Revision of 31October2008
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Dr. Robert C. Newman is Professor Emeritus at Biblical Theological Seminary in Hatfield, Pennsylvania (a suburb of Philadelphia), and is Director of the Interdisciplinary Biblical Research Institute. He is a frequent speaker at churches and colleges on evidences for the truth of Christianity and on the interaction between science and the Bible. Dr. Newman earned a doctorate from Cornell University in theoretical astrophysics, the Master of Divinity from Faith Theological Seminary, and Master of Sacred Theology degree from Biblical Theological Seminary. He is past President of the Evangelical Theological Society, author or co-author of five books, and has also published over a hundred articles in Christian magazines, scientific and theological journals. |
Talks are arranged alphabetically by title with topic noted in left column:
B: Bible; E: Evidences/Education; G: Government/Geography; H: History; I: Intelligent Design;
O: Origins; R: Responses; S: Science/Science & Christianity; T: Theology
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*a brief paper rather than a talk
(parenthesis gives real name of talk)
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B, H, R, S, T | 1991 | The Fifth Commandment The
meaning of the commandment, its seriousness, its continuation today,
its limitations.
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B, H, R, S, T | 1991 | Abortion (Abortion: Scientific,
Ethical & Biblical considerations) Statistics
sketching the problem, followed by scientific, ethical and
Biblical considerations that indicate it ought to be prohibited..
B, E, O, S | 1997 | Astron & Bible Workshop
(Workshop on Astronomy in the Bible) The
universe had a beginning, it is designed, and it is running down.
Comparing Biblical and other ancient ideas on the size of the universe,
the number of stars, the earth’s support and shape. Includes
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B, H, R, S, T | 1978 | Astrology (Astrology: Fortune
Telling by the Stars) A
history of astrology; its scientific and Biblical problems.
B, S | 1967 | Astronomy in the Bible Comparing
Biblical and other ancient ideas on the size of the universe, the
number of stars, the earth’s support and shape.
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B, E, R, S | 1979 | Atheists, Why So Many? (If God
exists, why are there so many atheists?) The
argument appraised; Biblical reasons for atheism; evidence for the
existence of the God of the Bible.
B, E, H | 1997 | Bible Reliable: Fulf Prophecy
(The Reliability of the Bible: Fulfilled Prophecy) God’s
challenge to other religions; some examples of fulfilled prophecy: (1)
time of the Messiah; (2) Israel’s future; (3) twin cities; (4) light to
the Gentiles; brief bibliography.
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B, H, R | 1983 | Bible Text and Versions (The
Bible: Its Transmission & Value) Modern
translations: why do they differ and what difference does it make? The
hand-copying of the Bible: can we have confidence in it? The earliest
manuscripts: what do we have today? The autographs: what are they
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B, H, R | 1975 | Bible Modern Versions (Modern
English Versions of the Bible) Important
considerations in evaluating a Bible translation; the King James
Version (1611) ; changes in the English language since 1611; textual
discoveries and developments since 1611; theological trends since 1611;
choosing a Bible version.
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B, T | 1994 | Bibl Pictures of Xn Life
(Biblical Pictures of the Christian Life) The
Christian life as a journey; as a race; as warfare; as a day’s
work. Collected Scripture passages for each theme.
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B, T | 1982 | Biblical Pictures of Salvation,
Scriptures and Chart List
of Scripture passsages for the various Biblical pictures: salvation,
redemption, pardon, justification, cleansing, healing, reconciliation,
adoption, regeneration, resurrection, creation. Chart gives same
terms, but provides meaning of each, the problem it solves, Christ’s
person and work from this perspective, God’s place in this, and how the
believer relates to the picture.
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Scriptures Chart |
Scriptures Chart |
B, H, R, S, T | 1994 | Biola Faculty Series (Lecture
Series to Faculty at Biola University) A
series of lectures given at Biola February 24, 1994: conflict between
science and Christianity; the hermeneutics of Biblical descriptions of
nature; Biblical view of nature; the anthropic phenomena: design or
chance?; recent developments in physics: some implications for
theology; with bibliographies.
