky!


Inprinciple it is no more complicated than our using turn signals on anautomobile, except that God has perfect con­trol of history and we don'thave perfect control even of our automabiles!


1. Scriptural Warrant


Isthere Scriptural warrant to believe that fulfilled proph­ecy is a line ofevidence for the truth of Christianity?   Yes, consider:


    a. The Nature of Prophecy:


         Provision of theprophet: Deut 18:9‑22

 note reason for provision & test fortrue prophet


         God controlshistory:

 Prov 19:21; 16:33,9,1 - contrast humansw/ God

 Isa 43:12‑13 - challenge to idols(other religions)


         God produces thefulfillments: Isa 44:24‑28

 God makes other ÒprophetsÓ fail,confirms his own prophets.


    b. The Evidential Value of Prophecy:


         In general: Isa41:21‑24; 44:6‑8

God,as if in a debate or trial, challenges the idols  to tell the future,

intervenein history, or even explain the significance of past events.




 Used by Jesus: Luke 24:25‑27,44

            Explainshow things his followers thought had disqualified him from being Messiahactually prove his Messiahship on basis of OT prophecy


            Used by apostles:

Acts2:22‑31 - Peter at Pentecost

9:22- Paul at Damascus

13:23,27‑29- Paul at Pisidian Antioch

17:2-3Paul at Thessalonica

18:2‑8- Paul at Corinth

-Paulcustomarily argues with the Jews using OT

 Messianic prophecy.


2. Lines of Argumentation:


   (1) Detailed prophecy far in advance of fulfillment implies control of future by ultimateauthor of Scripture.


   (2) Predictions about Israel and the surrounding nations show that God is concerned about his people, aboutthe Gentiles, and about the behavior even of those who don=t know or care about him.


   (3) Predictions about Messiahnot only demonstrate God's control of history, but Messiah is himself the focusand turning point of history.


3. Some of the BetterExamples:


Asketch here.  We give more detailon some of these below, in items ##5 and 6, or in the next section of evidence,C. Jesus.


   a. Prophecies about the Messiah:


        ‑‑Time ofHis Coming:

(seeIBRI Research Report #9 or Evidence of Prophecy, ch 10)

Gen49:10: to come while still king of Jews

Hag2:6-9: while 2nd temple still standing

Dan9:24-27: after 69 weeks


        ‑‑Nature ofMessiah: (see Research Report #6 or Evidence of Prophecy, ch 9)

OTparadoxes re/ person of Messiah solved by NT;

contrastapocalyptic, Qumran, rabbinic models


        ‑‑Curse onJeconiah: Jer 22:30

descendantsnot to rule again; NT solution via

virginbirth, adoption by Joseph


        ‑‑Light toGentiles: Isa 42:6; 49:6

Jesusonly messianic claimant who has started world

religionamong Gentiles


        ‑‑Burial ofMessiah: Isa 53:9

(cfMacRae ÒWith Rich in His Death,Ó Moody Monthly [Sep76])  Jesus supposed to be buried with two crimi­nals, but waswith a rich man instead.


   b. Prophecies about Israel:


        ‑‑Israel'sFuture: Hos 3:4‑5 (see Evidence of Prophecy, ch 7)

Manydays without king or prince, sacrifice or pillar, ephod or teraphim


        ‑‑Control ofJerusalem: Lk 21:24

Gentilecontrol until time of Gentiles comes to end.


        ‑‑GoldenGate: Ezk 44:1‑3

Shutup because God (Jesus, at triumphal entry) has passed through.


        ‑‑Status ofTemple: Mt 24:2; 2 Th 2:4

Thoroughdestruction, later rebuilding in time for end.


        ‑‑Fate ofCapernaum, Chorazin, Bethsaida: Mt 11:20‑24

Tobe destroyed for rejecting Jesus.


        ‑‑Israel'sRegathering: Isa 11:11‑16 (see Evidence of Prophecy, ch 8)

Latterdays, from specific countries as well as gener­ally, one nation


   c. Prophecies about the Nations:


        ‑‑Tyre: Ezk26:4,12 (contrast Sidon)

Destructionby nations, scraped clean, debris thrown in sea, place for spreading nets


        ‑‑Idols ofMemphis: Ezk 30:13 (contrast Thebes)

Putan end to them


        ‑‑BabylonDeserted: Jer 51:42‑43 (contrast Nineveh)

Noone lives there, no sheep, stones not used


        ‑‑Edom: Ezk 25:12‑14;Mal 1:2‑4; Ob 1‑4

Continualdestruction, vengeance by Israel


        ‑‑Egypt: Ezk29:14‑15

                        Willbecome a lowly kingdom, not to rule over neighbors


   d. Paired Cities:


Aspecial case of c. Nations (above)


Twin-cityprophecies function like experimental con­trols (e.g., use of placebo intesting medicines), because quite different pictures of their future desti­niesare portrayed.  If the city namesare switched, the predictions would not be true.


