Updated and Revised December, 2014
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Dr. Robert C. Newman is Professor Emeritus at Biblical Theological Seminary in Hatfield, Pennsylvania (a suburb of Philadelphia), and is Director of the Interdisciplinary Biblical Research Institute. He is a frequent speaker at churches and colleges on evidences for the truth of Christianity and on the interaction between science and the Bible. Dr. Newman earned a doctorate from Cornell University in theoretical astrophysics, the Master of Divinity from Faith Theological Seminary, and Master of Sacred Theology degree from Biblical Theological Seminary. He is past President of the Evangelical Theological Society, author or co-author of five books, and has also published over a hundred articles in Christian magazines, scientific and theological journals. |
Talks are arranged alphabetically by title with topic noted in left column:
B: Bible; E: Evidences/Education; G: Government/Geography; H: History; I: Intelligent Design;
O: Origins; R: Responses; S: Science/Science & Christianity; T: Theology
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Topic |
Date |
Title/Abstract |
Word |
Acrobat |
Related |
2011 |
Messianic Passages in the Old Testament
as Cited in Rabbinic Literature Alfred Edersheim Edited by
Robert C. Newman |
download 422Kb 61 pages |
download 467Kb |
B,H,R,T |
1997 |
Notes for
NTG716: Acts &
Pauline Epistles Mediterranean
Geography; Chronology and Introductions to the New Testament books.
856Kb 119 pages |
1.1Mb |
Hebrews Revelation |
H, R, T |
1984 |
The Ancient Exegesis of Genesis 6:2, 4: The exegesis of Gen 6:2, 4 in ancient times is surveyed among extant sources, both Jewish and Christian. These interpretations are categorized as either "supernatural" or "nonsupernatural" depending upon the identification of the "sons of God." It is observed that the interpretation of "sons of God" as angels and "Nephilim" as giants dominates. This interpretation also seems to be that of the NT, almost certainly in Jude 6 and 2 Pet 2:4, and probably in 1 Cor 11:10 and Matt 22:30. Some suggestions regarding the source of this interpreation and its validity are made. |
download 156 kb 22 pages published |
download 252 kb |
E,I,O,R,S |
1998 |
Artificial Life and
Cellular Automata Artificial Life (AL) is a rather new
scientific discipline, which didn't really get going until the
1980s. Unlike biology, it seeks to study life not out in
nature or in the laboratory, but in the computer. AL seeks
to mimic life mathematically, and especially to generate known features
of life from basic principles.
download 156Kb 17 pages |
download 372Kb |
Computer Viruses, Artificial
Life and the Origin of Life Computer Simulations of Evolution |
B,E,H,T |
1996 |
The Apologetic
Value of Fulfilled Prophecy Types of Fulfilled Prophecy; Works
in Fulfilled Prophecy; Liberal Responses to Fulfilled
Prophecy; Making Apologetic Use of Fulfilled Prophecy
download 72Kb 11 pages |
download 120Kb |
Jesus: The Testimony of Prophecy
and History New Testament Prophecy Prophecy: Ancient & Modern |
H,S |
1992 |
and Physics: Some Lessons from the Ancient Greeks A brief sketch of ancient
Greek physics from Thales to Aristotle reveals a strong interaction
between metaphysical belief and the practice of physics. This
interaction worked in both directions, as metaphysical views suggested
(and inhibited) questions and approaches to the physical realm, and
physical observations and experiments favored or disfav¬ored
various metaphysical views. Some lessons are suggested concerning
how we should view current theories in modern physics
download 84Kb 11 pages |
download 152Kb |
Beliefs and Physics |
B, R, S, T |
1970 |
Biblical Accuracy and Human Error: Since humans are finite and fallen, their interpretation of both Bible and nature are prone to error. Here we examine a passage commonly seen as biblical error, the "dome sky" remark in Job 37:18, and suggest that this is merely a problem of mistranslation. A more likely translation teaches no such thing. |
download 32Kb 11 pages published |
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? |
Teaching on the Holy Spirit: The personality and deity of the Holy
Spirit are shown from various Biblical texts.