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R, S | 1979 | *Biorhythms: the New Astrology? A
quick sketch of the fad of biorhythms, and its scientific problems,
with some lessons for Christians.
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B, H, R, T | 1983 | Canonicity How
do we know we have the right books in the Bible? How did these
books come to be our standard of faith and obedience? Brief
H, R, S | 1983 | Chariots of the Gods (A Critique
of Chariots of the Gods) Responds
to von Daniken’s claims by looking at Baalbek, Athens, Jerusalem,
Caesarea, the pyramids, Easter Island, and Nazca, Peru.
B, E, H | 1993 | Cities of Prophecy (Fulfilled
Prophecy Tested: Paired Cities) Looks
at the Biblical prophecies and historical fulfillments for a group of
twin cities: Memphis & Thebes: capitals of ancient Egypt; Tyre
& Sidon: seaports of ancient Phoenicia (Lebanon); Ashkelon &
Ekron: two of the Philistine cities; and Babylon
& Nineveh: capitals of ancient empires. Shows that the
predictions are not trivial, as switching names in each pair would
render the predictions unfulfilled.
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E, O, S | 1991 | Computer Simulations of Evolution A
discussion of several computer programs that are designed to emulate
various features of evolution: BIOMORPH, to see something of the
relation of genetics to morphology; SHAKES, to get a feel for the
problem of randomly approaching even a targeted goal; and MUNSEL, to
simulate mutation & natural selection by analogy with human
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E, I, R | 1984 | Cosmos & Contact (Cosmos
& Contact: the Religion of Carl Sagan) Sagan’s
opening statement in Cosmos; what is “religion”?; the big bang; how it
all began; Sagan’s methodology; origin of life; complexity of life;
recognizing a message from an extra-terrestrial; film clip from
Contact; how the book ended; the film doesn’t end this way; might God
send such a message?; the universe and God’s message; fine-tuning of
the universe; Sir Fred Holye on a designed universe; life and God’s
message; recogninzing a message; the religion of Carl Sagan.
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B, E, O, S, T | 1980 | *Creation or Evolution? An
article published in United Evangelical in 1980. Meanings of
evolution; the origin of the universe; Bible and science on the origin
of the earth; origin of life; random production of complex order;
general evolution and missing links; origin of mankind; man’s problems;
Jesus’ solution and the future superman.
B, E, O, S, T | 2000 | Creation, Science & Bible
(Creation, Science and the Bible) Don’t
the teachings of science contradict the Bible? Isn’t it
impossible for a scientist to be a Christian? The Bible and
nature agree on the origin of the universe, on design in the universe,
on the origin of the earth (this is often missed by Bible-believers),
on the origin and diversity of life, and the origin of humans. A
tour of Genesis one and science on the origin of the earth is provided.
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B, R, T | 1988 | Crème: False Prophets
(False Prophets and False Christs Today) A
sketch of Benjamin Crème and his “Christ” Maitreya;
Crème’s worldview: pantheism, theosophy, reincarnation, all
religions basically the same, the Masters of Wisdom, re-emergence of
the Hierarchy; Is this the Antichrist?; recognition of heresy,
techniques of false Christs and false prophets and how we should
respond; a brief bibliography.
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B, T | 1992 | Daniel’s Prophecies (The
Prophecies of Daniel and the End of the Age) A
tour of the prophecies: Nebuchadnezzar’s statue, Nebuchadnezzar’s tree,
the handwriting on the wall, the four wild beasts, the ram and the
goat, the 70 weeks, the kings of north and south; Daniel’s predictions
compiled: the empires, Messiah, the gaps, prophecies picked up in the
NT; How near is the end?.
B, R, T | 1985 | Describing God in Gender Terms The
feminist movement and a proper response; Biblical pictures of God as
masculine: pronoun he, Father, husband, king; God as feminine:
pronoun she, queen and wife not used; Mother (human, hen, eagle), other
possible references (lost coin, leaven).