1)Memphis/Thebes, capitals of Egypt.


Memphis:  Ezk 30:13.             Thebes:  30:14-16.


Idolsdestroyed                        Depopulated



2)Tyre/Sidon, Phoenician sea powers.


Tyre:  Ezk 26:3-14.                 Sidon:  Ezk 28:22-23.


Spreadingof fishnets              Judgments



3)Babylon/Nineveh, capitals of international empires.


Babylon:Isa 13:19-22.            Nineveh:  Zeph 2:13-15.


Uninhabited,no grazing          Desolate,but grazing flocks




Lots of cities were destroyed.  How are these prophe­cies special?


People wanted to have Bible prophecies come true.  Maybe they fulfilled them, or wroteprophecy after event.






Northerncapital of Egypt.

At time of Christ, Strabo (Greek historian) de­scribesthe large city and its many temples.

Islamarrives C 7th century AD.

Conquers Egypt, but ....

Leaders do not want water to come between them andtheir home­land.

Leaders do not want soldiers to own property or settlein Egypt (too pagan and pros­perous). They were forbidden to move into Alexandria or Mem­phis.

So conquerors remain on east side of Nile, at their en­camp­mentfor the siege against Mem­phis. 

Over the centuries, the encampment becomes Cairo, themain city in the area of Memphis, drawing people and business to it.

Memphis is used as a quarry for stone to build newbuildings of Cairo.

Petrie (1910) found the site cultivated with noremains above the water table. Only one statue on/near the site today.




Southern capital of Egypt.

In92 BC, withstood a 3-year siege before falling.

City destroyed during reign of Augustus.

Thebes never recovered its population:  Only a collec­tion of villages arein the area today, Luxor being the largest city.

Has Òthe greatest assemblage of monumental ruins inthe worldÓ.

Hordes Òcut offÓ but ruins (including tem­ples,idols) re­main.


Details from Bloom, in Evidence for Faith, p. 179ff.


4. Advantages of this Line ofEvidence:


a. Shortcutsearlier lines of evidence, pointing di­rectly to God of Bible.

b. Messianic prophecy connects OT with NT and points to Jesus as theMessiah.

c. Does notrequire as much technical knowledgeoutside the range that a Bible college or seminary graduate would likelyhave.  You do need to study up onancient near eastern history.


5. PowerPoint Talk ÒProphecy:Ancient and ModernÓ


Contrastbiblical prophecy and fulfillment with extra-bibli­cal competitors


a. Testsfor Confirmed Prophecy:


Howcan we recognize real supernatural prediction so as to see its evidentialforce?


(1)Prophecy clear enough to recognize?

(2)Prophecy known to precede fulfillment?

(3)Prophecy not influenced by prophet?

(4) Prophecy sufficiently remote from fulfillmentand/or detailed enough to pre­clude guessing?


b. SomeExamples which Fail These Tests:


Contrastsome other ancient and modern prophets:


(1) Koran: only predicts last judgment; by then it willbe too late to change reli­gions!

(2) Book of Mormon: not clearly written before fulfill­ment;easy to ÒpredictÓ the past!

(3) Nostradamus: very ambiguous; impressive whenright, but hard to prove wrong!

(4) Oracle at Delphi to Croesus: ambiguous; danger­ousto stake life on unclear instructions!


c. Edom& Petra Prophecy (Ezk 25:12‑14;Mal 1:2‑4; Obad 1‑4)


Edomthe territory that Jacob's brother Esau wound up with; Petra comes to be one ofits major and best-fortified cities.


(1)Edom is to be desolated.

(2)Israel is going to take vengeance on Edom.

(3)Continual desolation; Edom unable to rebuild.

(4)Even though Edom secure, these things will happen.


Thesefulfilled in centuries following, beginning about 500 BC; Edomites driven intoPalestine by Arabs; con­quered & forced to become Jews by Maccabees;destruc­tion of Petra complete by Middle Ages.


d. JeaneDixon as a Prophet (cf. Montgomery, AGift of Prophecy)


Some successful predictions: deaths of Kennedy,Dulles, Nehru.


Some misses: Quemoy, Matsu invasion; Reuther for presi­dent.


Contrast Biblical principles re/ prophecy:

(1)Not all miraculous from God (2 Thess 2:8‑9).

(2)Test to see if from God (1 John 4:1).

(3)God's prophets can't miss (Deut 18:20‑22).

(4)Test the message (Gal 1:8).


            Notethat Jeane Dixon fails ##3,4.


e. GoldenGate Prophecy (Ezk 44:1‑3)


Outer gate of temple complex facing East to be closedbe­cause the God of Israel has passed through.

This appears to be gate used by Jesus at his tri­umphalentry (based on Mark 11:1,11).

City later destroyed, rebuilt; new gate in this loca­tionwalled up by Suleiman the Magnificent to keep out Chris­­­tian pil­grims;still walled up today!