download 64Kb 8 pages Outline |
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B, E, O, S, T |
1980 |
The Bible and
download 48Kb 5 pages Published |
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B,T |
2002 |
Birth Pains of the Messiah:
Have They Started Yet? The
concept of birth pains as a figure for eschatological troubles is
investigated in the NT, OT and rabbinic literature, especially as this
may relate to Jesus= comment in Matthew 24:8. Why is this figure
of birth pains used? Does it have any connection with
the phenomenology of birth contractions? Do we have any biblical
warrant for when these troubles might begin? How do they function
as signs of the end? Is there any reason from current disaster
phenomena to think that the end is near?
download 664Kb 19 pages |
download 276Kb |
The Birth Pains of the Messiah |
B,H,T |
1996 |
Breadmaking with Jesus "Beware! Beware the leaven of the
Pharisees and the Sadducees!" said Jesus to his
disciples. "Beware!" Did Jesus intend this warning just for
the twelve in the boat with him? Or was he aiming at a wider
download 84Kb 12 pages |
download 160Kb |
1974 |
Brief Survey
of the Book of Jubilees: The intertestamental Jewish book of
Jubilees is classed as pseudepigrapha, a retelling of Genesis and the
chapters of Exodus with an emphasis on dating the events by jubilees,
and years. Here we sketch its
text, contents, character, dependence on other writings, date, theology
authorship. A more lengthy is
provided of the book's calendar, which appears to be the same as that
of 1
Enoch and the Qumran community.
download 96Kb 9 pages Paper |
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B, H, R, T |
1978 |
Charismatic Movement: Testing Its
download 68Kb 9 pages Outline |
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B, H, R, S |
1984 |
Story: A
response to a Christmas column by Edwin M. Yoder that
appeared in the Washington Post in 1984, in which Yoder
noted it
would be nice if Luke's account of Jesus' birth were true, but moderns
really believe superstitions about miracles.
download 40Kb 3 pages paper |
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B, H, R. T |
1988 |
Colossians: Antidote
to the Cults:
download 44Kb 3 pages paper |
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B,R,T |
1997 |
"The Bible Code" For some years now,
several Israeli mathematicians and rabbis have been investigating the
idea that the Bible contains "code words" hidden in its text.
Obviously, God is capable of doing something of this sort should He
choose to. The question is, do we have any good evidence that He
has chosen to do so?
176Kb 15 pages |
204Kb |
Cracking the Bible Code |
B,H,T |
1996 |
Course Notes for
Colossians Background to the Colossians; Exegesis of
the Introductory, Doctrinal, Horatory and Personal sections;
Identification of the heresy in Colosse.
download 376Kb 14 pages |
download 272Kb |
B,O,T |
2001 |
Creation An encyclopedia article on “creation,”
undestood as the theological doctrine as taught in the Bible.
download 44Kb 3 pages |
download 88Kb |
B,O,S,T |
2001 |
Creationism An encyclopedia article on “creationism,”
understood as the various attempts by Evangelicals and Fundamentalists
to related the Bible and science/nature on origins.
download 60Kb 6 pages |
download 116Kb |
Computer Simulations of
Evolution Computer Viruses, Artificial Life and the Origin of Life The Cosmos and the Bible Creation-Evolution Debate: Recent Developments Creation, Science & the Bible |
B, E, T |
c1967 |
Credo: |
download 28Kb 2 pages paper |
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H,O,S |
1992 |
The Darwin Conversion
Story: An Update Since the discussions of Rusch (1975),
Rusch and Klotz (1988) and Herbert (1990), new information on the
Darwin conversion story has come to light. The earliest version
of the story has been located in the Watchman-Examiner, and some
further biographical information on a possible candidate for Lady Hope
is presented.
download 368Kb 4 pages |
download 312Kb |
The Darwin Conversion Story |
B, R, T |
? |
The Deity of
Jesus: |
download 48Kb 4 pages notes |
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B,E,H, S,T |
1994 |
Evangelicals and
Crackpot Science Because of the tension which has
developed between the scientific and the evangelical communities in the
past century and a half, Bible believers are often (rightly or wrongly)
suspicious of the discoveries and theorizing of modern science.