B, E, O, R, S, T | 1993 | Design vs Chance (Design vs
Chance: Alternative Frameworks for Scientific Data) Some
definitions; a thought experiment; the origin of the universe; quantum
mechanics; the origin of life; the history of life; human history;
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B, H, S | 1989 | Ecological Disaster (Ecological
Disaster: What Does the Future Hold? Biblical
eschatology and realism; Asimov’s Choice of Disasters; Some Potential
Disasters: nuclear war, ozone depletion, greenhous effect, AIDS,
earthquakes, pollution/toxins.
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S | 1980s | *Evolution Calculation (Some
Calculations Demonstrating Scientific Problems of Evolution) How
long would it take a group of monkeys to type the title ENCYCLOPAEDIA
B, E, H | 1992 | *Fellowship News Russia Article
(Article for Fellowship News on My Russia Trip) October
1992: Billy Graham rally in Moscow; two-week trip speaking in schools
and public venues in Novgorod and Vologda; some talk topics; current
openness in Russia.
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B, R, S, T | 1984 | Firmament (The Biblical
Firmament) TTT.
B, E, H | 1997 | Fulfilled Prophecy Workshop
(Workshop on Fulfilled Prophecy) TTT.
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B, E, S | 1980 | Genesis 1 & Origin Earth
(Genesis One & the Origin of the Earth) Scientific
data to be fit; principal scientific theory of solar system origin;
correlation of Genesis 1 and scientific theory.
B, T | 1980 | Gifts Categorized (Categorizing
the Gifts) The
lists: 1 Cor 12, Eph 4, Rom 12; possible categorization: modes
(non-miraculous, miraculous); kinds (teaching/communicating, serving).
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B, T | 1985 | God in the Synoptics (The
Doctrine of God in the Synoptic Gospels) A
creed derived from the synoptics; some figures by which God is
pictured; some distinctives within the synoptics; God as judge/king;
God as father.
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B, E, S, T | 1985 | God in the Universe Universe
running down; modern attempts to avoid a universe with a beginning; a
tour of the universe.
B, R, S | 1992 | God on Trial (The God of the
Bible on Trial) Suffering;
Jesus the only way?; Bible and science contradict; miracles; faith
blind and irrational?; good enough; what about those who never heard?;
Bible interpretation; Bible errors; hypocrites; faith a license for
sin?; being sure of going to heaven; bibliography.
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B, E, H, I, S | 1997 | God’s Fingerprints (Discovering
God’s Fingerprints: Why the Christian Faith Makes Sense) Is
religion wishful thinking? The existence of the universe;
atheistic versions of evolution; inanimate design; fulfilled prophecy;
Jesus; changed lives and societies; bibliography.
B, T | 1994 | Habakkuk (Habakkuk: Through the
Dark Tunnel with God) A
walk through this minor prophet’s complaints to God and God’s answers.
B, T | 1982 | Hell (Hell: What is It? Where is
It? How to Get There) My
encounter with an elephant; what is hell? (correcting popular
misconceptions with Biblical passages); where is hell? (correcting
popular misconceptions); how to get there (keep on as you are); how to
avoid it.
B, T | 1997 | Historic Premillennialism (The
Calling of the Church and Historical Premillennialism) Overview
(historic, pre-millennial, distinguished from other views, a-mill,
post-mill, dispensational pre-mill); view of the kingdom; what is the
calling of the church?.
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B, H, T | 1991 | How Near is the End? Can
we tell? Signs of the end. Where are we now? What
should we do about it?.
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B, T | 1990 | Imaging God (Imaging God in
Human Activity) Mankind
in the image of God; various pictures the Bible provides of the
God-human relationship: potter/clay, farmer/plant, shepherd/sheep,
king/subject, master/slave, parent/child, husband/wife; rebellion and
Satan’s image.
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B, R, T | 1971 | Immortality in Job (Immortality
in Job and Elsewhere in the Old Testament) Contrast
evolution of religion with progressive revelation; continued existence
beyond death; Sheol, the place of the dead; resurrection; judgment
beyond this life.
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B, R, T | 1993 | Jesus and the New Age Jesus
as pictured by new age teachers: Edgar Cayce, Benjamin Crème; a
Biblical response: understand what’s happening, help others.
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B, T | 1989 | Job’s Suffering (Job: Some
Lessons on Inexplicable Suffering) The
plot of Job; some lessons: the two worlds, Job’s response, Satan’s,
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B, T | 1988 | Johannine Epistles The
contents and lessons of 1 John, 2 John and 3 John.