6. Power-Point Talk ÒIsrael:Evidence of God in HistoryÓ


Thehistory of the nation Israel is a detailed picture of fulfilled prophecy and ofthe truth of Christianity.


a. TheProphecies


(1)Blessing & Curse Passages (Lev 26; Deut 28)

disasterfor disobedience

yetnot destroyed (Lev 26:44‑45)

scattered,no rest among nations (Deut 28:64‑68)


(2)Regathering of Israel (Isa 11:11‑15)

secondtime (11)

namesplaces (11)


(3) Israel w/o Sinai Covenant & w/o Idolatry (Hos3:4‑5)

without king or prince (Davidic king or governmentoffi­cial)

w/osacrifice or sacred pillar

w/oephod or idol


(4)Israel & Messiahs (John 5:43)

notaccepting JesusÕ coming in Father's name

willaccept another coming in own name


b. TheFulfillments


(1) Scattering begins for No. Kingdom 722 BC, for So.King. in 587; So. people return after 537 BC, but never ma­jori­ty ofJews in land since 587; yet people remain to this day undestroyed; history onproblems from Romans thru Cru­saders to Arabs & Hitler shows littlerest.


(2) Regathering of Southern exiles in 537 and afterdoes not show pattern of Isa 11:11, but modern regathering (19th‑20thcen) does; Jews essentially cleared out of named coun­tries right after WW2, except for Iran, which has more recently cleared due to Kou­meini.


(3) Fulfillment very striking: no Davidic king since587, though Maccabeans and Herodians in 2nd cen BC‑1st AD; no state fromAD 70 until 1948; Israel w/o sacrifice and priest since temple destroyed in AD70; yet has not turned to pagan idolatry that was problem in OT times; lookslike Hos 3:5 return may be beginning.


(4) Jewish people followed revolt in AD 70 which mayhave in­volved Messianic pretenders; Bar Kochba revolt def­inite­lydid (135); other such include Shabbati Zvi in 1600s, who still has some follow­erstoday.


Bibliography on FulfilledProphecy:


Barfield, Kenny. The Prophet Motive: Examining the Reliability of the BiblicalProphets.  Gospel Advocate, 1995.

Montgomery, John W., ed.  Evidence for Faith: Deciding the GodQuestion.  Probe/Word,


Newman, Robert C., ed.  The Evidence of Prophecy.  IBRI,1988.

Newman, Robert C., AFulfilledProphecy as Miracle,@ In Defense of Miracles, ed. R. D. Geivett and G. R. Habermas.  InterVarsity, 1997.

Newman, Robert C., John A. Bloom, and Hugh G. Gauch,Jr. ÒPublic Theology and Prophecy Data: Factual Evidence That Counts for the Biblical Worldview,Ó Journal ETS 46/1 (March 2003): 79-100. On IBRI website

Payne, J. Barton.  Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy.  Harperand Row, 1973.






C. Jesus


Jesusis the center of Christianity, the one mediator be­tween God and man, theunique being who is both eternal God and mortal man.  It would naturally be surprising (and a serious problem forthe truth of Christianity) if the phenomena sur­rounding Jesus' life andministry were not important evidence.


1. Scriptural Warrant


Isthere Scriptural warrant to believe that materials about Jesus include lines ofevidence for the truth of Xy?


Jesus fulfills Messianic prophecy: See warrant under ÒFul­filledProphecyÓ above.


Jesus'ministry in general is warrant for the truth of Xy:


Itis central to the Gospel: 1 Cor 2:2

Ithas historical certainty: Luke 1:1‑4

Itbrings conviction: John 20:30‑31


Jesus'resurrection in particular is warrant for Xy:


Itis necessary to Christianity: 1 Cor 15:12‑20

Itis regularly used as evidence:

Pentecost: Acts 2:22‑24,32,36 (with tongues, OTfulfillment)

Solomon's Portico: Acts 3:15ff (with healing, OTfulfillment)

Cornelius' house: Acts 10:36‑43 (with news ofJesus' ministry, OT fulfill­ment)

Pisidian Antioch: Acts 13:16‑41 (with preachingof John Baptist, OT fulfillment)

Athens: Acts 17:22‑31 (with general revelationonly)


2. Lines of Argumentation


a. TheUniqueness of Jesus

seeEdwin Yamauchi, Jesus, Zoroaster...and below


b. TheFulfillment of Prophecy in Jesus

see Newman, Evidence of Prophecy, chs 9-11, Evi­dence for Faith, ch 4.4, and below


c. Corroborationby Historical Tests

see McDowell, More Than a Carpenter, and his re­cent He Walked Among Us; Blomberg, Historical Reli­ability of Gospels; Newman, Evidence for Faith, ch 5.3., discussed below



d. Resurrectionof Jesus

see bibliography: Buell/Hyder, McDowell, Morison, Wen­ham,and discussion below


3. The Uniqueness of Jesus


Source:Edwin M. Yamauchi, Jesus, Zoroaster, Buddha, Socrates, Muhammad (InterVarsity, 1972).  Dr. Yamauchi is an evangelical Christian and Professor ofHistory at Miami University in Ohio.