This has led to a rather widespread attraction to theories viewed as
crackpot by scientists and other educated people. Some examples
are discussed and strategies proposed to protect Christians from
looking unnecessarily foolish before the watching world.
download 88Kb 14 pages |
download 188Kb |
The Da Vinci Code and
the NT Canon The Da Vinci Code and OT Messianic Prophecy Joshua's Long Day and the NASA Computers Scientific Problems for "Creation Science." Scientific Problems for Scientism |
B,H,O R,S,T |
1990 |
Evangelicals and
Modern Science What's happening in science -- and
Evangelical Responses.
download 92Kb 15 pages |
download 188Kb |
Recent Developments in Physics |
B,E,H,I, O,R,S,T |
2006 |
Evidence for the
Christian Faith A survey of major evidences for the truth
of Christianity, drawn from God’s activity in nature (general
revelation), in Scripture (special revelation) and in his people
(redemption), together with some discussion of various objections
commonly encountered against Christianity.
download 348Kb 68 pages |
download 520Kb |
the Bible Reliable? Can We Really Know God? Cosmos and Contact: Evidence of Design in the Universe. Discovering God's Fingerprints Evidence for the Resurrection. |
E, S, T |
1985 |
God in the
download 32Kb 3 pages outline |
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B,H,R,T |
2000 |
Symbolism in the Book of Revelation A sketch of some dozen places where it
appears that the Book of Revelation makes use of symbolism derived from
the Greco-Roman culture of its original readers.
download 68Kb 10 pages |
download 184Kb |
Greco-Roman Symbolism in the Book of Revelation |
B,R,T |
ca. 1995 |
Some Comments on Healing The major problems I see with some views
on healing are not whether God can choose to heal miraculously today
(He can), nor whether we should exercise faith and depend on Him to do
so (we should), but rather (1) the claim that God will and must heal
you if you exercise enough faith, and (2) that it is a sin of unbelief
to make use of physicians and medicine as a part of healing.
44Kb 3 pages |
96Kb |
B,H,T |
1999 |
Course Notes on
Hebrews Historical background, OT allusions,
content and teaching of the Letter to the Hebrews.
download 256Kb 34 pages |
download 388Kb |
Hebrews |
B, H. R |
1970 |
A History of
the Higher Criticism: A sketch of the history of higher
critical theories of the Pentateuch up to the development of the
Graf-Wellhausen or JEDP theory. An
examination of how similar methodologies have been tested and found
wanting in
the study of general literature.
download | ||
B,E,R,T |
1990 |
I Don’t Need
Religion Why does a person think religion is not
needed? A bad response and others.
download 40Kb 3 pages |
download 88Kb |
E, O, S, T |
1984 |
from Order of a Mind Behind the Universe: |
download 36Kb 5 pages outline |
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B, H, R, T |
1970s |
Jesus and
download 28Kb 4 pages outline |
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B,H,T |
1995 |
Jewish Backgrounds
to the New Testament A survey of the Jewish literature from
the intertestament period and early centuries of the Christian era, as
it provides background and insight into the historical and religious
circumstances surrounding the New Testament.
download 300Kb 59 pages |
download 492Kb |
Jewish Background to the New Testament. |
B,T |
2006 |
Jesus: Foundation
of the New Testament A survey of key passages and
re¬sponse to modern criticism.
download 2.1Mb 59 pages |
download 880Kb |
B, H, R, T |
1975 |
Self-Understanding According to the So-Called Q Material: Taking
the minimal definition of the Q material (shared material in Matthew
and Luke
but not in Mark), we survey how it pictures Jesus' self-understanding
of his
person, nature, mission, message and destiny. We
suggest that we find here a strong presentation of Jesus'
messiahship, deity and humanity, along with a certain mystery about
him, the
same picture given in John and the Synoptics.
download 28Kb 20 pages paper |
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B, H, T |
1976 |
Against Christianity in the Second Century: Jewish,
Pagan and Christian reports of
Jewish polemic are located in the ancient literature.