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B, R, T | 1990 | Jehovah’s Witness Response Texts
(Materials from the Bible re/ Jehovah’s Witnesses) OT
citations in NT where “Jehovah” applied to Jesus; worship & Jesus;
Jesus called “God”; Jesus characterized as God is.
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B, E, S, T | 1988 | Knowing God (Can We Really Know
God?) We
can know God exists; He does not guarantee us special appearances; we
cannot know Him as friend if we remain His enemies; we can know Him
personally thru the provisions He has made.
B, T | 1991 | Living as Christians in a
Secular World Building
off Micah 6:8 and Jeremiah 9:23-24, we trace how Joseph, Moses and
Daniel lived as believers in God in the secular societies of their
B, T | 1988 | Lord of our Time (God as Lord of
our Time) Tribute
money as symbolic of lordship; God as Lord of our past and Lord of our
B, T | 2000 | *Lord’s Supper (The Lord’s
Supper) Other
names; established by Jesus on night before crucifixion; Bible’s
ceremonies as acted parables; drawn from OT ceremony of redemption, the
Passover supper; redemption thru Jesus’ death, looking backward;
looking forward to Messianic banquet at Jesus’ return; presently, Jesus
is our food and drink, our source of spiritual life.
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S | 1997 | *Meteors, Mars &
Extraterrestrial Life How
common is life in our universe? The Mars rock discovery; a
meteorite from Mars; Martian life inside it?.
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B, R, T | 1983 | Never Heard? (What about those
who have never heard?) A
common objection to Christianity; we don’t know all the answers, just
those God has revealed; we need to have a Biblical balance in these
cases, not going beyond in either direction; the plight of mankind; the
uniqueness of Christ; there are none who have never heard God’s general
revelation; it looks like this is enough, if one responds properly; God
can only forgive on the basis of what Jesus has done; doesn’t this
destroy the need for missions? No; you have heard.
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B, E, H, R | 1991 | Nostradamus & the Bible
(Fulfilled Prophecy: Nostradamus & the Bible) Great
interest by people in the future; want to compare two allegedly best
predictors; look at four prophecies of each: The fire of London
(Centuries 2.51); Israel’s future (Hos 3:4-5); Napoleon? (8.1); Time of
the Messiah (Dan 9:25-26); Hitler? (5.29); Messiah’s burial &
resurrection (Isa 53:9); Depopulation of the world (Preface to
Centuries); Regathering of Israel (Isa 11:11); conclusions;
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B, E, H, R | 1991 | New Testament Prophecy Cities
of Galilee; Jerusalem; the Temple; Jesus’ second coming; last days
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E, S | 1997 | Observing the Night Sky Lecture
notes from an Elderhostel course in 1997: earth and sky; moon and
planets; sun and stars; the galaxies; the universe.
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E, O, S | 1993 | Origin of Life (The Origin of
Life) What
is life? Alternative proposals for its origin; major scenarios
for a naturalistic origin of life; some problems for these models; the
problem of randomness producing order; bibliography.
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E, O, R, S | 1994 | Origin of Life, Encore Books A
talk/debate held at Encore Books in Plymoth Meeting, PA, 13 January
1994 w/ Prof Allan Erslev, Thomas Jefferson University; question of
cause: dice or deity? Recognizing mind in scientific research;
what’s wrong with the naturalistic model? Formation of proteins,
nucleic acids; the problems of self-replication, bootstrapping
and information.
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B, E, I, O, R, S | 1995 | PJC Creation-Evolution
Controversy (The Creation-Evolution Controversy) A
series of lectures planned for Pinebrook Junior College but never
given; Lecture 1: Evolution and its arguments: evolution defined;
arguments in favor; Lecture 2: Scientific Problems of Evolution:
problems with the fossil record; with the evolutionary mechanism;
Lecture 3: the Origin of Life: standard scenario; problems with
naturalistic origin; Lecture 4: A Biblical Alternative to Evolution:
evangelical options and their relative merits; a proposal for
harmonizing Bible and nature; bibliographies.