The five famous founders ofworld religions listed in the title are compared in five areas:


            1.Historical sources available to learn about them;

2.Birth and family background;

3.Life and teachings;

4.Death of each;

5.Claimed relationship to deity.


Certain similarities arefound among the five:


1. Each preached against the corruption of contem­poraryreligion.

2.Each perceived keenly the needs of fellowmen.

3. Each was so gripped by personal convictions that hetried to transmit to others what he believed to be true, even though this oftenaroused opposition and led to suffer­ing.

4. Each man's deeds and words have attracted admirersand followers who have extended his impact over many conti­nents andthrough many centuries.


Yet the uniqueness of Jesusshows up very clearly in several very significant points:


            1.Only Jesus came out of a culture which was already mono­theistic.

2. His death by crucifixion is unique.

3. Excluding later legendary and apologetic accounts,we find that early accounts attribute miracles to Jesus only.

4. Only Jesus spoke on his own unquestionedauthority. 

5. Only Jesus predicted he would be resurrected afterhis death, and only his followers rest their faith on such an event.

6. Only Jesus claimed equality with a sole, supremedeity.



4. The Fulfillment ofProphecy in Jesus


PowerPoint Talk, ÒJesus, theTestimony of Prophecy and HistoryÓ


Thisargumentation follows that of Newman, ÒThe Tes­timony of MessianicProphecy,Ó in Montgomery, Evidence for Faith, ch 4.4.


If the Messiah has come, heis Jesus:


   1. A Light to the Gentiles: Isa 42:6‑7; 49:5‑6.


Thisis just what Jesus has done, the only Jew claiming to be the Messiah who everstarted a world religion.


    2. Born yet Pre‑existent: Micah 5:2; Isa9:6‑7.


Thisis nicely explained by NT picture of Jesus, but a real problem for Judaism andtheolog­ical liberalism.


    3. Humbleyet exalted: Dan 7:13‑14; Zech 9:9.




alternativecomings rather than successive


ButNT view fits nicely:

humblecoming 1st (as child)

exaltedcoming 2nd (as adult)


    4. Suffering yet reigning: Ps 22; Zech 12:10;Isa 53.


Jewishexplanation: two Messiahs

Messiahben‑Joseph to suffer

Messiahben‑David to reign

    But sufferer is pierced, rejected by Israel


FitsNT picture of Jesus beautifully!


    5. King yet priest: Ps 110.


Jewish Essenes (those who copied Dead Sea Scrolls):king Messiah, priest Messiah are two different persons, since OT carefullykeeps office of king and priest separate.


But NT picture fits better: one individual is bothking and priest.


The Messiah has come


1. To come while Judah had its own rulers: Gen 49:10.

Lastking of Jews was Herod Agrippa 1 (AD 41‑44).

Jesuscame just before this.


2. To come while the 2nd temple still stood: Hag 2:3‑9

2ndtemple destroyed AD 70.

Jesuscame just before this.


3. To be Òcut offÓ after 69th sabbath cycle starts:Dan 9:25‑26.

1stcycle spans 445 BC; 69th cycle is AD 28‑35.

Jesusministry ends with his crucifixion AD 30‑33.


Conclusion: Jesus is God'spromised Messiah!


****do another power-pointtalk here, Fulfilled Prophecy: Nostradamus and the Bible



5. The Resurrection of Jesus


a.Some Preliminary Comments on the Shroud of Turin


Nearly all the evidence seems to point to authenticityexcept radiocarbon dating, which suggests it was made in 1300's.

Looks like a case of fraud, but not sure whether medi­eval(14th cen) by propo­nents of shroud or modern by opponents (20th cen).

Meanwhile, should not be used as evidence since itraises more questions than it solves.

In any case, truth of resurrection does not depend on authenticityof shroud.


b.The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Gospel Accounts


see my ÒMiracles and the Historicity of the EasterWeek NarrativesÓ in Montgom­ery, Evidence for Faith, ch 5.3.


also Craig Blomberg, The Historical Reliability ofthe Gospels (IVP, 1987); and JoshMcDowell, He Walked Among Us: Evidence for the Histori­cal Jesus (Here's Life, 1988).  An excellent recent and popular-level work is Lee Strobel, TheCase for Christ (Zondervan, 1998).




Even using modern NT critical approach, if miracle notrejected a priori, Gospels look very good.

Using secular historical methods, if miracle not re­jecteda priori, Gospels look very good.


c.The Alternatives Don't Look Very Good


(1)Coma Theory (Paulus, 1828)

Jesuswent into coma on cross, revived in tomb; but unconsciousness on cross would be fatal; walk­ingon nail‑pierced feet a good trick! Jesus did not make Òwalking woundedÓ impres­sion on disciples.