The specific charges against Christianity are categorized
very well-attested, less well-attested, and slightly-attested. No attempt is made here to respond to
these charges.
download 224Kb 33 pages paper |
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B,H,T |
2005 |
Johannine Literature and
General Epistles Authorship, date, historical background,
contents, and response to critical problems connected with the Gospel
of John, the Johannine Letters, Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, Jude,
and Revelation. The canon of the New Testament.
456Kb 106 pages |
708Kb |
Gospel of John Letter of James Letter of Jude Letters of John Letters of Peter |
B,E,H,T |
1999 |
The Kingdom
Parables in Matthew: A Prophetic Sketch of Church History? the Jesus parables of the kingdom give us
a sort of overview of the church age, not in a strict straight-line
chronology from beginning to end, but in the form of the typical
history of the Gospel in any given society.
download 64Kb 9 pages |
download 140Kb |
Parables of the Kingdom |
B,H,T |
1991 |
The Gospel of Luke Historical background, authorship, date,
characteristics, and content of the Gospel of Luke.
240Kb 41 pages |
712Kb |
Gospel Genres The Gospels as Literary Works |
B,R,T |
2006 |
The Lion, the
Witch and the Wardrobe: C.S. Lewis’ Use of
Mooreeffoc to Gain a Hearing for the Gospel
download 48Kb 5 pages |
download 116Kb |
Narnia and the Watchful Dragons |
B,H,T |
2003 |
The Gospel of Matthew Historical background, authorship, date,
characteristics, and content of the Gospel of Matthew.
download 228Kb 52 pages |
download 368Kb |
Authorship & Date of the
Synoptic Gospels God and Reward: Parable of the Vineyard Workers Parables of the Kingdom Parable of the Tenants Unforgiving Servant Walking on Water |
B,H,T |
1994 |
The Minor Prophets Historical background, content and
teaching of each of the twelve OT books considered in this
category: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum,
Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.
download 124Kb 25 pages |
download 200Kb |
B, H, R, T |
1981 |
Miracles: True
and False:
download 40Kb 3 pages outline |
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B,H,R, S,T |
1995 |
The Miraculous and
the Miracles of Jesus An introduction to miracles, tracing them
through miracle claims in the centuries of church history, the
rejection of miracles in recent centuries, arguments against miracles
and responses. An exegesis of the miracles of Jesus.
download 224Kb 45 pages |
download 364Kb |
Exegeting a Miracle Account |
B,R,T |
2000 |
Mooreeffoc in
Narnia ... and the Bible: The Value of Fresh Perspective in
Gaining a Hearing for the Gospel |
download 56Kb 6 pages |
download 116Kb |
Narnia and the Watchful Dragons |
B,O,S,T |
ca. 1995 |
Nature and Scripture: Hermeneutics and Reality |
download 92Kb 14 pages |
download 184Kb |
The Biblical View of Nature |
H |
1991 |
course syllabus last taught in 1991, after which the
course was eliminated in a curriculum revision. The
first section, a history of the intertestament period,
was moved to the course Synoptic Gospels. The
second section, NT geography and chronology, was
to Synoptic Gospels, partly to Acts & Pauline Epistles, but some of
material on chronology is nowhere duplicated. The
third section, NT culture & archaeology, is also
nowhere duplicated.
download 488Kb 51 pages syllabus |
download | |
B,H,R,T |
1994 |
New Testament
Introduction This course will cover three broad areas
relating to the New Testament as a whole, namely (1) the language of
the NT; (2) the text of the NT; and (3) the canon of the NT. We
will cover the first and third of these rather briefly, but the second
(because of its complexity) in more detail.
download 612Kb 111 pages |
download 1.0Mb |
The Canon of the New Testament |
E,H,R |
2001 |
Nostradamus and 9/11 Response to a friend’s questions about an
alleged fulfillment of a prophecy of Nostradamus in connection with the
collapse of the World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York City.