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B, G, T | 2005 | The Poor and the Church (The
Church and the Poor) Causes
of poverty & prosperity: laziness/diligence, extravagance/thrift,
disobedience/obedience, disaster/blessing, persecuted/persecution,
oppressed/oppression; responsibilities of Christians; bibliography.
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B, T | 1984 | Preaching the Parables What
are parables? How do we interperet them? How do we apply
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B, E, H, T | 1991 | Prophecy, Probability and God A
sketch of some of the evidence of fulfilled prophecy followed by an
attempt to estimate the probabilities for getting these right by
chance; bibliography.
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B, E, T | 1989 | Psalm 19 (Proclaiming God’s
Glory Through His Work in Nature) An
exposition of Psalm 19 at an IBRI Origins Seminar in 1989, urging the
audience to study God’s works in nature with expectancy, appreciation
and thanksgiving, and to help others appreciate what God has made and
honor him for it.
B, T | 1988 | Psalms in the New Testament (The
Psalms in the New Testament) Some
statistics on quotations and allusions to the Psalms in the NT; the
quotations are anlyzed by type and discussed: fulfillment,
confirmation, exhortation, exegesis, Biblical language, and a few
puzzling cases.
B, E, H, T | 1989 | Resurrection of Jesus (Evidence
for the Resurrection of Jesus) Evidence
from prophecy (Psalm 16, Psalm 22, Isaiah 53); evidence from history
(the existence of the church, the existence of the New Testament);
responses of opponents (stolen body theory, coma theory, hallucination
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B, T | 1983 | Revelation Beyond the Bible? Is
there revelation beyond the Bible? (of course: general revelation,
revelation in Bible times not recorded or preserved); Do we have
continuing revelation today? How do we distinguish true revelation from
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R, S | 1984 | *Review of Davies, God and the
New Physics At
this point in his career, Davies is still atheistic or at least
agnostic; he interacts with the classic theistic arguments and the
traditional (Biblical) view of God, with largely negative conclusions;
he does not discuss the idea that our universe might be imbedded in a
larger multi-dimensional space, which would solve some of the questions
he raises.
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B, E, T | 1986 | Romans 1 & 2 (Romans 1 &
2: God in Cosmos and Conscience) Paul’s
argument for the existence of God from general revelation, both
external and internal.
E, S | 2000 | Scientific Problems of Evolution Favorable
evidence for evolution; why doesn’t everyone believe in
evolution? Problems generating order by randomness & survival
(origin of life, of specific biochemicals, of chemical processes and
organs, the Darwinian mechanism); problems of the fossil record
(relative lack of transitional fossils, fragmentary fossil record,
shape of the fossil record, small populations, punctuation, stasis,
islands of function); bibliography.
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B, T | 2000 | Scripture in the Early Church Illustrations
from the NT on how Scripture was used in the early church: the
Old Testament was used to bring the message of Jesus to Jews and
God-fearers; as a record of God’s character and activity, of human
nature, and a guide for how believers should live; the New Testament
was prepared to record the testimony of the apostles while they were
still living.
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B, E, H, R, T | 1998 | Search for the Historical Jesus Some
recent examples (Last Temptation, Jesus Christ Superstar, Passover
Plot, Sacred Mushroom & Cross, Jesus the Magician); why all this
variety? Historical evidence about Jesus (pagan, Jewish,
Christian); bibliography.
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B, R, T | 1988 | Suffering (If there is a loving
God, why is there so much suffering?) Is
there a God? Is he the God of the Bible? Is he loving? Why,
then, is there suffering? Why is there so much suffering?.
E, G, S | 1995 | Teaching Science in a Climate of
Controversy Our
concern is the creation-evolution dispute; teachers are typically
caught in the middle; what is science? What is religion?
How can we teach science in a publically-funded setting?
Recognizing the limits of science; distinguishing known from unknown,
fact from theory; discussing open questions re/ origins; handling the
controversy in the classroom; several of these sections are adapted
from the ASA booklet, Teaching
Science in a Climate of Controversy.
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B, R, T | 1994 | Teen Questions (Some Questions
Asked by Teens) A
series of questions asked by teens at Covenant Community Church of
Falls Church, VA, and my attempts to answer these.