(2)Hallucination Theory (Strauss, 1835; Lake, 1907)

Jesusdied, but women/disciples had grief‑induced hallucinations in which theythought they saw him alive; but hallucinations do not produce long-term, multiple witness, multiplesense appearanc­es; authorities would have checked tomb as soon as  story began to be uncomfortable forthem.


(3) Fraud Theory (Priesthood, AD 30; Reimaurus, 1775;Schonfield, 1965)

Jesusor apostles or other disciples removed body from tomb; but Schonfield'sview of Jesus setting up fraud has same problems as coma theory; other versionshave to ignore soldiers at tomb, willing­ness of disciples to die forbelief, nature of disciples' conduct (see Littelton, Observations on theConversion & Apostleship of St. Paul);lack of fit with the phenomena of Jesus' ministry.


(4)Nothing Happened

Evidencefor existence of Jesus about as strong as for anyone in antiquity. If we knowanything about him, we know he was crucified. If tomb not empty, au­thori­tieshad perfect means to smash early Xy.


d. It is possible, but dangerous, to rule outresurrection because evidence for it is merely historical rather than deductiveor scientific.  We cannot afford todemand that God do things our way, when in fact our problem is rebellionagainst Him and He is graciously offering us an opportunity for pardon.


****power-point talk Evidencefor the Resurrection from Prophecy & History


Importance of Jesus= Resurrection (according to the New Testament)

Itvalidates Jesus= personal claims over against the charge for which hewas put to


It indicates that God accepted Jesus= death as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of those whotrust in him

Itpoints to a life beyond this one

It reminds us that we live in a world and in a courseof history created and directed by One who can intervene decisively to bringabout events which otherwise would never have happened


Alternative Theories (rejecting the miraculous)

StolenBody Theory




Stolen Body Theory

Theoldest alternative, just a few hours after the event

Thedisciples stole the body

Earliest version has problem of soldiers guardingtomb, who must testify to events which happened while they were asleep!

Laterversions invariably try to get rid of the soldiers

Thesetheories cannot explain:

Tacticsof the apostles

Careerof Paul

Contentof the New Testament


Coma Theory

Variousversions, but all agree:

Jesusbecomes unconscious

Takenfrom cross alive

Revivesin tomb


Howdoes Jesus get out of the tomb?

Howget past the soldiers?

Howconvince the disciples he has conquered death?

Fatalproblem: physiology of crucifixion

Anunconscious person on a cross will strangle to death


Hallucination Theory

Womengo to wrong tomb, mistake gardener for angel.

Disciplesbegin to have hallucinations of risen Jesus.


Howavoid authorities producing body when disciples begin preaching?

Howmistake tomb in broad daylight?

Grief-induced(even drug-induced) hallucinations do not produce appearances:

Lastingan hour or more.

Involvingmultiple senses (vision, hearing, touch, messages, food).

Involvingmultiple witnesses.


Evidence for Jesus= Resurrection


Historical evidence points strongly to Jesus= resurrection as an event which really happened.

Alternativeexplanations must do funny things with the data.


OldTestament passages predict something of this sort for the Messiah.

Thesepassages were written centuries in advance.


Evidence from History

            Can=t go back in time to see what really happened, but wedo have several significant lines of evidence:

Existenceof the Church

Existenceof the New Testament

Testimonyof the New Testament




Existence of the Church


Lots of religions have arisenbased on false beliefs, but:


Existence of the NewTestament


Several religions have holybooks, but:


Testimony of the NewTestament


Accounts of post-resurrectionappearances occur in:

1Corinthians 15:1-9

Mark16:1-8 (9-20)





Acts9, 22, 26


Questions to Consider re/NT Accounts & Alternative Theories


Howmany appearances were there?

Howlong did they last?

Whendid they occur?

Wheredid they occur?

Whatform did Jesus take in these appearances?

Towhom did he appear?

Whatwas the chronological order of the appearances?






Suggested Scenario forPost-Resurrection Appearances





1 Cor 15


Mk 16


Mt 28


Lk 24




















Mary Magdalene




























2 on Road














10 Apostles














11 Apostles














7 at Seaside














11 on Mountain




























Apostles at meal














Apos at ascension














Paul nr Damascus














Conclusions on NT Accounts


TheNT accounts are harmonizable.

Theydon=t look like they were contrived to fit each other.

Theypoint to 11-13 appearances recorded, and they may have been others.

Theyoccur from the 3rd day to the 40th, not counting laterappearances to Paul.

Thelonger appearances last perhaps an hour each.

Theyoccur in both Jerusalem and Galilee.

Jesusappears both to men and women.

Heappears both to individuals and groups, ranging up over 500 at one time.

He is seen, touched, heard, and leaves effects in thephysical world (eaten food), though his relation to our space is peculiar.


Evidence from Prophecy


Consider the major passagesthat point to Jesus= resurrection







Summary on Prophecy



Godwill not abandon his Holy One to the grave, nor let him see decay.


One pierced in hands & feet, surrounded byenemies, laid in dust of death, clothes gambled away.