download 44Kb 3 pages |
download 80Kb |
Fulfilled Prophecy: Nostradamus and the Bible |
B,H,T |
1988 |
Old Testament Wisdom
Literature: Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon |
download 140Kb 27 pages |
download 236Kb |
The Book of Job: Understanding Suffering |
B, H, R. T |
1971 |
Pacifism and
Biblical Interpretation: |
download 92Kb 13 pages paper |
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B,H,T |
2006 |
of Jesus Introduction to Parables;
Exegesis of Parables
download 292Kb 57 pages |
download 432Kb |
Exegeting Jesus'
Parables Parables of the Kingdom Rabbinic Parables |
B,H,T |
2006 |
Parables of the
Kingdom: Some Sobering Thoughts. An exegesis of Matthew Chapter 13.
download 56Kb 7 pages |
download 128Kb |
Parables of the Kingdom |
B,R,T |
1986 |
Transformation by Means of Parables How the parables of Jesus function to get
his audience to look at various situations from a new perspective, so
that they may come to see things as God sees them.
download 232Kb 17 pages |
download 216Kb |
Exegeting Jesus' Parables |
B,E,I R,S |
1993 |
the Gospel to Those who Reject
Scripture Paul has left us an example of being all
things to all men, that he might by all means save some. When he
spoke to those who knew Scripture, he used Scripture. When he
spoke to those who did not, he didn't use Scripture. How can we
present the Gospel in a believable way to those who do not view the
Bible as God's Word?
download 100Kb 10 pages |
download 512Kb |
Discovering God's Fingerprints |
B,R,S,T |
2003 |
Some Problems
for Theistic Evolution Most readers of PSCF are acquainted with
the terms “young-earth creation,” “old-earth creation,” and “theistic
evolution.” These reflect the fact that, among Christians
in general and within the ASA in particular, there is considerable
disagreement on how to relate the biblical and scientific data on
origins. Some feel that theistic evolution is not the best
solution. Here I wish to suggest why, examining some problems for
theistic evolution, both scientific and theological.
download 2.4Mb 19 pages |
download 264Kb |
Some Problems for Theistic Evolution |
B,E,H R,T |
1991 |
Prophecies about the
Coming Messiah Besides scattered references to the
Servant throughout Isaiah 40-56, there are several extended passages in
which his character and labors are detailed. These are Isa
42:1-7; 49:1-12; 50:4-11; and 52:13-53:12. Numerous features in
these passages point to the Servant being Jesus as he is described for
us historically and theologically in the New Testament. But to
counter claims that the New Testament was explicitly written to fit
these predictions, we here look at one of them which happened long
after New Testament times and which the New Testament writers could not
have engineered.
download 72Kb 8 pages |
download 136Kb |
Prophecy, Probability and God |
B,H,T |
2000 |
Rabbinic Parables Frequency; Variety; Parables as
Analogies; Parables as Mini-Dramas; Caricature; Stock Metaphors;
Function and Audience; Comparison with Jesus' Parables
download 48Kb 4 pages |
download 124Kb |
Rabbinic Parables |
B,H,R,T |
1999 |
Rescuing the Bible
from Bishop Spong John Shelby Spong, Episcopal Bishop of
Newark, NJ wrote Rescuing the
Bible from Fundamentalism, which sold enough copies to go into
paperback the following year, and now has reached its 17th
printing. Spong is concerned that the only lay people who take
the Bible seriously are the fundamentalists -- with whom he lumps
evangelicals and anyone else who believes in the inerrancy of
Scripture. Spong wants to convince his readers that the Bible is
filled with errors, but that behind and beneath its text is a powerful
message and experience which modern people need and will accept if it
can be freed from the shackles of an ancient worldview.
download 324Kb 3 pages |
download 468Kb |
Theological Liberalism and Biblical Christianity |
B,E,H,R |
2001 |
Response to
review of In Defense of Miracles |
download 44Kb 5 pages |
download 112Kb |
Fulfilled Prophecy: Nostradamus
and the Bible Prophecy, Probability and God Jesus: The Testimony of Prophecy and History New Testament Prophecy Prophecy: Ancient & Modern |
B,H,T |
2002 |
Revelation Course
Notes Some brief material on author, date,
historical background, but mainly working through the text of
Revelation, using its OT allusions to help us understand its teachings.