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B, R, T | 1989 | Theological Liberalism vs
Biblical Christianity The
influence of liberalism, individually and collectively; liberalism’s
views on the Bible (its authority/inerrancy, its authorship, its
miracles); views on the person and work of Christ (his deity &
humanity, his sinlessness, his death as a payment for sin, his
resurrection and return); bibliography.
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R, S | 1989 | *Update on Self-Reproducing
Automata A
response to John Byl’s response to my article in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
(March 1988); a recalculation of the probabilities showing that Byl’s
automaton also in astronomically unlikely to arise by chance.
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B, T | 1989 | Walking on Water (Jesus and
Peter Walking on the Water) An
exposition of the incident in Matthew 14:22-33; as a nature miracle, it
tells us something about the person and work of Jesus; but this miracle
also involves Peter; it tells us something about him; as an acted
parable, it tells us something about the Christian life.
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B, T | 1987 | War, Ethics of (The Ethics of
War) In
light of our concern over abortion and the sanctity of life, can we
rightly hold any other position on the ethics of war than pacifism?
To answer this, need to answer some basic questions: 1. Where does sanctity of life come from? 2. Does God place any bounds on this sanctity? 3. Has God delegated such authority to humans? 4. Is this authority restricted to OT Israel? 5. Does this God given authority extend beyond the bounds of police action within one's country? 6. Does this authority extend to offensive warfare? 7. What is the responsibility of Christian individuals to their government in regard to warfare? . |
B, R, T | 1976 | *Where is Heaven? What
does the Bible have to say about the location of heaven? Three
uses of the word; our interst in the 3rd heaven, where God dwells; how
far up is it? Is it necessarily up at all? A suggestion
that it may well be in another dimension.
B, R, T | 1989 | Women’s Ordination (Debate on
Women’s Ordination) Held at Moravian Theological
Seminary, 4 May 1989; certain ironies in this debate; topic provokes
considerable heat; according to the Bible, women are not to be elders:
specific passages, NT practice; the OT situation; why such a
prohibition? How long does this prohibition last?
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B, T | 1991 | Women’s Role in the Church (1) A
debate/discussion held at Bethany Bible Fellowship Church, Hatfield,
PA, during SS hour in April-May, 1991; my position; primary passage (1
Tim 2:11-12); context; Paul’s argumentation: Adam formed first; Adam
not deceived; continuation of disabilities; agreement with Biblical
practice, both OT and NT.
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B, R, T | 1991 | Women’s Role in the Church (2) Response/rebuttal
to opposing view: authority and personhood; new creation has begun;
oringinal creation continues to new heaven and new earth; dimunitive
names longer? Some NT titles not given to women; surrounding
culture; Biblical imagery; women’s issue and slavery/polygamy;
submitting to one another; feminist argumentation and OT rebellions;
further comments on 1 Tim 2:11-15 and context.
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B, T | 1989 | Worry (The Destructiveness of
Worry) In
the parable of the sower (Matthew 13), the third sort of soil fails to
produce because of the worries of this life and the deceitfulness
of riches; worry as a destructive temptation; dealing with worry
(Matthew 6:25-34): don’t worry about life & body which depend on
food & clothing; God provides food for the birds, clothing for the
flowers; don’t be like pagans, whose lives are consumed by worry; seek
first God’s kingdom, he will provide.
B, T | 1991 | Living as Christians in a
Secular World Building
off Micah 6:8 and Jeremiah 9:23-24, we trace how Joseph, Moses and
Daniel lived as believers in God in the secular societies of their
B, G, H, T | 1989 | Christians and the State TTT.
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1989 |
*Your Horoscope: Is it Satanic? Popular
pastime, but really a form of divination; astrology faces serious
scientific and Biblical problems; goes back to pagan Babylonians, but
later modified for Judeo-Christian sort of worldview; was based on
earth-centered view of universe; upon only seven planets; modern
astrology columns which list your horoscope by sun-sign are off about a
month; has never dealt with the problem of twins; according to the
Bible, all forms of divination are abominable to God; astrology does
not provide security; it is a delusion.