Heis delivered and his rescue becomes worldwide news down thru the



Unbelievablereport of servant=s exaltation

Despisedby Israel, he suffers as a sin offering.

Thenhe will see his offspring, prolong his days.




The evidence for the resurrection is about as good asone could get for a controversial event in history.

Havingit occur in a time of more advanced technology would not avoid objections.

Knowing God and finding out what he is like isimportant!  We dare not go thrulife assuming it doesn=t matter until we have thoroughly investigated thesituation.


Importance of Jesus= Resurrection (according to the New Testament)


Itvalidates Jesus= personal claims over against the charge for which hewas put to


It indicates that God accepted Jesus= death as a sacrifice to pay for the sins of those whotrust in him.

Itpoints to a life beyond this one.

It reminds us that we live in a world and in a courseof history created and directed by One who can intervene decisively to bringabout events which otherwise would never have happened.


Bibliography for theResurrection


Strobel, Lee. The Case for Christ: A Journalist=s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus. Harper/Collins, 1998.  Anice recent popular treatment using the best evangelical scholarship.

Miethe, Terry, ed.  Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?  The Resurrection Debate.  Harper & Row,1987.  Debate between Gary Habermas(evangelical) and philosopher Antony Flew (atheist) held in 1985.

Wenham, John. Easter Enigma: Are the ResurrectionAccounts in Conflict?  Zondervan, 1984.  Examines alleged contradictions betweenthe accounts and proposes a harmonization similar to the one proposed above inour notes.

Morison, Frank. Who Moved the Stone?  Century, 1930.  This is the classic investigation byone who studied the accounts to validate liberal ideas but came to see them ashistorically reliable.

Lapide, Pinchas. The Resurrection of Jesus: A Jewish Perspective. Augsburg, 1983.  Anon-Christian Jewish scholar comes to the conclusion that Jesus really did risefrom the dead!



III. Evidence fromRedemption


Thelast of our three categories of evidence probably has some over­lap withthe previous ones, though the idea is fairly distinct.  (1) General revelation is what God hasdone in the creation and preservation of nature to reveal himself.  (2) Special revelation is what God hasdone in the messages of his prophets recorded in Scripture to revealhimself.  (3) Redemp­tion iswhat God has done in salvation, principally through regeneration, to revealhimself.  We divide this lastcategory into two parts: (1) redeemed individuals and (2) redeemed societies.


A. Redeemed Individuals


Thechanges which take place in individual people, as a result of the redemptiveactivity of God in their lives, are evidence for the truth of Christianity.


1. Scriptural Warrant


Isthere Scriptural warrant to believe that redeemed people are evidence for thetruth of Christianity?


Yes, it will be obvious at the judgment: Matt 25:31‑46;1 Pet 2:12.  Note the dis­tinc­tionbe­tween the ÒsheepÓ and the ÒgoatsÓ regard­ing how they behaved; the Òex­cellentbehaviorÓ of believ­ers will cause others to glorify God on the Òday ofvisitation,Ó which at the latest is the last judgment.


Yes, it will be known sometime, perhaps before thejudgment: John 17:20‑23; Matt 5:13‑16.  Jesus prays that the unity of believers may be such that theworld will know that Jesus was sent by God.  He characterizes believers as salt and light that others mayglorify God.  The time of thisglorification is not speci­fied.


Yes, it can be known even now: 1 Pet 3:1‑4.  The faithful behavior of a believingwife toward an unsaved husband may lead to his salvation.


2. Lines of Argumentation:


a. Personal experience is consistent with the Biblical teaching regardingman's nature, regeneration, and the new life in Christ.


See,for example, David G. Myers' article, ÒThe Inflat­ed Self,Ó in ChristianCentury (1 Dec 82): 1226-1230,showing experimental evidence of human depravity:


(1)       Wetend to accept much more responsibility for our successes than for ourfailures, which are typi­cally seen as bad luck or someone else's fault.


(2)       Mostof us view ourselves as above average in any particular good trait, and a largepercentage of us put ourselves in the very highest percentiles.


(3)       Whenwe cannot deny that we did some particularly nasty thing, we are usually quitegood at justify­ing it.


(4)       Wecommonly overestimate the accuracy of our judg­ments and the truth of ourbeliefs.


(5)       Mostof us are unrealistically optimistic in re­membering and reportinginformation about ourselves, and in predicting how well we will do in life.


(6)       Weconsistently overestimate how virtuously we would act in hypotheticalsituations compared with how we actually act in real ones.


(7)       Depressedpeople typically are more accurate in their self-appraisal and more likely tosee them­selves as others see them.


b. A Christian is definitely a changed person, though by no means a sinless person.  He is not yet what he ought to be, buthe is no longer what he once was.