download 256Kb 58 pages |
download 448Kb |
Revelation Various Views of Revelation Greco-Roman Symbolism in the Book of Revelation The Millennial Question: An Attempt at a Solution |
B, H, S, R, T |
1970 |
A study of H. M. Kuitert, Do You
Understand What You
Read? and John Warwick Montgomery, Where Is History
Going? Each
book is outlined, summarized, and propositions drawn from it are
analyzed, concluding
with a few additional propositions of my own relevant to the Bible's
to history and science.
download 116Kb 18 pages paper |
download | |
B, S, T |
1968 |
Science and
the Scriptures:
talk given at Faith Community Church, Roslyn, PA. What
is science? Should we
scientific statements
in the bible? To what extent is
science a scriptural activity? The
occurrence of science in the Scriptures. Problems
of interpretation.
download 20Kb 2 pages outline |
download | |
E,H,I O,R,S |
1995 |
Problems for Scientism Five areas are examined in which
scientism C the view that the cosmos is all that exists, and that it is
entirely explicable by natural law C has shown itself to be problematic
even from the perspective of scientific evidence.
download 100Kb 14 pages |
download 208Kb |
Scientific Problems for Scientism |
B,E,H,O R,S,T |
1995 |
and Religious Aspects of the Origins
Debate The rise of evolution, reactions in
Christendom, problems for “Blind Watchmaker” evolution, for theistic
evolution, for young-earth creationism, the old-earth creation
download 116Kb 21 pages |
download 240Kb |
Doing Science in a Theistic Universe |
B,O,R, S,T |
1980s |
Evidence for an Old Earth |
download 64Kb 6 pages |
download 132Kb |
Scientific Problems for "Creation Science." |
B, H, R, T |
1981 |
Influences of Apologetic Motivation on Biblical Exegesis: |
download 248Kb 37 pages paper |
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B, H, R, T |
2006 |
Some Material
Relevant to the Question, "Who is Jesus?": A
of PowerPoints
and IBRI Research Reports which have a bearing on this question. The bibliography was prepared for a
debate/dialogue held at Arcadia University, Glenside, PA, 23 Feb 2006,
Dr. Robert C. Newman and Rabbi Seth Frisch.
download 48Kb 3 pages biblio. |
download | |
B,H,S,T |
1997 |
Stars and
Constellations A sketch of stars and
constellations in the ancient near east, how they are viewed in the
Bible, and an attempt to identify the various references to
astronomical objects in Scripture.
download 68Kb 6 pages |
download 156Kb |
The Star of Bethlehem: What Was It? |
B, R, T | ? |
for Sanctification: An
presentation: "How to do-it-yourself without depending on the Holy
download | download | |
B,H,R,T |
2005 |
The Synoptic Gospels The Historical Jesus; The Jewish
Background; Narratives; Authorship and Date of the Synoptics; Parables;
the Gospels as Literary Works.
download 892Kb 160 pages |
download 2.1Mb |
Authorship & Date of the Synoptic Gospels |
B, H, T |
1970s |
Trustworthiness of Scripture: |
download 56Kb 8 pages paper |
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B,E,H R,S,T |
ca. 1973 |
Where is Heaven? Early in the space age -- back in the
sixties -- when the Russians were ahead of us, one of the Russian
astronauts came back from his suborbital mission and announced to the
press that he was now sure that God did not exist -- after all, he had
looked around carefully and not seen Him anywhere! This incident
illustrates an opinion on the location of heaven is that has been very
common throughout history. It is often being used today by
unbelievers against those who believe the Bible is true. We would
like to deal with this question here, Where is heaven?
download 136Kb 16 pages |
download 180Kb |
Where is Heaven? Audio |
B, H, R, T |
1976 |
Vision and
Deuteronomy 18: An attempt
to test Wilkerson's Vision in
March 1976, just a few years after it was
published. Several prophecies are
surveyed which are to be fulfilled "in the next decade" before
zeroing in on one referring to the next few years (from April 1973). With the data then in hand, it looked
like this particular prediction had be disfulfilled.
In 2008, it is clear that the next decade prophecies
download 248Kb 9 pages paper |
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B,H,T |
1981 |
Unfulfilled Prophecy:
How Near Is The End? |
download 164Kb 27 pages |
download 324Kb |
How Near is the End? |
Updated and Revised December, 2014