3. The Importance and Forceof This Argumentation:


a. This is one of the most important lines of evidencebecause it is present immediatelyto large numbers, includ­ing those not interested in Christianity.  It can cross barriers of disinterest,religion and bias.


b. It does not depend on the (technical) training,intellect or cleverness of thebeliever involved nor of the unbeliev­er, so it can cross seriousintellectual and social barri­ers.


c. Most religions in contact with Christianity feel com­pelledto compete in this area.  The mass of Chris­tian testimonyhere is staggering, and often not designed as evidence. The important formwhich this evidence takes is the actual changed lives, not books about such,since the latter may be dismissed as fiction.


d. To strengthen the force of this argument, careful preach­ing and teachingis necessary:


(1) to help people distinguish true spirituality fromcheap substitutes;

(2) to help Christians see their responsibility tolive lives of true holiness;

(3) to encourage Christians with their real oppor­tuni­tiesto serve the Lord in this most important area.


B. Redeemed Society


Thechanges which take place in societies, as a collective effect of a significantminority of converted people, are an evidence for Chris­tianity.


1. Scriptural Warrant


Isthere Biblical warrant to believe that the influences of redemptioncollectively in our world are evidence for the truth of Christianity?


Israel'shistory is evidence:


Deut4:5‑8: God's word, put into practice in Israel, is their wisdom in thesight of the nations all around.


Churchhistory is evidence:


John17:20‑21; 1 Thess 1:5‑9: Love, unity, transformed lives in Churchesare evidence


2. Lines of Argumentation:


a. The phenomena of OT and NT history are best ex­plainedas the Bible itself explains them, as interven­tions of God into historyfor our redemption (vs. liberal plot theori­es, occult explanations, extra-sensoryperception, ufo's, etc.).


b. The phenomena of history in general are consistentwith Biblical principles, both ethical and redemptive.


(1) Long-Term Impact of Christianity in West.  This isalso well stated in Halley, Bible Hand­book (1962), 909 (written much earlier than 1962):


ÒHinduismhas made India what it is.  Confu­cian­ismand Buddhism [and now Communism] have made China what it is. Mohammed­anismhas made SW Asia and N Africa what they are.  Roman Catholicism has made Italy, Spain and Latin America.Protestant­ism has made Brit­ain, United States and Canada. Thesefacts speak for themselves, and speak loudly


(2) Influence of Apostasy.  Withthe rise of secularism in the US, this differ­ence has begun to decay; seeGeorge F. Will, ÒThree Balls, Two Strikes,Ó News­week (5 Jan 87): 64.


ÒInthe 1940s a survey listed the top seven discipline problems in publicschools:  talking, chewing gum,making noise, running in the halls, getting out of turn in line, wearingimproper clothes, not putting paper in wastebaskets.  A 1980s survey lists these top seven:  drug abuse, alcohol abuse, pregnancy,suicide, rape, robbery, assaultÉÓ


(3) Change from Roman Empire before Christianity.  Asimilar argu­ment is sketched in John W. Rob­bins, ÒThe Coming ofChrist,Ó The Freeman 42, no. 12(Dec 92): 452-61.  The Greco-Romanworld before Christ was not a nice place:



superstition, fear, astrology, divina­tion; toavoid disaster, get help

polytheism: trying to placate numerous gods, who didnot set a good moral exam­ple

ignorance: no emphasis on understanding, learning,little reli­gious liberty


(b)War and Peace:

almostcontinual warfare

godsof peace had little clout


(c)Economics, Slavery, Work:

slavesabout 1/4-1/3 Roman population

someworked to death, e.g., in mines

manydied in gladiatorial shows

slavesviewed as naturally inferior

labor(both manual and artisan) despised

statecontrol of economy


(d)Life and Death:

abortion, exposure of infants, infanti­cide, sui­cideall legal

exposed infants raised by others as slaves or prosti­tutes


(e)Law and Government:

most offenses against private individu­als consid­eredcivil matters; up to plain­tiff to ar­rest, impris­on, bring suit,carry out res­titution

corruptionwas standard feature

extortion, bribery thru all levels of govt, in­cludingarmy


(4) Influence on Mission Fields.  See alsoRamsay, Bearing of Recent Discov­ery, 125‑6 re/ rela­tive life-changing nature of evangel­icalismvs. Roman Catholicism:


Ò...theCatholic missionaries [in the Congo] made 100 con­verts while the Baptistsmade one; but the one was a real convert, a man of changed charac­ter,while the hundred remained savages as they were before.Ó


(5) Contrast with Socialism.  See Tenth (Oct 81): 32‑34, re/ relative life-changingnature of Xy and socialism (secular hu­manism).


(6) Influence of Bible.  SeeClarence W. Hall, ÒThe Village That Lives by the Bible,Ó Read­er'sDigest (Nov 60), 204-208, re/contrast of biblical Xy with paganism.


(7) Prosperity and Paganism.  See LuisBush on Ò10/40 WindowÓ:  the beltacross Africa and Asia from 10-40 degrees N latitude:


-97% of people in least evangelized countries in 10/40

-the major Muslim, Hindu & Buddhist countries in10/40

-82% of the poorest of the poor in 10/40

-84% of the people w/ poorest quality of life in 10/40


Luis Bush, ÒGetting to the Core of the Core: The 10/40WindowÓ Partners Interna­tion­al, 1470 N. 4th, San Jose, CA 95112.


c. The phenomena of the present seem to show a real(and discon­certing!) fit with Biblical predictions of the last days.


SeeHal Lindsey, Late, Great Planet Earthand other works of this genre; also Newman PowerPoint talks ÒHow Near is theEnd?Ó and Òthe Birth Pains of the Messiah.Ó


3. Some Bibliography onRedeemed Society:


Thomas Cahill, Desire of the EverlastingHills:  The World Before and AfterJesus.  New York:  Doubleday,1999.

D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe, What if Jesushad never been born?  Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1994.

Alvin J. Schmidt, Under the Influence:  How Christianity TransformedCivilization.  Grand Rapids:  Zondervan, 2001.

Rodney Stark, The Rise of Christianity:  How the Obscure, Marginal JesusMovement Became the Dominant Religious Force in the Western World in a FewCenturies.  HarperSanFrancisco, 1997.


4. A Sketch of SchmidtÕs Underthe Influence:


Chapter 1:  People Transformed by Jesus Christ

Startswith JesusÕ disciples, then Stephen and Paul, then the early martyrs, someemperors, and some twentieth-century transformations.


Chapter 2:  The Sanctification of Human Life

Howearly Christianity countered infanticide, abandonment of infants, abortion,gladiatorial shows, human sacrifice, suicide, and encouraged burial rather thancremation.


Chapter 3:  Christianity Elevates Sexual Morality

Christianityrejects promiscuity, homosexuality, bestiality; its impact on sex and marriage.


Chapter 4:  Women Receive Freedom and Dignity

Thelow status of Greek, Roman and Hebrew women; Christ accords women freedom anddignity; the apostolic church welcomed women; some anomalies; ChristÕs wayprevails; a new family standard; bridal freedom; removal of the veil; polygynynullified; widows honored, not burned alive; Chinese foot binding abolished;clitoridectomy banned.


Chapter 5:  Charity and Compassion:  Their Christian Connection

Christiancharity vs. Greco-Roman giving; Compassion:  a Christian innovation; charity and compassion for orphansand the aged; Christian charity via voluntary associations; American charity;Child labor laws; from Christian charity to state welfare.


Chapter 6:  Hospitals and Health Care:  Their Christian Roots

Jesus,healer of body & soul; the pagan void; hospitals (?) in antiquity; thefirst Christian hospitals; hospitals in the new world; mental institutions;medical nursing, a Christian innovation; the Red Cross.


Chapter 7:  ChristianityÕs Imprint on Education

EarlyChristian education; education for both sexes; beyond class and ethnicity:  universal education; tax-supportedpublic schools; compulsory education; graded education; the Kindergartenconcept; education for the deaf and blind; Sunday schools; the Christian originof universities; the origin of colleges and universities in America.


Chapter 8:  Labor and Economic Freedom Dignified

Laborhonored and dignified; the dignity of work reinforced; work as a calling; thelaborer is worthy of his wages; dignity of labor produces a middle class; theprotestant (Christian) work ethic; property rights and individual freedom;economic freedom dignified; its relation to capitalism; the profit motive ishonorable; economic freedom, the Gospel, and 1492; socialism fails in Jamestownand Plymouth; ChristianityÕs concept of time.


Chapter 9:  Science:  Its Christian Connections

Christianpresuppositions underlying science; Christians:  the pioneers of science:  OccamÕs razor; human physiology & biology; astronomy;physics; chemistry; medicine.


Chapter 10:  Liberty and Justice for All

Noone is above the law; natural law and natural rights; the American declarationof independence; the Constitution of the United States; freedom and rights ofthe individual; freedom of religion; equality of individuals; separation ofchurch and state.


Chapter 11: SlaveryAbolished:  A Christian Achievement

EarlyChristian opposition to slavery; some erring Christians condoned slavery; theBritish revival of slavery and its abolition; slavery and its abolition inAmerica; Christianity sustained the slaves; the first antislavery proclamation;American civil rights and the Christian connection.


Chapter 12:  ChristianityÕs Stamp on Art andArchitecture

EarlyChristian art; Christian art in the Middle Ages; Gothic church architecture;Byzantine church art and architecture; Renaissance artists and their art; fromthe sublime to the irrational; the decline of modern church architecture.


Chapter 13:  The Sound of Music:  Its Christian Resonance

Musicin the early church; musical innovations in the Middle Ages; Reformation andpost-reformation music; some great hymns and songs; the church as patron andpromoter of music; modern musicÕs revolutionary notes.


Chapter 14:  Hallmarks of Literature:  Their Christian Imprint

Literaturein the early church; some literary hallmarks:  early Middle Ages to 2000.


Chapter 15: AdditionalInfluence:  Holidays, Words,Symbols and Expressions

Holidays;common words and symbols; verbal expressions and sayings; Christian names.